Transformational4Real. Volume 1, Number 8 | March 2021

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Isn’t It Good To Be In His Care? - Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr.


Interview With Vanessa Boucher Stevenson


Rooted In Jesus Christ Our Lord - Apostle Dr. Meta E. James


Pick Up Your Crown - Claricia Harley


Transforming Our Hearts - Sharon Weeks-Alleyne


Healing & The Power Of Prayer In Daily Living


- Athena Morrison Don’t Allow Anyone To Put Down Your Existence - Melissa Brown


Caring For Your Aging Parents In Today’s Busy Society - Doris Anetha Shelto Mclennon


Melissa Brown Claricia Harley Apostle Dr. Meta E. James Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon Athena Morrison Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Sharon Weekes-Alleyne 2

From the Desk of the Editor-of-Chief

Donna Royalty Ross


ow. It is March 2021 already. Have we seen our quota of snow or what? The weather patterns are once again being aggressive. We see snow in places where there was little or no snow before. What is God saying to us? Are we listening? Will we respond in accordance with what the Holy Spirit is speaking into our hearts? When I was a child, I remember hearing “Jesus is coming back again soon.” Not truly grasping what was being said, I would say to myself, “Yeah, right, whatever.” After a little more than thirty-five years of walking with the Lord, I can no longer say “Yeah, right, whatever.” I know for a fact that Jesus’ return is closer than when I first believed. Am I saying that Jesus is returning tomorrow? Absolutely not! However, we are to gird up our loins and stay in the presence of God. What are we the older saints, leaving as a legacy to the younger adults, our grandchildren and their children? What are we saying? How are we walking that would cause our loved ones to know and understand that we are living in perilous times? Technology is moving forward at a rapid speed. The pandemic is in full swing with over 500,000 people dead from this virus in the USA. Even as I prepare the magazine, they are now saying that Ebola is back in Guinea. Is it going to come to the USA? Is this going to be an epidemic or a pandemic? Only God knows it all. The distractions are enough to cause some people to be in fear. Social media has produced Facebook, Zoom and even Clubhouse charlatans full of evil mankind, seducers, and deceivers, who are in turn deceiving others. We are truly living 2 Timothy 3:1-9 [Amplified Bible] But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear]. For people will be lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused], lovers of money [impelled by greed], boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane, [and they will be] unloving [devoid of natural human affection, calloused and inhumane], irreconcilable, malicious gossips, devoid of self-control [intemperate, immoral], brutal, haters of good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of [sensual] pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of [outward] godliness (religion), although they have denied its power [for their conduct

nullifies their claim of faith]. Avoid such people and keep far away from them. For among them are those who worm their way into homes and captivate morally weak and spirituallydwarfed women weighed down by [the burden of their] sins, easily swayed by various impulses, always learning and listening to anybody who will teach them, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres [the court magicians of Egypt] opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, unqualified and worthless [as teachers] in regard to the faith. But they will not get very far, for their meaningless nonsense and ignorance will become obvious to everyone, as was that of Jannes and Jambres. What should the Body of Christ be doing in the perilous times that are facing us right now? We should be watching and praying — praying without ceasing and praying fervently. Let us therefore, purpose in our hearts to be like the five wise virgins — be alert and looking for the return of our Savior. Believing God that your March will be blessed beyond measure.


Donna Royalty Ross Walking in God’s Scandalous Grace 3

From the Pastor’s Desk:

Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Senior Pastor of Bethesda Church of God, Sumter, SC

Isn’t It Good To Be In His Care?


eing cared for is something we learn for from birth to death. Think about it, it is part of our nature to care for people and things and to be cared for ourselves. A baby comes into the world needing care, not knowing what it needs or even how to communicate the need. Somehow, parents and children develop a way of communicating various needs and thus a strong bond develops. It is amazing that a baby cannot talk yet in a short period of time, the child is able to let the caregiver know that he or she is hungry, thirsty, sleepy, in a good mood or needs a diaper changed. That list can get even more detailed according to how attentive and caring the caregiver is. As the child grows and matures, the care does not stop or at least should not stop. A real caregiver wants to make sure the child learns the basics of life and achieves a certain level of ability to care for themselves. Things like common sense, education, proper nutrition, money management, work skills, household chores and tasks and the list can go on and on.

A great caregiver also pours into the child core values such as respect for others, right from wrong, honesty and integrity just to name a few. The Bible shows the greatest examples of caregivers in the persons of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. In the book of Matthew 10:29-31, the Scriptures paint a beautiful picture of our caregiving God. It declares, “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing [penny]? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Listen how the scriptures describe Jesus as a caregiver. In 1 Peter 5:7, it says, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” Matthew chapter 11 verses 28-29 puts it this way, Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”


The Holy Spirit is also such a great caregiver! In John 14:26, the Holy Spirit is a helper who teaches and reminds us all we have learned. In 1 Corinthians 2:10-11, the Holy Spirit is a source of revelation, wisdom and power. In John 16:13, the Holy Spirit guides to all truth, including knowledge of what is to come and in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, the Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to believers. So, as you can see, the Holy Triune God is our awesome caregiver! Now, what does that mean to you and me? It means that we have all we need to be comforted, protected and successful until Christ Jesus returns to gather His spotless bride (the Church/ Believers) to be forever with Him. In summary, “But my God shall supply all of your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). Isn’t

It Good to Be in His Care!


Interview with

Vanessa Boucher Stevenson Vanessa, I am looking forward to this interview and hearing your heart about what God is doing in your life and ministry in this season. You were born in Guyana and you are the second person from Guyana that I am having the pleasure of interviewing. Please tell us a little about yourself and your migration from Guyana. I am a Guyanese and my parents immigrated to the United States in 1983 and I was eleven year old at said time. I did most of my schooling in the United States. I graduated from East Side High School and then went on to Rutgers University for my undergraduate studies where I majored in English and minor in Political science. My goal was to pursue Law School, but I found myself in the field of social work helping others in my community. I got married and it lasted for 11 years, after which I became a single mother raising five children. At this point, I got closer to the Lord and found myself praying three times daily on a consistent basis. I was a member of the Agape Christian Ministries where I learned how to pray, fast, and stay close to God. This was the beginning journey of my relationship with God. I also hold a double master’s (MsED) Early Childhood and Special Education from the College of New Rochelle, NY and a Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis from Hofstra University. I recently remarried to a wonderful husband who is supportive of my work to serve the community; I am currently self-employed working as a practitioner/therapist with children who are developmentally delayed and challenged as well as children who are on the spectrum with Autism. I currently host an international prayer line every Thursday night. I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. I enjoy praying and praying for people to help them overcome their struggles in life. God has been great to me and He has never left my side. I was able to raise my children and inspire them to go to the universities and to become responsible citizens of their communities. God is moving in my life and He is lifting the standards not only in my life but those who are in my company. I am able to lead and influence without judging anyone. God has allowed me to look at the bigger picture and He is teaching me how to trust Him whole-heartedly. My faith in God has risen and I know that He is all I need to depend on because Man will fail you. I keep praying and communicating with God and at this time, I am learning how to teach others how to pray and have deep conversations with God through the International Prayer call line.


I know that every Thursday night you host an international prayer call. Can you tell us what prompted you to start it? Well, when the pandemic started, people were home, and everyone was confused, and fear began to step into the hearts of many. Then the Holy Spirit said to start a prayer line that people from all over the world can come on and pray or find comfort through what is going on now. This is when the establishment of the International Prayer call line was established and since then we see what God is doing. Because your call is an international call, my next question is, did you have specific countries in mind when you started the prayer call? No, I did not have specific countries in mind. When the Lord gave me the vision, it was for people in every nation. Anyone who wants to pray can call in and pray freely. In fact, the prayer line will become a 24-hour prayer line where prayer warriors will be stationed to help folks from all over the world pray to God. I have been on your prayer call and know that you are passionate about how you pray for people and I would safely say that you are an intercessor. Was praying so fervently something that you always did? No, when I was a little girl, I would get dreams and visions — both bad and good dreams — that would come to pass and I had no control over the outcomes of the dreams/visions. I started to pay close attention to my dreams, and I learned that God was speaking to me through my dreams and that He trusted me to share many things that I saw, which came to pass. I decided to pray on those dreams that I had no control over and cancelled the assignments of the enemy. I also became engaged with the intercessors and prayer warriors at Agape Christian Ministries and continue to develop a prayerful life and I watch how God saw me through many adversaries and trials and gave me victories after victories. I would say to anyone, prayer is the key. I would be up from 2:00 am in the morning praying until 7:00 a.m., with one of my girlfriends and everything that we petitioned God for came to pass. Powerful! God is still answering my prayers. This is a scared place in my life; I am excited about what God is doing through prayers and now I am able to bring others to the throne of God though prayers. What advice and encouragement would you give to someone who believes that God has called him or her to host an international prayer call? They should be obedient to the call and watch what God does in their lives. If I had disobeyed God’s calling, many would have perished. The prayer call line provides succor to the sick and helps to meet all the needs of God’s people. Just remember, when we are faithful to God, He will be faithful to us. Tell us about VB Developmental Services LLC and your vision for it? VB Developmental Services LLC is my company that I established to provide therapy for children who are developmentally challenged and delayed. Currently, I am able to serve children via teletherapy and in homes, provided all the safety protocols are followed. We are also able to provide ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) services for children who are diagnosed with ASD. This is another passion of mine. The goal is to build the business and to continue to help parents by providing strategies on how to work with their children and how to cope with children with 6

challenges and developmental delays. One of the goals is to build a sensory community center for children with sensory challenges where they would be able to go and gain sensory input through play and sensory activities. I know that you just got your real estate license. I also noticed that your son is a realtor. Are you just joining him, or do you have any other specific plans for getting and using your license? This was just another achievement of mine. I intend to use it to enrich my endeavors and I have joined my son’s company, Naeem Boucher Properties LLC Team that is booming in NJ. From conversations with you last Christmas, I know that you are also interested in sowing into the lives of children. Tell me about your compassion and heart for children, which I heard when you were trying to send Christmas supplies to the children in Guyana. I have always been a servant to women and children. I used to be a Program Director for a homeless shelter in Brooklyn, NY, the Rose F. Kennedy Family Center for over eight years and I was able to serve children and women in many social capacities. This is my passion. I enjoy putting a smile on a child’s face and live to change the outlook on mothers who are struggling. I engaged with toy drives for children and now my children are giving back to the community as well. I engaged with feeding the homeless especially on special holidays; it does not take much to put a smile on someone’s face. I provided services for women and children for over 25 years in many capacities. With COVID-19, this new strain of virus, political unrest and all the other things happening in the world right now, what are your plans for the rest of 2021? Of course, to remain faithful to God through my prayers and to leverage the prayer line to the next level for our participants. I believe that something next will be coming as an extension from the prayer call line to motivate young people and the people at large. I am waiting on God to complete the vision for His people so I can move and fulfill His promises. I am staying focused on God and His purpose for my life as well as moving when He says to move. Therefore, in other words, I allow God to direct my path and order my steps. When He gives me an idea, I will run with it and allow Him to bring the vision to pass. I am currently working on establishing a daycare center for children and it’s a lot of work and monies. However, I am trusting God to see it through its manifestation and that God will get the glory. I am asking God to line me up with the right people and funding so that this vision can come to pass to serve families in the Essex county area in New Jersey. In addition, I would like to start a women’s counseling group for the International Prayer Call line which will be a support group for women who are in need of internal healing. Vanessa, thank you for this interview. I can see that God is doing great things through you. I look forward to seeing the manifestations of how God is using you in this time and season. May the blessings of God continue to overtake you.


Rooted In Jesus Christ Our Lord Apostle Dr. Meta E. James

How deep are your roots and from what are they made? When you think of the depth of your roots, what is the foundation and how are they growing? Colossians 2:6-7 - As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him. Rooted and built up in him, and

stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. The basis of Christianity is our belief in Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 3:11, (KJV) For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. I know we have so many religions out there, but we are not talking about religions, today let’s 8

talk about a relationship with Jesus Christ. When we receive Jesus, we gladly accepted Him; he does not force himself on us, but give freely. Think about receiving a gift, no one beg you to take $1,000, but we gladly receive it with no problem. Jesus is that ultimate gift, offering us eternal life. All we have to do is receive him as master, ruler and controller.

People say, “as long as God is in my heart, I’m okay”. Is there a scripture to support such a statement? Walk and follow Christ; and the only way to know how to do that, is through the study of the Bible. It’s full of promises on how we should walk and grow. But many people focus on what they cannot do, and miss the beauty of having a great relationship with Jesus.

and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Step 4 -Finally, do not practice sinning, in other words, focus on Jesus, the Chief Gardener, who prunes, clips and snips all branches which may damage or kill the root.

Let us imagine a mustard seed, it starts as one of the smallest seed, but grows into the largest, most beautiful So how do we build up tree in the world. Just think, this relationship to get that tree can be us. We begin these roots? There are as a small seed and because several steps to obtain this of who we are rooted in, relationship so freely given by Jesus Christ, we become a God: tree anyone wants to pluck Step I - is allowing God the fruit of love, joy, peace, in our hearts; allowing the longsuffering, gentleness, scripture-the seed help us meekness. Guess what? to grow more like him; and There is no law made to stop walking in Him, we realize them from picking. what sin is and how iniquity Many times, we find it causes a cut at the roots and difficult to follow Jesus ultimately separates us from because our roots are Jesus Christ. tangled and twisted with Step 2 - if we delight in vines. These vines are the Word, the roots of our intertwined with smoking, tree are string, just like it has alcohol, and cursing. Snarled been planted by the river and in lying, sex, laziness, and displaying good fruit of God. procrastination; strangling (Psalms 1:3) the very lie of our roots with unforgiveness, hatred and Step 3 - by confess our narcissistic behavior. But we sins, he is faithful and just can do it saints! By making to forgive us from our sins sure our roots are deep in 9

Jesus Christ, so he can uproot anything unlike him. How is it done? Not easy by yourself, but ask God (James 1:5) if we lack … ask! Those seeds of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding have deep roots and strong seedlings. No matter how deep your roots have been growing Jesus is here to help. He will never leave or forsake you, just trust in Him. You have a right to be all that God has caused you to be in Jesus Name. Amen Not Producing Good Fruit and Your Roots are Not Strong, Stable and Solid. Need Help?

Dial Jeremiah 3:33 Call on me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you know nothing about.

Love you,

Meta E. James metajamesministries@gmail. com.


Pick Up Your Crown

Claricia Harley


hen we gave our lives to Christ, we were given a crown — a

crown so beautiful and perfect it was made just for us. Each crown is unique to each person because we are a part of a magnificent kingdom. We are children of the Most High God. God has blessed us all with gifts and a purpose that will help us motivate, draw, and win souls for His kingdom. Let’s pick

“But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but

up our crowns, get back to using our gifts, being bold for God and winning souls for

shows favor to the humble.” (James‬4:6)

the kingdom. Our gifts will make room

Pray with me:

for us, so do not be discouraged but

Father, allow me to be humble with all that you have gifted me with, that I may not be boastful or proud as if I did bless myself with these gifts. Instead, I will bring glory to your kingdom and share my gifts to bring glory to your name, for without you, I am nothing. I pick up my crown and wear it proudly and I will be bold for you and gain souls for the kingdom. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

encouraged. Let’s lift each other up and push everyone to the greatness we have been called to fulfill in the kingdom of God. Sometimes we feel as if everything we have going on in our day-to-day lives is too much to bear, so we may take our crown off or it simply may slip with so much pressure we carry. Let’s remember we were bought with a price that cannot be matched; a debt that we can never repay.


Transforming Our Hearts Sharon Weeks-Alleyne


know Valentine’s Day has come and gone but I think it’s fitting after we’ve sent our flowers, chocolate and sweets, we should sit back and renew our minds to the true meaning of THE LOVE Jesus encourages us to live for.

I believe every word in THE WORD but I love to hear THE WORDS OF JESUS because I know it’s also THE FATHER’S WORD and that’s what we should live by. After accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, our ultimate goal on the journey is to make it to our Heavenly Home, so we should concentrate on living the way God expects us to live so we could enter in. 12

Jesus was asked that very question by a professor of the law in Luke 10:25-37 — what should I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus replied, “Love God with your entire being and love your neighbour as yourself.” Then the professor asked, “Who is my neighbour?” And Jesus shared a parable with him and those around to figure out. I know we would have some choice words for the professor. What foolish questions! He’s an expert, he should know better. But let me remind you, we have all sixty-six books of the Bible; with this story included, we’re still missing the mark, as the Body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 13 gives us the definition of love for the believer. Then it ends by telling us what will remain eternal — FAITH, HOPE and LOVE — but it goes on to say the greatest is LOVE. Why is love the greatest? It is the greatest because when Jesus returns, faith and hope will not be needed because what we hoped for and had faith in will be with us, that’s JESUS, but love is what we’ll need in Heaven. It will be a “LOVE FEST” over yonder. Not the one that gives us butterflies when we see our “hunk of a man” or our “Slim and Sexy Senorita” (EROS LOVE) which changes when their body changes. We need the love Jesus showed, The AGAPE LOVE — the love that loves the unlovable; that is patient with the person who is a bit slow witted; that is kind to that mean co-worker (not subjecting yourself be trodden upon) showing them you’re firm but kind, helping when help is needed, going the extra mile. It’s being that Good Samaritan, that would help the person that hates your guts (and if there’s a time for this, we’re seeing it played out before our eyes on a daily basis it’s now). The hate is real but we’re called to love and we have to love; we have to renew our thoughts, resist the thoughts that will come to make us behave like they’re behaving and choose to love. Read scriptures that will reiterate love and show love. Don’t just bless the blessed, but rather bless those in need. Don’t just greet the Bishop, First Lady and Deacons, greet the one in need and meet their needs and that’s how we’ll make it in. As the scripture continues to say, it’s not speaking in tongues or healing the sick that will be our ticket to heaven. Our ticket will be marked LOVE. Did you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prison or take care of the widow? CHECK YOUR LIST and see how your LOVE LIST is adding up. What have you done thus far? What could you put a check mark to on the list? Then let’s go before our Heavenly Father and ask HIM to teach us to LOVE HIM with our all and to LOVE like HE LOVES.


Healing & The Power

Of Prayer In Daily Living Athena Morrison


hen we speak of healing, we sometimes think of our physical health but, healing is also attributed to love and peace. Our main focus is usually on our physical healing because we are aware that when our bodies are hurting, the pain, lack of movement and the ability to work and attend to our daily chores becomes impaired and we therefore have little or no ability to provide for families or ourselves. Currently the world, which we are caught up in, is in turmoil, as there are news of illness and death in the thousands and we are so busy trying to stay healthy, that we sometimes forget we do have the power of prayer which, if applied daily, with faith will ease our anxieties. Granted, most of us pray daily for healing of various ailments which attack our physical health but we can and should also pray for the healing of our minds which the enemy attacks with stealth and cunning, having us believe that love and peace in our daily living is of our own doing and could be out of

our reach. The Bible teaches that if we have faith and pray unceasingly, we can expect healing for any sickness of our bodies as per God’s will. In looking at Matthew 9:35 it says “Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every diseases among the people.” Jesus gave His disciples the same power over sickness and disease of all kind. As believers with faith, we should also be able to faithfully pray for healing as the disciples did and if it is God’s will, then healing will be manifested. We, therefore, should have the same thinking about love and peace. God’s love for His children is unwavering, His love is so great that we see His action in John 3:16 which states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (NKJV). I do not know anyone who will give


up their child or children to be crucified to save another life but here is God showing the greatest love and giving the greatest gift to us so we may have life everlasting. Why then should we not show love one to another? Love does not cost anything more than faithfully praying daily. The peace of God was given to us by Jesus. John 14:27 reads: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (NKJV) We have the necessary tools for healing the sick and finding and sharing peace and love. Spending quiet time in the Word allows us to tap into the Holy Spirit that resides within us, in whom we will have access to these supernatural tools. My prayer is to have the help of God to live this daily, for His glory.

Don’t Allow Anyone to Put Down Your Existence Melissa Brown


on’t allow anyone to put down your existence, because your life has meaning and you have a purpose. KNOW THAT YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND THAT YOU ARE ENOUGH. Often times as individuals, we get discouraged about the purpose we have on our lives based on the validation we may seem to seek from others like our family and close friends. And when we don’t meet up to their standards, we hurt. The lack of their validation of us can become quite painful, but in all actuality, we are not called to please other people or to seek their validation. The word of God tells us in Jeremiah 1:5, “When you were formed in your mother’s belly, I knew you.” While you were being formed in your mother’s belly, you were also being formed, shaped and prepped for the purpose God has for you, and in that purpose, He’s also blessed you with gifts, talents, characteristics and a voice with the power to affirm that would contribute into the God-ordained purpose. Like everything else, these things would have to be cultivated and developed over time. In that time, there is the growth process that can be a little painful while He is shaping and molding you into one of His instruments. Scripture also reveals that children are a reward from the Lord; as an adult, you’re a product of God’s reward, which makes you a valuable asset to Him, which is quite fascinating and far supercedes the opinions and validation of others. God knows the plans that He has for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). Through all of what God has designed you to have, He’s also given you the ability to change and save lives. Whether it’s through spoken words, the acts of

kindness or talents displayed, each and every one of us has a different journey and in that journey, there are also levels and seasons in the times that we’re to be blessed as well as being a blessing to others. And interestingly, while walking your journey, there’s no time limit to success. Don’t allow anyone to bully you into what their time limit of success is. To everything, there is a season; it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to accomplish anything, the success comes upon its final completion. Be proud of who you are and how God has made you, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made; and the great news is that He still continues to work with you, and on you knowing how great you are and can be, and He does this because you are the apple of God’s eye and He has not given up on you, even when it seems like everyone else has. Be encouraged beloved, for there’s a lot that God has in store for you. Just learn to begin to trust Him and watch how the blessings will continue to unfold for you. Remember, don’t allow anyone to put down your existence, your life has meaning and you are called for a purpose.  15

Caring For Your Aging Parents in Today’s Busy Society Keeping Up With Doris Anetha Shelto Mclennon


any people are so busy with their day-to-day schedules that taking time off to be with their aging parents seem difficult to them, despite the benefits of modern technology. But my take is, no amount of calls can substitute an in-person visit, especially if you are living in proximity to your parents. As you get older, so do your parents and other loved ones. Difficult as it is to consider, they may one day need your help — just as you once needed theirs (from the womb to

where you are at present). I do understand how critical the times are for everyone, but as you balance work, parenting and all the responsibility that comes with a family life, I do feel we have an innate responsibility to help our loved ones as they age. Whether they are at homes or at the Palm etc., you still have to show by your actions that you love and care for them as they had cared for you. Our aging parents may not always talk openly about things that bother them, but you can rest assured that they think about aging and the care that they will receive from their children when that time comes around. As they age, they will begin to see their independence slowly slipping away as their cognitive and physical health deteriorate, and they will often wonder how much longer they’ll be able to do the things they once enjoy doing by themselves. Of a truth, declining health goes hand in hand with loss of independence and it is often


a tough subject to talk about. My siblings and I cared for our aging parents until the LORD called them home. It was an honor to watch the look of satisfaction on their faces, with tears of joy as they reached out their hands ever so often asking GOD to bless their children even after they had transition. Exodus 20:12 reads that you should “honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which thy GOD giveth thee.” Please maintain contact with your elderly parents. Do you know that a visit to your parents now and again can help suppress any form of boredom that they may be feeling, because they do get bored? It does great wonders when you give them a phone call, WhatsApp chats, messenger calls, or video calls that have made it possible for you to see each other’s faces even when you are not right there with them. Even considering your presence which is more powerful, there is nothing holding you back from reaching out to your parents or family on a regular basis. No excuse, technology has even made it easier and possible.


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(410) 964-4155



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