From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief Donna Royalty Ross
Happy Father’s Day to Fathers everywhere This Father’s Day, where is your heart? There are so many roles that a father plays in the earth. Of course, we understand that God is the ultimate Father. However, God starts out in Genesis by giving Adam the role and authority to name all of the animals and as well tend the ground in Eden. Sin caused that whole scenario to play out differently and now fathers are working by the sweat of their brows. What is the role of a father? His first role is to be on one accord with Daddy God. As a father working in relationship and fellowship with God, everything else falls into place. Even though challenges may come his way, his relationship with God will see him through it all. Then God gives Adam a wife and children. He is the head of the home and therefore, he is a steward over the wife and children God has given to him. Yes, there will be challenges in life and in the home, but a father should always be there, whether he is married to the mother of his children or not. As a father, he should be a godly example for his children. Fathers should be there for their children as examples of godly living so that God can be glorified. Whether, married or single, fathers still have the responsibility to bring their children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Fathers, in the name of Jesus, and by virtue of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, you have the power within you to live a life that glorifies God in every area of your lives. As you celebrate Father’s Day this year, be mindful of the love that you can give to your wife and children.
FAITHFULNESS, GOD’S LOVE LANGUAGE Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Senior Pastor Bethesda Church of God, Sumter, SC
Some years ago, Gary Chapman wrote a book entitled, “The Five Love Languages.” This was a tremendous help for couples trying to find what characteristics were appealing to their spouse. This book revealed many strong and weak points in relationships but also helped a person positively identify what would make their spouse happy or even happier. With that in mind, I believe that successful and fulfilled Christians have a “relationship “with Christ. We are not in a religious arrangement but literally in a relationship. As most people know, a relationship needs to be cultivated and worked on continually to make the necessary improvements that would cause love to go. After years of pastoring and observing people, I have come to the conclusion that God really does have a love language. Now we know that God is love. God is the embodiment of love, so I believe God is interested in our making our love relationship with Him improve and flourish. What turns God towards us? What makes God perk up when He thinks of us or hears from us? I believe it is faithfulness. The word faithful means loyal, constant and steadfast. That definition seems simple enough for us to accomplish but so often we are the opposite. We are loyal, if it is convenient, constant when we are on a high and everything is going well, and steadfast whenever we are not facing opposition. The Apostle Paul had every right by human standards to be less than faithful. Listen to his resume. According to Second Corinthians 11:23-33, he was in 'prison, frequently flogged severely, five times, receiving 39 lashes from the Jews, three times beaten with rods, three times shipwrecked,' and the resume goes on and on. Paul was tested. Would he be faithful, “steadfast, constant and loyal “or would he be like so many others, just a “fair weather Christian?” Well, Paul chose the faithful path. In Acts 20:24, Paul stated his position as he declared “ but none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy and the ministry I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God. ” So how does all of this apply to us? I believe that faithful people, and by that, I mean faithful in prayer, reading and studying of God’s word, faithfulness in church attendance, tithing, and any other area that brings honor to God, definitely turns God’s heart to the faithful person. When faithfulness happens, divine favor will find you! Things will start being added to you! As it is written in Matthew 6:33, “ But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. ” When a man and woman find their love languages, great things happen in their relationship. When a person finds love, God’s love language, great things happen multiplied many times over. God is waiting on you to turn His heart more toward you through faithfulness.
Interview with Rolanda Pyle Author and Social Worker
On behalf of Transformational4Real Magazine, thank you for allowing me to interview you, so that our readers could get a glimpse of who Rolanda Pyle is, what you are doing in your community, and beyond. Our main goal and objective for this interview is always to bring to our readers articles that will be life-transforming and that will encourage their hearts to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. With that said, would you please tell our readers how you, yourself has been transformed by God and His Word? When did you realize that God had a plan for your life? I believe I realized that God had a plan for my life while in junior high school, after I committed my life to the Lord. Where your parents active in church? I lived with my father and his mother. My grandmother went to church regularly and was very devoted. As a child, growing up, did you see yourself where you are now? No, I was inhibited, shy, and very introverted as a child. Because of the many hats you wear, I have to ask you this question. Are you the kind of person who is structured in everything you do? Yes, I am very structured and make to-do lists and outlines daily. I always try to have a plan.
I am passionate and I am a stickler for the Word of God. God through His Precious Holy Spirit told me that He has called me to be a mouthpiece to the nations. What are you passionate about? I'm very passionate about studying and knowing the Word of God for myself. For years I would hear people repeat things they had learned in church, but it was not accurate. This led me to do my own Bible studies. I love Bible Study and have gone to Bible School to take classes. Is there a specific project that you are working on presently that you would want our readers to know about? As a writer, I am always working on writing projects — poetry and articles — and now I'm working on my memoir (my life story). I'm also always working on something with seniors as my target audience; getting the word out to them about services and resources that are available for their well-being and retirement age. God’s Word tells us that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. What challenged you the most for transitioning from your worldly aspects of living to God’s direction upon your life? As a teen, my siblings and I were at a friend's house across the street from us. It was a stormy night, and I was always afraid of thunder and lightning. Her mother introduced us to Christ that night. Although I didn't always walk the right path and didn't fully commit to doing this, later in life, and looking back, it's a decision I never regretted. Rolanda, you have developed prominent presence on Facebook. Do you see or have you been told about the impact that God is making through your message and ministry on Facebook? I have a Facebook page just for my writing and also other social media pages. It is a blessing to know that folks are blessed through my writings. I always get a lot of comments on my poems. Growing up as a young adult, was it your desire to become an author and social worker, or was working in the secular world something that you strongly desired to do? I can't say it was my desire to do either. In junior high school, my English teacher, Ms. Giskin, told me that I have a "creative writing" ability and it just always stuck with me. Because I was shy, I always preferred writing to talking. I kept diaries when young. The other thing I always knew was that I wanted to help people. It's that desire that I believe led me to Social Work. With that said, do you believe that the internet is the new church? I don't believe the internet is the new church, but I do believe the internet is a great enhancement. I believe it is great for those who are homebound or who won't go to church because they can still get the word of God. What are your long-term goals for your ministry as you continue to transform lives through the Father’s directives? Just to continue to write and tell the needed stories and messages and pray that someone's life is touched.
What are some of the plans you know that God has for you and for your ministry? To continue to help others. I have been working with churches in NY and especially my neighborhood to get services, ministries and resources to their seniors. I remember as a child kneeling down before my mother who was getting ready to give me a beating, telling her I was going to pray for her. At that time, I didn’t know or even realize then that God was calling me to be an intercessor. Was there anything specifically, or any one incident that you can look back at now and realize God was indeed showing you your calling? One thing I know is that I thought the worst thing in my life was not having a mother in my home. She left us with my dad and his mother stepped in to help him raise us. I was bullied about it and would cry. I always wanted a mother at home like everyone else. Years later down the road, after working in Foster Care prevention, I went to begin a program for grandparents who were raising their grandchildren. The program grew and I was asked to come on board with the city's aging department to lead their Grandparents Resource Center. The program grew and became a model. I received honors and awards and met Mayors and Governors; and The NY Daily News named me one of 100 Women Who Make NYC Work. How did I know about it? How did I know what was needed? Because I lived it, and little did that little crying girl know that God would use what she thought was the worst thing in her life to become the best thing in her life. That's why Romans 8:28 is my motto and favorite scripture. What would you say to anyone who wants to do and be all that God called them to do? To trust God and follow His leading and direction. If and how has the pandemic affected your ministry? The pandemic had a good effect on me because I had to stay home and I was able to do a lot more writing and even more importantly, I had more time, so I was able to submit my writing to more publications. How would you say you are transforming the lives of those in your community? By helping churches and ministries develop and grow their ministries for seniors. What are some of the things in New York that grab your attention the most for help? Mental health issues and the needs of seniors. Are you involved with local government or church personnel to help your city become a better place to show forth God’s glory in the earth? Yes, I worked in government for years and now I work with local churches including my own church. Do you see many of the churches getting involved when it comes to mental health and well-being of your city?
I think more and more churches are now realizing the need to look at mental health issues and develop and connect with services for those in need. When do you make time for yourself, your family both mentally and physically? I try to make time every day, by at least taking a daily walk if nothing else. I also try to do some stretching. I love to read and listen to music and try to do word puzzles to stretch my mind. I also try to go out and be with others. Where are you now in your ministerial walk? I am just walking in God's purpose and mission for my life through my writing, social work and helping others. Wherever He leads, I want to follow. What do you see yourself doing in the remainder of the year? I see myself continuing to write and working on new projects. I see myself working with churches to expand senior ministries and activities. I see some changes in my personal life also. Rolanda Pyle, thank you so much for allowing myself and our readers into your life and walk with our Father. May God continue to richly bless you for taking the time out of your schedule to answer our questions and sharing your heart with our readers.
BEING ONE Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
Matthew 5:13
In the last two articles, we talked about being Light and Salt to everyone but especially to the lost in this world. Today we'll talk about what we as Christians should be to each other and there is no better place to start but with Jesus' agonizing prayer in John 17 (take time and read the entire prayer). He prayed first for Himself, then His disciples and then the believers to come, so we're in that prayer. He prayed that we should be one even as He and the Father are one. Jesus would not have prayed that prayer if He knew it wasn't possible. So what does being one means? It means the followers of Christ should be in sync with one another; that means moving together, working as one. Believers in the Lord, let us examine ourselves and see if we daily adhere to Jesus' Prayer and be sure we’re following in His and our Heavenly Father's footsteps. Now I'll take us back to John 15 (read the entire chapter and go over Jesus' exhortation). Jesus spoke about Himself being the vine while we’re the branches; those not bearing fruit are cut off and those bearing fruit are pruned. And then in verse 13, He commanded that we LOVE each other. LOVE is a part of the fruit we should bear and so we have to search our hearts and see if we truly love each other and to see if we want to be pruned or amputated branches. Pruned branches lose some of their leaves and limbs but regrow healthier ones and produce more fruit; but on the other
hand, being cut off or amputated means you're no more a part of the Vine, and I'm sure we do not want to fall into that category and if we don’t, we need to line up with the Word of God and the Words of Jesus. We also see from Scripture that Jesus' Disciples reiterated His Words in 1 John 3:11-18. John's words are in strong terms; he likens not loving each other to being a murderer! He went on to say that in loving each other, we meet each other’s needs; we need to take care of each other. Are we? Or is it just lip service? We ought to love in word and in deed. Another biblical word for love is charity — that’s the description we use for those non-profit organizations of today. Many times we as Christians only give to those who have so we could be a part of "that elite" group; a class that might take what we've given them and give it away. That act brings us no reward. We neglect the single parent, the homeless, the poor, or those folks we can look at and see they need a pair of shoes, a manicure or pedicure, yet we just walk away and opt for the other side, "the elite" corner. Saints, if we're heavenly bound, we have to be earthly good too. So let us FEED on the Word, DIGEST the Word, REGURGITATE the Word, and LIVE the Word. So help us, Lord.
When we lay down at night, it is an invitation to walk with God, why? (Remember the childlike prayer, NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP, I PRAY THE LORD MY SOUL DO KEEP; IF I SHOULD DIE BEFORE I WAKE, I PRAY THE LORD MY SOUL DO TAKE. AMEN.) When you rise up in the morning, the first thing you should say is, “Good morning Heavenly Father, good morning, Jesus, good morning Holy Spirit. Lord, I thank you for a brand, new day.” This does not mean that when you laid down to sleep, you did not have any concerns; similarly, when you woke up in the morning, there were still concerns. Notice I said concerns, not worries, not weight, not anger, not stress, unhappiness, resentment, accusations, faultfinding, mean spirited, unfocused, selfish, prideful, fake, phony, simply put, waking up with no zeal for life. Do we understand who we really are? Sure, we read Scripture, we pray, we attend church on Sunday and Wednesday. We have accountability and obligations as regards our spiritual assignments, church, and our family; we have jobs, children, friends and family, financial obligations, just to name a few. Until we accept the invitation to walk with God daily, then we walk in nothingness.
You worry over nothing; the subject of your worry is unimportant. "Nothing" can be quite big and important but it's beyond our interest. Emptiness is the content of a volume, or a state of something; while nothingness is an entity, emptiness is its content. Question: Who are you? Where are you? Do you know who Jesus is? Whose report are you going to believe? Do you read the Word of God? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in the Word? Do you trust God? Can God trust you? Do you hide the Word of God in your heart? Do you rely on the Word of God? Do you hide the word of God in your heart? If you do, welcome to the real world: the LIGHT. We no longer have to walk in nothingness but in the marvelous light. Because God really loves us, we should be in this state of mind in our daily lives that, we bear witness that we really do love the Lord. The Lord is our daily bread, and His word transforms us by the renewing of our minds. “And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and He shall bless thy bread, and thy water, and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee” (Exodus 23:25 KJV). “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2 KJV). The Bible declares, “The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits” (Daniel 12:32 KJV). This is a great promise and this is one of the most courageous verses in the Bible. If by “knowing” we mean having a relationship with and experiencing God, then yes, it is possible to know God. It is however impossible to fully know the extent of God or encapsulate the Divine. There is a marked difference in knowing about God and knowing God. The proof of our knowing God is simple; everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 1:4 KJV). God is our creator, and He has called us to His divine purpose, which is to dwell with Him with the understanding of WHO WE ARE and WHOSE WE ARE. Somedays we allow people, life, and events to get in the way of our knowing and find ourselves wondering, 'I need to find myself. Who am I, why am I here?' Those are the days we need to be reminded, that we are part of something bigger, something connected to a bigger purpose. All of our situations and concerns may not be named specifically in the Bible, but our trials, struggles, situations, and worries fall under “casting your cares on God.” When we remember the word of God in all that we do, we are remembering the Lord. Just as a reminder, I leave His word with you, as a reminder that God will never leave you nor forsake you. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you (Psalm 33:22 NIV). This is HOPE.
Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you (Colossians 3:13 NIV). This is FORGIVENESS. Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ (Romans 10:17 NIV). This is FAITH. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Well said, teacher, the man replied, You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him (Mark 12:30-32 NIV). This is LOVE. So good morning/good night, everyday with Jesus is sweeter than the day before so get up, look up, speak up and stay prayed up. God is telling us; my child, I have filled your heart with faith that will overcome the world. We should always have joy every time we think about all that God has done for us. Always remember that you know who you are and whose you are; remember everyday is a good day and we thank God for it. Hide God’s word in your heart, stand on the promises of God because He promised us that His Word will not return to Him void. Life is not how you make it but how you make it good. When you are faced with the facts of life, test it by declaring it’s not what it looks like in the mighty name of Jesus. BLESSINGS AND FAVOR!!!
Allison A.
To flip the script means to reverse a situation especially by doing or saying something unexpected; and throughout Scripture, we see the script being reversed, and situations being changed, all because of prayer and faith. We see twice in Numbers 16 wherein Moses and Aaron got God to reverse His decision to destroy the people through their prayer and standing in the gap. We also see Abraham standing in the gap and bargaining for Lot and his family (Genesis 19). Then there is Hezekiah who was facing certain death and he cried out to God and got 15 more years to live (2 Kings 20). We come to the New Testament and we see many being healed, delivered and many miracles happened through faith and crying out to Jesus or standing in the gap for someone else. Jesus' mother caused Him to perform a miracle before He was ready because she had faith in Him (John 2). In Luke 5, we see four friends that opened the roof and let their friend down to be healed. In Matthew 9, we see the woman with the issue of blood, who disobeyed the Levitical law and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment (Matthew 8). The woman that Christ compared to a dog — which metaphorically means a heathen or Gentile person — didn't give up, neither did she take any offense for such a seeming insult, but she wisely used the metaphor to reverse her daughter's situation (Matthew 15). Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever and what He's has done, He's well able to do today. So whose script will you be influential in flipping? Whose life would be saved, set free, delivered and changed because you stood in the gap and believed the Lord for their salvation, deliverance or healing? Which nation is being destroyed and we're so in tune and in place to stand in the gap for the souls in that nation and see things turned around? Who like Hezekiah is facing
the wall crying out for their healing and deliverance? Who is like the hemorrhaging but faithdriven woman who believed just touching the hem of His garment would bring healing? God has done it all through Jesus for us and He's waiting on us to cry out, call on Him, seek Him and watch Him work to bring change, to reverse situations and set us free. But are we willing to reach out? Or do we feel so privileged as His children that we feel we don't have to ask, thinking He should know what needs to be done and get it done? Saints, it's time for radical faith; we need to return to fasting and prayer, not a fast that comes by not watching television or not eating our favorite food. We’re taking of true fast here, we need to return to all-night prayer meetings, crying out for the nations, not half an hour, but rather an importunate prayer. We need to repent of our laxity, mediocrity, and lethargy. You know, these days, when a prayer meeting goes a little longer, we walk out the church huffing and puffing but we can stay up at a party or wedding until two or three in the morning. Always remember that an importunate prayer requires a passionate heart and that’s what moves God to act. Moreover, we need to build an altar for our children, relatives, friends, and neighbors to be saved, delivered and set free. Give God a tenth of your day in worship, praise, and prayer. He's seeking true worshippers, He's waiting to inhabit our praises, and He's waiting to answer our prayers. We have the privilege of coming boldly to the throne through Jesus by faith, not with an attitude that He owes us, but with gratitude and radical faith which will move His hand to flip the script.
The MIS-USE of the Earth by Mankind
ARE humans destroying the planet? The answer is absolutely. We are entering a major crossroad in human history characterized by thousands upon thousands of years of mankind abusing the Earth that GOD created on a global scale. Humans are the real threat to life on Earth, exploiting and destroying Nature on an unprecedented scale. There are many harmful things that humans are doing to the Earth. It's very hard for me to pick just one that is the most damaging. We are rapidly changing large portion of the environment, such as when we cut down large portion of the forest. Deforestation: it's the loss of trees and other vegetation, and that is the cause for climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, much of what we are seeing now, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for mostly the indigenous people. Terrible times are upon us. Roman 8:21 says that Creation will be liberated, showing that GOD has a plan for it. Revelation 11:18 says that those who destroy the Earth will themselves be destroyed. We misuse natural resources. It is GOD's command that we take care of HIS CREATION. We humans are the ones that adversely impact the physical environment in many ways; pollution, fossil fuel burning, deforestation (changes like these have triggered climate changes), soil erosion, poor air quality, and water that are not fit for consumption. It must be
noted that meteorologists cannot even predict weather conditions like we used to years ago. So much has changed. By mis-using the Earth, we are also causing life on Earth to vanish. We are destroying the environment, and it will indeed have serious consequences on human, animal, and plant life. If population levels continue to rise at the current rate that it is, then our children and grandchildren will see the Earth plunged into an unprecedented environmental crisis. One of the goals as human beings should be to leave the Earth in a better condition than how we met it. The Earth has finite resources and a fragile atmosphere. It is under increasing pressure because of rising population and industrialization of resources, and pollution of the environment. The quality of life of individuals and society depends upon sustaining a healthy environment. Our environment is a precious and a delicate thing that we must protect. Is it too late? Who knows? Nevertheless, we will try because it is urgent. We must try our utmost to keep clean and healthy air. It is our best interest to ensure that the Earth is clean, the land and water bodies are free of contaminations and toxins. We must strive too to maintain environmental conditions that are as close to natural as possible. It only makes sense that we adopt an attitude such as this one, because a polluted and dirty environment can be deadly to humans and present danger to civilization. For these two reasons alone, the people of the world should unite for a cleaner and healthier planet. After all, it must be noted that by destroying the environment, we are destroying OURSELVES.
Reporting on Sophia Sparkle Youth Group Exhibition and Sales
Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
As we approach the final day of our exhibition and sales, there is so much excitement in the air at our Friendly Space. Looking back at our work for the past few days, we are so proud to be putting on display so many of the talents that we have acquired over the years here at Sophia Sparkle Youth Group Friendly Space. All our Art and Crafts will be in showcase for everyone in attendance to see.
Preparing for an exhibition can be daunting and sometimes a little hectic trying to get everything in order and in a timely manner. It is indeed a huge accomplishment to be showcasing all of our hard work. We pray though, that putting our work on display will help us attract potential buyers and other creative opportunities; not to mention how valuable it is for networking and meeting new like-minded people who are interested in our work.
Our team of volunteers are up and about trying to get all of the last-minute preparation intact. It must be noted that our artwork will be seen by our Community and worldwide because the event will be viewed LIVE. We've chosen a great time to show off all the great things we did, it is just four days before our Independence Day in Guyana, and it's a National Holiday. This Holiday commemorates Guyana gaining its Independence on May 26th, 1966. So we have chosen a great time. I've taught most of the items that will be on display; these are the moments that remind me why teaching is worth it, more importantly, they prove that you've done an amazing job.
We must acknowledge all who played a role in helping us to achieve so much, to those who have intervened from the initial stage of the Group, we thank you all for your support; to others, your prayers and uplifting and inspirational messages we will not forget, we will continue to create a safe environment for our children; reversing the trend of idleness is one of our goals too. We love you all and pray that GOD continue to richly bless you and your wonderful family and keep you safe always.