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despisers of those that are good

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God elevates you, you have to level up and reply to His will.” I know her remarks were true because just playing every now and then will cause you future troubles because if you think it is okay to play every now and then, it will cause a blemish on who you are. Spiritual people will see that you’re playing and form an ungodly opinion of you. So the lesson learned is that you cannot allow the enemy to come into your territory in any form, big or small because all he needs is just a foothold to cause chaos and confusion. Any opening into your territory that you allow the enemy to even peep in will give way to the enemy and he will set up camp and once, he sets it up, he makes room for all his little imps to enter in.

This small entry would have caused someone to look at my walk and easily misinterpret it as I am not who I say I am in the Kingdom of God. We have to be very careful to not let in the enticing spirit, not even a little bit, because most times, a little bit is all the enemy needs to kill, still and destroy your reputation, cause you to lose your job, husband, wife, friend or even a business. You know we want to call it a small or minor indiscretion when it is really an infraction against the law of God. You see, if I like a certain dish and I really enjoy it, I do not want a taste but the whole thing. Job 34:3 says, “For the ear tests words as the palate tastes food,” and Psalm 119:103 says, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.”


So in reading what the Word said on OMG, and other little games, it really was an enticing spirit coming from a spirit of witchcraft that I allowed my ear gate to take in.

As a believer of the word of God, we have to be aware of what is real and what is not; as called men and women of God, we have to be aware that one small thing can cause an earthquake in the future, it can taint or destroy your reputation as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, or teacher of the Gospel. Many people, my Facebook friends, family, church members, leadership could see that as falling short of my assignment in the Kingdom of God; it will cause people to look at you or me differently. Therefore, we must be aware of all things either little or small, to not overtake us in well doing. We cannot allow the trickery to entice or cause us to not have an ear to hear or eyes to see first-hand what the plot of the enemy is.

As Kingdom builders, Facebook should be a tool we use to speak life into our friends and family. We have to be very careful that we are in a right standing with God at all times, because it is those little things that can cause a hurricane effect with our spiritual walk with God. Not only the small things on Facebook but also things that we make exception to the rules — yes rules are made to be broken but at what cost? God’s word is specific from Genesis to Revelation. This is just a small reminder that we need to be aware what we consider little things and what statement little things really say, what is the effect and cost, just that one little thing. So in this conversation with my friend, she made me realize how costly this one little thing could be in the long run, or how it could affect ministry in my life.

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