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From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief

Donna Royalty Ross


Wow, we are in November; where did the year go? As we welcome November, we are watching this year, 2022, slowly coming to an end. Seriously, where did the year go?

I looked back at and watched God’s moving mightily in our midst. From Transformation 4Real Facebook Page and Transformational 4Real Magazine to Transformational4Real on www.growthradiott every weekday and Friday evening “Standing in the Gap,” all in June.

Then in September 2022, we added “Real Conversations with the Prophetess with me, Elder Lena Dennis, and Sister Sharon Weekes Alleyne. Also, in September, I watched Lena Dennis come on board with “Freedom.” Sister Sharon came on board with, “It’s in the Word.” Prophetess Simone came in next with “Deliverance in the Word.”

I have spoken to numerous women who do not know their God ordained assignment,

and we are starting on November 5, 2022, “What on Earth am I here for? It is imperative that, moving forward that everyone would know and understand that God did not just toss us down to planet earth hazardously. We are here on planet earth as a divine assignment to accomplish great work for the Lord. Join us if you can or if you know someone who does not know what God has called and ordained them to do here on earth.

As the year 2022 comes to a close, we must be aware of what is going on in the world and take action to make our voices heard. God is coming back for His church in eternity, are we prepared? It will not be a long shot. Therefore, let us continue to live in God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to work through each and every one of us to prepare the world for the imminent return of our Father, God.



Divine Favor

As a child growing up in church, I was trained, although not intentionally, to bring God a list of my prayer intentions when I would go to him in prayer. That was developed by me hearing that kind of prayer over and over. The prayers would go something like this, “Dear Father God, we come to you, and we ask.” You might hear a variation that would be more like, “ Dear Lord, it is again that we approach your throne, and we ask you.” I was consistent in bringing the prayer list to His throne of grace, but I do not believe that is exactly how God wanted us to approach him.

I became a fervent praying person asking without really thinking about it, or at least not very much. I would request money, jobs, girlfriends, cars, passing grades in school, new clothes, to help win a game or a multitude of other requests. It was a way of life, and it was my usual style of prayer. I would pray fervently, I would come boldly to the throne of grace, and I would pray not doubting. Sometimes we would pray for hours, but other times less, but always with great fervor. Our prayers and pleadings were often loud, repetitious, and filled with tears. The repetition of prayers is almost an act of begging as we felt like the more we asked, the more we wore the Lord down. It was like when a child wanted candy, but Mom and Dad said no, and the child keeps crying and begging until the parent gets tired of the child.

We would sometimes plead for our intention countless times until we believed we had gotten our way. Many times, God, in His infinite mercy, would look past our ignorance and grant our prayers through His mercy, but there is a better way.

I would like to suggest a more effective method that I believe gets God's attention and favorable answers significantly. The Bible says in Matthew 6:33, “seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” One of the most important elements


I firmly believe to answered prayers is getting first into the place of favor! Get right in the middle of the downspout from the throne of God. You see, some people are meant to be blessed abundantly, but they might get a little of their blessings, not the abundant blessing; this may be how they approach God for their intentions. When I quit chasing after everything that gets me worried, I started searching to be in God’s perfect will; I started placing all my worries in prayer intentions to God; I began to experience God’s favor! When I praise and thank God more, His favor always finds me in my time of need. The Bible says in Matthew 7:11, “If ye then, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him.” No begging required! The Heavenly Father wants to bless you. Think about Joseph, favor found him in his home, in the Pit, in Potiphar’s house, in the prison and finally in the Palace. The Bible made us understand that Joseph wasn’t chasing blessings, instead God’s favor and blessing found Joseph.

Now since God is not a respecter of persons, He will bless you as He did for Joseph! Get ready for God’s favor! Expect it! Look for it in front, behind, left, right, up, and down. Be steadfast in God, pray for His perfect will to be done in your life, and His abundant blessings and favor will find you!



With Sharon Weekes-Alleyne

On behalf of Transformational4Real Magazine, Sister Sharon, I thank you for allowing me to interview you again. I interviewed you in the early stages of our Transformational 4Real Magazine. However, now that you are more active in bringing the monthly magazine to a culmination of what God called and ordained it, I would like our readers to hear your heart once again. Why? Because we have more readers who I believe would want to listen to some of the things that happen behind the scenes of Transformational 4Real Magazine and other things in your life.

Our main goal for this interview is always to bring our readers articles that will bring transformation and encourage their hearts to be transformed by renewing their minds. With that said, would you please tell our readers how you have been transformed by God and His Word?

T4RM: When did you realize that God has a bigger plan for your life, especially in this season and beyond?

SWA: I knew God had a plan, but after not seeing it come to fruition, I thought I had missed my season, but you, Prophetess, rekindled that desire to desire more and witness its birth by faith.

T4RM: After listening to you on Growth Radio and Growth Live Stream on YouTube, I would love for you to let our readers know when and how God showed you that you are to teach His Word diligently. Do you receive the call to preach the gospel?

SWA: I attended a conference twenty six years ago in Barbados, and my life was spoken into. I personally did not agree with what was said because I was told that I should be a corn that takes over a year to plant and grows slowly but is very beneficial to all, rather than an ear of corn that sprouts up quickly. After that conference, God gave me a vision of what He wanted me to do.


T4RM: Did you embrace the call to teach God’s Word right away, or did you wrestle with it?

SWA: I wrestled a little, but after getting the vision of what God wanted me to do, I gave it all to Him.

T4RM: I am passionate and a stickler for the Word of God. God revealed to me, through His Precious Holy Spirit, that He has called me to be a mouthpiece for the nations. I could tell by listening to you that you are passionate about teaching God’s Word. What are you passionate about in teaching God’s Word?

SWA: I am passionate about souls, youth, the underprivileged, and anyone in need. I am also passionate about doing what God has called me to do. So my passion is to share his simple truths as he downloads them to me.

T4RM: Is there a specific project you are currently working on that you would want our readers to know about?

SWA: I am working on putting together a devotional, and I would also like to do a book of poetry and two children’s books.

T4RM: Sharon, you have a prominent presence on Facebook. In fact, I think that you are active on about 4 or 5 Facebook pages. Do you see or have you been told about God’s impact through your message and ministry on Facebook?

SWA: Most people would inbox me to thank me or to say something I shared ministered to them, and a few would share it on Facebook in the comments.

T4RM: What would you say to others, particularly women, who are called to ministry but may not feel worthy of writing an article for a magazine or even appearing on a radio station?

SWA: I would tell them to prepare themselves while they wait to do what God called them to do and keep the faith, as God will do whatever He has promised if we stand on His promises. Also, to associate themselves with men and women of like mind and faith.

T4RM: With that said, do you believe the internet is the new church?

SWA: I do not believe the internet is the new church. I feel it is an addition to the church, as God will use all means to get His Word to the world.

T4RM: What are your young long term goals for your ministry as you continue to transform lives through the Father’s directives?

SWA: My long term goals in ministry are to continue to share God’s Word and to follow His lead.

T4RM: I remember, as a child, kneeling down before my mother, who was getting ready to give me a beating, and telling her I was going to pray for her. At that time, I didn’t realize that God was calling me to be an intercessor. Was there anything specifically or any one incident that you can look back to now and realize God was indeed showing you your calling?

SWA: I had some encounters with God as a child. I always gravitated to the things of God. I attended the Presbyterian Church with my mom. Still, I always wanted to attend the Baptist Church Sunday School, and my mom said we are Presbyterian. However, I begged and begged, and she relented and allowed me but said I still had to attend our church. I was seven years old at the time. I accepted Christ there as a child. At age ten, I was also in the Presbyterian Church choir, the youngest in the choir, singing the Hallelujah Chorus in the alto section. I didn’t know any music. I did scripture reading and also helped run


a Children’s Bible Book Library. I also attended a private Christian high school where I had to do Biblical studies and take exams. That is where I gained a lot of biblical knowledge and hid God’s Word in my heart. So God was setting me up for His plan.

T4RM: What would you say to anyone who wants to do and be all that God called them to do?

SWA: I would encourage them to spend quality time with God. There is no place like God’s Presence to hear from God.

T4RM: How would you say you are transforming the lives of those in your community and beyond?

SWA: God has used me both in the land of my birth, Guyana, and in Canada to feed His sheep both spiritual and physical food. So, through a family charity, I am able to continue to help those in need.

T4RM: What are some of the things in your residential area that grab your attention the most for help?

SWA: People who believe they don’t need God because life is good; the disillusioned, the depressed, and confused youth; and the infiltration of drugs and gangs.

T4RM: Are you involved with local government or church personnel to help your city be a better place to show forth God’s glory on earth?

SWA: No, I am not involved with local government, but through charity, I am involved with church entities.

T4RM: Do you see many churches getting involved when it comes to the mental health and well being of your city?

SWA: Some churches are, but most would direct those in need to the needed resources.

T4RM: When do you make time for yourself and your family mentally and physically?

SWA: I was and still am family oriented. We did and still do things together. Making time for myself is what I had to learn to do.

T4RM: What is the vision for your group as God continues to expand your ministry?

SWA: My vision is to see the group blossom and grow in the things of God as we globally see souls saved, set free, and delivered as we continue to bear each other up and become one, as Jesus prayed in love and harmony.

T4RM: What do you see yourself doing for the remainder of the year?

SWA: I see myself sharing God’s Word with the lost and dying to the body of Christ so we can line up with God’s Word.

T4RM: My sister Sharon, I thank you so much for allowing our readers and I to walk with the Father into your life. May God continue to richly bless you for taking the time out of your schedule to answer our questions and share your heart with our readers.

SWA: Thank you for this opportunity, Prophetess Donna Royalty Ross.


Teachable Moments with God #4 Now Faith Is (Part 1) Matthew 17:20 (NIV)


"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

What does God say about faith?

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.


Why is faith in God important?

Faith in God is important because He knows everything we are going through at this very moment, and everything we will go through in the future. God knows the best way to handle every situation, and He works everything for our good if only we can trust Him. We should not be afraid about anything if we follow His path, and trust that He knows the best and does the best even more than we can imagine.

“Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40 (NIV)

As Christians, we are always told to have faith and trust God, but in certain situations, it is easier said than done. We sometimes believe situations will be easier and faster if we handle them in our ways and thoughts. Nobody ever said having faith would be easy, but it is worth it, and here is why.

Weekly Devotional: Four Reasons to Trust in God

“Grand Canyon University”

1. “He Knows Better Than We Do”

We need to understand that God created us, therefore, He knows us even right from when we were in the womb; He knows everything we are going through right now and what is to come in the future. Trusting in God is never a mistake because He knows better than us. Can you recall many times you try to handle situations yourself? How much success can you count from your efforts than what God can do?

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” James 1:6” (NIV)

2. All Things Are Possible with God

God knows your heart's desires. If you trust in him with what you want most, He will take care of it. He knows what is best for your life. If you feel your goals are hard to achieve or even impossible, think again, anything is possible with God; He has your back and will help you through anything, all you must do is have faith in this mighty God.

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23 (NIV)

3. He Is Worthy of Our Trust

Having faith is having trust. You have to trust with your entire being that God has your back, He will help you, take care of you, and preserve you for His blessings. God knows what is best, but to truly embrace what He has planned for you, you must fully trust Him. Our trust is not foolish, for our God is both wonderful and faithful at all times. Do you study God's Word? How well do you pray to Him? Acquaint yourself with the promises of God, with his longsuffering faithfulness to the Israelites, to Abraham, to us all. Get to know the character of God, present your true intentions to Him, and your joy and willingness to trust in Him will abound.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” Proverbs 3:5 6” (NIV)

4. He Knows What He Is Doing

God knows exactly what He wants for your life. He has a purpose for you and has everything planned out. He knows who you will marry, how many kids you will have, what job you will have, and every other detail of your life, both big and small. He knows what you will do tomorrow, next month, and years later. Do not doubt God’s plan because He knows everything and has a perfect plan for you.

Four Types of Faith

Dead Faith

James 2:17 (NIV) made us understand that faith without works is dead. In other words, you will produce good fruits if your faith is genuine. That is, good works are evidence that your faith is genuine. I’ve observed that you don’t have to motivate sincere Christians to do what the Holy Spirit urges them to do. If your faith is dead, it will be obvious by the lack of good fruits and an abundance of selfish thoughts, cruel words, and immoral deeds.

Demonic Faith

James also teaches that even demons believe and shudder at the name of Jesus (James 2:19). NIV)

Their “faith” is intellectual. That is, the demons have no doubt that Jesus is the Son of the living God, but they rebelliously choose to serve a different master. And their master, Satan, is crystal clear on the fact that Jesus died and rose from the dead. As a matter of fact, Satan’s theology is probably better than yours or mine. But knowing all the answers and possessing the right theology doesn’t save you.

Vain Faith

Not everyone who says that Jesus is the Lord of their lives will enter the kingdom of heaven on the day of His return. Only those who actually do the will of God will gain heaven. Responding to an altar call, saying the sinner’s prayer, or religiously and generously tithing these alone will not save you. Try as much as possible to work your salvation for heaven’s gain so you won’t be the person who completes all kinds of religious obligations and cries out on the last day. “Lord! Lord!” only to hear the dreadful words “I never knew you; depart from me” (Matthew 7:21 23) (NIV).

Saving Faith

The message of John 3:16 (NIV) is so clear: God loves every one of us, He sent His only begotten Son to live among us, and whoever believes on Jesus will have eternal life. Ephesians 2:8 10 (NIV) provides us with some additional details: You are saved by grace through faith. Salvation is a gift. You are not saved because of any good works you ever did. But you were made to do good works and point people to Christ. God prepared many good things for you to do. As you live by saving faith, you will supernaturally produce good fruit, works, and evidence that you are no longer a slave to sin.


The church is based on five principles, concerning God, goodness, thoughts, prayer, and action. These basic ideas make up the unity belief system.

Five principles:

• God is good. God is absolutely good and everywhere present. ...

• People are good. ...

• Thoughts create experiences. ...

• Prayer is connection. ...

• Action is needed.

Surely, we know that our faith/faith principles should line up with our spiritual principles. 1st John:4 (KJV) Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1st Corinthians 14:33 (KJV) For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Hebrews :12 (NIV) For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints, and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

How is your faith walk/life today? Great, ok, mediocre, bland, skeptical, indecisive, real, not sure, or just plain, I do not know. I truly believe this is not the time or season to be labeled as “oh ye of little faith.” We should be walking and declaring, knowing our faith should be “God said it, I believe it, and it is settled.” We should be singing to the world, our God, my God, is awesome. He reigns and rules from heaven above with wisdom, power, and love. His grace is sufficient for you and me. It is our winning season, whatever God has spoken over your life, whatever your God given assignments are, they stand significant, steadfast and unmovable, you will become a Proverbs 3:5 6 (NIV) believer, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” We are God’s chosen generation, His Kingdom builders, so there is no need to pretend, fake, shake, or even shout it out so the whole world will see, hear, and know. I stand firm in God’s Word, and I am who I say I am (FOR GOD’S KINGDOM). I will serve the Lord with gladness of my heart; the joy of the Lord is my strength and my salvation, and I shall not be afraid of anyone. God is my joy, He is my peace, and He is my all in all.

Whatever assignment on earth God has destined you for, rejoice and be glad in it. Nothing can separate you and me from the Love of God. Whatever the assignment, whatever the need, goals, dreams, hope, business, book, play, teacher, preacher, evangelist, whatever the call maybe, take a leap of faith in God, I encourage you, when you do watch the hand of God move miraculously in you through you with you over you.

Stand up, look up, see up, hear up, dream up, hope up, be encouraged up, pray up, stay up, live up, and always stay faith up. God's Blessings and favor will be yours all the days of your life.


A Teacher’s Desk

Guidance from God’s Word.

It would be remiss of me to speak from my desk and not begin with a conversation with parents. It is absolutely important for all parents to understand that they are stewards of what belongs to God. Psalm 127:3 says, “Behold; children are a heritage from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is His reward” (NKJV). Children are gifts from God to us and must be treated as such. Gifts are meant to be cared for and treasured. When one gives a gift, thought and sacrifice is expended in the process. The Psalmist David continues to express his gratitude in Psalm 139:13,14a; “For you have formed my inward parts; you have covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:” (NKJV). Men have tried and have failed. Millions have been expended to perform the miracles God performs every time a child is formed in the womb. All efforts have failed. Every human being is beautiful in God’s eyes. To put a seal on this understanding of children’s place in offering gifts to humankind, hear what God says in Jeremiah 1:5a; “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” No parent can know a child’s personality, gifts, and talents better than God. Therefore, it behooves us to depend on God for guidance to nurture each child to do and be what God expects.

There is a verse in the Bible that puts a smile on my face every time I read it. It makes me feel special and sends a strong message to all parents. It is found in Ephesians 2:10; “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we


should walk in them.” Could we desire a better workman to produce a masterpiece over and over without fail? We were all created to do good work. God is proactive, and when a child is formed, there is nothing missing. That is why God could say in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (NKJV) There are times in our lives as parents when we will face hardships, even during pregnancy. The pressures that cause stress are real and evident, but God’s Word to the Israelites can be appropriated to our lives as every mother desires a profitable future without fear and the promise of hope.

Who says that mothers cannot play an integral part in a child’s life from the womb? It has been proven that babies can grasp the sounds in their environment even at that stage. They can hear voices, and I’ve seen a mother place an instrument on her’ belly button’ that plays music. So, rearing and caring for children begins in the womb.

Our Responsibility as Parents

With all God has done and promises to do, we, as parents, are mandated to cooperate and work with God. Every child is born with a tag of purpose attached. Parents must observe each child carefully and seek God’s guidance about special provisions that should be in place to facilitate learning. We should note that each child is different, and comparisons within the home or elsewhere should be avoided. It is a dangerous practice for any parent to insist on any child going down a path that may be desired by the adult but not the child. This could be hard for parents to accept, but spending quality time with children, engaging them in fruitful conversations, and encouraging them to strive for excellence in all they do. One declaration that a child should repeat each day is Philippians 4:13, which says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (NKJV). A child’s self esteem must be allowed to soar to a high level and remain there.

Another verse that speaks volumes to me is Luke 2:52, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (NKJV) Finding favor speaks to one’s lifestyle, exhibiting high moral standards. In Jesus’ example, men were also in high praise of His life of integrity.

Parents cannot place their children in school and rely on all the guidance to be given by the teachers. The home is a community within a community and a world within a world. As a result, children develop a worldview in the home. There are myths that are propagated when parents say, “I don’t know where he got that from.” It’s important that parents rise and intentionally form alliances with teachers to help children become the best that they should be.

I can testify that my best years as a teacher were the ones in which parents were willing to work alongside me, come into the classroom at my invitation, or take an active role as a teacher, for example, in reading or telling a story to the class, accompanying the group on a tour or a picnic session. These acts increase a child’s self confidence and love for the learning process.

In this period of the world’s history, we need to resort to the days when we understood that we can’t look out for our children alone but for all children. We see children facing adult problems, and adults are not in a place to offer much help. May God help us as we seek to nurture our children to bring glory and honor to God and be citizens who would be assets to their world and all nations.




Training children to worship GOD is the primary responsibility of every parent; yes, we need the churches, children's Sunday and Sabbath school because they are often seen as a replacement for the parents rather than a support for them. It must be in our best interest to guide them along that path from when they are in the womb. When a child's enthusiasm for spiritual things begins to wane, it is most time because other things have become more significant to them; it could be they began to pursue worldly pleasure or succumb to peer pressure from their friends who are not interested in having a relationship with the CREATOR.

However, it is the parent's responsibility, not the Churches, schools, etc., to teach their children the fear and respect of GOD right from home. It must be noted that parents should be equipped to be the primary discipliners of their children. We are not in the children's lives to provide meals, shelter, and good education only, but we are the ones who will shape our children into becoming good or bad humans. We mold them; it is vital that we teach them to know and love GOD, have good manners and ethical training. Parents are instruments for shaping a child for good or bad.


It is our responsibility to ensure that children receive a proper upbringing. Parents, you are the origin of their birth, and they recognize you as their offspring. Therefore, as a parent, you should teach your children good manners and guide them toward that recognition and obedience to GOD. Your behavior as a parent towards your children must be of a person your children will imitate.

I mention this so often that a child does not learn moral values from what you, the parent, say, but by how you live in their presence, they focus attention on everything you do. We as parents brought our child/children into this world, and to neglect our priorities as parents is what we call neglect; if you refuse to pay attention to the education and training of the child/children, you become guilty of gross negligence. They did not ask us to bring them to the world; for me, they are innocent, and we shouldn't abandon them.

The children you nurture today will be men and women of great impact on the society in the future. The fabric of the society will be made of the personalities of these individuals. Never say today's life doesn't matter; whatever lessons they learn today, they shall put into practice tomorrow. If their upbringing today is what we can call perfect, then the society of tomorrow will be problem free to a great extent. And if today's generation follows a faulty program of training, it is then imperative that tomorrow's society shall emerge from these elements. So how well are you training your child as a parent? This portion of scripture, Proverbs 22:6, teaches us to “TrainupaChildinthewayheshouldgo,andwhenheisold,hewillnotdepartfromit.”

GOD purpose for parents is to teach and lead their children in a knowledge of His love and commands. As parents, we are to help our children do the will of God, so they can live their lives serving God through their various gifts and talents. Deuteronomy 6:5 6 says, "And thou shall love theLORDthyGODwithallthineheart,andwithallthysoulandwithallthymight.Andthese words which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart. And though shalt teach them diligentlyuntothychildren'andshalltalkofthemwhenthoughsittestinthinehouseandwhen thoughwalkestbytheway'andwhenthoughliestdownandwhenthoughrisestup."

No aspect of training can replace who we are. What our children see is what they tend to do. For a season, it may appear that they're understanding and participating responsively, but they don't miss inconsistencies in our life. Teaching our Children to worship GOD is one of the greatest privileges of parenting. Encouragement from parents can also be in the form of family gatherings, family worship, family talks about what affects one another and what success can uplift one another; therefore, we as a family must be constant in this encouragement. We are living in the most critical time, and we must protect our families, for many families are losing their children to the world due to this lack of family unity and encouragement. We have a lot of work to do, and yes, training our children to worship GOD is primarily our responsibility as parents.



“OURS IS A WAR” was a slogan used in my home country during the Socialist era, and everyone was encouraged to join the People’s Militia with another slogan, “EVERY CITIZEN A SOLDIER.” These slogans are for us as Christians because we are in battles daily, and we need to be, as the Bible says, good soldiers (2 Timothy 2:3 4).

We are in warfare daily, hourly, by the minute, and sometimes every second, and so we need to have strategies for the battles. We must understand that all battles are different, but our battle gear is the same. We just have to know what strategy to use for which battle.

So on this battlefield of life, we have to learn our strategies from THE WORD, and the Word says we have to put on the WHOLE ARMOR of GOD, not PART of the WHOLE ARMOR.

As a believer, I grew up carrying my armor, but the Word says you have to put it on. It’s a decision we have to make. So let’s see from the Word what we must put on to fight our battles. Ephesians 6: 11 18 tells us exactly what we’re up against: our war is spiritual, so instead of seeing what people are doing, we need to see the spirit behind them and fight that battle in the spirit using the


resources we’re given. As the Word says, it’s the only way to stand in this evil day, and after you’ve done all you can, you have to stand (wait) and see the salvation (deliverance) of the Lord.

So, first, we must girt (a band or belt to secure a sword) our loins (the side of the body below the rib cage to just above the pelvis) with TRUTH. Yes, we have to have truth in our inward parts. We can’t go to battle with the devil full of lies, saying one thing and being another, as the devil will expose us and beat us up like he did the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19:13 16 ).

You see, without truth, we’ll come with our self righteousness, and the Word says our righteousness is as filthy rags. It wouldn’t pass the safety test in our battle gear.

Next is the breastplate (which protects our vital organs) of righteousness. We have to clothe ourselves in God’s righteousness. When we clothe ourselves in His righteousness, it will enable us to strive for perfection, as He will show us areas in our lives where we need to make changes, and we have to submit to His will and way and change if we want to be victorious.

Then we need our boots on. When we put on those boots, we have prepared ourselves to share the gospel of peace amid war. The book of Romans 10:5 says we need to share that gospel of peace even with those who are at war with us. We fight them in the spirit, but we speak peace to them in the natural.

Next, he says, above everything, we need faith. That’s our shield to obliterate the darts. They will form but not prosper.

Then we need that helmet on, showing we’re salvaged from sin; we’re washed in the blood of the Lamb. And that sword needs to be there. We need to know the Word; we need to be able to act like Jesus when Satan was battling His mind. He was able to answer from the Word, not a figment of His imagination.

Last but not least, we have to pray always, with all prayers (closet prayers, prayers in agreement with others, prayers of supplication, consistent prayers, fasting and praying, praying in the spirit, prayers of thanksgiving and worship). You can’t go wrong with all types of prayers. And then you wait on God to move on your behalf.

You can’t come with salvation alone when the enemy is attacking. I AM SAVED, AND I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE won’t work. We have to be fully dressed and prepared for battle if we want to overcome the wicked ones. So Soldiers of God, let’s prepare for battle because “OURS IS A WAR.”


Left Behind Sharon Weekes Alleyne

Throughout the Bible, we see people being left behind because they did not follow God’s instructions.

Adam and Eve were exiled from the Garden, a place where God Himself came down and fellowshipped with them, but their disobedience to God’s instructions caused them to lose that sweet fellowship with God. (Genesis 3).

Cain lost fellowship with God after killing his brother because his brother’s sacrifice was accepted by God. God didn’t hate Cain; he hated his disobedience, as he knew God wanted a blood sacrifice, not a fruit sacrifice. (Genesis 4).

Then we see in Genesis 5 to 8 that an entire nation was disobedient and lost their lives in the flood.

In Genesis 19, we see Lot’s wife turning a pillar of salt after looking back to see what happened to their earthly possessions in the volcanic explosion.

And then we see in Numbers all the murmurings and disobedience that caused some of the children of Israel, along with Moses, not to enter the Promise Land, and the list of disobedience


goes on with the same results. We may ask, why are they so stubborn and disobedient after all God did for them!? But you know what, we’re no different: God has done so much for us by first sending Jesus to die, be buried, go into hell and collect the keys of hell and death, and then resurrecting and returning to Heaven to prepare a place for us, and He didn’t just leave! He left us the Holy Spirit and gave us the power to bind and loose and to be heirs to the throne and joint heirs with our elder brother, who did all the work and is sharing his inheritance with us, and we’re still disobedient; we’re still not following God’s instructions, we’re still not living God’s Word.

We have to be grateful for God’s long suffering love for us, but we shouldn’t take it for granted.


What do I mean by that? It means if we continue to harden our hearts and keep committing our sins, if we keep preaching and still commit fornication, adultery, etc., like it doesn’t bother us, He’ll leave us alone, and the worst case scenario is that if we die in our sins, we’ll be left behind and unable to enter the kingdom of God. (Hebrews 3).

We can choose to be left behind by harboring unforgiveness like the prodigal son’s brother. He refused to enter the feast because his brother was welcomed back into the family.

We can make a choice by not doing what is expected of us to enter into the kingdom. We have no prayer life. We’re neither hot nor cold. The Word says God will spit us out (Revelations 3:16). We’re just sitting around like the five foolish virgins, sleeping, not checking out our lifestyles to see if our spots are washed in the blood and our wrinkles ironed out by the fire of the Holy Ghost. So the bridegroom comes and we’re out of oil, we’re burnt out, busy doing (works) but no faith, just a form. Yes, they were virgins and pure, but that was it for them. They weren’t prepared like the other five, and in that twelfth hour, no one could help you. No one could hype you up to keep you awake and ready. At that moment, IT’S READY OR NOT; HERE I COME.

SINNERS AND SAINTS, what will it profit us if we gain this whole world which we will leave at some point in time (either by death or Jesus’ return) and LOOSE OUR SOULS (Mark 8:34 38)?

LET US THINK ABOUT IT and line up with God’s Word. SO WE WON’T BE LEFT BEHIND!




“And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel” [Genesis 3:15]

When the devil made his moves and spoke to Eve about the fruit, the devil did not think that God already knew before the foundation of the world what He would do. Because God, who is Omniscient [All Knowing], already knew He would send Jesus to be the propitiation for our sins. God already knew what He had preordained before the earth’s foundation to put enmity between the serpent and the tree of life and that Jesus would defeat the devil. Satan’s approach to Eve and his success in getting her to distrust God had already prepared Satan’s doom. Lucifer, as he was called before the foundation of the earth, thought that he was clever enough to rise above God. He did not understand that he would lose his position and ultimately spend eternity burning in the lake of fire.

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, let us be mindful to always give thanks to the God who already knew who He would use to bring us out of the dilemma when the enemy thought he had successes in defeating God.

So, wherever you are as you read this article, understand that the Lord orders your steps, and GOD ALREADY KNEW what you would face; He has already made a way. So rejoice because your steps are ordered by God because, again GOD ALREADY KNEW.

Already Knew!!

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