From the desk of Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr.
Interview with Pastor Leslie Dundas
Where is your Mental Health? – Chrystal Johnson MA LPC
Walking in Your Authority – Valerie Taylor
Worship 4 Real – Dr. Eion Greaves
Tips for Your Family’s Health – Herline A. Knights, MS, RDN, LDN
Daughters of Eve – Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
You are Significant – Claricia Harley
Contributors Pastor Leslie Dundas Dr. Eion Greaves Claricia Harley Chrystal Johnson Herline A. Knights Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Valerie Taylor Sharon Weekes-Alleyne 2
From the Editor-in-Chief’s Desk:
Donna Royalty Ross Let us become “transformed” the more and finish strong in spite of COVID-19.
e are in the beginning of the fourth quarter,
world system, because even though we are in the world,
and we have seen more than our fair share of
we are not of the world. Therefore, we should set our
challenges. The COVID-19 Pandemic brought the world
minds on things above and not things in the earth.
to a screeching halt. What are we to do? We are to
Our position is to be transformed by the renewal of
continue trusting in God implicitly.
our minds. When we set our hearts to be transformed
We all had high hopes for what the year “2020” was
by renewing our minds, we can deal with life’s
going to bring. We had our goals and dreams, and we
circumstances. Transformation leaves behind the sin
were determined that nothing was going to stop us.
that could so easily beset us. Transformation gives us a
Well, life showed us differently, and here we are – in a
new heart, a renewal of the mind and a heart on fire for
place where we must trust God, even in places where we
God. Daily Transformational4real strives to continue to
felt that we could handle on our own. 2020 has brought
grow in the things of God. Join us on Monday through
us more murders in states where the murder rates had
Thursday at our 5:30 a.m. Transformational4real
gone down. Politics has left the USA divided. Here is a
Prophetic Pray Line at (425) 436-6200, a/c 542807#, and
quote I read somewhere a few days ago. “Democrats
our 6:30 a.m. Facebook Live. God is moving by His Spirit.
and republicans are on edge as to who is going to be in
On behalf of the T4real team, we are wishing you a
the White house in January.” Instead, we should be more concerned as to whether our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. As the Body of Christ, let us not be conformed to this
blessed beyond measure October 2020.
Donna Royalty Ross Editor-in-Chief GodzMouthpiece
From the Pastor’s Desk:
CHOICES --------------------
In the New York Times, Barnaby J. Feder reports that in 1994, the Quaker Oats Company, which had posted strong Financial earnings for several years, purchased the Snapple Drinks business. Although in late 1994, Snapple had been the Leader in beverages like fruit drinks and iced teas, the Purchase turned out to be a debacle for quaker oats and for numerous executives in the company. In late 1994, quaker paid $1.7 billion to buy Snapple. A few years later, they could sell the company for only $300Million — a loss of $1.4 billion owing to its sale. In April 1997, the chairman and chief executive of quaker, who had promoted the purchase of Snapple, resigned. Like large corporations choosing what businesses to buy, we Christians need to be prayerful and wise in our choices. The fact is that we are constantly faced with situations that require choices. Now, that might not seem to be such a big deal if we are choosing if we want to eat Italian, Mexican, Chinese, or American cuisine, but what about the deep choices in life? What about who we will marry, whether to buy a house or not, what car is the right one
and what job is the one for us? Choices are also much easier if we are telling somebody else what they should do, because more than likely we will not have to live with the consequence of a bad choice. That is why we must seek God earnestly to find His plan and will for our lives, so as to avoid failure. In Joshua 24:15, Joshua made a stand in front of all Israel. He left no doubt or question what his choice was. He boldly declared, “and if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the lord.“ Joshua made the choice public, not knowing how the people would react, but it is apparent that he had made a choice that would please God. In our present day, we are going to have to decide if we are going to be men pleasers or God’s pleasers. The Bible has to be our road map, our book of guidance, and our source of strength to make the decisions of life. In proverbs 3:5-6, it says “trust in
the lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.“ We need men and women of God to rise up and be as Joshua proudly proclaim solid Godly choices to a world that needs good Godly leadership. So, now I ask you to ponder; am I that kind of person? Am I the Godly leader or the go with the flow follower? The choice is yours! Choose you this day!
When did you receive the call to preach the gospel? Did you embrace the call right away, or did you wrestle with the call to preach the gospel? I cannot remember when, but I was excited serving in the ministry of helps, until one day I was visiting a church,
and God show me a
stage and said, “That is you.” I had this internal conversation with God back and forth until one day, as I
was driving, the voice of the Lord
astor Dundas, I would like to start with
said to pull over. The Lord said to
asking the question, how did it all begin?
me, “I call you to the ministry.” I really did not know
Growing up as a young man, was it your
the difference between the church and ministry
desire to become a preacher, or did you have
That night, I called my pastor, and he said the Lord
alternate plans for your life?
spoke to Him concerning me, and he was waiting
I had no desire of becoming a preacher. I always for this call. I went to his home at 8:00 p.m. and I left was attracted to working with my hands. Electronics
at 5:00 a.m. He explained the difference between
was my interest, but it turned into being a DJ at church and ministry. I left with clarity and passion a very young age, which was not on my radar, but
to answer the call.
it was fun, and I liked it, but the attention was too
God’s Word tells us that the steps of a good man 5
are ordered by the Lord. What challenged you the
did, to follow God?
most for transitioning from your worldly aspects of
That is a very good question. It’s all about obedience.
living to God’s direction upon your life?
As I drive around in my neighborhood, I see many
My struggles. I never want to hurt God’s people, church buildings up for sales. Do you believe that especially with how to speak to them. My children more people are going to have smaller churches? taught me a lot, that I was too aggressive in the way
I believe the maintenance of the buildings are
I talk to people. With the directions, it was all about obeying God and not what I think. Pastor Dundas, you have developed a prominent presence on Facebook. Do you see the impact that God is making through your message and ministry on Facebook ? Yes, I do see a difference. My passion is to plant, or water, and God will do the rest. Do you see the need for ministries to
very costly. People are not giving. It could be bad
“I cannot remember when, but I was excited serving in the ministry of helps, until one day I was visiting a church, and God show me a stage and said, “That is you.”
connect with each other to impact
management. It’s not about the building; it’s all management. With that said, do you believe that the internet is the new church? No. We are the church, and we have to comply with the scriptures in Matthew 28:19-20. What are some of the plans that you know that God has for you and for Soul Winners Christian Center? Winning more souls for the kingdom
the world for the Kingdom of God without being in
of God, Proverbs 11:30.
Pastor Dundas, thank you for taking the time out
Yes, I do see the need for ministry to connect. We
of your busy schedule to answer my questions and
should not be in competition but completion or
to allow people to see and hear your heart for Soul
complementation to one another. It’s all about the
Winners Christian Center and the direction God is
taking you in.
What would you say to others, especially men, who are called to ministry but may not be willing to wholeheartedly leave all, like the twelve disciples 6
How is your Mental Health?
We all have a commonality; we have good days and not so good days. Being a believer in the most-high GOD does not exempt us from the disappointments LIFE allows. However, we do get to choose how we respond to LIFE. There is nothing about our personal life that GOD is not concerned with. HE told us that HE wishes above ALL things, that we prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospers. (3 John 2-5) His desire is for prosperity in our relationships, in our health, finances, and even our mind. GOD reminds us that HIS desire is for us to have a healthy mind. A mind that is full of peace and a lifestyle that loves HIM from the heart, soul, mind, and with all our strength. Our thoughts are powerful. For thoughts become things. Our thoughts have the ability to elevate a mood and the ability to sabotage what may be a perfect ending to a perfect day. As we learn to discipline ourselves to pay attention to what we are paying attention to, we can change the trajectory in the outcome of our emotions by simply developing the ability to be intentional with our thought life. This will require practice, patience, and deliberate action to change your mind. Just as we choose our words, we can choose our thoughts. As a man thinks, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7). If a thought is not aligned with the life you desire, change it. Do not speak what doesn’t align with
your vision and who you are - Speak Life Faithfully. Think well of yourself and speak well of yourself. We cannot stop a thought from entering our mind, however, we can renew our mind and replace it with thoughts that will elevate our spirit, encourage those around us, and more befitting to the life we desire. Our thoughts are not new. Thoughts come from our subliminal mind, which recycles the history from our experiences. Our brain will always remind us of how we always respond, what we always say, and how we always do things. – We have a choice.
What always was does not have to always be. It is a New Day! The mind and emotions can be complex. Now, more than ever, the society is accepting the positive role that mental health professionals offer. Seeking professional counseling for clarity, support, and guidance when one is overwhelmed with life, in transition in a career or a relationship, or for accountability, therapy is perceived as an individual strength. Therapy is a resource that brings about results that many cannot accomplish on their own. Therapy is not for only those who medications are prescribed to help with their mental disorders, it is for those of us who lack order when it relates to our thought life. It is a choice for some and a necessity for others. Either way, seeing a therapist is an investment in one’s mental health. Change Your Thinking. Change Your Life. Blessings,
Chrystal Johnson MA LPC
efore y o u and I can walk in our God given a u t h o r i t y, we have to change our thinking. We need to ask Him to shift our thinking; seeing life from His point of view. When we have a heart change, we are more likely to embrace the truths of God’s word and operate in all that He has for us, which includes His authority. Matthew 10:1 “And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of disease.” Jesus called his disciples to Himself to give them authority. They received His authority because of their relationship with Jesus. Our authority is based solely on our relationship with Christ. It is so important that we maintain this relationship because apart from God, we are nothing. We cannot afford to slack up in the things of God. We must push beyond ourselves and stay focused on the promises of God. 2nd Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of
strong holds. Casting d o w n
imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” We are overcoming, victorious, nothing, absolutely nothing the enemy does can stop us when we know who we are in Christ. God’s thoughts are of abundance and not lack. He wants us to live large and bring us into a good life. God gives us divine inspirational thoughts and the ability to speak them into existence, so that we can bear witness to God’s kingdom. Our miracle is already in existence, but it is up to us to see it, believe it, and apply it to our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts I think towards you, says the lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” The things we need might already be waiting for us, but we do not see it yet because we have to walk by faith. A situation or circumstance generally comes because we have given it place - we have given it permission to exist in our lives. Our experiences shape us. Example: God has given me a ministry for women; Freedom Inside Out. It was inspired by my own experiences, which allowed me to grow to have compassion for women going through the same obstacles from past hurts, secrets of shame, and insecurities that stem from childhood and expand into adulthood. Losing my mother to cancer at the age of ten led me
to be raised by my sister, who was an emotionally distressed guardian that made my environment growing up very unstable and uncomfortable, leaving me to feel unwanted and rejected. I soon became a teen mom who wanted to make wrongs right, and married in my early twenties to the father of two. I had experiences with a husband who became addicted to drugs and struggled to work several jobs to keep food on the table. I was determined to make a good life by overcoming the mentally and emotionally abusive marriage that ended in divorce. Thank God He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. I made the decision to draw closer to God. Walking in authority gives us power. When we submit to God and fight against the devil, he will flee( James 4:7). Everything caused by the enemy, that’s painful, bad, or evil, will also be forced to flee when we call on the name of Jesus and stand our grounds. Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Power comes from recognizing who we are in Christ when we see ourselves as an overcomers rather than as victims. God has given us the promise that whatsoever we declare in His name, believing, it will be done. Therefore, you can be all God created you to be. God wants the best for you and I. Enter His presence with worship. Get ready to take your position in the Kingdom of God and walk in your authority!
Chapter 1: The Pattern of Worship. (Principle #1. Patterns are not meant to be cut, but followed)
atterns do matter. It does not make any difference how long we live or how many books we read and study, the pattern for true worship remains the same. When the first man was created, God’s pattern for worship was always - and will be - In Spirit and In Truth. The Bible says that God walked in the cool of the day and communicated with Adam, thus establishing a model for worship we are yet to follow today. God represented the ‘Spirit’ aspect of worship, while His instruction to Adam as to how to walk and live depicted truth. The Lord was very serious about this pattern for being in His presence - Adam and Eve knew it very well. After violating the Lord’s principles, their frayed conscience drove them to cover the naked truth with their own beliefs and plans,
Dr. Eion A. Greaves
which was a futile attempt. God’s divine framework for worship was altered by fallen humanity that day. God then visited Moses Exodus 25:9,1, Chronicles 28:12,18,19, and during the building of the tabernacle, He mandated Moses, “Build according to the pattern I will show you and don’t deviate, don’t alter, add, or change it.” Well of course, things did not go according
to pattern, so He had to visit Amos and remind him in Amos 9:11-15 that, “I need spirit and truth. Can’t you tell that I am after your heart and not ur art?” He also indicated to Amos, “I will do it this time, I will repair and restore the tabernacle of David, as it was of old, so that no one else would miss it, and the Gentiles will seek me as a result.” In John 4:23-25, Jesus brought to the attention of a Gentile woman after a conversation on various forms of worship - that what God the Father was seeking could not be found in the flesh, where there is nothing good, but in the spirit, that reveals truth. Jesus re-established the original pattern for worship when He stated that the Father is seeking such that would worship Him in spirit and truth. The pattern must remain the same today. Nothing that God asks us to do should be seen as too hard, because He has done it before. Let me show you why He wants this pattern followed. In Genesis 1:1-3, we can see that when the creation was out of order because of violation, the Spirit of God moved. True worship began again, and God set the pace, which was done in the Spirit and by the Spirit. So, wherever or whenever the Spirit of God moved, things changed, the crooked became straight ,the empty got filled, and those in the dark saw light again. Truth then came out of His mouth and things began to come back in order. The word of God says, “they that are led by the Spirit - not the singer, not the choir director, but the Spirit - are in truth the sons of God.” Today, our lives lack miracles, signs, and wonders, because the pattern is missing. In conclusion, why do we worship in Spirit? Because the Spirit knows the heart and mind of the Father. Why in truth? Because nothing can be done without the word of God. His truth is what birthed us, and He can only recognize His truth if His Spirit is leading. Dr. Eion A. Greaves 9
What Is Your BS? There are two types of BS in the world today: there is the good BS and there is the bad BS. My question is which side of the BS are u on? I know some of u have already started judging me for this statement saying, how can he talk like this on a Christian platform? But hold on before u throw your stones. If I can accommodate your lol, yolo, wbu, brb, btw, then please accommodate my BS. Now that I have gotten your attention, let us deal with this BS in front of us. Apostle Paul was one of the most profound intellectuals in his time, and he struggled and was caught up in a world of BS. He said to us in Romans 12:13, “I beg u therefore brothers and sisters by the mercies of God, do not get entangled and confirmed to this world and it’s belief system but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” In other words, your belief system is off, so get rid of that BS. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Paul also said, “When I want to do right, I find myself doing wrong because of the two beliefs systems warring in me. The good belief system is whatsoever things are pure,
right, lovely and of a good
being on the side of the correct
report; think on these things.”
BS. A person’s way of life is
So now we are on the same
their belief, and whatever you
page, let us go a bit deeper into
believe, you walk out in your
the conversation. The Bible
daily life, so a belief system
says to let this mind be in u or
is a lifestyle or a behavioral
this kind of belief system be in
pattern. The Bible says to let
u as is in Christ. Now here is the
the words of your mouth and
billion-dollar question: where
the meditation of your heart
did this bad BS come from?
be acceptable to God. This is
Well, it started in the Garden
clearly saying what u meditate
of Eden when a different kind
on comes out of your mouth
of BS was introduced to the
and it can either condemn
existing BS. That situation put
you or justify you. The Bible
us all in the current BS we have
says that by your words, u are
now. When we stop thinking
justified, and by your words,
like God, we start thinking like
you are condemned. But what
the beast or the serpent. The
I love about God’s BS is there
thoughts of the serpent are to
is always hope attached to
kill, steal, and destroy; that is
it. The Bible says there is no
why Paul was able to slaughter
condemnation for those who
Christians and thought he was
are in Christ, who walk not
doing justice to his BS, until
according to the flesh or the old
he changed his BS and started
BS but after the spirit and the
writing thoughts, like, “If any
new BS. In conclusion, change
man be in Christ, he is a new
your BS and u will change your
creation; the old BS is passed
away and a new BS has come.”
Our belief system determines
The psalmist makes it clear when he opens with the first psalm by saying, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the BS of the ungodly nor stands in the way of the sinners, but his delight is in the BS of God,” and then we get the benefits of
our destiny.
Dr. Eion A. Greaves
Tips for Your Family’s Health HERLINE A. KNIGHTS, MS, RDN, LDN
Celebrate with your family by trying some of these helpful and healthful suggestions. Sensible snacking Encourage your children to eat more fruits and vegetables by setting an example! Have carrots and celery or cut-up fruit readily available for the family to snack on.
A low-calorie snack Half a large pepper offers you a full day’s worth of vitamin C. Munch on a pepper, just as you would on an apple, for a delicious, low-calorie snack.
Cherries for your health Cherries are a great choice, whether fresh or dried. They are rich in fiber and vitamin C and are associated with heart health and reducing the risk of cancer. Cherries also are rich in melatonin, which may help with sleep!
Fresh or frozen
nutritious as fresh. Toss carrots, broccoli, or corn into canned soup, or make a fruit smoothie for a quick, delicious breakfast.
Fiber for digestive health Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables gives you fiber that keeps your digestive tract healthy and helps protect against diseases such as diverticulosis.
The benefits of blue and purple All fruits and vegetables from the blue and purple color family contain flavonoids, the most powerful phytochemicals found in nature. Phytochemicals decrease one’s risk of cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and much more!
Carbohydrate facts Excess calories are fattening, carbohydrates are not.
Frozen fruits and vegetables are just as
‘Soft’ fat is better Choose your fat wisely. Limit your intake of “hard” fat, such as lard and butter, and use more “soft” fat, such as olive oil and canola oil.
Hunger help Fiber-rich breads, cereals, and pastas curb your hunger. They also help with weight management.
Whole-grain goodness Brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and whole-wheat crackers contain more B vitamins, potassium, and fiber than processed white varieties.
Restaurant advice When dining out, ask for whole-grain foods! Some Italian restaurants offer whole-wheat pasta or pizza crusts. Ask for brown rice at Asian restaurants.
Labels tell it all A dark-colored bread does not mean it is a whole-wheat bread. Take a look at the ingredients. Look for the words “whole grain” first in the list.
Colorful vegetables Dark, colorful vegetables, such as broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, and carrots, are more nutrient dense than pale cucumbers, mushrooms, and celery.
Early to bed Get some rest. Your body recovers and repairs while you are sleeping. Sleep also can affect your weight and mood.
A perfect start to the day Start your day off right with oatmeal, an excellent source of whole grains. Spruce your oatmeal up with some cranberries, apples, and nuts!
Which cereal to choose
Nutrient-dense whole foods are best Supplements are incomplete substitutes for nutrient-dense, whole foods. Grown from the ground up, real food offers a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, protein, and phytochemicals that work together in your body.
Ready-to-go lunch Pack your lunch the night before. This way you can easily “grab and go” in the morning and avoid eating fast-food or a highly processed, fattening meal in a box.
Vending machine alternatives Stock your desk drawer with trail mix, whole-grain crackers, fruit cups, and reduced-sodium soups to satisfy your cravings and to keep you away from the vending machine.
Healthy additions
When choosing cereal, look for those that contain at least 3 grams (g) fiber/serving, no more than 6 g sugar/serving, and no trans-fat.
If you prepare processed foods, make them better. Add broccoli, peas, spinach, beans, lean meat, or low-sodium sauce to create a more nutritionally balanced meal and to stretch the product.
The fewer, the better
When it comes to choosing meat, the fewer the legs, the better. Chicken has two legs; thus, it is a better option than pork, which has four legs.
If you cut 100 calories from your daily food intake, you could lose 10 lb./year. It is as simple as skipping the cheese on your burger, choosing carbonated fruitflavored water instead of a regular soda, or substituting pork sausage with turkey sausage.
Fish for omega-3s Fish contain significant amounts of healthy omega-3 fatty acids that promote heart health. When purchasing fish, buy domestic, wild varieties and stay current on the latest news.
Food budget basics You can eat a healthy diet without destroying your food budget by planning your weekly meals before you shop and sticking to your list. Buy nonperishable foods in bulk. Leave the kids at home, if possible. Never shop on an empty stomach.
The power of phytochemicals Phytochemicals are a key component of foods. These tiny compounds help to prevent certain chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.
Digestive health Probiotics, found in many yogurts, are likely to help improve gut health, but they are not a “cure” for digestive problems. Fluid consumption, total fiber intake, physical activity, and stress reduction also are important for a healthy digestive tract.
Empty calories Soda provides calories and carbohydrate but has little or no nutritional value. To burn off the 250 calories in a 20-fluidounce soda, a 135-pound (lb) person would need to play 40 minutes of vigorous basketball or bicycle vigorously for 22 minutes. Instead of soda, choose water, tea, low-fat milk, or 100% juice.
Heart-healthy advice To manage blood pressure and protect your heart, strive to maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, reduce your salt intake, quit smoking (if you smoke), and manage your stress levels.
Osteoporosis prevention Lifelong, healthy habits can help reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. Eat calcium-rich foods to build strong bones and maintain bone density. Exercise regularly. Monitor your salt intake.
A better juice Get more calcium by switching from regular fruit juice to a calcium-fortified 100% juice but watch your serving size. The calories from juice can add up fast!
Germ warning Did you know that the average in-sink garbage disposal contains about 1000 times more germs than the average toilet? At least once a week, clean the rubber stopper with a diluted bleach solution to avoid contamination.
Food safety To prevent cross contamination, refrigerate or freeze foods as soon as you return from the grocery store. Place meats below the produce in the refrigerator. Use separate cutting boards for meats and produce. When cooking, wash hands in hot water frequently.
he first thing we as women need to grasp is that we are daughters of Eve. We must also realize that we’re fallen man/woman, and there are two paths we can follow, which are good or evil. We are of great influence in this world, even though our role seems to be downplayed. From the beginning of time, our decision making influenced our MEN. The New Testament let us know the order God gave in 1 Corinthians 11:3-6 teaches us that CHRIST is the HEAD of the man and man is the HEAD of the woman, and that was the order from creation, as God created man and gave him the woman. God spoke what He expected to the man, and it was expected of him to discuss and pass what was expected to the woman. But we see that serpent, the devil, infiltrated Eve’s thoughts and Eve influenced Adam to partake in what his Creator told him not to. Yes, Adam went against God and did what his wife encouraged him to do, and now, we are still grappling with sin, sickness, death, and our Eve’s sinful nature.(Gen3:1-16), which we see continued (Gen. 16), as here comes Sarah who got her husband to go against God, not a relative, friend, or servant, but GOD. She first laughed at God’s way of doing things, then she made Hagar the first surrogate mother, and we see the turmoil that decision also caused to this day. We can also see that our decision making influences our CHILDREN. (Genesis. 27) shows us a mother’s influence that tore a family apart. Rebekah also felt God needed her help in the distribution of his blessings on her beloved son. This made her turn her son into a deceiver like her, and caused her husband and son, Esau, much grief and a family feed that lasted many years. As we continue to read, we’ll see Esau becoming rebellious and marrying out of God’s will. Trust was lost in this family for several years, births, deaths, and family celebrations were not attended by these brothers, due to her mistake. Now, this mother is a good influence, she’s tactful and wise, and even though we hardly mention her name, Jochebed did not panic or let fear get the best of her. She took a leap of faith, made that basket, pitched it, placed her baby Moses in it, and strategically placed it, had a look out, and then became a wet nurse to her son. She got paid to take care of her own son and was able to instill Godly principles in his life right under the nose of the enemy, while doing the same with his siblings; training them in such a way that they kept it secret, and even though Moses made a few mistakes in the confusion of knowing who he was and where he
Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
belonged, he was able to hear the voice of God as all his mom taught him came to the fore, and he led the greatest Exodus of God’s people, with his brother and sister being a part of this historic event and fulfillment of the Scripture. (Exodus 2)
Mary, the mother of Jesus, brought Jesus and his siblings up in the fear of the Lord. She journeyed with them to the temple, made sure they studied the Word, and even though she knew who He was, she did not allow that to stop her from scolding Him when he stayed back in the temple, and the Word of God said, “He was never disobedient to them again.” (MATTHEW 1) Women, we are the influencers, the family, and nation builders, and we need to do so with wisdom and in a Godly manner. We should not play our children against our husbands or against their siblings, we should not show favoritism amongst our children, or feel we cannot correct our child because he or she is doing so well. We should not let our children feel they are entitled (throughout the Bible, children did chores). Jesus came and He died, and He rose again to redeem us (daughters of Eve) from our sins and the works of the flesh handed down from Eve. We know how to use charm, seduction, wit, and all the inherited fleshly works to get what we feel we want or want to do. Let us be the daughters of Eve who are transformed by the renewing of our minds, so we will raise our families in God’s Way. Let us start afresh and do it in God’s Way. He’s Faithful and Just to forgive us and cleanse from all unrighteousness, and place us in right standing, so we could have Godly households, communities, and nation.
here are many times as a parent, you feel like you are not contributing enough. The growth of your family and children is important. You feel the guilt of working too much outside the home or staying home and contributing to taking care of your home and raising your children. You are walking in the right season where God has placed you to be for this time. Just like the function of your heart, you are a very important piece to the body of your family. Without the heart, your body cannot perform certain functions. Each part of our bodies is designed with a specific function or functions in aiding with the day-to-day operations we need. The lungs cannot see, and the ears cannot breathe. It says in Romans 12:4, “Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function,” we too have a special significant function as a parent and family member. Making absolutely certain the body of my family is healthy, I am functioning accordingly. I have set out to make sure all parts get what they need to be functioning at 100%. I get my rest so I can uplift and encourage the rest of the body parts to walkout their functions properly. I’ve learned that I set the tone for each day. If I wake up and say I want to be in bed all day, then I will be lazy and not get things accomplished that need to be done. So, I purposefully start each day asking God how I can please him today and go from there. I am learning to thrive, serve, and live each day by choosing to honor God and boldly live out my season I am currently in. For most, it is a struggle, but what I have found is that every day we discover something new about ourselves. For me personally, I am still discovering who I am every day. God knows us inside and out. He wrote our first chapter, the chapters in the middle, and our final chapter. He even knows the amount of hairs on our heads; that just amazes me. He knows every detail, outcome, and the very thought pattern of each of His children. Although He gives us the free will to make the decisions, He already knows the end result. The more I pray and study my Bible, the more I begin to tap into my identity in Christ. It is awesome knowing God chose us even before we were conceived in our mother’s womb. I am learning that no matter what I do, whether it be working outside the home or staying at home and taking care of my children, I am significant. Be encouraged, and remember you are significant.