CONTENTS The Finisher- Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr.
Interview With Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr.
We are soaring through this!!! - Apostle, Dr. Meta James .............................07 A Shepherd’s Renewed mind- Sharon Weeks-Alleyne
A Father’s Love and Promises - Athena Morrison
5 Simple Rules for Healthful Eating - Herline A. Knights
Keeping up With Sophia Sparkle Youth Group and Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon - Proper utilization of our time .............................14 on earth! Words of Encouragement from God’s Heart to Yours.
Contributors Apostle Dr. Meta James Herline Knights Athena Morrison
Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief
Donna Royalty Ross
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, brothers, nephews and cousins who have played the role of a father in a child’s life. It does not have to be your child, but any child that you have extended God’s grace towards. As we know God is not only the Kings of Kings and the Lord of Lords, but he is also the Father above all fathers. As fathers are celebrated this month of June, I would like to thank my heavenly Father for being a Good, Good Father. Fathers and daddies have been bragged about but none can be compared to the Heavenly Father. Let us just look at some scripture that allow Him to be called a Good, Good Father. As a loving Father, He has made it clear in (John 3:3) declaring -- “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” He was not speaking of a physical birthing again, but of a rebirth from God through the precious Holy Spirit. He adopted us with all the benefits that He bestowed upon Jesus, His only Begotten Son, born of the Virgin Mary. Because of the blood of Jesus, we can call God “Abba, Father,” or “Daddy God.” We can also look forward to a share in the inheritance of His only begotten son, Jesus. In Matthew 19:13-14 – “Then the little children were brought to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them and pray for them; and the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” God cares intensely and passionately about His children. Fathers, you have a tall order to live up to. However, I know that with God’s help you can be all that God has
called and ordained you to be as fathers. I, along with women everywhere cheer you on to be good examples and living epistles read of men. Fathers, some young girl or boy is watching your life story, so walk wisely and conduct your affairs with love and tenderness. We thank each of you for where you are in your relationship with your child. Only you, your child’s mother, and your child know where you are in your walk with your child. If you are not where you should be in your relationship with your child, I ask that you bring your “A” game up and be the best father you could be. We are counting on you to show up and show out in the lives of your child(ren). Today as we celebrate “Father’s Day” let us remember the Father of all Fathers, the Giver of life and hope. He is the way – the only way – the truth – the only truth and the life – the only life worth living. On behalf of ITM Global, and all the contributors of Transformational 4Real Magazine we wish you a wonderful Father’s Day. Donna Royalty Ross
Walking in God’s Scandalous Grace 3
From the Pastor’s Desk:
The Finisher
n a busy world, the challenge is to be able to finish projects and tasks. If you are a dreamer, then by now you may have come to the realization that dreams are easier to dream than to complete. Often, we start projects and think it is a piece of cake. We think that we will be finished in no time at all but then the work begins. What is often lost in the planning process is the fact that the fun is in the planning and in the completed project, but all the work in the middle is not as fun. If we are not careful, we will leave a project unfinished. This also shows up in workers. When the dream is presented, people are often all excited, with large crowds of workers present at the beginning. The next day, a few less show up, and often starts dwindling down the longer the project timeframe. Then after the project is completed, you again will have a large crowd to enjoy the fruit of the laborers, who were the finishers. So I ask the question today; which category would you fall into? Are you a strong starter, a strong celebrator, or a strong finisher? Let me pause to say that there are some who have learned the joy of being all three! Those are the ones that years after the project, they can share the whole
story of success. They really experienced the dream from start to finish, and that is quite fulfilling. Now back to the main thought. Think about how many buildings would be partially completed if it were not for the finishers. How about paintings, movies, television programs that we so enjoy. We enjoy them because somebody had the fortitude to finish. What a mess we would be in if mechanics, plumbers, chefs, construction workers, and the list goes on, if there were not finishers in these fields. So many Bible stories have a great ending because someone finished. Think about how awful it would have been if Noah had not finished the Ark! What if the children of Israel had only marched six times around the walls of Jericho instead of seven. How different the story would have been if the 120 saints of God had not tarried until the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the days leading up to the day of Pentecost. Thank God for finishers! We have a promise in the scriptures: Matthew 24:13 “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” Then let us not forget the scripture that
we get so much comfort in from 2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought a good fight; I have FINISHED the course. I have kept the faith.” The Apostle Paul was saying he had completed, accomplished, performed the tasks he started. That was why he could celebrate that he had finished and as a result there was a crown of righteousness waiting for him. Lastly, I want to talk about the great FINISHER. In Hebrews 12:2 it says “ Looking unto Jesus the author (starter) and finisher of our faith. Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Because Jesus finished the tasks set before Him, we have life and that more abundantly. When Jesus cried from that cruel cross “IT IS FINISHED”, He was saying healings, miracles, signs, and wonders, as well as salvation was provided because HE FINISHED!
Interview with
Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. SENIOR PASTOR OF BETHESDA CHURCH OF GOD, SUMTER, SC Pastor Sims, as a member of Bethesda Church of God, it is a pleasure for me to interview you for this Father’s Day edition of Transformational4Real magazine. Thank you for accepting my invitation to interview you. Pastor Sims, I would like to start with asking this question, how did it all begin? I would like to say that I always felt the call to preach but that is not the case. As an eight-year-old child I had an obsession to become a pro football player. The odd part of that is that in my mind I felt if I could become a great player that people would listen to me telling them about Jesus. I literally practiced hours each day throwing, kicking, and catching a football. I could never get enough. Growing up as a young man, was it your first desire to become a preacher or was working in the secular world something that you strongly desired to do? At age 15 I was attending a summer Bible Institute that was a four-week program. You had to attend for three years to graduate. One weekend two of my friends had come back to the dorm and one of them asked me a life changing question. He asked, “what are you going to do for God?” I made up some stupid answer, but the question was one I took to heart. I began searching for God’s will and purpose for my life. When I would kneel, as soon as my knee hit the ground, I would hear the voice of God saying, “son I have called you to preach.” This went on for about a year. I constantly asked for confirmation. I was hard-headed to say the least. At age sixteen I finally accepted the call and officially announced it. At what age did you know that being a pastor was what God had called and ordained you to do and be? I thought I would be an evangelist traveling all around preaching but there was a major problem, I wasn’t being invited to go preach. That did not stop me because I preached in nursing homes, the street and parking lots. After a period of prayer, I knew my calling was pastoring. Pastor Sims, this is the third year I think that Bethesda Church of God has received the Award for the “Best Church in Sumter”, South Carolina. Did you see that coming the first year or even the second or third? The honor of being voted “Best Church in Sumter” has been a very pleasant surprise every time. This is something that we have not pushed from the pulpit so it lets me know that it must truly be the community recognizing our efforts as a church for the Kingdom of God. The formula is the one given by Jesus and that is, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel”. We summarize it by our mission statement, “Win, Train, Send!” Is there a formula that you could share with other churches, or is it just a great anointing or great leadership working with you?
The first church I pastored only had five people my first Sunday. My wife and I would sometimes be the only people to show up. We would preach, sing to only chairs. I have preached to chairs and I have preached to people. I like people way more than chairs. It is my deepest desire to help every soul I can go to heaven. Sitting under your ministry gives me firsthand insight as to your love for not only Bethesda COG members, but also for visitors fellowshipping with our church for the first or second time. I often tell others that you are a pastor’s pastor – which to me means that you greet people before and after church. You stop and mingle with the people genuinely asking them about themselves and their families? Would you agree with that or would you just say it’s all in a pastor’s day? My calling is without a doubt to be a Pastor! I believe a Pastor should be a Shepherd. If a Shepherd does not know his sheep, he is failing. I want to celebrate their mountain tops and come alongside them in their valleys. I never want that to be a job that I just do. It is my passion! How has the pandemic affected Bethesda Church of God? The pandemic has been without a doubt the most difficult situation I have ever pastored through mainly because of the unknown. There was no template or book to find out how to get through it. I have tried to hear and follow the leading of the Lord. He is so much smarter than I am. I know that our church was closed for a couple of months when the pandemic first started in 2020. You allowed the church to be opened again at the end of May 2020 – a year ago. Did you anticipate that it would take almost a year for churches to get back to normalcy? At first, I thought it would last a relatively short period of time, but I was wrong. As for normalcy, I am not sure what the new normal will be. Still relying on the leading of the Lord. I see more people coming back into the sanctuary in the last two months than when you first opened back up. Do you see it as a return of people because of the vaccine? I think the vaccine has given people a lot more confidence to get out and start trying to be normal again. I also think some are a little too casual in their return. Although I do believe things are moving in the right direction, the virus is not completely gone. I believe we should exercise wisdom. I must ask you this question Pastor Sims. I know that with COVID-19, the ‘Welcome Home Breakfast’ for new members was stopped. Are you looking forward to the return of breakfast and the ability to fellowship with visitors to hear their hearts and to introduce them to the leadership of Bethesda? Our ‘Welcome Home Breakfast’ has been a huge success and I look forward to being able to connect with people through that ministry again. The personal touch of sharing a meal and fellowship is so valuable in making a great connection. Pastor Sims, in one or two messages, maybe more, you have said that the cross is not preached enough. Is that something that you can elaborate on? Churches have become so seeker friendly that the message has been watered down. It is wonderful to “have feel-good” sermons, but that is not our commission. Jesus said, “if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me”. What happened on the cross is what will change lives; not philosophy, technology, or any of man’s wisdom, but simply Jesus Christ and Him crucified! Pastor Sims, thank you so much for taking the time of out your schedule to answer our questions and sharing your heart with our readers. We look forward to talking with you again when this pandemic is officially over.
We are soaring through this!!! Apostle, Dr. Meta James metajamesministries@gmail. com
This is a message to all believers young or old who believe that we are soaring through this. No matter what we are all going through, we must believe that our God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly no matter what we ask. This is our hope and faith on trial if I may use that terminology. Many would say to each of us: ‘Where is your God in all this pain and agony?’ I am glad you asked this question; He is right there! Jesus will never leave or forsake us. Due to sin entering the world we endure the good and the bad, the just and the unjust, but we have the greatest hope that we
must go tell others. Precious saints of God, let’s decide that no matter what we are going through that we choose to do as Isaiah 40:31 (NASB) says: “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Waiting involves taking a time limit off what you are enduring. Waiting involves saying Lord I trust you and know that He has wonderful, marvelous plans for me. Waiting involves taking our hands off every situation, no matter how painful and hard it is. Doing this first step, Jesus promises to give us not just any strength, but new strength; we can do the impossible. When others seem to be losing it, we rest. Eagles are so beautiful, soaring over every challenge, every obstacle, not a care in the world. We are like the eagles above every problem, we are seated in heavenly places 7
even with death we trust. He that endures shall receive the crown of life; this is our stance, our stand, that we do not get tired of running into our Father’s arms for comfort, guidance and a peace that passes all understanding. Do not get weary in well doing, continue to do what is right in the sight of our King of Kings. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God; God so loved me that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life. Speak to your spirit, soul, and body that I am soaring. You are not alone. I am here to encourage you and pray with you. Do not believe the lies the enemy speaks; email me and let us soar together. No matter what is going on, in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Soar and hold on to the promises of God. Soar my family!!! Soar my friends!!! Soar those I have never met!!! Soar fathers!!! Soar my fellow workers in the vineyard. I dedicate this to my father Harold E. James Sr. who has taught me to work hard. I watched him soar through many challenges. I dedicate this to my sons, Daniel, Stephen, and David; soar through every problem and know with God you can do all things. I am so proud to have the privilege of being your mom. I dedicate this to my Apostle, Mark D. Walker Jr; you are such a great example of the true love of God and wanting the best for everyone you meet. I have been so blessed to be part of KEM Ministries and connected to you, thank you.
Love you precious people of God, Apostle Dr. Meta E. James
A Shepherd’s Renewed mind. Sharon Weeks-Alleyne
If you are a Shepherd all you would need from Psalm 23 to understand who God really is: is “THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD”. Just understanding this could help you live an overcoming, victorious and transformed life. You see a true or good Shepherd is there for his sheep as we would say 24/7. He ensures they have enough to eat and clean still water, not water that will carry them down stream because sheep must be led; they are totally dependent. They can’t be left alone like cows who know what to eat and where to drink. If left alone, sheep would step over a cliff and all the others would follow him, they do not seem to sense the danger. So, the Shepherd always has to keep a watchful eye and if that one sheep habitually strays, he will pull it in with the curve end at the top staff and break his leg with the bottom of the staff. He will keep him close, nurse the leg and that sheep will stay close to him. The 9
Shepherd also names each sheep and call them by name, even though to our eyes they all look alike, and he spends a lot of time counting sheep and ensuring they are there. He also must protect them from wild animals, not dogs but bears and lions. The shepherds also graze their sheep in proximity of each other. Each Shepherd has a unique call and when they make that sound only their sheep would follow. So, when the Psalmist was speaking of God his Heavenly Father being his Shepherd, he was speaking of Him as The One who will take full responsibility for us. The One who will lead us in the right path, whether it’s on the mountain top or in those treacherous valleys where death lurks and we would be fearless because we know we’re in capable hands, we have total trust. BUT DO WE? Are we trusting God completely? Are we following His lead, feeding on The Living Bread, drinking from The Fountain’s Head, where we will never hunger or thirst again? Are we open to His Rod of correction, His rebukes, His chastisement? Are we sure we belong to His fold? Do we know His Voice? He said His sheep does and another they will not follow. Or do our legs have to be broken over and over to keep us in check? Brothers and sisters let us all read, re-read, chew swallow regurgitate on Psalms 23 and allow our minds to be renewed and transformed so we can honestly say it knowing that every word we say is true and we know that we know that we know that HE IS OUR SHEPHERD.
A Father’s Love and Promises Athena Morrison Recently, on one of my many weekends with my sisters, we began to reminisce about our younger days with delightful laughter. You see, our father was very protective of us. We were seven girls and although us girls were separated by age, time, and distance, we remember how affectionate and protective he was of each of us while reminding us to listen and pay close attention to our mother’s advice. Our father never forgot to let us know how special we were and although we joked about the fact that he was good at keeping the boys away from his daughters, we knew he was just as good at finding out all about those boys and their families. Thereby giving him the perfect reason for what we called “over protectiveness” but he called it the promise of an easier transition from girls to women. As I think about my childhood, I am drawn to the scriptures that teach us about our Heavenly Father’s love and promises. The love of God is perfect and surpasses a love greater than our earthly fathers. 1st John 4:9-10 tells us the following: “In this was manifested the love of God towards us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 10: Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” NKJV I do not think any earthly father will offer up one child for another, but the love God has for us shows us how deep His love is for His children. He created one child (Jesus) with the love of the best and most merciful Father to save all His children with a love that surpasses all human understanding. His promises are true and never change! They are the same today as they were in the beginning of time. Hebrews 13:5 “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He Himself hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” NKJV Our Heavenly Father’s love and promises teaches us how to love, how to forgive and how to protect each other. We can, therefore, look to the bible instead of looking in the world for the love and promises of God. This path will never fail and will lead to a true understanding of the love and promises we can expect in our lives.
Exercise: Enjoy the Benefits
Herline A. Knights, MS, RDN, LDN
Everyone knows people should exercise. Here are the most common reasons why.
Prevention of chronic diseases If you or your parents have a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, regular physical activity is as important in managing and preventing symptoms as medications.
Weight management Exercise, whether it is cardiovascular or strength training, can boost metabolism and help shed pounds. Exercise requires using calories, which is what the body needs to expend to attain a healthful weight.
Improvement of mood Brain chemistry responds positively to exercise. Staying physically active can prevent depression, reduce stress, and make you feel more relaxed. Choosing a brisk walk instead of time in front of the television will help you manage tension.
Better sleep Research shows that people who exercise fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly than those who do not exercise. Exercise actually increases your energy for most of the day, so exercising right before bed maybe is not the best idea.
Muscle building Exercise increases muscle activity. To have metabolically active muscles, you do not need to 12
have large muscles, just active ones. The more your muscles move, the more they burn calories, even after the workout. Both cardiovascular and weight training provide this benefit.
system to move blood through the body. The heart and lungs are responsible for managing the extra exertion, which makes them both stronger and more efficient.
Strong bones
Improved quality of life
Any weight-bearing activity will help strengthen bones by causing muscle fibers to pull on them. Strong bones are especially important as you age and grow.
People who exercise report they have better moods, sex lives, interpersonal relationships, and health than those who do not exercise. In nature, bodies are supposed to stay active. Those who move more report feeling better.
References and recommended readings
Regular exercise boosts the immune system by causing the blood to circulate more freely. It can reduce the frequency of flu, colds, and illness.
Hillman CH, Erickson KI, Kramer AF. Be smart, exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2008;9:58-65.
Improvement in cognitive functioning
Mayo clinic. Exercise: 7 benefits of regular activity. Available at: exercise/HQ01676. Accessed March 20, 2017.
Research shows that increased circulation of blood to the brain improves cognitive functioning. Exercisers are quicker with answers, thanks to more oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
WebMD. How regular exercise benefits teens. Available at: Accessed March 20, 2017.
Strong heart and lungs Exercise makes the heart and lungs more efficient, strong, and resilient. Blood and oxygen flow increase when exercise forces the circulatory 13
Keeping up with Sophia Sparkles Youth Group and Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
Proper utilization of our time on earth!
be aware that our time on earth is limited. What we have gained from the time between “the cradle and the grave” is everything. But we are working for that purely based on hope.
Whether we like it or not, believe it or not, the sand grains in the hourglass of our lives is sifting down minute by minute, and it makes me wonder if I have utilized my time properly here on earth. Proper utilization of our time is so significant while we have this beautiful body, and especially this amazing human brain. I think every moment is something precious. Our day-to-day existence is very much alive with hope, although there is no guarantee that tomorrow at this time we will be here. This world is not our home, we are just passing through. By now we all should
GOD has already numbered our heartbeat from birth until our death, so making the most of time is central to having a life well lived. Let us reflect today on what is truly of value in life, what gives meaning to our lives, and set our priorities based on that. How do you feel about your life today? Are you living your best life? If your answer to these questions is “ I’m not sure, maybe “ then it means that you are not living your life to the fullest. My belief is that the proper utilization of time is this; to serve other people, other sentient beings, if not, at least refrain from harming them. That is the whole basis of my philosophy. 14
Ultimately, we only have one life to live. Live consciously each and every day and live in alignment with your purpose. Make your passion a full-fledged career. Be compassionate, forgive those who have wronged you, and ask for forgiveness from those who you have wronged so that you yourself can be forgiven by GOD. Do not worry about the things you cannot change but do focus on the things you can act on. Help someone who is in need, if you can. Time is our most precious commodity. what are you going to do with the time GOD has given you? (Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to number our days that we may attain our hearts unto wisdom”. (John 9:4-5 “As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent me. Night is coming when no one can work”. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. Our mission here on earth is to use this precious gift we call “TIME” for good. Please remember to take all the necessary precautions to keep yourself and family safe during these challenging times.
GOD – THE FATHER OF ALL FATHERS. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling – [Psalm 65:8]. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. [Luke 6:35-36] “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom”. [Luke 12:32] “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.” [John 14:1-2] “No, the Father Himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God. [John 16:27] “Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” [Matthew 7:9-11]
aving been a child to a single mother, I saw my father for the first time as an adult when I visited Europe where he went when he left my mother to go make a home for us. I can’t recall knowing him as a child because he left my birthplace when I was only a child of two and half years. I had mixed feelings when I was on the plane going to see him, because when one does not have a father in the home, one then tends to make up a father that they would be well pleased with – which I did. I wouldn’t say it was fabricated – who I made my perfect father out to be, but upon arriving in London, England and speaking to him for the second or third time, I had done a really, really good job of fabricating my biological father. However, it would take years and years for me to convincingly not accept but believe that God – a good God, a merciful God, a kind and loving God could become my heavenly Father. A Father who loves unconditionally, a Father who is everything I need Him to be
and more. Those earthly fathers are sometimes not there for their children, God our heavenly Father, is always there. Being the Creator, He created all things for Adam before He ever brought Adam on the scene. There are good fathers today, there are extremely good fathers today just as well as there are bad fathers, abusive fathers, alcoholic fathers, and the list goes on and on. God – the best of all Fathers – takes into His arms, the good, the bad and the indifferent fathers and all of His creation. He allows His rain to fall on those who loves Him and those who continue to deny Him. Some earthly fathers probably would have segregated their good children from their not so-good children, but not Him – He loves without limits. God shows us the ultimate capability and intense love for us when He sent His Only Begotten Son, He Himself in the flesh to come down and dwell with mere man to understand our needs. He did not leave us to ourselves to destruct. He basically said to Jesus, I want to feel their infirmities. Having never been hungry, God wanted to understand hunger, insomnia, and everything else that we are dealing with in this earth realm. What love! I ask you are you willing to give up your child for the sake of others? I can answer that quickly on behalf of my children. No – emphatically NO. I labored too long and too hard, I put too much in them for you to ask me to send them to somebody’s cross. BUT GOD, Who is so rich in mercy, loves us to the point that our names are written on the palm of his hands. He is our Father as shown to us in [Luke 11:2 -- Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.] Psalm 27:10 declares “When my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up,” God lets us know that if our parents walk away or forsake us – He is there. He is the Alpha and the Omega which in my opinion means that He is at the beginning and the very end of us. We are in between Him. He is the kind of Father that convicted and does not condemn. There is a need in each of us to be loved, cherished, protected, and valued. Ideally, an earthly father will meet those needs. How much more our heavenly Father, who is responsible for every one of us being born into this earth realm. I encourage you today to love under your earthly, biological. father, your adopted father, your stepfather, your Godfather, etc., but l encourage you today to join with me as we lavishly pour out in thought, word, and deed our love upon the Father of all Fathers. I encourage you to look to Him for all your questions and answers – for He is the Only One capable of giving you the right answers. Pray with me: Father, in the name of Your Precious Son Jesus, I thank You today for Your unconditional love, Your unfailing love, Your faithfulness, Your lovingkindness and all that You are. Thank You for adopting me as one of Your own. Amen. On behalf of ITM Global and all of our contributors, we wish all of the fathers a Happy Father’s Day. 16