Do you Really mean it?- Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr.
Interview with Apostle Jerome Brandon
New Year of Grace and Glory - Athena Morrison
Renewing You - Claricia Harley
Faithing it - Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
Going Viral- Elder Daron J. Thomas, MDiv
A Great Big “Thank you� from Doris - Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
Contributors Claricia Harley Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon Athena Morrison Pastor H. Al Sims Daron J. Thomas Sharon Weekes-Alleyne 2
From the Editor-in-Chief’s Desk:
Donna Royalty Ross
Welcome to 2021
onna Royalty Ross, ITM Global and all of its subsidiaries welcome you to 2021. You are here today because you have survived 2020.
The year 2020 prepared us for 2021. It has prepared us in such a way that we MUST know that our dependency has to be anchored in God. We had our own agenda going into 2020. We made our plans; we were ready for all the things that we were going to do in 2020. COVID-19 truly showed us that we have to trust in the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Truly, 2020 was a tumultuous year BUT GOD… BUT GOD: If you are alive today, it is because the plan that God has for your life continues. Your reason for being on earth is great, because greater is the Holy Spirit in you than anything that is in the world. You just ought to lift up your hands and say, “BUT GOD.” Now that we have survived COVID-19 and all the other challenges that came with 2020, what are we supposed to do? So glad you asked. AS GOD’S PEOPLE, WE MUST: TRUST: Trust God like never before. We have to examine the challenges that seemingly tried to take us out and understand that as we trusted in God, we were able to face the challenges and kept moving. We therefore declare Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” LOVE: Love without limits. I am sure that with all that we saw on the global scene, such as speculations on the origin of COVID-19, who won or lost the elections, waiting on another stimulus package, etc., we were all given an opportunity to point fingers at others and not walk in love. We now must set out as God’s people to operate from the standpoint of John 13:35, which states, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” and John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” WALK IN PEACE: Walk in peace at all times, by allowing the peace of God to rule and reign in our hearts. John 14:27 says,
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” Ephesians 6:23 also says, “Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” FORGIVE: Forgive quickly. We cannot walk in peace without forgiving others, because our adversary, the devil walks around seeking whom he may devour. If we recognize that we are walking in unforgiveness, we MUST immediately forgive others. We must also go before God and repent of our unforgiveness. Ephesians 4:32 says, “¬¬Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” And last but not least. ALLOW GOD’S VISION TO SUPERSEDE OUR VISION: Write it down. We must allow God’s vision to supersede our vision. He knows what He has ordained for us before the foundation of the earth. We must live out Habakkuk 2:2-3, “Then the Lord replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false, though it lingers, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.’” It is imperative for us to purpose in our hearts to see things through the eyes of God. Make 2021, the year that you allow God to show up and show out in our lives. This means that, we will not be blindsided in 2021 in spite of whatever manner it may present itself to us. Looking forward to us collectively seeing greater things than Jesus did come to past in our lives.
God bless
Donna Royalty Ross Walking in God’s Scandalous Grace 3
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Do you Really I
Mean it?
n the book of John Chapter 21:1517, there is a pointed exchange between Jesus and Simon Peter. We often use the term “a come to Jesus meeting” which means we have a very direct conversation with someone. Well, I believe that is what happened in this chapter. Jesus was getting up in Simon Peter’s grill or as they say, Jesus was all up in His business. Now you might ask why Jesus would do such a thing and my reply is that, by his action, Simon Peter asked for it. In Matthew 26:33, Peter answered and said unto him, “Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended.” That is a pretty strong statement. It sounded really good at the time but like we often see in real life, it is real easy to make promises but a lot harder to keep them. I would say it is kind of like Resolutions made for a New Year that have great intentions but seem to fizzle after the fireworks go off—things like dieting, getting out of debt, being a better husband, wife or friend; and do not forget the resolutions to pray and read God’s Word more and paying tithes and attending church regularly. You see Simon Peter was no different than you and I. He was a human being that had good intentions but now, Jesus wanted to know His motive and get his words of commitment to a divine cause, so He asked, “Do you really mean what you say?”
In Matthew Chapter 26, sure enough, Simon Peter denied knowing Christ three times. He failed miserably but in the last verse of Chapter 26, we see a lifechanging moment. At this time, Simon Peter remembered the words of Christ, fell under conviction, and then repented. Yes, he wept bitterly in sorrow and was never the same after that. Now we fast forward. Jesus was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead and afterward appeared to the disciples in John 21:15-17. So here is the encounter, Simon Peter has decided to go fishing and the disciples that were with him said they would go with him. They fished all night and caught nothing. When they got near the shore, they heard someone ask, “Did you catch anything?” and their answer was very quick and to the point, NO! You see, they did not know immediately that it was Jesus asking. Then Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side which they did and a miracle happened—they caught 153 fishes so great that their net began to break. Simon Peter heard that it was Jesus, then he jumped into the water and hurriedly swam to the shore where Jesus was. This is the encounter. Jesus asked him, “Do you love me more than these?” I believe Jesus could have been asking a two-fold question. Do you love me more than fishing or do
you love me more than these other disciples? I believe it was the latter because, prior to the crucifixion, Simon Peter had boasted in their presence, ‘Others may deny you but not me.’ Jesus was forcing him to confront his own ego. Simon Peter responded, “You know I love you.” Jesus asked him basically the same question two more times, to which Simon Peter answered basically the same way, “You know I love you.” So, the question I pose is why do you think Jesus asked the question three times? I believe it could have been as simple as Jesus wanting to know His real resolve on the divine calling on him, “Do you really mean it?” Three times, Simon Peter had to do a soul search, look deep inward knowing that Jesus the Son of God was asking a probing question and expected a truthful answer. Simon Peter must have passed the test because Jesus responded by saying, “Feed my sheep” which is basically saying, I trust you. So now I ask you, “Do You Mean It”? Do you really love Christ Jesus? Are you really all in? Is He truly the Lord of your life? As pointed out earlier, words are easy to speak but remember actions speak louder than words. Will you purpose in your heart and soul to prove to Jesus that you truly mean what you say?
Interview with
Jerome Brandon I would like to start as I always do with asking questions. How did it all begin? Q:
I was born and raised on the East Coast in the capital city of Richmond, VA. I am the seventh of nine children raised in the household of ministryengaged parents, who pastored an inner-city church. My father traveled throughout the country, establishing churches and helping struggling ministries. My mom was widely known for her work in evangelism, reaching people of all works of life. As PKs, most of our childhood revolved around church duties and schedules. Although we were active in doing Kingdom business as musicians, janitors, and being the hand and feet of the church, the lack of social engagement affected my siblings and me tremendously. I believe that 5
is where the path to ministry was carved out, and the trials that followed prepared us for God’s impeccable timing of reaching the world. .
What is the one thing in these trying times with the COVID-19 pandemic, global warming and all the politics challenges that you wish your mother were here to walk you and others through? Q.
Because of the anxiety and fear that came with all of these challenges, as a prayer woman, she could have navigated us through these trying times with ongoing prayer that would put a demand on God’s promises. She would always quote that “God was an ever-present help in the time of trouble.” She lived with having nine children, of which most of them experienced the streets and the world.
You said at her home everyone would gather around praying. Give me an example of a prayer time at your home. Q.
Every day, my mom prayed 9:00 a.m., 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. At those times, she would shut the house down and prayer would be going forth with everyone present at that time. Even the neighbors would come. She was known in the neighborhood as a prayer warrior. To sum it up, fervent prayer was her mode of operation. I covet that grace upon her because it would get us through these trying times.
Was it your first desire to become a preacher or did you have an alternate plan for your life? Q:
I would say becoming a preacher was not my first desire. In fact, it was not even on the radar. I had a better chance of finding some success in the music industry. By the age of 13, I was skillful at playing at least four instruments in the church. The pressures of life steered me into considering ministry as my call. My teenage years took a dangerous turn, as I ventured into the streets to become a drug dealer. At the age of 15, I was arrested for possession of drugs and held in a juvenile facility for four months, while awaiting trial and a possible fifteen-year sentence. During his time of incarceration, I had an encounter with God, and He revealed greater plans for my life if I could trust Him with my life. God worked a miracle with the judge sentencing me to serve five years of probation. I accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and dedicated my life to seeking and saving the lost. A few years later, I accepted the call and began preaching a radical message of deliverance at street crusades, church revivals, and worship services.
Tell me what you have been doing for the past 2 years outside of finishing school? Q:
Much ground has been covered in the past two years. I spent much of my time across the waters working in the countries of Haiti, Africa, and The Dominican Republic, leading some of the greatest pastors who are actively serving their communities. As the First Assistant of the amazing Faith Tabernacle International Fellowship of Churches, I have the pleasure of working to navigate almost 100 churches and pastors through training, community development, and humanitarian efforts. Every quarter of the year, the pastors in the Fellowship are shipped tons of food, school supplies, and humanitarian aid to help with the shortages in their communities. Also, mission teams are deployed into these countries throughout the year in efforts to 6
strengthen leaders and build the local church. Another assignment that was dear to my heart was leading the Ignite Haiti’s Children Orphanage where loving kids reside. We were able to transform that place into a leadership development center, by providing projects and trade programs designed to help those little kids develop skills in Microsoft, graphic design, barbering, and photography. We have seen significant progress among our young people as they were inspired to become future leaders of Haiti.
I know that in the past we have talked about the school you were going to start. Have you put it on the back burner for now or are plans to move forward in line? Q.
Well, as you know, establishing a Global Leadership School that equips leaders for Kingdom ministry has always been at the center of my heart. We had begun to lay the groundwork for the school in Haiti, when the rising tension took over the streets demanding justice and a regime change. I returned to the US for safety reasons, therefore, putting those plans on hold. However, I am currently working on the Navy Leader Institute, a virtual leadership development course for at-risk teens in the urban community, to counter the school-to-prison pipeline.
What would be the most significant thing that you have done in terms of the vision that God has given you for your ministry? Q.
Of all the areas of ministry I have been blessed to cover, the thousands of people reached over a 27-year span, and the countries visited on assignment, I believe the most significant thing I have done in terms of the vision God has given me for ministry is connecting leaders internationally. Jesus’ last prayer was about unity. He knew that the disciples had an awesome assignment but understood the dangers of being divided. So, He prayed that the Father would make them “one.” Today, I am seeing a greater purpose with building alliances that offer leaders an opportunity to fellowship and to sharpen each other. Q
What would you say is your mandate for ministry?
My mandate for ministry is to prepare the emerging church for the shift that is sweeping this country and the world. The way in which the church is done is being reset and recalibrated for optimal performance in the coming era. The vehicles and platforms of ministry are becoming more accessible to the world, and an acceleration of marketplace movement is on the horizon. I believe as the Lord amplifies my voice, along with countless other leaders, the former and the latter glory will experience cohabitation in the next dimension of ministry.
I know for a fact that you are a great dad, how do you balance your relationship with your family? Q.
Well, for years I had it backwards. Traditionally, I believed the more successful I became in ministry, the better my family dynamic would be on all levels. I now understand the importance of prioritizing my family, partnering with my loving wife, and participating in the growth and development of my children. It took a while, but once I found that balance, things fell right into place. You can only give wholeness to others from your personal place of wholeness. My wife (Lakeshia) and I recently celebrated 22 years of marriage and enjoy being a parental unit to three wonderful kids: Jerome, Makayla, and Jaydon. 7
New Year of Grace and Glory ATHENA MORRISON
s we step into the New Year, my thoughts are on the past year 2020 and everything that changed the way we lived. Covid-19 has brought a devastating range of consequences around the globe, thereby changing the way we live, worship, travel, and work; and all the things we thought of as “normal living” has changed. This past year is going to be referred to by many as ‘a year we will never forget.’ As for me, during this time, I have gone from Patience to Faith and from Faith to Walking into my Spiritual Wellness and am now walking into the New Year with Faith and Grace, doing so for the Glory of God. I know I can increase my faith by studying the Word. In Hebrews Chapter 11 vs. 3, the
Bible says, “By faith we understand that the world was framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” This tells me my words are powerful and should be spoken with Faith. The first chapter of John speaks of Faith and Grace. In vs. 17, it says, “For the law was given through Moses, but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ.” Romans 4:16 confirms that, Grace and Faith goes together for the believers—because without Faith, how can we expect to have Grace? I have purposed in my heart to claim all the things that God has given to me and I will do so with the knowledge that I am loved and highly favored by God, my Father.
Going into the New Year, the gifts within me will be known and acknowledged so I may see a manifestation of same. Leaving the struggles with the things that are hindering my spiritual growth in the Old Year will bring me into the New Year with the full knowledge of God and will move me forward with Grace. I will cling to the thought that my lifestyle and language will be seen by those around me and create a positive shift in the atmosphere, thus showing the reality of Faith and Grace He has poured into my spirit; and God will be glorified.
Renewing You
Claricia Harley
any see the final weeks leading to the New Year as the time to set new goals or resolutions they wish or desire to achieve for the year. However, what goals would you set, or what would you do when you see yourself fall short in your relationship with God? Which one is weightier—is it to work on temporal goals or to work on your divine relationship?
could never be repaid no matter how hard we try. On the basis of His love, even when we fall short or lose our footing, we can renew ourselves once again and secure our footing once again.
Yes, we all have set goals we would like to accomplish, and God is not saying we should not have a vision for our lives. In hindsight however, tomorrow is promised to no one. So, we should use each day we are given to renew our relationship with God. That is our priority, and all other things will fall in place through our acknowledgement of God with respect to our goals. Now, what exactly does it mean when something is renewed?
Pray with me
Father, if I have put my relationship with you on the back burner, please allow me to bring it back up to the forefront of my life every day; so, I may be in right standing with you. Renew my heart, my faith, my walk, and my identity in you. Your word in 2 Peter The definition of renew 3:17 says, “You already know these things, dear friends. So be on guard; then you will not 1. resume (an activity) after an be carried away by the errors of these wicked interruption. people and lose your own secure footing.” 2. extend for a further period the validity Thank you for extending your grace and of (a license, subscription, or contract). mercy and securing my footing where I have We can look at our relationship with fallen short. Your love is unconditional, and I Christ as a contract, but it is a contract of thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen. unconditional love, willingness to serve, and selflessness. He paid the ultimate price that
Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
It is a New Day; a New Dawn and I’m feeling good!!!
e have left 2020 behind, a year of soul searching, still reflecting on what we had hindsight into, what we had foresight of and what we had insight in. Our vision should have or would have become clear, with our understanding enlightened to all God is showing us and saying to us. We should be in a place in 2021, where we are walking humbly by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). We really should be having a clear vision of what is expected of us, of what God is saying to us and how to move forward. 2020 was an eye-opening year (Vision 2020 indeed). It should have opened our eyes to those who will come as angels of light, hirelings vs. shepherds, false prophets/seers vs. true prophets/
seers, leaders, etc. It was the year of many exposers, so to speak—that is, events or situations that unveil the true, hidden nature of people within and outside the four walls of the church. The signs of the times are for the believers, and if we are not in our rightful place or standing with God (our lamps filled, being full of the Holy Ghost), we will be like the five foolish virgins (left behind). Why because we are “faking it to make it” instead of “faithing it, to make it in.” When we accepted Christ as Savior, we did so by faith, we could not fake that, so why should we feel we could fake the rest of our Christian walk? Faith is the substance of things hoped for, not what you see with the eye. Faking it is putting on something that appears to be what you are expecting but is not. We didn’t need it for our salvation, and we don’t need it now. Christ came—He was born, died and resurrected to do away with forms or legalism. When we are walking by faith, we need to do so with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The Bible says wisdom is the principal thing, it is the 11
foundation of our truth and belief system, then there comes knowledge, knowing whom and what you believe in and understanding how living out these truths works. The five foolish virgins had salvation and that was it. Living by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit was not there, that is why they turned up on empty. All they knew is what pastors said, what prophets said, they had no knowledge, no Word; they had just a little sprinkling of the Holy Spirit to turn up because they heard that is what they should do, thus faking it with empty lamps. Our God deals with us justly and wherever your faith is—wherever you are based on faith—He’ll reach you. If you have great faith to eat meat, or walk on water, He’s with you. If you have little faith and will not eat meat or venture out the boat, He’s got you too! But you need to come in faith believing, not piggybacking off your mom, dad, pastor, prophet or leaders. We see many live their lives doing what others tell them to do because their faith is not that viable or strong. For instance, many became disillusioned and disappointed at the 2020 election results because their faith was in man not God and we see what mockery is being made of the church not THE CHURCH—because HIS CHURCH, the real body of Christ is being built by HIM. In this season, God expects us to reach and accomplish every dream, goal and vision by faith. Write it down, make it plain and watch Him work it out. But Saints, let our main faith-walk be to make it in. Let us seek Him and His righteousness and everything else will fall into place. Our main goal is Heaven; everything else is trimmings on the way. Let us walk out THE WORD not “a word.” Ask God to reveal HIS WORD to you as you spend time in it. God has given us permission to question Him, so don’t feel it’s sacrilege to question anyone else. Do like the Bereans; after hearing a word, you search THE WORD (Acts 17:1011).
SO, GO FORTH IN 2021 KNOWING THE VICTORY IS WON!!! We will have a Blessed and Prosperous New Year. This is not FAKE NEWS. This is FAITH NEWS. So, let’s keep FAITHING IT! Keep reading, keep supporting this magazine and keep the Producer, the Editor and all who play a part in the production of this magazine in your prayers. I am honored to be a part of what God’s doing. Thank you, Prophetess Ross, for including me. May God continue to bless and prosper the works of your hand as you faith it. A Blessed and Wonderful 2021 to all!!
Going Viral Elder Daron J. Thomas, MDiv, QMHP-A/C
is hard for most to escape the world’s view of the COVID-19 virus and maintain a faith-filled perspective. New cases flashing on TV screens daily help validate a new sense of panic that has re-shaped our culture. Humans tend to fear what they do not know and understand the most.
strategy therein that seems most effective. The CDC teaches us that for any pathogen to thrive, there must be a combination of factors: the germ must have the ability to birth disease, it must be contagious, and it must possess the ability to elude the immune system of the host. These factors present the groundwork for a process that causes others to be infected.
bodily fluids that are toxic. The germ now seeks the Method of Transmission, or the way it is spread. This can be either through direct contact with the infected or indirect contact as sometimes the germ can be airborne or found in the atmosphere. This is the final chance to prevent the cycle of sickness, where masks and social As chaotic as this virus may distancing have served as appear, there is a Chain of barriers to transmission. Infection that must occur to The Process Without these barriers, we spread something nobody expose our vulnerability. It starts with an Agent— wants. There is a pattern We allow what the germ or the germ. This is the and sequence to viral needs and that is a Portal foreign invader of our transmission. But, while the of Entry—or a path in. The bodies that has come to enemy comes to kill, steal, path is key for duplication. take up residence. The and destroy, our Savior, When this portion of the Agent seeks a Reservoir Jesus Christ, came to give chain is conquered and or a place. The recipient us life...with an abundance... goes uninterrupted, it gives is known as the host who so even others can live! way to a Susceptible Host— provides the atmosphere or the next person infected. The enemy deals with us for the germ to live, thrive, in time whereas God deals and reproduce. Recently, we Left unattended, the Chain with us in eternity. While have identified public places of Infection is used by the disease may have as environmental Reservoirs the germ to live and to kill simultaneously. gained access to your due to the potential risk of body, it cannot kill what infection in those places. From Infection to God has saved and made The germ remains isolated Affection eternal. First, let us take a to the host without a deeper look at the Chain Portal of exit—or a path We can learn much from of Infection to uncover the out, like the exchange of this chain when it comes 13
found in a new host. For them, the mere thought of the goodness of Jesus and all that He has done for them causes something to leak out and trust is infectious! The Bible teaches that in affliction we learn God’s statutes. Covid-19 has been responsible for so many tragic incidents this past year. In the midst of a global pandemic, we to spreading the love of God environments that are can choose to embrace the through a relationship with conducive to acquiring effectiveness found in the Jesus Christ, empowering something that will not ever Chain of Infection. We can us to reach out to others. leave you. That place could Consider God’s plan to do no damage to the kingdom use this borrowed model to infect others with the promise “infect” a sin-sick world with of darkness unless it finds of not only healing but also His saving love as a foreign a portal of exit. Jesus is a peace that does not make pathogen in a corrupt society. released into others when sense to the common man. If Christ is the germ, then He the child of God allows the would be the one who has opportunity to be moved with We have become “infected” with a kingdom culture, the ability to cure diseases. compassion and to serve untouched by the fear that His love is not harmful and others. dominates the land. This type is easily spread to others. Certainly, the method of of fear warrants a response Finally, His grace must be transmission can be found in from heaven. The answer the one element that can the eyewitness account and can be found in us who penetrate the barriers that testimony that an “infected” share a mandate to spread make us immune to trust and person may give on their the Gospel so that hope belief. track record with God. If can reach those who are in If Christ is the germ or foreign that love can penetrate the despair and appointed to die. agent in this world, then He protective and stony barriers Endeavor to break Covid-19’s needs a reservoir or a place to known to man, then we Chain and preserve God’s live, flourish, and reproduce. discover a portal of entry plan. Could that reservoir be the through the brokenness and heart of a believer? Certainly, contrite heart of the would-be the agent could be housed in believer. the transforming mind of a Finally, instead of a death renewed Christian. Imagine sentence, a new life can be creating atmospheres and 14
“Thank you” from Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon must be confident of who holds it. It seems very fitting to say that we all must be pre-prayered, so to state, for the future. I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the many things we have to be thankful for in 2020, from health and life, my beautiful children, my family and friends, Facebook family, and our kind donors whose participation and support have continued to propel our organization to new heights with each passing year and beyond. I thank you all on behalf of Sophia Sparkle Youth Group & Mothers Action Group on Social Issues for all the many times that you have contributed towards our group affairs. You are important to us, as we have come this far because of you wonderful people. We planned by God’s grace to go on building the best group imaginable together. Your support tells us that you understand what Sophia Sparkle Youth Group & Mothers Action Group on Social Issues needs to succeed. On the midnight of the 31 December 2020, please do remember, as hands will be raised in prayer and thanksgiving to God and fireworks explode into the sky and wine glasses are raised to toast the New Year that, what it will bring is important when that time do arrive; we recognize the special symbolism this holiday brings with it. A time of new beginning and fresh start also comes with a time of reflection of all that we went through and survived by the merciful and loving God, but whatever your resolution is, it can and will make all the difference to put these hopes into words and action.
he end of 2020 is almost here; it is just about time to commence preparation to say goodbye to this challenging year. For me, 2020 will be remembered for the devastation and suffering caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how GOD brought us through the storm in safe keeping. It has been a year of significant shifts. Life as we know it has fundamentally changed, and this can be difficult, but we must adjust. We cannot offer any predictions for the year that is before us. I cannot say it is unpredictable but let us hope and pray that after a world-sweeping outbreak, the virus would burn itself out and disappear by early 2021. I would like that very much. Yet we still do not know what the year ahead holds, we
There are greater things to be achieved in every New Year, but each and every one must prepare themselves to be great, not by words of the mouth, but by a lot of sacrifice. We each must also be responsible for delivering the best message 15
through our action. We know not what 2021 will bring to us. 2020 is an example, look what confronted us, it was unpredictable and for that reason, we give full respect to the most High GOD the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE and asked HIM to be our guardian and our guide all the way out of this year right into the one that is before us. I know the staffs and members of Sophia Sparkle Youth Group & Mother’s Action Group on Social Issues are prepared to work very hard once this pandemic is over. It is my New Year promise (GOD willing) to continue to create a healthy and safe environment where our children rights are
protected and promoted while keeping their best interests at heart. Regardless of the many challenges we faced as a group and as a people in 2020, a better year is before us, we must believe that. There is still so much more to do. Together we will achieve the best for all. To my family, I would say it does not matter where you are, your support is always like a giant fortress of love and care. I love you all and pray that God richly bless you and keep you safe always. To all my neighbors, thank you for being so wonderful to me, you are my family too. My loved ones who have translated into Heaven, I missed you like crazy, more so around this time. I thank 16
God every day for the faith and the strength that He gives me daily to cope with the pain of missing my loved ones. Thanks to my Facebook friends for all your Likes, comments, sharing of my posts, prayers, words of encouragement, inspirational and uplifting posts you share with me ever so frequently. Please know how much I do appreciate them all, as they are always motivational; though sometimes I do not always respond in a timely manner to them, know how much I do appreciate your love and interest. As to all the children that were and is still entrusted in my care, I am so touched that you the parents have so much confidence in me to
have me watch over your most prized possession, and to be their mentor. To all my hardworking staffs and members of Sophia Sparkle Youth Group and Mothers Action Group on Social Issues, I love you and thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I pray
that the approaching year be memorable and gratifying. We pray that it does bring great accomplishment and a sense of fulfillment into your life. And may COVID-19 and the fear that comes with it DISAPPEAR! I THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING YOU MEAN TO 17
ME, and please remember to take all the necessary precautions to keep yourself and family safe. WISHING YOU ALL OF GOD’S BLESSING IN THIS NEW YEAR.