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A 2021 WORD FROM JOHN 20:21 - Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Interview with Retired Colonel Prudence Williams Let the Spirit Overrule the Flesh - Apostle Dr. Meta E. James Eating for a Healthy Heart - Herline A. Knights, MS, RDN, LDN A Time Of Forgiveness - Athena Morrison 2020 Vision in 2021 - Sharon Weeks-Alleyne Hold on your Faith - Claricia Harley Parenting Advice for 2021 - Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
Love Is Patient Words of Encouragment
Claricia Harley Apostle Dr. Meta E. James Herline Knights Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon Athena Morrison Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
From the Desk of the Editor-of-Chief
Donna Royalty Ross Hello Everyone and welcome to our seventh edition — a number of completion — of Transformationl4Real Magazine. We serve an awesome God. I believed in my heart that God wanted me to start Transformationl4Real Magazine in January 2020. January 2020 came and even though I and my team sat down to discuss the maiden copy of the magazine, our plan did not materialize. Was I disappointed? Yes, I sure was. Disappointed, because even though God had given me the name of the magazine years ago, I never tapped into doing a magazine. I was content with doing my monthly article in “Grace and Glory” a Baltimore magazine. I had my hands in doing other things and starting a magazine was never on my radar. However, what God has ordained for your life and my life will come to fruition – if we would but trust Him. I again made another attempt to start the magazine in July of 2020. It was then that God told me to start in August 2020, because eight was the number of new beginnings. So here we are publishing our seventh issue, which is allowing us to move forward swiftly in 2020 as we journey through out trust in God. Why am I giving you this whole speech? I am giving you this whole speech so that you can STAND, understanding that in 2021 that which God has called and ordained for you to do, will come to pass. I believe that our assignment in this year is “godly change.”
Godly change – in our walk: In our walk, we are going to take our godly changes and allow God to demonstrate the importance of living, moving and having our being in Him. We need to walk upright before God so that our walk shows forth how pivotal it is to walk with God in these end times. The sum total of how we RE-present Him to this lost and dying world is essential to His operation in our lives; especially when those who see us in our Before-Christ (BC) days — prior to our New Birth — see us now and the many godly changes that show God’s operation in our lives, they will know we have met Christ indeed. And that is what we should be striving for. We need to always strive to overcome the many challenges that are sent our way and allow others to see Christ in us the hope of glory.
Godly change – in our talk with God: Understand that going forward is going to take time in the presence of our Father to hear the strategic ways He is speaking to us. When we hear and understanding the strategies God is showing us, we can then be alert of what is going on in the atmosphere and then be able to be on guard and as well transmit it to others. In our conversations with God, we will be instructed of how we are to move forward in this time of heavy warfare and resistance that is going to come forth in the days ahead. Our walk
should show forth His glory in every area of our lives.
Godly change – in our lifestyle. How do you present your lifestyle? Do you live in ways in which your lifestyle represents your style, attitudes and possessions? What kind of lifestyle are people seeing in you that can cause them to desire to become acquainted with the God that you serve and portray? Wherever you show up, do so in such a manner that others can detect a difference in you. Allow godly changes to manifest so greatly in your life that others can see the transforming power of a relationship with God operating through your lifestyle. We are living in a time and season in which we have to purpose in our hearts that “for Christ we live and for Christ we die.” Join us in not just February but moving forward to allow God to show forth “godly change” in our lives, so that all can see how great our God is. Happy Valentine’s Day. Enjoy our magazine and allow the Lord to use you in this time and season. Be blessed because you are a blessing.
About this Valentine’s Day thing and love Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:7-12) 1 John 4:7-12 reminds us that love ultimately comes from God. We should freely give to others God’s love because what God sent Jesus to die on the cross for is love. I don’t know about you, but I desire to have the love of God and share it to the world.
Donna Royalty Ross Walking in God’s Scandalous Grace
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Senior Pastor of Bethesda Church of God, Sumter, SC
A 2021 WORD FROM JOHN 20:21
e are living in perilous times. Our world is being attacked and shaken by the forces of the devil. Without a doubt, the devil is feeling the need to work overtime and he is doing so with extreme urgency because he knows his time is running out and his days are numbered. Likewise, we must realize that the end of time on earth as we know it is rapidly coming to an end. Jesus is soon to return and take us out of this hostile and evil environment. That is the blessed hope we have in Jesus. He is our Shield, our Rock, our Fortress, our Redeemer, our Hope and our Salvation. But until He returns to take us to heaven, we must endure and persevere. The world seems to be getting more and more sinful and the Christians seem to be getting increasingly fearful and worse than that silent. The confusion and unrest in so many Christians are brought on in part by the fact that we are tuned in and listening to the wrong message. Again, the evil worldly influences are declaring a message of gloom
and doom. Look briefly with me at just a few current topics. The Covid-19 pandemic which is on the rise, as well as racial unrest and injustices is a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode in our world and our country; and then we have serious political confusion everywhere today. There is not a person living that has ever seen the things we are dealing with on this magnitude. The devil has pulled out all of his ugly arsenal and is trying to seek, kill and destroy. Now that is the truth and the current state of affairs in the world. However, the devil does not have the last word. Where do you go when there is no place to run to? Who do you turn to when there is no one to listen? Who do you lean on when the world all around is crumbling? We can still run to the Rock of our salvation. Our source of strength when we are at our weakest is still Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Now let’s look at the Now Word from John 20:21. The book of John was written way back in AD 90110. This ancient book offered so
many insightful topics but in verse 21 of John chapter 20, you read of a Right Now Word, “Then said Jesus to them again, PEACE BE UNTO YOU.” Let me write this once again, PEACE BE UNTO YOU! Jesus spoke peace to the winds, waves and the storms that were raging and they had to obey Him. The elements listened and obeyed their Maker. In John 20:21, He spoke words to His disciples, but I believe those same words are for you and I in 2021. We need peace and the only real peace you and I will ever find is in the PEACE GIVER, JESUS! So, let the storm clouds rise, the darkness of this world surrounds us, but we are covered by the blood of Jesus. The Peace Giver said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.” These words were spoken by the Peace Giver! Good news we win!
Interview with Retired Colonel Prudence Williams Retired Colonel Prudence Williams, as we celebrate Black History Month, I am both honored and privileged to talk with you about Black History and the challenges of being in the military and dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I know that you are from Guyana as I am, and we both migrated from our place of birth. First, tell me a little bit about yourself and what journey and pathway led you to who you are in this place and at this time. My name is Prudence Williams. I was born in British Guiana which is now Guyana. As a child growing up between Mahaicony and Georgetown, my dream was to become either a nurse, a teacher and/ or to serve in the Military. There was something about wearing a uniform that intrigued me. After graduating from High School, I experienced a short period of time teaching, and found that this was not really what I wanted. “I think Nursing, yes, I am going to try Nursing; Teaching is not for me, no it’s not.” After realizing this, I decided that I should venture out on being a Nurse. I wanted to explore the world as well to see how people live in other countries. Where did you get your Nursing Training? I decided that going to England would give me the opportunity to pursue Nursing and to experience the culture of the British. I, therefore, migrated to England, after being accepted to do my Nurse Training. That was an eye opener for me. It not only taught me about the different culture, but it also molded me to be myself, to know exactly what I wanted in life, and lessened my insecurities. Training was not an easy path. I experienced many obstacles and challenges, not forgetting ignorance and prejudice of the people over there. I was asked by one patient about where I learned to walk in shoes. In despite of this, I did not give up. I believed it made me more assertive, less insecure, and more determined to have a title behind my name. I did, at the end of it all; I became a Registered Nurse, and a Certified Midwife. Many days I thought of my mother, and the sacrifice that she had made for me. This gave me more determination that I would achieve my goal. Well, here I am now. I am a Registered Nurse, and a Midwife. I have choices. “Should I try to have a go in joining the Military?” “I think that this would give me autonomy.” In the meantime, I worked as a Midwife, not quite sure what I would do. During my time of indecision, most of my friends started to migrate to the USA, Canada, and some returned to their country of birth for example, Jamaica, Trinidad, and Barbados. I decided that I should migrate to the USA since by this time my mother was 5
there. “Yea, I will go to the USA, then I will decide whether I should join the Military there,” so I thought to myself. Would you tell our reading audience what led to this branch of the military you are in and why? The next chapter of my life was that I did migrate to the USA, worked as a Nurse, but all along, something was missing in my career. “What is it?” I asked myself and then thought within me, “I think I will have a go in joining the United States Army Nurse Corps.” I chose Army because it was ground force. I didn’t want Air Force because it was Air, Navy because it was sea/water, nor Marines because it was traditionally believed that it was only for males. I was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant and was in the Army Reserve where I served for a total of 23 years (Reserve and Active Duty). My time being in the Military had a lot of challenges as well which brought me back to when I started in England as a Student Nurse. In this celebrated “Black History Month,” can you tell us how being “black and in the military” has both blessed and brought you to the place of a total trust in God? As we celebrate Black History Month, let us not forget that we always have to work a little harder to achieve the same goals as the non-blacks. We always have to think positive and say to ourselves that whatever they can do, we can do better even if we have to work a little harder. They will always try to suppress us, but that should not make us stop, and stand back. In their mindset, we are their competitors, and they fear us. Oh yes, they do. Being black, I did experience many challenges throughout my Military and Civilian careers, but I was determined that I would not let them crush me like a roach. I stood up with my head erect, and I felt taller than them. I look at my shadow when walking in the sun, and I see a tall woman with broad shoulders, walking with confidence. I have achieved all that I had envisioned as a child. I was a Teacher, and still am as I teach my patients; I am a Nurse, and I am a Soldier. I believe that people are not open and honest in our dealings with PTSD. I have my own views and belief system about PTSD in any arena. With that said, would you tell us how you look at PTSD then and where you are now in your overcoming the challenges that come with PTSD? Thinking back now, I found that I have come a long way from the time I was diagnosed with PTSD to now. PTSD is not a taboo. I found that many of us have the fear of discussing what we went through, and at times, trying to avoid our uncomfortable feelings. We cannot battle this by ourselves, we have to start developing a personal relationship with the Lord, speak to Him as if you are speaking to a friend. He’s always there, and He listens. We also have to develop trust in another person namely a Therapist from whom you will be able to have one-on-one supportive therapy for as long as you find it necessary. It helps. It has helped me tremendously. I know that we have things that we say to ourselves as we daily go through life. What would you say was a daily motto that became important to you in your walk in life? My daily motto was, “This too shall pass, nothing lasts forever, this is my future” and believing that God does not give us more than we can bear. I was deployed to Iraq, which was a real eye opener. My first day there, I went down on my knees and asked the Lord to enclose me in His bosom, and to cover me with His blood.
Has the Lord played a significant part in the challenges of being in the military? The Army’s prayer was Psalm 91 which we had printed on our scarves and bandanas, and this helped me a great deal each and every day, plus the support we gave each other. I also found inner comfort through the services that were held by the Army Chaplain on a regular basis. The combination of these gave me comfort throughout my time there, having experienced the loss of many fellow military buddies, amongst other traumatic events. What would you say was the greatest challenge you dealt with after leaving Iraq? My next challenge was my return home. This was really scary. Being in Iraq, I did not have the time to decipher all the tragic things that occur, but now I am home, with more time to think back and this is when PTSD struck. I kept having flash back of things that occurred overseas, the fear that someone is going to walk up behind me and kill me. I feared driving and stopping at the traffic light. “Oh my God, someone is going to drive up along the side of my car, and POOF I am dead. Yes, they are going to kill me.” July 4th firecrackers were a disaster, I thought of bombs that would blow up our tents, or the missile that would drop anywhere. “Lord, help me please.” I read the Psalm frequently in the hope that would alleviate all my fears, but I needed additional help. Would you then say that what happened on January 6, in the nation’s Capital would have set off an episode of PTSD in your life? It certainly would have, and I am sure that it set off flashbacks in many who are in the Military and definitely those who have been in warzones. Tell us about your post deployment class. I attended a post deployment class at the Veterans Association (“VA”) which made me aware that I needed to enroll in their PTSD program. I also started attending Church with my girlfriend. I found that between these two services, I was able to connect more with the Lord, being more aware that He’s there for me at all times, and all I have to do is to speak to Him, and He will listen. I found that I was more relaxed as I read books of the Bible, understanding more of what I read, and being able to discuss with others. This I found to be more comforting as it gave me a feeling of euphoria. The PTSD program helped me to verbalize my fears and feelings, freely knowing that all of us in the group were experiencing the same thing. Also having one-on-one sessions with my Therapist and developing a trust with her, I was able to vent more freely; I felt more relaxed, and this made my days much more easier. Do you see retirement in your near future? I have retired from the Military with the rank of Col. and will be retiring from my civilian job fairly soon. We thank you Retired Colonel Prudence Williams for the advice that you have given us on military life and PTSD. Please consider coming back in 2022 and updating us on your walk with the Lord and PTSD.
Let the Spirit Overrule the Flesh Apostle Dr. Meta E. James
he importance of being in the right place at the right time involves dying to self—not physically dying of course but being led by our spirit, not our soul or body. My prayer is that these few words that I want to express in this page will encourage, deliver, and build you up; and that whatever shifts need to be made are done now, not later. I have been serving God since I was nineteen years of age and getting ready to turn 61 this year so I have had to deal with various things and the road has been very rocky at times. But thank God that I held on to His promises and truly believed that God loves me despite the wrong choices that I have made. Whatever may be the situation, I’ve learned that all I need to do is, repent and get it right and strengthen someone else. (Read 1 John 1:9.) Psalms 32:8 is my favorite scripture as well as how we can be led by our spirit. It says, “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go, I will guide thee with mine eye.” We need Jesus to teach us how to be more like Him. He made heaven and earth so we know His direction will be sure, solid, and safe. That entails not just saying, ‘Lord, I accept you,’ but dying to our will and letting His will be done in our life. This can
be a struggle at times because the old nature seeks to do what pleases us, and to be in control. Especially if we have achieved so much in life, it is hard to take direction from a God that we do not see but must have faith in Him to surrender our whole being to His will; this my friends is the key to the abundant life. S.P.A.R.O.W (Saved People Always Rending Our Will) to God is a ministry that was birthed because I got tired of men, women, ladies, girls, young or old going through so much and not having a safe place to talk about various topics. Feeling ashamed, belittled because of a title we have, how could Brother, Sister, Bishop, Apostle, Pastor, etc. express feeling of any kinds except “I’m blessed and highly favored.” Please do not get me wrong; we are blessed and highly favored, but we do have issues that need to be addressed and where is the outlet to be open and honest to talk about those topics others say are taboo? Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors, there is safety.” It is important to God that we seek godly counsel, and this is the only way we will be safe and have a pure ability to pray effectively. January 2021, God put it in 8
my spirit, to talk about spirit, soul, and body, because God is concerned about all three. This is what I like to share with you that we make the right decisions to move forward this year, 2021 and not look back at our mistakes but press toward the mark of the high calling in Jesus as Philippians 3:14 admonishes us to do. Spirit, soul, and body — our Lord and Savior has a remedy for all three and it is up to us to take every step to learn and grow in all. The ability to be mature in your spirit, soul and body is a task that we all must take seriously to be what God has already established in our life. Let us start at our soul. Turn to Genesis 2:7, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” God gives us a soul by just breathing into us, but it does not stop there. Turn to Genesis 1:21-22, “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.” This covers man, woman, female and male; it all started with God.
Hallelujah. Now let us examine what soul means. It is the animate life, or the seat of the senses, desires, affections, and appetites. This is where we sometimes get in trouble. It is okay to look at a man or woman and say they are pleasing to the eye; you know, that man is gorgeous, handsome and he smells nice; we might even recognize he is wearing Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud Eau De Parfum that costs $286.00 or Creed AventusEau De Parfum that you purchased for a friend that costs $420.00. The senses are perked up and do not let them speak to us and notice we do not have a ring on our finger. He may say, ‘How are you doing?’ And you say, ‘I am blessed,’ and he responds, ‘Praise the Lord.’ All of this is fine; our soul seems to be satisfied with just those few words. Keep in mind this scenario, I am just using ladies for now, men understand how it works too. Body is the physical side of a person, it touches the material world through the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. So, we meet Mr. Right, so to say, our smell was already touched by his cologne, and we know he is a wonderful sight to behold. He said, ‘Praise the Lord,’ so we heard that he must be a Christian. Next week, he takes us out to dinner and a movie, and we have a wonderful time. Weeks turn to months and we know he is what we have been praying for, or is this a trick? One day he says, ‘I want to make you a wonderful dinner, can you come over my house?’
and you reply, ‘No problem.’ The dinner started out very nice and then he tries to touch you. Right there we have a choice— will we let our soul and body win or will we hear a quiet voice saying, ‘Submit yourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee’? This is our spirit trying to get us back on track and this is where dying to self comes in. Dying to self, we do what the Bible tells us to do, that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, our body does not belong to our self, and we at that moment decide to be honest. If I allow Mr. Right or Mrs. Right touch me, will I please the Lord or please myself? I love the WWJD bands that came out a few years back. It reminded us in every situation what would Jesus do, it allowed us a moment to really think about it. See precious people of God, it does not have to be a sexual affair that we let our soul or body rule. It can be something as simple as instead of eating a few chips, we eat the whole bag. Or it can be God tells us to get up to pray and we roll over in bed. Or perhaps God tells us to call someone and check on them, and we decide, ‘Nope, I really do not care for that person.’ John 4:24 says, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” It is our decision if we are led by God or our soul and body. The alternative of not allowing the spirit to govern our lives is a difficult road to continue because trials and tribulations will come, and can you imagine 9
going through without Jesus? Yielding to the spirit will give us a peace that surpasses all understanding to how much Jesus loves us. Do not be hard on yourself if you do find yourself in a place of being led by your soul and body, just make the change. If you find it hard to make the change, call someone and ask for guidance. Jesus is here to deliver and set free. Just go forth in His name, realizing that we are not just a conqueror but more than conquerors. My friends, we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us. Jesus died on the Cross and rose again with all power to assure us we can do all things with Christ. Be mature in your spirit, soul, and body. The Message Bible encourages us this way, “May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together— spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24) Because of Calvary, I encourage you my brother, my sister that nothing is impossible with God. You can make it, do not give up or give in, for Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith.
metajamesministries@gmail. com
Eating for a Healthy Heart
Herline A. Knights, MS, RDN, LDN
eeping your heart healthy is complicated. Many factors contribute to your risk of heart disease, including genetics, diet, physical fitness, and stress.
• Following a low-calorie diet
Eating for a healthy heart
Lowering your blood cholesterol
When you are eating for a healthy heart, you need to pay special attention to:
These tips can help you lower your blood cholesterol.
• Exercising regularly • Managing stress
• Avoiding high intake of total, saturated, and Decrease your total fat intake by: trans fats • Eating less fried foods • Avoiding foods that are high in cholesterol
• Using less fat in cooking
• Eating a diet that is high in fiber
• Replacing fats with olive and canola oils 10
Decrease your saturated and trans fat intake by:
salt foods • Not adding extra salt to your food at the table
• Eating fewer animal products, whole-milk dairy products, and processed foods • Consuming lean meats, poultry without skin, and fish
Achieve and maintain a desirable body weight by:
• Choosing low-fat dairy products
• Speaking to your registered dietitian and doctor, if you are overweight or want advice on maintaining a desirable body weight
Decrease your cholesterol intake by: • Eating fewer animal products
• Obtaining medical clearance before initiating an exercise program
• Consuming fewer egg yolks Eat more fiber by including more of the following in your diet:
• Dried beans
American Heart Association. Choosing a heart-healthy diet. Available at: http:// jhtml?identifier=353. Accessed January 21, 2017.
• Whole grains • Fruits • Vegetables Limit sodium by: • Choosing fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables • Eating foods that are not processed • Looking at labels for low-sodium and low11
Athena Morrison
s we move into the second month of the new year, I realized I have come into the new year with the knowledge that the unforgiveness I harbored for the last year, which I thought was gone, because I had forgiven all those who had wronged me, is still teetering on the edge of my consciousness. This came as a surprise to me. I decided to search the scriptures for a “shortcut” to forgiveness hoping that if I just read through those, I will be able to forgive and found the following: Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” (NKJV). After reading this, I thought this is good, I want to be forgiven for all my wrongs and continued looking for more forgiving scriptures, then I came to this: Colossians 3: 12-13 “Therefore, as the elect
of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do” (NKJV).
defined forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness (Greater Good Magazine)
The aforementioned scriptures are applicable to my situation, as much as I want forgiveness, I had to also forgive but with the “shortcut” line of thinking, it still did not work because after reading the scriptures, just thinking about the things that brought me to this place, I still felt resentment and even vengeful. I knew then, I had to apply the scriptures I read to my daily life if I wanted to be able to forgive. I therefore began to try another way and during the past year, I prayed, fasted and asked the Holy Spirit to give me a forgiving heart.
This definition closely mimics the scripture as seen in Colossians 3:12-13 and tells me I will have to put in the work of not just reading but applying what I read to my daily life.
Psychologists generally
I am standing steadfast in the knowledge that as I continue to study the word of God and live as these words advise, I will, with no doubt, finally be able to forgive, let go and let God! #WalkingInHisDivineGrace
2020 Vision in 2021
Sharon Weeks-Alleyne
has given me a clear vision of what’s important and what’s important is simple and it’s revealed in Scripture. Not the accolades, not the titles, not the house, car, lifestyle etc.... as all of that could be lost in a heartbeat (the last beat of our hearts) and we may not only lose it here but for eternity. We could gain everything in this world (which is a short span) and lose our souls (which is for eternity). What will last? Ephesians 5:27 tells us of one of Heaven’s criteria. Getting rid of stains and wrinkles. Matthew 7
tells us what not to do, what to look for in others, and what we need to do to enter in— build on the Sure Foundation or we’re going to be washed away. Luke 15 tells us of many parables of Jesus Himself, for example, the lost sheep and the lost coin. Jesus tells us how much the Shepherd cares for one sheep that He goes after it, or how diligently one looks for that one coin and then He tells of the prodigal son and the Father looking for that son, but He didn’t fail to mention the disposition of the other son that didn’t enter in because of his self-righteousness and feeling that his repentant brother should not be forgiven or accepted. He also spoke of the laborers in Matthew 20 who felt those who came at the 11th hour should not receive the said reward as those who came early. We need to understand what the criteria is of entering 13
in and live that way. Matthew 25 gives us the criteria in little nuggets: The wise and foolish virgins, they were all pure, but they were not all fully prepared; over time, half of them became complacent, not full of the Holy Spirit, waiting without renewing, waiting without refilling, not allowing the Spirit to quicken their bodies, sleeping but not prepared. We can’t get ready when the bridegroom appears, we have to be ready. Then He speaks of using your talents for His glory, it’s not for us to hide or use selfishly, it’s to be used to multiply and be of benefit to others. Then He speaks of taking care of the sick, those in prison and in need. These are all criterion to heaven. 1 Corinthians 13 sums it all up that, LOVE is the greatest as in the end, three things will abide, faith, hope and love but the greatest is LOVE. Why? When the BRIDEGROOM comes, what we HOPE for would be there, WHO we had FAITH in and believed in would have been fulfilled but LOVE will continue. His LOVE for us, our LOVE for Him and each other will remain and every parable speaks of LOVE to make it in, the lack thereof caused many to be left out. If living the life Christ expects is hard, it’s because you’re living by your terms or some preacher’s terms of prosperity, having it all here (and nothing is wrong with that) but in having, we need to live and do His bidding. We’re to live in love and unity, we’re to look out and take care of each other. He says every law hangs on loving Him and loving your neighbor. That’s easy!!! But who is your neighbor? Not those on your level, not those in your gated community. This is what makes it hard for us! Your neighbors are the homeless, the homosexual, the prostitute and the BIG one, the person who doesn’t look like you. That’s hard for some, if not most! You may look out for a homeless or homosexual that looks like you, but you’ll pass the one of a different race. That was the message Jesus was sharing in the story of The Good Samaritan. He was able to help someone who detested people of his race. What might be and should be hard are trials and hard situations, but if you are living the life by His terms, which is easy, if you live by His simple principles, which all hinge on loving God and everyone in God’s world, it will be easy to love others irrespective of their race. So, in 2021, let us be transformed by renewing our minds so we could enter into the joy of the Lord.
Hold onto Your Faith Claricia Harley
was listening to a song and the lyrics stated: “Troubles come and go, even
on the mountain higher or the valley low. Never let your faith go, never let your faith go.” TyeTribett (We Gon’ Be Alright). With all that is going on in society today, we need to seek God more than ever. We need to have that unshakable, unmovable faith. Often times when things start to go
hold onto till the times when God proves
downhill, we tend to lose faith. You
Himself time and time again to us.
should never let your faith go. Life is hard, Pray this prayer with me: and yes there are constant struggles we
Father, we ask that you allow us to be
have to face. The enemy puts that doubt
reminded of your faithfulness and that
in our minds, then we can begin to second we will remain steadfast in our faith and guess everything including our faith. walk with you. Even in times we feel The definition of faith is complete trust
as if our faith is dwelling, we become
or confidence in someone or something.
encouraged once again. We thank you
It is also defined as strong belief in God
for your everlasting unconditional love.
or in the doctrines of a religion, based on
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Although faith is defined as a spiritual apprehension often times we are given proof from God. That is what we need to
Parenting Advice for 2021
Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon Monthly Update
s the old year retires and a new one is born, we commit into the hands of
GOD our CREATOR the happenings of the past year and pray and ask for direction and guidance in this New Year 2021. Everything about the future now is uncertain, but one thing is sure: God has already ordained our future plans; we just have to trust HIM with all our hearts and embrace the New Year with the right perspective in life. There is a call for more intense family prayers for our country and
the world generally. The threat of the COVID-19 virus seems far from over. Right here in our country Guyana, the COVID-19 updates with statistics and graphs show the total and new cases as something quite frightening. It is vital that we teach our children how to pray, and to pray with them also, asking GOD to bring an end to this virus that continues to oppress the world, thereby turning human interaction into an online affair and ending lives everywhere. The whole world is in a struggle against this silent enemy of which little is known. Every child and Parents of Sophia Sparkle Youth Group and Mothers Action Group on Social Issues will continue to pray collectively to our Savior to heal, help and sustain bodies and spirits, to contain the spread of this infection. The
Children of Sophia Sparkle Youth Group will continue to stand in the gap for us. We are all encompassed by fear and a legitimate concern over the well-being of our family and fellowmen. In this time more than ever, we are calling on all parents to provide the materials and spiritual welfare for their children. Start with the task of instilling respect for GOD and His Authority. The Psalmist tells us that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Psalm 22:6). To the parents, try to be a good example to your children, because whether you know it or not, our actions as parents speak volumes, so much that it actually becomes their lifestyles’ standard. Our children must see us praying and having constant conversations with the LORD in Spirit and in truth. Our children do not learn morals by what we say, but by what we do. Our day-to-day behavioral pattern has a lot of influence on them. We are the ones who will guide them through the primary steppingstones of life and teaching them to develop a relationship with GOD is the absolute gift that we can pass on to them. We can foster and encourage this divine relationship by being an example to them. We can never pray enough, our children can and will come under constant attack from a world that seeks out to destroy them. All the influences that they face are downright frightening. But we must teach them to turn to GOD and ask for guidance, they must be told that He is always there to help them make good decisions. He is only a prayer away. Instill moral values as early as possible into your children. Remember they look up to us as role models. If we want them to grow up to be productive members of society, we the parents must show them the how. We are raising them in a world with values and beliefs that are contrary to our very own Christian culture. We have a lot of work to do as parents; it’s our God-given duty to exemplify good morals. Imparting moral values such as kindness, humility, courage and compassion at an early age builds their character, it forms the very core of their being and becomes a foundation of their personality. BE WHAT YOU DESIRE YOUR CHILDREN TO BE AND THEY WILL BE IT. HAPPY NEW YEAR, and please take all the necessary precautions to keep yourself and family safe during this time.
(1st Cor.13:4-6) 18
He is a Good, Good Father. He is the God of Love, Who gave His Son. He is the Lover of Your Soul. How blessed is God! And what a blessing He is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in Him. Long before He laid down earth’s foundations, He had us in mind, and had settled on us as the focus of His love, that we might be made whole and holy by His love. Long, long ago, He decided to adopt us into His family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure He took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of His lavish gift-giving by the hand of His beloved Son. (Ephesians 1:3-6, The Message Bible) His decision to adopt us was made before the foundation of the world. The Scripture reveals that God took pleasure in planning our adoption. How He must love us! Two meanings of the word “love” are (1) profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person and (2) an intense love and steadfast, enduring loyalty to a person. Without doubts, God is passionate about us. If we understand how much God loves us, how then even knowing all of that, we continue to doubt His ability to provide for every single one of our needs. Provision has been made for us before the foundation of the world. We therefore need to constantly mediate on the fact that we are the object of God’s love and know that if He gave His Son to die for our sins, there is no good thing that He would withhold from us. 19
This is February – the month of Valentine’s Day – the day of love. However, we all should know that Valentine’s Day is a pagan holiday. Valentine’s Day is according to man’s agenda. According to statistics, more flowers are bought on February 14, than any other day of the year. There was, is and will never be any greater love than the love of God. The love of God is what sent Jesus to Calvary’s cross to die for sins that He did not commit. God’s word tells us in Hebrews 12:1-2 that “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” I know that I don’t have anyone who would give their life so that I might live. But Jesus’ love compelled Him to go. My God! What love! Remember that because of the love of God, His death, burial and resurrection, we now have free access to the very Lover of our soul, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Just as He loves us, let us not get caught up in who did us wrong, dislikes or likes us; let us move forward and share God’s love with others in this season of COVID-19 and racial tension in the earth. I encourage you today to mediate on the fact that you are the object of God’s love and He loves you right where you are. Therefore, go now and love others the way that God loves us and them. Prayer: Father, in the name of Your Precious Son Jesus, thank You for Your unconditional love. When the challenges come with all the division in the earth now, I purpose in my heart to remember that your provisions were supplied for me before the foundation of the world, Amen.
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