Contents Do You Love Me? - Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr.
Interview With Dr. Elaine Carty
Growing In Grace And Knowledge - Sharon Weeks-Alleyne
Coping With Thoughts Of Suicide During This Time Of Uncertainty And Fear - Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
It’s In The Word- Allison A.
Sophia Sparkle Youth Group Monthly Update - Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
God Already Knew - Donna Royalty Ross
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Allison A. Donna Royalty Ross Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Sharon Weeks-Alleyne
From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief
Donna Royalty Ross What? We are in February already. Where did the 31 days of January go to? Surely, time and tide wait for no one. Welcome to February 2022. And what do we say to February? We can say that we are ready for February. But are we? The one sure way to be ready for February and every other month is to put our confident expectation in Father God. Celebrations of Valentine’s Day and Black History Month are well on their way in February. However, what are we really concerned about here at T4RM? At Transformational4Real Magazine, we are interested in seeing lives transformed. “And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be [c]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].”(Romans 12:2 – Amplified Bible) 1. Transformation in such a manner that the entire world can see how great our God is. 2. Transformation to take place everywhere until all of God’s creation come into the full knowledge of Who God is and what Jesus did for us on Calvary’s cross. We don’t want a form of godliness but denying the power therein. 3. Transformation in the form of massive healings from COVID and its variants; thereby removing the fear Covid has instilled in the earth realm. 4. Transformation to where God’s Word takes priority and every life matters. 5. Transformation to where hunger no longer exists. 6. Transformation to which the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts. 7. Transformation to where there is no financial lack in the lives of God’s children 8. Transformation to where racism’s ugly head is completely removed from God’s body. 9. Join us every month as we seek to see God’s Word transform lives everywhere. With God’s grace and peace.
Donna Royalty Ross
Walking in God’s Scandalous Grace 3
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Travel back in time with me to a simple time before the advent of cell phones, iPads, and internet—a time when pencil and paper were used to communicate. We would call them love notes. As children in school, we would write out our questions on paper then fold the paper and send it across the classroom to our hopeful boyfriend or girlfriend. The note might contain something along this line that would be far beneath what you would find in a Hallmark greeting card. It might say something like “I love you. Do you love me? Circle Yes or No.” After the note was sent, you would sit impatiently and nervously waiting and hoping for a good result, a circled Yes. Sometimes the note would come back as directed with a circled Yes while other times the person would look over and confirm with a nod of the head and a beautiful smile. What I remember as a fifth grader was getting a beautiful smile and a head nod for Yes but then what? I was too young to date, didn’t have any money to buy a gift nor did I have a car or driver’s license to go pick her up and go anywhere but that did not stop me from wondering, “Did she love me, Yes or No?” On a much deeper note, Jesus asked this same question, “Do you love me?” His question was not a romantic inquiry. His question was much more complex because He was asking one of His disciples this question with deep spiritual context. Jesus in John 21:15 asked, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” Jesus was asking if the disciple loved Him more than fish and fishing and Simon responded with a Yes. In John 21:16, Jesus asked the second 4
time “do you love me?” to which he got a second response of Yes. Then in John 21:17, Jesus asked the third time, “do you love me?” to which he got the strongest response, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love you.” Jesus is still asking that same question to people today, “Do you love me?” Since Jesus is all-knowing, He already has the answer to the question, but I would like to submit a couple of reasons the question is being asked by Christ Jesus today. First of all, I believe Jesus like the rest of us likes to hear the response, “Lord you know I love you.” There is just something special about hearing the words, I Love You. You may know the answer and feel the answer, but you still like to hear it. Secondly, I believe Jesus wants us to evaluate and look deep inwardly so that our response is from the heart and not just the mouth. After looking inwardly, we who are the apple of Jesus’ eye, the crowning jewel of His creation can confidently and honestly respond, “Lord, you know that I love you.” It not only will make Jesus feel good but also you and I. There is something special about knowing you are loved but also that you love. Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” That is very straightforward—we are loved. I hope you can look inwardly and answer honestly, Lord, You know I love You!
Interview with Dr. Elaine Carty
Doctor of Theology, Prophetess, Chaplin, Evangelist, Prophetic Intercessor, Prayer Warrior, Teacher, Atmosphere Shifter for the Lord Dr. Elaine: I am looking forward to this interview and hearing your heart about what God is doing in your life and ministry in this season. Let me first acknowledge that your titles are many and I know the Word of God says, “to whom much is given, much is required” (Luke 12:48). My prayer for you, as you continue your journey with God, is that you will be fruitful for the Kingdom and our society. Dr. Elaine: That is correct, much given, much required. I acknowledge only who I am, and I allow God to manifest all of His gifts through me. T4RM: One of the main parts of Transformational4Real Magazine is to keep abreast of how God is using His people to transform lives for the Kingdom God. Tell our readers how God is using you to transform lives in this season. Dr. Elaine: On January 15, while at work, God used me to minister to a woman named Andrea, who was burdened with her son being in the ICU department of the hospital. I watched her for a couple of days and then being led of the Lord, I asked if I could pray for her son. She said that I could. I was off for a few days from work and when I came back to work, I found out that she was looking for me to thank me for praying for her son who was then out of ICU. God is faithful. I met another lady on January 23. I was praying for the anointing to move in the atmosphere. The woman was speaking Spanish, which I was unfamiliar with. I spoke to someone in the room who interpreted the tongues that Ana “thanked God for this angel God has sent as an instrument of God.” God moves by His Holy Spirit if we allow Him to work through us. T4RM: Dr. Elaine, I met you online in the Prophetic Roundabout Room a few years ago. You were so real and down-to-earth, I would always pray to be in the same room with you, when it came time to get into the rooms and allow God to use us to build up one another with prophecies. You were on target with everyone you ministered to. Tell me about that time and are you still weekly attending the classes and being in the room?
Dr. Elaine: I still go to exercise my prophetic anointing in the Prophetic Roundabout Rooms. There are many new people coming into the Prophetic Roundabout Rooms, as well as some that have been there from the beginning. Everyone continues to come to sharpen their prophetic gifts under prophetic ears and eyes. T4RM: I know that you were born in Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands. When did you leave? Dr. Elaine: I left about forty years ago. T4RM: Do you go back home often? Dr. Elaine: Every year, I go back to see family and minister to God’s people as led of the Lord. T4RM: You are now living in Houston, Texas. We missed each other at that time because I lived in Missouri City, Texas and Sugar Land, Texas, for a little over two years. Since you have been in Houston, Texas, what is your feel for the State? Do you like it? Dr. Elaine: I like Houston and dare say, that the harvest is plenteous for God to move through His people here. T4RM: I know that you have a prayer line – Healing & Deliverance Intercessory Ministry. Because your call is an international call, my next question is, did you have specific countries in mind when you started the prayer call? Dr. Elaine: British Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, United Kingdom, New Zealand and mostly North America. T4RM: Can you tell us what prompted you to start it? Dr. Elaine: God called me to start to pray for people privately and then He took me to publicly praying as an intercessor. It doesn’t matter where people call from. What’s important is that new life is being released to them through the Holy Spirit. T4RM: What advice and encouragement would you give to someone who believes that God has called him or her to host an international prayer call? Dr. Elaine: Start with your intimacy with God and then God will send people and give you the compassion for people. T4RM: Dr. Elaine, what would you say is your long-term goals for your ministry as you continue to transform the lives of others through the Lord’s directives? Dr. Elaine: To be all that God has called me to be. There was a time when I did not understand all that God has called me to do and be. God is calling me in this moment to heal the broken-hearted and the oppressed and to encourage the lost to seek His face. Now I am moving forward and doing all that God has called and ordained for me to do and be. T4RM: Dr. Elaine, thank you for allowing myself and our readers into your life and walk with our Father. May God continue to richly bless your ministry.
In Romans 12, we’re admonished to renew our minds and a renewed mind will prove (demonstrate the truth or existence) the acceptable (suitable) will of God, but before we can meet this stage or level, we have to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, a giving up of things that are unacceptable to God. So first our sacrifice has to be acceptable to God, then our renewed minds will help us discern God’s acceptable (suitable) will for us.
We face many challenges with our thoughts especially after accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior because many of our thoughts and actions as non-believers would not be acceptable to God. So the battle of the mind is one we have to fight daily in various arenas. For some, it is deep and dark, but we’re given a false sense of believing that all things will be bright and beautiful after becoming a Christian but right there is where the work starts, as our adversary the devil knows this and he tries to control our thoughts, so we need to remember we first have an example in Jesus. He fasted and set Himself apart to pray and that strengthened His spirit man—and even though fasting is great! He won the battle of the mind with The Word! So studying the Word and hiding it in our hearts is key when the evil deceptive thoughts come. We also have to watch what we watch (Matthew6:22). The Word tells us our eye is the gateway to our souls and it also tells us the soul that sin will die, so to keep your soul alive; watch what edifies. Then we have to watch what we say and hear. Whatsoever things are good, just, pure and of a good report, we have to speak and listen to (Philippians 4:8). No ungodly counsel (Psalm 1) and no contrary counsel from fellow believers (Ephesians 4:29). These are few nuggets from The Word that will help us as we journey on in 2022 and continue to strive and grow.
I do feel the need to touch on this topic of SUICIDE. I, being the Founder of an online group, Mother’s Action Group on Social Issues and Sparkle Youth Group, have had individuals share with me significant suicidal thoughts resulting from levels of anxiety. Suicidal ideation is increasing during this Covid-19 pandemic. We are unaware of how long this pandemic will last. The average number of new infections reported here in Guyana daily reaches a new high, we are now getting a count of 960 persons daily who are infected, and children are also amongst the count. Now our children are heading back to school, as the COVID-19, Delta variant and Omicron rages on and our parents are concerned, they are fearful. Just the thought of someone close to you contracting this Virus, and even dying is stressful. In all that we are being faced with during this time, it is indeed natural to feel overwhelmed, sad, anxious, and fearful. Many people are experiencing financial distress, loss of jobs, loss of a loved one to this virus, isolation (or quarantine), loss of income and fear, and many other stressors that can trigger emotional health conditions or exacerbate existing ones. This virus came at a time when a lot of our children are beginning to identify and pursue their life goals and trying to enter the workforce of the world of higher education, now look what they are faced with. They are frustrated, and many have even lost the will to study, to read, or to even go back to School, it’s a reality that we have to deal with. The second year of this virus has added burden of stress to this population. The bottom line is our youths do not feel safe and they are afraid. I can tell you this because I work with the youths. They are paying keen attention to all that is happening and that can also result in them having fewer and less effective coping mechanism to manage the stress they are experiencing. To all the parents out there, please pay keen attention to the behavior pattern of your kids, talk with them, you do not have to be a mental health expert to counsel your family or friends about their worries, stress, and fear or any thoughts of suicide; be a good listener and have frequent family worship, it is only GOD who can put our hearts and minds at ease. We need HIS peace for such a time as this. We are now also witnessing the increased levels of alcohol and drug use, frightening too, amongst our youths during this time. People are 10
most driven to suicide when they view their current situation as being completely hopeless and feel as if they have no way to change things for the better. Like what we are witnessing now, the most common cause of suicide is “untreated depression.” Many persons who commit suicide are depressed, so let’s look out for each other, be kind and help someone if you can. If you haven’t seen or heard from a family, friend, or neighbor in a while, check on them, there are many ways that it can be possible; WhatsApp, Messenger, cell phone, and landline. We need each other now more than ever. To those who are working from home, in lockdown or self-quarantine, that can also cause additional stress, it can challenge the mental health citizens, please stay physically active during those time. Meditation and taking deep breath, stretching, dancing, even if it is in your very own living room, listening to soothing music can help you to remain calm. It is also important that you remember to eat healthy. (Well we are paying attention to the high prices of all food items, for that reason Sophia Sparkle Youth Group and Mother’s Action Group on Social Issues was promoting Agriculture and food security for years now, and we have been pleading for years that you go back to the land, in order to cushion the crisis, and to eat safe. The land is rich, from the kitchen garden to the pot.) Stay hydrated. Ensure plenty of fruits and vegetables and limit the intake of salt, sugar, and fat. Have a close relationship with GOD the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE more than ever during this time. One thing I want to remind everyone is that our Spiritual Health is just as significant as our physical and mental health. We are living in serious times. Staying positive during these dark times can be a challenge, surround yourself with people who have your best interest at heart. Do not be afraid to seek help if you find that you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, there are many toll-free suicides hotline numbers that are currently available to those who are in need of immediate counseling. Fortunately, we have Doctors, Pastors, Counselors and Teachers at the Transformational4RealMagazine Team; we can reach out to who would be willing to talk with and pray with you. We must take steps to become more spiritually healthy. And say thanks to those individuals who are helping you throughout this time.
SIBLING RIVALRIES Sibling Rivalry is nothing new, from the beginning of time as we go through Scripture, we’ll see so many cases. We have Cain and Abel. (Genesis 4) Cain became jealous because God accepted his brother’s sacrifice and not his. His jealousy turned to hatred, and he murdered his brother. Cain knew what sacrifice God wanted but he felt what he wanted to sacrifice should be accepted. Many times we become jealous and hateful of others but are we willing to make the true sacrifices needed to get to where they are? We need to line up with what God expects of us and expects us to sacrifice. Jacob and Esau (Genesis 27 – onwards) and Joseph and his brothers (Genesis 37 onwards) — those rivalries almost ended in murder too had it not been for mom’s intervention in sending Jacob away. We know God was the one speaking to hearts that listened and obeyed. In the end, these siblings reconciled but the lesson in this one is to parents. We as parents should not show preference of one child over the other; and in Jacob and Esau’s case, take a clue that you shouldn’t go to such lengths to ensure your favorite comes out on top. We know Joseph told his brothers his dreams, but it was that coat which symbolized nobility, leadership and extra love that caused their jealousy to rise every time they saw him. (I feel if Joseph had told those dreams and didn’t have that coat (Genesis 37:3), they would have dismissed them, or had a good laugh at the dreamer). So parents be careful what you say to your children, ensure fair treatment, learn that all your children were created with different gifts, and all can’t be doctors or lawyers, so don’t try to change what God created them to be and thus causing them to be jealous and hateful towards their siblings. We need to know the heart of God for our children and train them up in that way (the bends) if we don’t want to see them depart and live hateful, resentful, unhappy lives. 12
MONTHLY UPDATE OF SPARKLE YOUTH GROUP, Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon How safe it is to send our children back to school during this time? Covid-19, Delta variant, Omicron pandemic rages on as the counts on the positive are at a new high, even as the doors of schools are finally open after many months of virtual learning. The doors of Sophia Sparkle Youth Group are not yet open. Many of our parents refuse to send their children back to school and are keeping them home on full-time and attend classes virtually. These are parents who are not taking any chances with their most prized possession and that is understandable. I think it is their rights. We must make sure that they are going back to a safe environment. With proper safety measures in place, our schools can limit the spread of the viruses. As parents, we do have some concerns, because the pandemic isn’t over as yet and what we are seeing is newer variants of the virus which appear to be more contagious than the original one. We must sensitize our children from home and not leave it all up to their teachers, remind them about the importance of wearing a facemask, the washing of hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer, and that they try to stay at least three feet from others; it will be a challenge for them, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Because there is no guarantee that teachers, staff members, and other students are fully protected from this virus, everyone must follow all the guidelines and implement health and safety measures to minimize the risk. 13
The average number of new infections reported here in Guyana is frightening. Do not grow weary in talking to your children about this virus. We must continue to pray daily for an end to this pandemic that continues to grip the world, turning human interaction into a virtual affair. We ask too for safety for our Frontline Workers, Doctors, Nurses, Medics, and all involved in the fight against this silent enemy about which not much is known, threatening the lives of millions. We are encompassed by fear and a legitimate concern over the well being of our families and friends. But we will not lose hope, not when GOD is still in charge.
God Already Knew Donna Royalty Ross God already knew what? Because our God is sovereign, He already knew the day and time He would launch you and I into earth’s atmosphere. There are people who were born in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s all through to the baby born today. I recently met a 94-year-old man who was, by what he spoke in my presence, waiting for God to take him home to see his wife. He was ready, oh so ready, but when I asked God why that 94-year-old man was still on planet earth, God showed me how that man was still supplying some people’s daily bread — including my salary! In other words, even at his age, God already knew he ought to be alive for some others to gleam off of his weapon spiritually, financially, or emotionally. His children spiritually and emotionally love him and are there for him. Why? Because God already knew. Understand that there is nothing that can catch God unawares. Absolutely, nothing would ever happen and make Him Jesus sitting at His right hand and I say, “I didn’t see this one coming.” If God already knew, why would you think that He has not made provisions for it? He already knew that Abraham was going to go up that mountain. Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied. “The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven,” Abraham! Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son. Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.” [Genesis 22:6-14 -- NIV] What are you, or have you been dealing with? Whether it is spiritually, financially, emotionally, or physically, know that God already knew, and He is not going to leave you in a dry place. 15