From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief Donna Royalty Ross
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. You do not have to have given birth to a child to be a mother. You could have hugged a child in the absence of a parent. You could have mentored a child, encouraged or displayed love to a child, been a surrogate mother, etc.; we still salute you this Mother’s Day. Relax, enjoy and have a great Mother’s Day. As we welcome May 2022, let us continue to have an expectation of breakthrough in every area of our lives – an expectation so great that we would definitely have to declare, “It had to be God. The expectation we must have is the same as the expectation of the people in the 4 Gospel accounts. They had an expectation that Jesus was going to heal them of their sickness and diseases. In order for them to be healed, they went to Jesus with a spirit of expectation, an understanding that once touched or ministered to by Jesus, they would be healed. This is the expectation we should be portraying in May and moving forward as we continue to expect from our Magnificent God in 2022. What else is going on in the earth right now that we can look at? We need to realize the many distractions that are daily presented to us and aggressively begin to understand the power that God has given to us to change the atmosphere that God may be glorified. It was in the beginning that God took a void and chaotic earth and turned it into a place of habitation for His creation. God didn’t look at the earth and said “forget about it.” He spoke the change that He wanted to see. The many distractions we are faced with today are at an all-time high. We are seeing Disney’s issues, higher food prices, inflation, skyrocketing drug prices, the war in Ukraine, global warming, anti-Semitic incidents, wildfires, politics, racial issues, skyrocketing house prices, and several others. We are still bombarded with COVID-19 and its many variants; North Korea is flaunting their ICBM missiles; we see more of adolescent suicides, etc. And I am sure if we want to see or hear of more distractions, we just allow the adversary of our souls to keep showing us all these things and take our eyes off of our Savior. We MUST not allow these unending, daily distractions to take our eyes off of God. In fact, let us look at the negative distractions and do like Father God did in Genesis. He boldly declared, “Let there be.” Remember nothing happens until we stand firm on God’s Word and declare, “Let there be a change in the atmosphere.” We do have the power given to us by Jesus to change situations and circumstances in the earth realm. Let us put our confident expectation in God and speak forth the change we want to see manifested in the earth realm. Until next month, continue to be blessed and trust God like never before.
GET OUT OF YOUR BED Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Senior Pastor, Bethesda Church of God, Sumter, SC
In Luke chapter 5, there is a compelling story about a man with palsy (paralysis) and his friends who were on a mission. Their mission started out as a relatively simple task. They would carry the paralyzed man in his bed to the place where Jesus was teaching, have him prayed for, the paralyzed man would be healed, and they could all go home rejoicing. Simple enough plan but as you know, the best thought-out plans sometimes run into difficulties. The plan started out without a problem. The four men went to the paralyzed man and carried him in his bed to where Jesus was teaching. After they arrived, they realized things would be a little more complicated. You see, the place where Jesus was teaching was standing room only. I mean the place was packed from wall to wall, door to door and window to window. You would think that people would have compassion on this paralyzed man, but they had their own serious problems that needed Jesus’ touch. The paralyzed man was one of many that needed help. What would they do? How could they get to Jesus? He might never come close to their town again. Something had to be done and done quickly. Someone came up with the idea to lower the paralyzed man down through the roof. That may sound like the most ridiculous idea a person could have come up with, but I call it crazy faith. Crazy faith is when you are so locked in on encountering Jesus that it does not matter what people think or how it looks. You talk about a challenge. You talk about bearing one another’s burdens. These men were relentless in their faith. First the challenge of climbing up on the roof. Secondly, pulling the paralyzed man in his bed up on the roof with them. Thirdly, removing enough tiles so the man and his bed could be lowered to where Jesus was standing. Now comes the mental battles that could have hindered their faith. I will call them the what-ifs. What if Jesus moves from the location, we think He was standing? What if we drop our friend? What is the owner of the house going to say about us tearing up his roof? What if Jesus prays for our friend and nothing happens? Somehow these men were not hindered by all of the what-ifs. You talk about faith, unshakable faith, persistent faith. No wonder the miracle happened. Whenever faith meets Jesus, something powerful is going to happen. Hebrews 11:1 states, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (KJV). 5
Jesus saw the man and declared, “Thy sins be forgiven.” The Pharisees and Scribes took exception to that declaration. Who does this Jesus think He is to forgive sins? Jesus, knowing their thoughts, responded by asking, “Which is easier to say, Thy sins be forgiven or Arise take up your bed and walk?” At that command, the paralyzed man got out of bed and walked home. There was something else as he went. He went glorifying God. Can you imagine the crazy praise that went on as this man traveled back to his house? Probably everyone that was within a country mile heard this man glorifying God! Now you may say this miracle happened because four men helped this man get to Jesus. I will agree that this was a big part of it, but the most important part was that the paralyzed man obeyed the Master and got out of his bed. What bed are you in today? A bed of financial problems? A bed of marriage problems? A bed of mental, physical, or emotional issues? A bed of addiction? A bed of spiritual bondage? I believe Jesus is speaking to you right now and commanding you to get out of your bed. Today get up and go glorifying God!
Interview with Evangelist Freida Lorraine Queen
On behalf of Transformational4Real Magazine, thank you for allowing me to interview you, so that our readers could get a glimpse of who Evangelist Lorraine Queen is, what you are doing in your community, and beyond. Our main goal for this interview is always to bring to our readers articles that will be life-transforming, that will encourage their hearts to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. With that said, would you please tell our readers how you, yourself has been transformed by God and His Word? T4RM: When did you realize that God had a plan for your life? FLQ: God always has a plan. The scripture is clear that God has a plan for each one of us. Jeremiah 1:5 and Jeremiah 29:11 are two scriptures that let us know that there are divine plans for our lives. I knew at the early age of six that God had a call on my life. God would minister to me through songs and speak to me throughout the night. I was very sensitive to His Spirit. I could feel His presence all around me especially at night while I was lying in bed. T4RM: Were your parents active in church? FLQ: I was raised by both my maternal grandmother, Reverend Henrietta Ball, and my mother Evangelist Freida Ball Watson. To answer your question, “Yes!” They were very much active in church and very instrumental in my upbringing in the Lord. They certainly trained me up in the ways of the Lord. You are reading about the fruit of their labor. T4RM: As a child, growing up, did you see yourself where you are now? FLQ: To tell you the truth, yes! However, I envisioned that I would be a little further in life quite honestly. That is both in the secular world and spiritually.
T4RM: Because of the many hats you wear, I have to ask you this question. Are you the kind of person who is structured in everything you do? FLQ: I think this question is applicable to many people. So many of us are trying to juggle multiple responsibilities and job roles. Lack of structure can make us feel unmotivated and distracted and often leads to doing things at the very last minute. Structure is necessary for creating a sense of stability and balance in life. Having a daily structure helps create a routine for one’s day. Routine or structure creates control, if you will, which can reduce one’s stress level. T4RM: As an Evangelist, please give us summary of what that entails for our readers to understand how that works? FLQ: The Lord spoke to me and said, “Do the work of an Evangelist. Make full proof of your ministry!” The primary responsibility is to preach God’s word telling a dying world simply what God says concerning His Son Jesus Christ and how He died on the cross for all of us. This is done with urgency because souls are at stake and people are dying every day. Evangelists spread the gospel of Jesus. It is the good news of our Lord and Savior. We go and reap the harvest, so to speak, and we travel from one place to another to preach the word of God proclaiming to the world who Jesus the Christ is. One must have a heart, a burden, and a burning passion for souls, for evangelism is the heartbeat of God. Feeding the homeless, giving them clothing, blankets, and so on are evangelical activities. Street witnessing where we pass out tracts to give hope to a dying world is evangelism. Outdoor revivals are part of evangelism. Loving on and spreading hope to the helpless and those who feel hopeless whether it is someone who does not smell right, a smoker, a drug addict, alcoholic, prostitute, what have you is evangelism. Souls matter, no matter what one looks like or smells like. Jesus came to save everybody. I often say, I am just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody who can save anybody. T4RM: When did you receive the call to be an Evangelist? FLQ: As a teenager, it was prophesied over my life, that I would not only be a prayer warrior, intercessor, and prophet, but that I would preach the gospel and be sent to the nations. I was licensed as an Evangelist in July 2004 and ordained an Evangelist in 2007. T4RM: Did you embrace the call right away, or did you wrestle with the call to preach the gospel? FLQ: I embraced the call right away as far as the call to evangelize is concerned. The call to prophesy was the opposite as God uses me to warn the people. Folks can be mean. They show hatred and they can reject you. I still accept God’s call on my life. T4RM: I am passionate and I am a stickler for the Word of God. God through His Precious Holy Spirit told me that He has called me to be a mouthpiece to the nations. What are you passionate about? FLQ: I am so very passionate to win souls for God. I am passionate about seeing people saved, set free and delivered from the bondage of sin. I am very passionate about singing because through the gift of singing, healing comes forth. I am very passionate about being a mouthpiece to the nations. God uses the prophet to speak His word. Like Isaiah, “Lord, take a coal and touch my lips. Here I am.” T4RM: Jesus knew what He was sent to Earth to accomplish. One good example is when He went into the temple, took a whip and threw the moneychangers out of the temple (Matthew 21:12-17). Does your passion cause you to get in trouble with others who don’t see or understand your passion?
FLQ: Funny you would ask this question. Because of my obedience to God and my love for Him, I have spoken what ‘thus sayeth the Lord’ and people started to hate me and reject me; talk about me. I have been warned on Facebook for speaking truth because I have been misunderstood. I have been called crazy, radical, etc. It is okay. It is all for the glory of God. T4RM: Is there a specific project that you are working on presently that you would want our readers to know about? FLQ: Currently, I am working on a business for former addicts and alcoholics. Pray for me that this project is completed. T4RM: God’s Word tells us that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. What challenged you the most for transitioning from your worldly aspects of living to God’s direction upon your life? FLQ: Since I can remember, I have been in church all of my life. The only challenge I have had in life is when my marriage was not in good standing, and I strayed. It was a little challenging to find my way back because flesh wanted what it wanted but God’s mercy never let me go. Hallelujah! T4RM: Evangelist Queen, you have developed prominent presence on Facebook. Do you see or are you told about the impact that God is making through your message and ministry on Facebook? FLQ: Yes. I give all glory to God. I thank God that I am just a vessel that He uses to share His gospel, to uplift, inspire, encourage, and pray for others. Many women, many people have reached out to me and let me know the impact that my presence on Facebook has on them. I can shed tears right now. It is all about Jesus! T4RM: Growing up as a young adult, was it your desire to become an Evangelist or was working in the secular world something that you strongly desired to do.? FLQ: I strongly desired to become an attorney and eventually a judge, but God had other plans. As you stated in a previous question, the Lord orders the steps of a good man and so God orders my steps. Where He leads, I follow. T4RM: When did you know for sure that God had called and ordained you be an Evangelist? FLQ: God clearly spoke to me and said, “But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist and make full proof of your ministry.” T4RM: Do you see the need for ministries to impact the world for the Kingdom of God hand-in-hand without being in competition? FLQ: Absolutely. There is no need for competition as we are one body with many gifts. God has given each one of us assignments to build up the Kingdom of God. We need one another. In addition, no man is an island. We are better together; workers one with another. Scripture tells us that a house divided cannot stand. Unity is what we need. T4RM: What would you say to others, especially men, who are called to ministry but may not be willing to wholeheartedly leave all, like the twelve disciples did, to follow God? FLQ: Simply, obedience is better than sacrifice.
T4RM: With that said, do you believe that the internet is the new church? FLQ: I will say this. The internet shows people are in cars, bathrooms, beaches, etc. preaching, prophesying, and spreading God’s good news. Some people will not go into the four walls of a building to hear about Christ but will follow someone on social media. Nevertheless, we must not forsake the assembling of ourselves in the church building. T4RM: What are your long-term goals for your ministry as you continue to transform lives through the Father’s directives? FLQ: I believe God is calling me to a higher place in Him, which is going to expand my ministry. Some things are definitely in the works. It is all in God’s timing. T4RM: What are some of the plans you know that God has for you and for your ministry? FLQ: Traveling to the nations proclaiming God’s word. I plan to open a transitional house for recovering addicts and alcoholics. T4RM: I remember as a child kneeling down before my mother who was getting ready to give me a beating, telling her I was going to pray for her. At that time, I didn’t know or even realize then that God was calling me to be an intercessor. Was there anything specifically or any one incident that you can look back at now and realize God was indeed showing you your calling. FLQ: God always gives me dreams. Those dreams let me know that He definitely called me to be a prayer warrior, intercessor, and watchman on the wall. These dreams can include someone dying or something that is about to take place. I can recall interceding for different family members and God hearing my prayers and turning what would have been disaster around. He certainly hears the cries of the righteous. T4RM: What would you say to anyone who wants to do and be all that God called them to do? FLQ: I would say earnestly pray, seek God, and go on a fast. I would exhort you to go on and continue to call upon God until you make your calling and election sure for yourself. Speak to your Pastor or the leader who watches over your soul. Confirmation will come. Be prepared. God has need of you. T4RM: If and how has the pandemic affected your ministry? FLQ: Before the pandemic, I met with women every other week to impart, uplift, encourage and bring healing and wholeness through God’s word. The pandemic stopped us from meeting in person, but there were other ways to stay connected. i.e., social media, Zoom or conference lines for prayer. T4RM: How would you say you are transforming the lives of those in your community? FLQ: God is using me by going to different communities and spreading God’s love. I pray for different people. We give away food and clothes, including tracts. I go into the senior citizen buildings because they need love as well. I visit the nursing homes and hospitals, and I’m looking into going into the prisons and so much more. The world needs Jesus. T4RM: Do you plan to help develop the transformation for women who want to work but don’t have the skills to work in the corporate Pittsburgh area and its surrounding neighborhoods?
FLQ: I would love to empower women who are not skillful or knowledgeable in this area. That is something that I will plan to do. T4RM: What are some of the things in Pittsburgh that grab your attention the most for help? Are you involved with local government or church personnel to help your city become a better place to show forth God’s glory in the earth? FLQ: At this time, I am not heavily involved with the local government; however, that is something that I plan on doing in the very near future. T4RM: Do you see many of the churches getting involved when it comes to mental health and well-being of your city? FLQ: Yes! Quite a few churches come together when it comes to the mental health and well-being of those in Pittsburgh and the surrounding cities. This is something that I am godly proud of. T4RM: When do you make time for yourself and your family both mentally and physically? FLQ: Quite honestly, I need to make more time for both. For myself especially. I sense a vacation is coming soon. (Smile) T4RM: What is the vision for your group as God continues to expand your ministry? FLQ: To see people from all walks of life, saved, healed, set free and delivered. T4RM: What do you see yourself doing in the remainder of the year? FLQ: Building ministry and doing what God has called me to do. Preaching, teaching, singing, traveling the world sharing the gospel, singing, and winning souls. He that wins souls is wise. I just want to serve however God wants me to serve. Above anything else, I am a servant. T4RM: Evangelist Queen, thank you so much for allowing myself and our readers into your life and walk with our Father. May God continue to richly bless you for taking the time out of your schedule to answer our questions and sharing your heart with our readers.
BEING SALT Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
Matthew 5:13 “Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer goo for anything.” Jesus in this verse compares us to being salt in the world, and He went on to say if we lose our savour, we are good for nothing. Do we want to be good for nothing, or do we really want to be savory salt? To be savory salt, we have to know what good salt does and the benefits we get from salt. Salt in times past was used in the place of money. Salary is a derivative of the Latin word "sal" which means salt. So you can say being salt enriches and should be profitable. Salt in water, balances our PH level and flushes out toxins and it's necessary for a healthy heart, liver, and kidney. It also improves energy and keeps you hydrated. So this gives us an understanding why saline is used in hospitals. When we go to the hospital in our weak and sick state, the first thing they do is set up an IV and they place all the medication needed to restore you in that IV. Salt helps in the restoration of the skin from skin diseases. Salt clears our nasal passage and helps us to breathe. It soothes sore feet as Epsom salt. People are placed in salt caves to heal respiratory diseases; and even salt helps those with hiccups.
Salt is in all beauty products, soaps, and pottery.
We also know salt brings taste to our foods and it also causes us to get thirsty. Are we profitable to this world of sin? Are we enriching the universe? Are we helping anyone to come into balance, to be flushed of the toxins of sin in their lives? Are we being the salt in their IV to heal their sick souls on their beds of affliction? Are we being what God expects us to be to the sin-sick soul? Whose broken, sickly heart are you restoring ? Whose nose and lung are you clearing so they can breathe easy? Whose broken vessel are you restoring? Whose outward appearance are you bringing change to? Whose life are you bringing flavor to? Who are we causing to thirst for God? If we're not doing these things, we are good for nothing! Just like light, and as salt, we need to deliberately seek to influence change in those who are in darkness and who are sickened by the cares of this world. Let's search our hearts and see where we're falling short of showing love, giving to those in need, sharing the good news or just being the only Bible they read. I don't know about you, but I want to be savory salt! I want to be able to get someone to taste and see that the Lord is good and through me, they can be changed from the inside out. I want to have them thirst for righteousness and holiness. I want to see souls saved and healed by The Balm in Gilead. LORD, HELP US TO BE SAVORY SALT!
Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request.” (NIV) Do you feel discouraged? Sometimes when we feel challenged by some problem, we may think that we have to give up being joyful and get upset. Sometimes we do not know how to navigate how we feel in the moment. “Joy doesn’t always come from everything good, but it always comes from God. We should always be in the presence of God. He is all powerful and totally good. Joy is a spiritual quality that should be forever in our heart and in our lives, we should always have it.” “Having joy includes feeling good cheer and happiness.” “Do not confuse joy with happiness; there is a difference. The difference between joy and happiness lives in the mind and the heart. Joy is a little word. Happiness is a bigger word. Joy is in the heart. Happiness is on the face. Joy is of the soul happiness is of the moment. Joy transcends, happiness reacts. Joy embraces peace and contentment, waiting to be discovered. Joy runs deep and overflows, while happiness hugs hello. Joy is a practice and behavior. It’s deliberate and intentional. Happiness comes and goes blithely along its way. Joy
is profound and scriptural. “Don’t worry, rejoice.” Joy endures hardship and trials and connects with meaning and purpose. A person pursues happiness but chooses joy” (The Difference by Compassion.com) How do we maintain our joy? We look to God, daily to find peace that surpasses all understanding no peace, no joy. We go throughout our daily lives sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, sometimes just topsy-turvy, yet proclaiming that we know the One who has all power in His hands, but we cannot get past go. You see, we sometimes mistake joy with happiness or comfort; even these two are mismanaged in our daily lives. You do realize that comfort means that you’re not feeling too bad or too good, you’re neutral. It’s time to get your joy back because if you don’t, you will lose it. In other words, joy is something that you should expect to have everyday no matter the circumstance or situation. In Luke 12:15, the Lord shares that a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Followers of Christ understand that joy and happiness are not the same. Happiness is the feeling you get when things are going well, it’s based on your circumstances. Joy, on the other hand, is a deep sense of pleasure, delight, gladness, and well-being that is independent of circumstances, comfort, and happiness. Joy flows from a deeply rooted conviction that not only does God cause all things to work together for the good of those who love Him; but inherent in joy is the sense of delight in God that can cause our heart to smile even if things on the outside seem to be falling apart. In all of life’s circumstances, it’s valuable for us to ask ourselves, Am I relying on my happiness, or does my strength come from the joy of the Lord? The word joy is used 93 times in the Old Testament. It’s a Hebrew word that means “glee” or “exceeding joy.” God wants you to be joyful. Perhaps, you feel as if you have lost your joy, how do you get your joy? USE IT OR LOOSE IT. Special Attributes of Joy Joy is something God can restore. Psalm 51:12 — “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.” (NIV) God can cause our heart to smile even if things on the outside seem to be falling apart. Joy is found in God’s presence. Psalm 16:11 states, “You make known to me the path of life, in your presence there is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasure, forevermore. (ESV) If you lack joy, make a determined effort to spend time in God’s presence. Enter His gates with thanksgiving, consider His incredible kindness, celebrate how great and powerful God is and you will experience His joy. Joy is the result of righteousness: Psalm 97:11 affirms, “Light shines on the godly and joy on those whose hearts are right” (NLT). Lay down in the joy of the Lord, remember never leave home 15
without joy because we never know what it looks like but whatever may come, we put our trust in God to know that it is not what it looks like. Here are a few nuggets of inspiration: JOY IS SOMETHIING GOD CAN RESTORE – PSALM 51:12 JOY IS FOUND IN GOD’S PRESENCE – PSALM 16:11 JOY IS THE RESULT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS – PSALM 97:11 JOY IS FOUND IN DELIGHTING IN GOD’S WORD – PSALMS 119:111 JOY IS THE RESULT OF SPEAKING WITH WISDOM – PROVERBS 15:23 JOY IS PRODUCED BY RIGHTEOUS HOPE – PROVERBS 10:28 JOY IS FOUND IN ANSWERED PRAYER – JOHN 16:24 JOY IS PRODUCED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT – GALATIANS 5:22 JOY FILLS OUR HEARTS AS WE REMEMBER THE GOOD THINGS GOD HAS DONE THROUGH THE PEOPLE HE HAS PLACED IN OUR LIVES. JOY COMES WHEN WE TRUST IN THE LORD – PSALM 40:4 We will live victoriously and joyfully because God will show us the way of life. He will reveal things to you and to me and showers us with blessings and His unmerited favor. Remember you look so much better when you smile. Smiling and being joyful is not about pretense. This kind of joy is real, and it relates with your level of communion commitment and connection to God. Stay in communion with God everyday of your life because He is the living water and is always there for you; remember His word says that He will never leave us nor forsake us. God never moves, we do. Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (NIV) God has shifted our situation. Just tell Him thank you. Know how to rebound from setbacks. Focus on Jesus not the storm. I don’t know how my story will end, but I pray nowhere in your story or mine will it say, “I GAVE UP.” BLESSINGS AND FAVOR
We get so hung up on who should be doing what, instead of focusing on the end result. Jesus told the Pharisees, ‘You're worried about the Sabbath day and not the healing and salvation of the man.’ Our ego and false pride always get in the way of what God can do and who He could do it through. The Word even shows us a striking scenario when He used a donkey to speak His mind to a stubborn person. God's Word also says if we don't praise Him, the rocks will do so, and so why not His beautiful creation— WOMEN. We learn from the Old Testament; God gave Moses some laws and then He gave him his intellect to think out of the box and make decisions. We see with the daughters of Zelophehad who asked about an inheritance and Moses asked God what to do and God told him, yes, give it to them. We're always concerned about how we will feel or how we'll be affected. Then there is Esther who was used to deliver her people (The Book of Esther) — thank God, her uncle didn't feel he as THE MAN had to be the deliverer. Then there was Deborah IN THE OLD TESTAMENT! A PROPHETESS AND JUDGE! (Judges 4) Next is Jael as well (in same Judges 4) who wisely put Sisera to sleep and took him out. He was a man who was feared because he was so cruel. God used her because Barak who God chose refused to go to battle if Deborah didn't go with him.
We have Rahab who wittingly saved the spies and bargained for her family and became a part of the lineage of Jesus. We come over to The New Testament and we see all these wonderful women of God supporting and taking care of Jesus and the men in Ministry. Jesus didn't tell the woman at the well, you're a woman, just keep quiet, no He allowed her to go spread the word and she brought a whole village to Him to be saved (John 4). You know, there were times when Jesus told some men not to spread the word of what He did for them? For the Samaritan woman, He didn’t mind. So if God is fine with it and Jesus is fine with it, who are we not to be fine with it. When Paul spoke to the church in 1 Corinthians 14, it was because of the women's behavior in the church (we see it even today, we love to talk, instead of coming early to pray, we come early to chit-chat), not because they were not to spread The Word or be in Ministry. Paul could not have mentioned to Timothy about his upbringing in The Word if his mother and grandmother and the women around didn't say anything in those home Bible studies (2 Timothy 1). And who did Jesus appear to first, who was there first? A woman! Jesus told her, go tell my disciples I AM ALIVE. He didn't say, tell Peter to tell my disciples. Mary was the messenger, and she was able to spread The Good News — HE IS RISEN INDEED!!! (John 20) Not one of these women thought of themselves. They wanted what God wanted. They were passionate for God's Word to be fulfilled. They were thinking of the end results, of saving a nation, a village, a lineage, a child, a grandchild. So let's look at the end result, which is to see God's Word fulfilled and to see souls saved.
One of our great problems in understanding the cosmic conflict that we are a part of is, it is the false belief that GOD is a genie that must obey human desires at all times. The reality is different. GOD'S eyes span the world looking for those who will join Him to relieve the suffering of their neighbors. For many, we only remember our LORD and Savior when we need something, we are only making use of HIM whenever we need help; for many, their dealing with GOD is based on selfishness, because during good times, you forget HIM. When GOD makes a pact with His people, He makes a commitment to us. He as a protector has the obligation to care, sustain and direct His people. In turn, we must keep certain stipulations or conditions to remain in the confines of His kingdom. We ought to be just in our treatment of others, but unfortunately, our reality is different. People have tried against GOD, all endeavors to destroy any practice of God's commandments from their laws. GOD’S name is being banished little by little, that is the agenda of the huge force of evil. So they think. But it can never be, because He is indeed the CREATOR OF THIS UNIVERSE. HE is all POWERFUL, He has the power over wind, water, gravity, the power over your life. His power is infinite, or limitless. In the Book of Isaiah 45:5-7, it reads, “I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no GOD beside me. I girded thee, though thou has not known me. That they may know from the rising of the Sun, and from the West, 19
that there is none else. I form the light and create darkness I make peace and create evil. I the LORD do all these things (KJV).” Practically speaking, we cannot use GOD; mankind can be used and fooled. In the case of the CREATOR and the OMNIPOTENT being, such a thing as using GOD is impossible. One may present themselves as being a faithful child of GOD in such a manner that everyone believes that they are, while in actuality they do not even believe in God. God knows the true state of man, there can be nothing hidden from Him. Hebrew 4:13 states, “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in HIS sight, all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do (KJV).” It must be noted, when we go before the LORD in prayer, seeking His help, there are conditions to receiving answered prayers. That condition is our obedience, which serves as evidence of our love for the LORD. He says, “Whatever you ask in my name, this will I do, that the father may be glorified in the Son. For if you love Me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:13-15 KJV). Do you know how many persons being at death's door, call upon the SAVIOR to spare them, making promises that if He does, they'll do anything He wanted them to do? They will cry out, making all the promises in the world that will be pleasing to Him at that moment, and after they are healed, they never keep the end of the bargain with GOD; it is characteristic of man to forget. What we must remember is that we are living in serious times, and we need GOD now more than ever, let us accept Him now if we have not already done so, and worship Him in Spirit and in truth, tomorrow is never promised.
By Rolanda Pyle
During these difficult trying times, you may feel all alone It may be difficult for you if you must stay at home Because day after day, you know all you will hear Is that stinging quiet that fills the air It can be very hard when there’s no one to talk to And you just wish you had someone there with you The silence speaks loudly, letting you know you are alone To drown it out, you put on the television, music, or get on the phone But here is a question, does alone have to mean lonely? And just because you are isolated at home, and it’s you only Does it mean that you must feel bad? Or get depressed, down, or even feel sad? Can we consider this time alone to be a good thing? Or look at it as a season or time that brings An opportunity to work on things we always wanted to do Fulfilling our plans, dreams, and goals too We may also have to try to change our views Concentrate on good things and turn off the news! And be wise and use this “pause” as a time to get things inline While we believe this will all end in due time. Even so, we are human and will feel some kind of ways I know and can relate; I’ve experienced it also on some days But one thing I know is that God said He will never leave or forsake us So, we must believe His word and in Him put our trust We will get through this and come out on top We can’t give up and we can’t stop Fulfilling our purpose, we will stand tall Let’s keep on praying, God bless us all! Rolanda Pyle © All Rights Reserved
Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
The groups will be hosting their exhibition and sales; it is slated for the 22nd of May, Sunday, 2022. The children have spent an incredible amount of time planning for this upcoming event. All items that will be displayed at the exhibition have been prepared by the youths at Sophia Sparkle Youth Group friendly space under the Supervision of their Teachers. Generally, they have done well, everyone will be so proud of all the wonderful items that will be in display. With the knowledge and skills gained from organizing this exhibition, the children will be looking forward to showcasing their talents.
We will be looking forward to our audiences to provide feedback. This exhibition is significant, it refers to projects, presentations, and products through which our students exhibit all that they have learned throughout the years, usually as a way of demonstrating whether and to what degree they have developed special skills. It is typically both a learning experience in itself and a means of evaluating academic progress and achievements. It's a unique opportunity to showcase our children's talent, and to express themselves and to boost their confidence. High on the agenda or this exhibition will be all the Robots that were created by the Sparkletts during the time spent at their STEM GUYANA LEARNING PODS PROGRAM. It is a great initiative and has been gaining attention globally as the next big topic in the field of Education, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math – STEM , a concept that pushes for Scientific Innovations. It offers opportunities to introduce our children to complex subjects like programming and Engineering, but in a way that's fun and interactive.
In an increasingly technological environment, there are so many benefits that our children can gain. With a few lines of codes and a little patience from our children here at Sophia Sparkle Youth Group, they can get their Robots to move; it can be a lot of fun and the encouragement to learn more. The only limit to what they can make will be their creativity and their willingness to learn. Our children continue to learn in a safe environment where their rights are protected and promoted while keeping their best interests at heart.
We will be extending invitation from different communities, Facebook fans, our donors, and everyone who we are aware will be interested in getting a first-hand look of all the wonderful items that will be showcased here at Sophia Sparkle Youth Group friendly space come the 22nd of May, Sunday 2022, time, 1:00pm. By GOD'S grace, we will promise you a day to remember, we will also be taking every precaution to keep everyone in a safe environment.
God already Knew Donna Royalty Ross
When God said to the Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:6, “Before I even formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew all about you. Before you drew your first breath, I had already chosen you to be My prophet to speak My word to the nations” (Voice Translation), God is showing us through His Word that He already knew Jeremiah, thereby showing us that He already knew us before the foundation of the earth. When I think back to how messy my life was, how I showed no interest in really wanting God, He still was wooing me, running after me, as He has done for you, you and you. Oh, I went to church faithfully every Sunday and still continued to live a life that was pleasing to me, not God. What love, the Father has for us, that He already knew how we would act in life and still loves us! With that said, ask yourself what you are dealing with that there seems to be no end to the tunnel. Then think of the God that knew you before the foundation of the earth, knew about everything that would confront you and yet still boldly declares that He is the Way Maker, Miracle Worker and Promise keeper. There is absolutely nothing that you are dealing with that God does not already know about and has not already made a way of escape so that you can come through victoriously. He is your Father and has chosen you and loves you before the foundation of the earth. Therefore, give Him every situation and circumstances you are dealing with and watch Him fix it. Why? Because He already knew.