From the desk of the Editorin-Chief. -- Donna Royalty Ross We have entered the seventh month of the year. “Seven” is the number of completions. Transformational 4Real has literally completed two years. August will be the beginning of our third year. “Hallelujah,” “Glory to God,” and “Thank you, Jesus.” And as a sister and daughter of mine would often say when we had together achieved an accomplishment, “pra the Lord, pra the Lord.” There were some who started with us but have moved on to what God has called and ordained them to do. There were others who, through some challenges, departed, and it was better that it happened when it did. We are still going through birth pains, and God continues to be faithful. They deserve our thanks for the input that they gave to our magazine. I call it our magazine because I could not do it without all of the people who surrounded us and gave input for Transformational 4Real Magazine. At the end of 2021, God, through His precious Holy Spirit, simply whispered in my ear, “Breakthrough in 2022,” and I ran with it. The Sunday after I heard that in my spirit, Pastor Sims, my pastor, said that the Holy Spirit told him the same thing, without me even discussing it with him. Such confirmation for me. “Hallelujah.” At the beginning of June, I heard “Breakthrough in June 2022” in my spirit again, and I am running with it. Every month for the rest of the year, I will be declaring a breakthrough in whatever month it is. You do not declare, “Breakthrough in June 2022,” and then do not look for the breakthroughs. Can I tell you that I have seen breakthrough after breakthrough, not only in my spiritual walk with God but also in my mindset, thought process, and some difficult relationships? However, the most significant breakthrough I have experienced is that I am now live five days a week on Growth Radio,, ministering on Transformational 4Real from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Again, through Growth Radio, God uses me every Friday night to pray for those who may be extremely challenged because of the weekend “Standing in the Gap,” from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Is that a breakthrough or what? We are looking forward to the beginning of our 3-year beginning in August 2022. We ask that you stick with us, and we intend to make Transformational 4Real a magazine that aggressively lives. “Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete” (Romans 12:2 VOICE).
Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Senior Pastor Bethesda Church of God, Sumter, SC What would you be willing to fight for? How big of a fight would you put up for what you believe in? These questions seem easy on the surface, but when someone faces the reality of a situation, sometimes they lose their fight. The word “fight” means to take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons. May I add that our weapons are not natural or carnal in the spiritual realm, so we must have God’s help in those fights. We live in the most wicked and ridiculous time I have ever witnessed. Think about what this current generation is dealing with as attacks from the devil. I believe this generation is worth fighting for! I believe the souls of humanity are valuable and must be fought for. If we do not stand up and fight for what is pure and right, many will suffer and experience defeat. We are more than conquerors through Christ, but if we do not fight, we and others don’t win. The young shepherd boy, David, asked, “Is there not a cause when confronted with Goliath, the giant?” We are facing giants today, and they must be defeated. Think about some of the giant problems of our day. Racial injustice, abortion, mass killings in schools and our streets, the drug epidemic at an all-time high, and other giants such as COVID, cancer, heart disease, and so much more. The problem is that we do not seem to want to fight unless it affects us directly. Either of us personally or someone really close to us. However, I ask this question: who will fight for the one who has nobody? The ones that have been forsaken because of bad choices or maybe for no fault of their own. Somebody must step up to the plate and be willing to fight for the weak, the frail, the hopeless, and the helpless. Getting into the fight may result in some cuts and bruises. In fact, you may have some emotional, physical, financial, mental, or even spiritual scars. I am not suggesting that the fight will be easy, but together with God’s help, we can rescue and win! So put up your guns and knives. This battle we are in is much more complicated than that. We must fight on a much different level. We must pull out the big guns. I want to suggest a few. The devil does not care about your natural weapons, but he will have a nervous breakdown if you start using the Word of God, prayer, and fasting.
The Word of God is sharp, powerful, and sharper than a double-edged sword. It has the power to break down barriers and give hope and new life. The devil trembles at the Word of God. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much. Prayer can reach around the world and penetrate through walls. It can travel to the lowest valley or the highest mountain. When we add fasting to the mix, devils flee before the power of a consecrated and dedicated fasting saint of God. Addictions, depression, anxiety, and enslavement to sin are absolutely no match for the three weapons I just listed. The problem is that most people do not use them. According to a recent study, only about 11% of people read their Bible daily, 79% of people say they have prayed at least once in the past three months, and many people have never even been taught about spiritual fasting. I conclude by saying that God is looking for some fighters. Remember that if you are a good fighter, you can rejoice as the Apostle Paul did when he said in Second Timothy 4:7-8, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness...” Oh, by the way, I have read the back of the book, the Bible, and all of God’s fighters win.
Interview with Apostle Rose Purdie
On behalf of Transformational4Real Magazine, Apostle Rose Purdie, thank you for allowing me to interview you, so that our readers could get a glimpse of who Apostle Rose Purdie is, what you are doing in your community, and beyond. Our main goal for this interview is always to bring to our readers articles that will be life-transforming and that will encourage their hearts to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. With that said, would you please tell our readers how you, yourself has been transformed by God and His Word? T4RM: When did you realize that God had a plan for your life? ARP: I was a late bloomer, may have been in my 50s. T4RM: Where your parents active in church? ARP: NO, but made sure we went. T4RM: As a child, growing up, did you see yourself where you are now? ARP: NO way. I loved partying and still do, but in a different way today. T4RM: Because of the many hats you wear, I have to ask you this question. Are you the kind of person who is structured in everything you do?
ARP: NO, I have to pray a lot to have structure. I could be a perfectionist and I learned that I need to acknowledge God in all that I do. T4RM: As an Apostle, please give us a summary of what that entails for our readers to understand your type of divine calling. ARP: I started out doing a lot in the church (Pastoral Assignment), and sometimes we would go out and speak at different churches (Evangelism). In all of this, we were feeding the poor and helping the homeless secure shelter, even sometimes in my home, with the help of the Lord. Through the years, we were helping other ministries with projects or Financials. I now minister to Seniors. It’s been really a blessing teaching them something new things. I also engage in church planting activities. Building churches is an Apostle’s mandate—the sent one that goes out and builds churches (people). T4RM: When did you receive the call to preach the gospel? ARP: I was still out going to the club two or four times a week when I heard the audible voice of God. He called my name clearly; this was when I had come home from drinking and dancing at the club. I thought I was going crazy, so I didn’t say a word. When God called the second time, I woke right up, but the third time, I did what Samuel did and answered His call. I said, “ Yes Lord, I can hear you. ” From that point, I started listening to soft and soul-relaxing music, and I stopped my drinking and smoking addictions. I did not do this on my own. As soon as I accepted the call, things started to change. I began to have dreams. Then I soon joined an Apostolic church, where I learned so many spiritual things like, Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance, which I teach today. I would be dancing all over the place. Holy Spirit has taught and is still teaching me many things today and He also spoke to me about my Apostleship. T4RM: Did you embrace the call right away, or did you wrestle with the call to preach the gospel? ARP: Sure I did. Several things tried to hinder me; thinking I was not smart enough, comparing myself to others, and being a little introverted for most of my life. But I accepted the call of God and glad I did. He leaves it to us to make the choices, we just need to know the right choice and follow through with the help of the Holy Spirit. T4RM: I am passionate and I am a stickler for the Word of God. God through His Precious Holy Spirit told me that He has called me to be a mouthpiece to the nations. What are you passionate about? ARP: Being that mouthpiece also. I love to teach about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit which are one. T4RM: Jesus knew why He was sent to the Earth. One good example is when He went into the temple, took a whip and threw the moneychangers out of the temple (Matthew 21:12-17). Does your passion cause you to get in trouble with others who don’t see or understand your passion or calling? ARP: Sometimes I get a little upset but do try hard to control it with the help of the Holy Spirit, and this helps me to speak on the situation in a more humble way. Lol. I just want to teach the truth. T4RM: Is there a specific project that you are working on presently that you would want our readers to know about? ARP: Since the Pandemic, there have been so many that are not ministering to the nations, so from time to time, I would reach out to them to speak to my church by phone. They love this and sometimes call to see when they can speak again, my church members like it also.
T4RM: God’s Word tells us that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. What challenged you the most for transitioning from your worldly aspects of living to God’s direction upon your life? ARP: Being focused. This is very important. Meditating on God’s word and living the word is also part of the process. Then we are taught to multitask on our jobs, but we must focus on God and learn of Him. T4RM: Apostle Rose, you have developed prominent presence on Facebook. Do you see or have you been told about the impact that God is making through your message and ministry on Facebook? ARP: Very seldom, but I just keep at it. Lately it looks as though there is more response. T4RM: Growing up as a young adult, was it your desire to become an Apostle, or was working in the secular world something that you strongly desired to do? ARP: My desire is to do the will God. I have to admit that at one point in my life, my inner drive is to do the will of Rose and sometimes Rose still wants to take control. So happy I’ve come to know who is really in control and who is really my Helper. T4RM: When did you know for sure that God called and ordained you be an Apostle? ARP: Apostles are not ordained; they are all consecrated by God. Most already know who they are by the Holy Spirit and the person that consecrates you knows also. T4RM: Do you see the need for ministries to join hands to impact the world for the Kingdom of God without being in competition? ARP: I say a big YES. Unity is an attribute of God. We should come together as one body. T4RM: What would you say to others, especially individuals who are called to ministry but may not be willing to wholeheartedly leave all, like the twelve disciples did, to follow God? Sometimes a person may want to minister right at home, but if you are called to leave the pulpit to go out to reach the multitude, do so; otherwise, you are in error. Jesus is the Head of the church; the church should be in His control not man. T4RM: With that said, do you believe that the internet is the new church? ARP: I believe that Jesus will have many, many ways for people to be taught of Him. T4RM: What are your long-term goals for your ministry as you continue to transform lives through the Father’s directives? ARP: I really don’t know what’s next for me. I have to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I’ve been told there is more on the way. T4RM: What are some of the plans you know that God has for you and for your ministry? ARP: Right now I’m building seniors and there may be other seniors I need to build. Some have been in church all their lives, but right now they are learning new things and truths. I love this because I’m learning also. T4RM: I remember as a child kneeling down before my mother who was getting ready to give me a beating, telling her I was going to pray for her. At that time, I didn’t know or even realize then that God
was calling me to be an intercessor. Was there anything specifically, or any one incident that you can look back at now and realize God was indeed showing you your calling? ARP: As a child no, but I used to minister to everyone that would listen, when I got in church. There were times I would speak things and they would come to pass; sometimes my family would get upset. Also once I started reading the Word of God, I began to have wisdom about a lot of things. T4RM: What would you say to anyone who wants to do and be all that God called them to do? ARP: Just know that when God calls you, He equips you for the ministry. Please don’t doubt but pray and follow the Holy Spirit. T4RM: If and how has the pandemic affected your ministry? I ARP: t changed us from meeting in a physical location to the telephone. We never missed a beat. T4RM: Are you involved with local government or church personnel to help your city become a better place to show forth God’s glory in the earth? ARP: Not too much lately but we had March for Change. There is so much violence in our city. We do have prayer services and special prayers right now in church. Since the Pandemic, I haven’t participated in anything other than prayer. T4RM: Do you see many of the churches getting involved when it comes to mental health and well-being of your city? ARP: hear about it more now than before. T4RM: When do you make time for yourself, your family both mentally and physically? ARP: I do have people in the ministry that I can trust to take up some things when I’m not there. T4RM: What is the vision for your group as God continues to expand your ministry? ARP: My vision is to see people learn all God wants them to learn and live it. I want them to be the churches that God used me build for His glory, this is what Apostles do. T4RM: Where are you now in your ministerial walk? ARP: Everything the Lord desires for me. Teacher, preacher, leader, mentor, giver of the word of wisdom and word of knowledge, and whatever the Holy Spirit calls me to do. T4RM: What do you see yourself doing in the remainder of the year? ARP: Probably the same thing with more people. T4RM: Apostle Rose Purdie, thank you so much for allowing myself and our readers into your life and walk with our Father. May God continue to richly bless you for taking the time out of your schedule to answer our questions and sharing your heart with our readers.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace” [Read Ecclesiastes 3-22 NIV).] What does it mean to say, for everything, there is a season? For everything, there is a season emphasizes that all emotions and actions, both negative and positive, have important meaning, and people should experience them throughout life. What is the message of the entire biblical passage from Ecclesiastes 3? The message in this passage of poetry centers on God’s ultimate authority in heaven and on earth. Humans have mastered many things in this world, but some elements of our existence are beyond our control. We cannot conquer time. God is the one who appoints each moment. What is season biblically? “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV). Ecclesiastes gives us many examples of the seasons we’ll face in life: birth, death, weeping, and joy. The Bible shows us that experiencing good and bad times in our lives is normal and expected. What are the four spiritual seasons?
“A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; A time to be silent and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace.” What is a dry season with God? You may be in a spiritual dry season or drought if you feel weary or discouraged in your relationship with God. What does it mean when God says this is your season? For those unfamiliar with the phrase, when a person says, “It’s your season,” they usually say it’s your springtime—a time for growing and blossoming. It means the waiting is over, and God is kicking your life into high gear. When it’s “your season,” you believe anything is possible. When we are in our season with what God has established/ordained for us, we must be aware of everything affecting us in our daily life but, most of all, the effectiveness of our daily walk with God. This is a time that will not only test our faith but our understanding of God’s word. We will have to rely more on God’s wisdom and knowledge than ever. EXCERPT FROM GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY “Does your love for God sometimes feel like a feeble flame, ready to be blown out by the next strong wind? Do the spiritual disciplines seem at times to be drudgery? Does it sometimes seem as if your prayers are getting no higher than the ceiling?” There are at least four steps that we can use to deal with such seasons of spiritual dryness. Step 1: Turn to God and Pray It may sound obvious, but the answer to any problem is to turn to God. God already knows what we are going through and wants us to bring all our problems to him. First, I need to turn to God for forgiveness if there is a clear sin in my life. But God can often seem far away even when I am unaware of obvious sins. I can still turn to God and ask him to help. Psalm 16:11 (NIV) says: “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” I can pray that God will make me know his ways and fill me with joy in his presence. Step 2: Talk to Yourself Rather than Listening to Yourself We need to learn to speak the truth to ourselves rather than listen to the doubts and complaints pouring out of our minds. David wrote in Psalm 103:1-2 (NIV): “Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul and forget not all his benefits”. David told himself to praise God and reminded himself of God’s blessings. We need to affirm God’s truth to ourselves. For example, as a Christian, God has promised that nothing can separate me from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39 NIV). Step 3: Keep Up Your Spiritual Disciplines When we feel like we are passing through a spiritual wilderness, it is critical that we keep practicing our spiritual disciplines, in particular Bible reading, prayer, and meeting with other Christians for worship. These disciplines are means that God uses to strengthen us and protect us, and we need to keep at them even when we do not feel like it. To paraphrase an old lesson from sailing: “When the wind dies, you need to start rowing.”
Step 4: Wait and Expect God to Answer Your Prayers Finally, we need to wait on God’s timing and trust that God will answer our prayers when the perfect time arrives. Psalm 40:1-2 says: “I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand” (NIV). All of us go through times of spiritual drought. We want to turn to God, speak God’s truth to ourselves, continue our spiritual disciplines, and wait for God to renew his presence in our lives. We are truly living in the last days; wars and rumors of wars; where is the stock market? Is there still a stock market? Murders, a world that is seemingly upside down. People are hurting in just about every area you can imagine. This is a time when, as Christians, we must take a stand for righteousness. People will watch the Saints of God to see if we will practice what we preach. We are now in our proving ground. QUESTION: WILL THE REAL CHURCH STAND UP? I truly believe that this is the time that our faith will be tried to the fullest. I do not know about you, but I have every intention of getting my stuff. Every prayer request, every idea, every business venture, dream, entrepreneurship, books, and hope are on the horizon, and the manifested glory of God will bless those who have a righteous relationship with him no matter what it looks like. Will you be one of those of little faith? I truly hope not. God has a blessing with your name on it. See it, believe it, and receive it in Jesus’ Name. Will we be the living example we are called to be, or will we be the walkway for the enemy? I say to each and every one of you to tell the enemy “NO.” Fight with the word of God, pray without ceasing, stand your ground, stand flat-footed, and tell old slew foot no devil no. The enemy (the devil) wants us to die spiritually; if this happens, we are in serious trouble. What does a lost soul look like? A lost soul is a state in which a person is confused about how they feel, what they think, and what they want. It’s a loss in which sadness and anxiety gain strength. A lost soul is one of the concepts most people can sort of understand when they hear about it. We are not lost souls; we are stronger, wiser, and better because we know who we are and whose we are. You may struggle to see yourself through God’s eyes, but you can choose to believe His words over the negative image you have of yourself. Begin to let God . . . How can I free my spirit? 1. Laughter Is the Healthiest Response to Life. 2. There Is Always a Reason to Be Grateful. 3. Your Soul Cherishes Every Aspect of Your Life. 4. Your Life Has a Purpose. 5. You Are Safe. 6. Obstacles Are Opportunities in Disguise. 7. There Is a Creative Solution to Every Problem.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:1-2 KJV). [Read (Romans 8:1-11 KJV).] “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: ‘For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered’” (Romans 8:35-39 NIV). [Read (Romans 8:35-39 NIV).] Remember, it is only a test that we are going through. Will your heart and soul say yes? Will your spirit say yes? Remember, every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Ephesians 6:13). It is not over until God says it is over. Blessings and Favor (Apostle Patsy Benjamin).
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Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
After being caught in what was deemed "A Terrible Storm," I was pondering on how the storm was like life, sometimes things are going well for us and then suddenly a storm comes and disrupts everything. My phone gave me an alert, it said a storm is heading where this GPS is being used, my husband's phone didn't give an alert, he was not using his GPS. Sometimes if you're connected and in tune, you get an alert of what is to come. Jesus was so in tune that He could see into the spirit and tell Peter the enemy “ wants to sift you as wheat” (Luke 22:31). He told Judas what was in his heart to do (Matthew 26:23). He knew what storm was coming His way in the form of death and He knew what was coming after the storm— RESURRECTION! (Matthew 16-17)
We know God speaks to us many times but sometimes we do not listen, or we just do US and then we are caught in the storm, unprepared for the unfolding events. Just before the storm hit, we stopped at the store, I went inside (my husband stayed outside in the car), picked up three items, then the lights blinked. I looked up and the rain was like a crystal curtain, all the sunshine was gone in an instant! Then the lights went off. I felt safe inside, but I worried about my husband outside. When the rain subsided, I had to leave what I wanted to buy and head out, and hurried to the car. He was fine, but he said the car was swaying and fire was running down the power poles and the rain was like a waterfall not in droplets, he was so mesmerized he forgot to record it. Sometimes we miss being in the safety of our Savior and it can cost us our lives. We may not (like my husband) want to be walking around looking for items, checking out prices, (especially with your wife as we women are longwinded), you just want to relax, chill, and allow someone else to do the digging (the praying, the fasting, spending time in The Word). We don't want to spend time to hear from God, so we're following after every prophet for A WORD, and it could cost you everything. The storm lasted about fifteen minutes, but the disruption, damage, and death it caused was devastating. It disrupted our shopping, so we had to leave everything we wanted behind. One woman was begging the cashier to take cash, she said she would even pay above the tag price, but the cashier said she couldn't do it. As we were leaving, there were people who were caught outside trying to come in and they were told they couldn't enter. This story is an allegory of a biblical truth. When Jesus breaks through those clouds, we will have to leave everything behind and no amount of begging or money will help us out, we just have to be prepared to go with or without those who are not prepared. Some will try at the twelfth hour to get prepared, but it wouldn't work. As we drove home, we were surprised at the damage; large trees uprooted from its root, some trees broken in half, and fallen fences. There were no traffic lights to direct the long lines of cars trying to get home, thankfully all the drivers were working together at the intersections, but it was a slower process. We got home safe. We had no electricity, no Wi-Fi until the next day and on the news, we heard of the deaths and devastation in other areas that suffered a worst fate than us. The Meteorologist said on the news, "It's good to get the alerts but you should be prepared!" Many were not prepared. I live opposite a plaza and not one of the businesses had a generator; it was my grandson's birthday party and my son had to drive more than an hour to get the pizza, because that shop had a generator. The Papa John, just opposite us, had to close because they had none. Tim Hortons, The supermarket, The Restaurant, everything in The Plaza had to close. It was worse than in the two years of the pandemic because you could still see a few cars in the parking lot accessing some stores but that day and the day after the storm, the parking lot was empty; and on top of these odds, the ATMs weren’t working. Fortunately, that night, we were able to carry on with the party as we had some solar lights and batteryoperated candles and coming from a country where we were accustomed to power outages, we played all the games we played back home when we had outages. One more lesson—the owner of the pizza shop that had the generator was from a country like ours, so he was prepared and got all the sales. Brothers and sisters, hardship prepares you for hard times. Don't take your fiery trials lightly, they're preparing you to come out as pure gold. One woman was in tears saying she doesn't know what she would do one more day without electricity; one man was saying he had to get the Wi-Fi. Both were looking for something—one, light; the other, internet connection. There will come a time if The Light is not in you, or The Holy Spirit is not dwelling in you, you'll be kept out. We have to walk in The Light as He is in The Light (1 John 1:5-7). We have to let The Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in us (Romans 6:10-11). That's the only way we'll be connected and stay connected. Be prepared, and stay prepared for His return.
by Allison A.
Today's Word is addressing children, whether you're 6 months or 60 years, a son or a daughter, a father, or a mother. From childhood to adulthood, I've heard and seen babies born out of wedlock being ostracized especially in religious circles. Families and those professing to be The Family of God use the Old Testament tenets to demonize women who made the choice to bring that child into the world rather than abort them and such critics often feel they're doing God a service. Women who have children out of wedlock are thrown out of homes and churches, most times they lose their friends, family, and relatives and many survive and get counsel from the ungodly. Many have to go to the homes of the father of the baby and be in a precarious situation and we feel we've taught them a lesson in living. We use Old Testament laws when it's convenient to justify our actions and we don't look at scriptures that show how kind our Heavenly Father is to those children. When Ishmael and his mother were thrown out by Sarah, God provided for them and He didn't fail to give Ishmael a blessing (Genesis 16). Then we have Jabez who is said to be born out of wedlock, his name had a derogatory meaning, he was rejected by family
and his community, but he called upon The Name of The Lord and sang Him praises and God did not reject him (1 Chronicles 4). His Heavenly Father blessed Him. Solomon is also said to be an illegitimate child by many scholars, yet he was blessed by God. In fact, he was the most blessed man that ever lived (The Books of Kings and 2 Chronicles). The law of The Old Testament was a guide for the people of that era, there were so many things people could not do that we do today and we don't quote the law. For instance, we go to church, work etc. when we as women are having our monthly cycle because we live in an era where it's taken care of discretely. Now lepers don't have to hide out anymore, we have vaccines and meditation to deal with such things but we hold on to things for which Jesus died. We ostracize prostitutes and even in the Old Testament where they were to be stoned, God showed many compassions. Jesus did it also, but we feel we sin differently and are to be the only recipients of forgiveness. We cause many to not come to Christ and even when they come, they expect God to be waiting with judgment, not love because that's how we portray God. We need to be the ones, as Jesus said, " to suffer the little children to come " but we turn them away. We sometimes stop the fathers from being in their children's life, in contradiction of the Word that says, “ God will return the hearts of the fathers to the children and children to their fathers (Mal. 4:6)” and by so doing causing a separation. Taking advantage of these parental lapses, the secular world now uses entertainment shows to bring them together, even far away from God. We as Christians need to get on board as we are God's mouthpiece to spread His Good News and let the children of the world know, whether you were born out of wedlock, grew up without your mother or father, or have heard "YOU ARE THE FATHER" or "YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER," you have a Heavenly Father who thought you are worth dying for and who is saying "I AM YOUR FATHER, COME TO ME AND I'LL LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY." I assure you He will! (PSALM 68:5, Psalm 27:10).
Sophia Sparkle Youth Group Update
Doris Anetha Shelto-McLennon Sophia Sparkle Youth Group’s motto is “Putting God first in everything we do.” We have a program set for every time they assemble here at our friendly space, and the first and last item on our program here is praise and worship. We acknowledge that we can meet because of God’s mercy. The devil finds work for the idle, and one of our goals is to reverse the trend of idleness within our community and afar. When our parents meet, we always remind them of the power of a praying parent. We’re living in serious times, and the battle for our children’s lives must be waged on our knees. We must not grow weary of praying and talking to our children during these times. Pay close attention. There’s a battle over our families, and the enemy would love nothing more than to destroy all that we hold dear in this life. As we watch in shock at the news from time to time, videos circulating on social media, our hearts bleed. They are often mixed feelings of anger and sadness, and then we wonder, “My God! How can we protect our very own children from something like this?” They are our prized possessions, and it is crazy with all that is happening under the sky. It even causes parents to wonder if sending their children out the doors of their homes is safe. We question whether the world is falling apart, and nothing is more terrifying than the realization that we cannot protect them when they are out of our sight. But while we cannot hide our children away from the world, we can be proactive in guarding them. We can shield them in far greater ways. We can cover them in prayer, praying in spirit and truth to God, the Creator of the Universe. We can intercede for them, praying for wisdom, protection, peace, and strength. If not, then it would be like sitting on the sideline watching our children in a war zone getting shot at from every angle. When we do pray, we’re in the battle alongside them, appropriating God’s power on their behalf. The enemy we are at war with is an unseen powerful force; he’s ruthless, cunning, deceitful, and sly and would love nothing more than to destroy everything we hold dear. He’ll do everything he can to lure our children in his direction. We are not safe for a single moment unless we invoke the presence of God in that place and in our lives.
We ought to know that prayers are essential over our children and families in order to stay alert, aware, and discerning of God’s voice, as well as to stand against the attacks of the enemy in our lives. We must never underestimate the power of speaking blessings and truth into their lives. We’re living in perilous times; just seeing your family walk through the door again after a hard day’s work—your children back home safe from school is enough to jump and shout, praising the Lord for bringing them back safe. If you are determined to circle your family in prayer, you will shape their lives long after you are gone. TRY PRAYER; IT WORKS . . . SOPHIA SPARKLE YOUTH GROUP AND MOTHERS ACTION GROUP ON SOCIAL ISSUES WILL CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR GOD’S PROTECTION AND GUIDANCE OVER ALL OUR CHILDREN. (Update)
Sophia Sparkle Youth Group, in collaboration with the Mothers Action Group on Social Issues, wishes to extend an invitation to you to grace us with your presence at our Grand Emancipation Concert, Exhibition, and Sales Event, which is scheduled to be held on Sunday the 31st of July 2022, at our group-friendly space lot 975 Pattensen, Turkeyen Housing Scheme, Georgetown, Guyana. Our last event was dampened by the heavy rainfall, which kept many people away. By popular demand, you will see several masterpieces created by our members, most of which will also be on sale. The focus of this event is mainly to showcase the exquisite talents of the group, particularly items that have been created during sessions over the years. Undoubtedly, the event will be a day to remember by God’s grace. Take all the necessary precautions to keep yourself and your family safe during this time.
Doris Anetha Shelto-McLennon From the very moment of conception, our child is a concern and a responsibility for its parents as it grows and develops. Whether you want to believe it or not, you automatically become a teacher the moment you bring a child into this world. You might not be a formally qualified one, but you are your child’s first and most influential coach. They will look to you at all times as they grow, and everything you do before their eyes will matter more than what you say. Research indicates that no amount of formal teaching can compare to the influence you have on your child or children. It also confirms that parenting in the home plays a vital role in foundational learning and social adjustment outside the home. The book of Proverbs 22:6 teaches us to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Direct your child’s training in the right direction, and while doing so, let your child see you walk the talk and be an example of what it means to love GOD with all your heart, mind, and soul. Proverbs 22:6, in its original context, reveals that it is a warning and not a promise. It is a warning to all parents that if they allow their children to have their own way, they will continue to engage in wrongdoing. As parents, we have a lot of work to do. It is plain to see that in the modern era, ethical and moral values degenerate as people become more selfcentered. So there is a need for moral principles and values to be imparted to children to make them better, more responsible citizens. It’s at that stage where even the most principled and dedicated parents sometimes find that their teenagers do not display appropriate moral values and self-discipline. Although teenagers may not have the same decision-making capacity as adults, parental influences can affect how they develop and grow. It’s our priority as parents to see the happiness and well-being of our children. Raising children is one of the most difficult jobs nowadays, especially in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else. I understand the numerous challenges that life might throw at you at times. It’s enough to drive you insane. I feel so grateful to be born into a family to whom I can be grateful. They molded me into the person I am today. Families are an essential part of one’s being. Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you. Family is an integral part of one’s life. It does not matter if you have a
small or big family, as long as you have one. Your family serves as the first school for your child where one learns about various things. You are a reflection of your family; you incorporate moral values from your first teacher. . . Your Family.
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God Already Knew
Donna Royalty Ross When He finished the parable, He pushed onward, climbing the steep hills toward Jerusalem. He approached the towns of Bethphage and Bethany, which are near Mount Olivet. He sent two of the disciples ahead. Jesus: Go to the next village. When you enter, you will find a colt tied—a colt that has never been ridden before. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you why you’re untying it, just say, “The Lord needs it.” So the two disciples found things just as He had told them. When its owners did indeed ask why they were untying the colt, the disciples answered as they had been instructed. Disciples: The Lord needs it. [Luke 19:28-34; The Voice Translation] When Jesus sent the two disciples ahead of Him to Bethphage and Bethany, He already knew that telling them to go get the donkey would cause the donkey to be in the place that He expected it to be—just as He said it would. There was nothing powerful enough to stop the words that Jesus spoke. Jesus said “go” and every word spoken after “go” was always a command and direction of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God already knew that when Jesus spoke, everything had to line up to His Spoken Word. The Bible clearly states, “Do not be like them. Your prayers need not be labored or lengthy or grandiose — for your Father knows what you need before you ever ask Him” (Matthew 6:8; Voice translation), which means that there is nothing we can ask God for that He does not already know. If God in His Word clearly lets us know that He already knew, why do we allow ourselves to be moved by the situations and circumstances that constantly bombard us? Why do we allow the doctor’s report, the bank account, or the contrariness of our children to put us in the standpoint of ‘God is not answering me’? In conclusion, what has been pressing heavily on your mind? What momentary light affliction is causing you sleepless night? Give it over to the Lord because He says in The “ Since God cares for you, let Him carry all your burdens and worries ” (1st Peter 5:7 -- The Voce Translation). We have to get the place where we
understand how much God loves us. God’s love is uncontainable and unlimited. Let’s trust and recognize that “God Already Knew.”
If you would like your Christian article to be published in our magazine, call us at (803) 968-6744