CONTENTS Who Do You Fear? - Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr.
Interview With Shola Smith
Hope - Athena Morrison
What Are You Building On? - Sharon Weeks-Alleyne
Everyone must find their true purpose in the earth - Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
Sophia Sparkle Youth Group Monthly Update - Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
Real Talk With The Prophetess Corner - Donna Royalty Ross
Contributors Athena Morrison Donna Royalty Ross Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Sharon Weekes-Alleyne
From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief
Donna Royalty Ross We are at the beginning of October, the tenth month of the year. Which literally means at the end of the next two months, we will be in 2022. We saw the devastation in 2020. We were told it would be finished by the end of that year. However, here we are in 2021 dealing with not just Covid-19 but the variants that come along with it. Our adversary the Devil loves and causes division. The division is real. The Devil’s assignment is to kill, steal, and destroy. He does it well, understanding a house divided against itself cannot stand. He has already divided us in politics, religion, abortion, sexuality, etc. And once again, he has unashamedly staged one other division: the unvaccinated against the vaccinated. I totally refuse not to expose Satan’s lies and all Christians should do the same. I will not allow the spiritual division to go unnoticed and not spoken of. Again, a house divided against itself cannot stand. It’s in the Word of God. Let us purpose in our hearts to end 2021 not being divided. Rather, let us allow the Holy Spirit to show us wherever there is disunity as we purpose in our hearts to walk in unity in the body of Christ. We do this with the understanding that where there is unity, God commands the blessings. Purpose in your heart to do great things throughout the month of October.
Donna Royalty Ross
Walking in God’s Scandalous Grace
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Pastor H. Al Sims, Jr. Senior Pastor of Bethesda Church of God, Sumter, SC
here has been a long standing tradition in America since the 1930’s called Trick or Treat or Halloween. It is a day when people dress up in various disguises, walk up to a home, and when the person answers the door, they shout, “Trick!” or “Treat!” With that, there is an implied threat to bring fear; if they do not give them a treat, then they will trick them in some way. Although most of the time people look at this day as a fun time and do not intend harm on anyone, there is still the implied threat of Trick or Treat.
The devil has for centuries used this same type of method although he does not call it Trick or Treat or Halloween. He simply uses the fear factor to try to cripple the children of God. Recall that Scripture says, fear engenders torment (1 John 4:18). Slowly and methodically, he cons people of all ages. He has no respect of age, race, education, pedigree or finances. If he can lock you down in unbelief and fear and keep you looking at him, then he has won much of the battle. The devil is a master of trickery, deception and fear. His job description according to the Bible is “the thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10). All of those terrible things often happen with trickery, deception and fear. Just look at the first example in the Bible. Genesis 3:4-5 states, “And the serpent said 4
unto the woman, ‘Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil’.” The devil tricked Eve into believing she would not be punished if she disobeyed God. Next the devil deceived Eve by saying “God is just afraid you will become equal to Him.” The third thing was Eve was led to believe her eyes would be opened and she would have a whole new outlook on things. The devil loves to intimidate through fear. The Bible says in I Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” This scripture does not say the devil IS a lion but as a lion. The lion’s roar is a scare tactic. It is used by the old lions to strike fear into their prey so they will run away from the old lion into the snare of the young strong lions. Remember what the Word of God says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). The next time the devil tries to play the Trick or Treat mind game with you, please remind him with this biblical rebuke, declaring by faith, “No weapon formed against me will prosper. I am a child of God! I have full confidence and joy in knowing that the Blessed Triune God — Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit — provides all the treats I can handle and more. My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Joshua 1:9 reads thus, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” This is the word of the Lord to you; let it take root within your spirit.
Interview with
Shola Smith Co-Founder of SmithBlends, LLC Shola, it is my pleasure to interview you for Transformational 4Real Magazine. First, let me tell our readers how life is full circle. You interviewed me for our first Transformational 4Real Magazine. Now, I get to interview you. I thank God for His faithfulness. As a newly birthed magazine, we are evolving and daily coming into the fulness of God. With that said, my first question to you is how are you seeing the transformation of your life in your walk with God daily? T4RM: I am excited about what is happening in your life with SmithBlends, LLC. Tell us a little bit about that. SS: Right now, SmithBlends is 19 months old and in the process of expanding. We are about to add four more product types to our beverage line. T4RM: I know personally that you grew up in church; however, my question to you is one I Michelle Smit-Forde, Co-Founder would like myself and all our readers to hear of Smithblends,LLC the answer again. Was there a time in your Christian walk when you felt the urgency that is needed now to have a closer walk with God? SS: I didn’t feel the urgency to walk closer with God until my Granny went home to be with the Lord. My safety was gone, so I had to learn to rely on Him for myself. T4RM: I know I would get a resounding “yes” from you as we talk about your grandmother. Would you tell our readers about the relationship your grandmother had with the Lord and her impact on your life? SS: My Granny was a woman of faith who had a very close relationship with God. She was a prayer warrior and always covered us in prayer. Granny was such a great example of love in demonstration. She fed the homeless at shelters once a month and would feed you a hot plate of good Caribbean food if you walked through her door.
T4RM: After Clarice Smith’s passing, we saw Bibles and books with her children and grandchildren’s names written in them. I saw the gratitude in your eyes and revelation of her relationship with the Lord after her passing. Please tell our readers how you felt when you realized the depth of her love for her children and grandchildren. SS: She knew her assignment and took it very seriously. She made sure everyone she was responsible for was covered...down to her great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. T4RM: I know SmithBlends is in a couple of stores with the anticipation of it going nationwide. Tell us how God is marvelously moving you in the direction of more stores and nationwide—if not globally. SS: God is the best marketing and PR partner SmithBlends could ever have. Shola Smith and her grandmother, Clarice We’re currently in Master Vendors for Winifred Smith Vitality Bowls, Super Food Cafe chain and working closely with the two local stores here in Orlando. By the end of the year, we should be expanding to the neighboring locations: Jacksonville Beach and Sarasota. My mom, Michelle, and I are always thankful and grateful to everyone who believes in this brand. T4RM: I saw a glimpse of your next project in the juice arena. Is that something you are at liberty to talk about or should we be waiting for the next phase of SmithBlends? SS: The next phase of SmithBlends will debut in make sure you follow us on all social media platforms: SmithBlends. T4RM: I know you have a son and daughter. Have you started to include them in the SmithBlends dynasty? SS: They are both product taste testers (lol). They give us their opinions on the taste. T4RM: I know your grandmother Clarice Smith, coming from Guyana, also played a role in your life in terms of growing herbs, etc. Would you tell us about some of the things you saw her planting that were definitely a pre-cursor for SmithBlends. SS: This woman grew her tea and brewed it herself! I watched her do this faithfully as a little girl, so it’s a no-brainer my mom picked up the same tradition. Clarice Smith is the mastermind behind SmithBlends. T4RM: Shola, It was my pleasure to interview you. I look forward to interviewing you in 2022 when the new project comes into fruitation.
Vitality Bowls - One of the stores, in Florida that SmithBlends is sold in.
he younger version of me wished for the “perfect life.” In my opinion, this meant great health, a good job, money in the bank, a good family, and faithful friends. In my mind, these wishes could come true if you “do the right thing.” Therefore, I intended to do what I considered to be the right things. But as I grew older and in my Christian walk, I discovered the things I wished for were earthly and temporary and would not necessarily make my life perfect.
Athena Morrison
As human beings, our wishes are hopes that are linked to time, anticipation, or expectations of what will happen in the future. However, when our hopes are placed on material things or feelings, it can lead to disappointment. I know this firsthand. I have been disappointed by people and circumstances in my life so many times, I have lost count. And my wish list, which was just hope for the future, seemed bleak. I am very grateful for the Word of God. The Bible has brought me from the fantasy of hope to the true meaning of what hope is all about. This scripture is one example of hope for the future: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts if peace and not of evil, to give you a future and hope” (Jeremiah 29:11, NKJV). During times of doubt when we are bombarded with thoughts that are contrary to what God has in store for our future, we may find it hard to think the road ahead is hopeful. This is the perfect time for us to search the Scriptures. We must remember the Enemy is activating these hopeless thoughts and would like nothing better than to have us wallow in such feelings. The following is another scripture that fills me with hope. “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13, NKJV) The Holy Spirit, who is always within us, gives us full access to the things of God. He is also our source of hope, and I am very thankful for the blessed future this grants me. I am confident about what lies ahead because of this scripture: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16, NKJV). This version of me is totally and completely hopeful knowing the hope available through the Holy Spirit makes all things possible. Moreover, the perfection I wish for is available, not only to me but to anyone willing to access the Holy Spirit living within us all. Our Father in heaven will be glorified through this. 8
WHAT ARE YOU BUILDING ON? Sharon Weeks-Alleyne I
n Matthew Chapter 7, Jesus’ words give us great insight into what we should be doing and looking for as we prepare for heaven. It starts by telling us not to judge and be critical; instead, we must check ourselves and make sure we are clean (Matthew 7:1-5). Then it goes on to say we should discern who we impart and give to. This is important because many times, we impart into people’s lives and give based on emotions, and it causes lots of trouble (Matthew 7:6). We then learn how to persist in prayer as all God has for us is good (Matthew 7:7-11). In Matthew 7:12-14, we are told which gate and way will lead us to heaven.
Now, Jesus is telling us what we should be looking for in our prophets and leaders and how critical it is to do so in these times. Nevertheless, many times we ignore the warning signs and bells going off telling us something is wrong. We’ve become so attached to the hype and the word we’re receiving we continue to follow blindly because it keeps us happy. We get our highs from all the hype that works on our emotions, not our souls and spirits. Many trees start out with good roots but may never produce good fruit when they grow, so concentrate on the fruit, not the root. They may come out of good Bible-believing denominations, but it’s the fruit that counts (Matthew 7:15-20). We’re not to look at how good they can pray and cry out to God or how well they prophesy and their prophecies come to pass. We’re not to be intrigued by their healing power or signs and wonders because Jesus said they are witchcraft workers (Matthew 7:21- 23). Everything they say and do seems to be godly, but it’s not. Look at their lifestyles; check their spirits and the fruits they produce. We get mad when people question the motives of all these prophets, preachers, and healers out there, but Jesus said to check them out before you start laying a foundation and building with them. Sowing seeds for this, sowing seeds for that, being coerced into giving for things that are not profiting the kingdom. Rather, you are giving to fulfill their lust. We must be wary of such because when the rain comes (as it has come these past two years) and we’re not in the settings we’re accustomed to, we become disillusioned, and (our houses) our belief systems start to crumble. This happens because they were built on man instead of Jesus the rock who has given His Word as a guide to what and who our foundations and lives should be built on to make it through that narrow gate. Brothers and sisters, don’t let our fall be great. Let our foundations be sure. Build them on Jesus as you delve into His Word and ask His Holy Spirit to lead you. Get to know His voice. He is the only one with the authority. His way is the only way to enter (Matthew 7:24-29). 9
Everyone must find their true purpose in the earth Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
raveling by mini-bus one weekend up the East Coast, I was struck by the sight on the side of the road where the
shells of dozens of wrecked automobiles were. These cars, buses, and trucks had once been active and serviceable like the one I was traveling in. But now, they were tossed aside and rusting idly in the weather beside the highway they had so often traveled. Around town, a similar, though different situation exists. One may see once useful lives now dissipated by alcohol and drugs sitting idly by the market square, malls, and street-sides. Some of them rummage the garbage for something to eat, their lives no longer useful but literally
rusting in the weather of an aimless existence, addiction. I feel the need to pause and offer a prayer for someone out there who is suffering from addiction. 10
Oh, loving God, I pray against the darkness of addiction and ask from my heart Your blessing upon all who suffer from this disease in any form. Strengthen them to reach out for help. Enable them to take the first step to recovery. Bless them with the persistence to persevere in the fight to be free. Give courage and hope to their families. Draw them close together in the power of love, which alone can transform their lives. We remember the earth has no sickness, problem, or disease heaven cannot cure. I pray this prayer for all my brothers and sisters who are out there fighting this disease. I pray, too, for all parents out there who grieve the loss of children who are still alive. With that being said, I feel better now. Neglect not the gift that is in thee; find your true purpose. Our talents may be cultivated and become blessings to the world we touch and serve. The neglect of their development is evidenced by the hundreds of aimless wanderers in this life who have become displaced. Many cannot find jobs. For this reason, I try in my own small way to make a space possible to accommodate the children within my community. Our talents and gifts may be cultivated by academic training. Indeed, there is no substitute for the refinement that accompanies a good education. I always say to the parents and their offspring whom I teach, that one of the keys to emerging from poverty is to obtain a sound education. Those young people who forsake the pursuit of their education in favor of some apparent temporary advantage, whether it is monetary or otherwise, are merely penalizing themselves in the long run. Character development is essential to the cultivation of our gifts. To neglect the salvation of our souls is to tarnish the gifts within us. Daily conversion based on prayer and Bible study is essential to the enrichment of our talents and gifts. It is not enough to be a good doctor, nurse, minister, president of a country, teacher, or laborer. Rather, it is more important to be a good person in our journeys of life. Please continue to take all the necessary precautions to keep yourself and your family safe during these trying times.
Stay Tuned ----------------------Great things are coming in 2022 In January 2022, Transformational4Real Magazine will be adding “God Already Knew” by Real Talk with the Prophetess. Please feel free to advertise with us. We are also looking for people who have been publicly helpful in transforming the lives of others to interview and feature in the Praise Report Section of our magazine. Feel free to email us your prayer requests or praise report. We would love to feature your praise reports. Email address: donnaroyaltyross@
Sophia Sparkle Youth Group Monthly Update Doris Anetha Shelto McLennon
t the Sophia Sparkle Youth Group, we are showing our best side in the darkest of days and trying to shine a bright light during the darker days of this pandemic. We are aware of the saying, “Children weren’t meant to be still, and the closing of schools, isolation, this Covid-19 shelter-in-place order, social distancing, and other restrictions can be frustrating and stressful for them, yes.” So here at our Group’s Friendly Space, we are finding ways to bring cheer to the lives of others, taking the time to appreciate them and discover creative ways to make them smile. Doing something for others can really lift their spirits during this time of uncertainty and fear. Our group activities are done under the strictest covid guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health. Our activities help protect against depression and assist you in keeping a sense of perspective.
Assembling with our members is not like before. We have groups of nine, ten, or sometimes twelve people wearing face masks or shields, hands are sanitized, and physical distancing is in place. As the founder and leader of both Sophia Sparkle Youth Group and Mothers Action Group on Social Issues, I recognize the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic and its implications. Hence, the procedures implemented will be somewhat different from previous years. With 2021 winding down hastily, it is giving way to our annual Christmas party/ concert and gifts distribution exercise. We call that a day of celebration after a year of hard work, a time everyone within our community and afar is anxiously awaiting. That’s a time when we depend on all our donors to make this great event a success by contributing to it. Undoubtedly, the success of our end-of-year event is only possible with the generous support of our kindhearted donors. The commitment and contributions to the affairs of the group by some donors are commendable. We can all make a difference in the lives of others in need. The simplest gestures make the most significant differences. Love is powerful. In times like these, we are reminded of how interconnected we all are. None of what is happening here at Sophia Sparkle Friendly Space would be possible without the help and all the assistance from you wonderful people. Here at Sophia Sparkle Youth Group, we pride ourselves in being a valued resource within our community. As such, we are diligently working to ease families within our community. We understand the enormous impact this time is having on our people and realize for us to get through this, we must pull together in love. By the grace of God, this year’s children’s Christmas event is on. We call upon God’s guidance; we put Him first in all our plans and ask Him to take control. We will find creative and fun ways to celebrate and still be safe. Last year, a medical nurse was there to check the temperatures of all in attendance. Shortly after receiving their hampers, bags of goodies, and gifts, they left the premises. As we did last year, we will maintain our vigilance. Since their formation, both groups have been very successful in their respective ventures and continue to contribute to the productivity of both adults and children in and out of our community. The youth group, which is more active than the mothers’ group, was created with the aim of decreasing idleness among our children, creating a safe space where their rights are protected and promoted while keeping their best interests at heart. ❤💙💜
Real Talk with the Prophetess Corner Donna Royalty Ross
and His promises are yea and amen.
oming from a single-parent home, I have learned to be independent. I never relied on anyone to do anything for me. I learned to do things for myself. All that is cute and nice until you realize God is not looking for independent superheroes who can and want to do everything for themselves. Instead, God is looking for dependent children, who look to Him, who know who He is,
As the child of a single parent, here are five things I had the habit of doing myself: 1. I never expected anyone to do anything for me. I felt I could handle everything. You may wonder how I could think that way. I understand. Of course, I could not fix the plumbing, repaint the apartment or house, or repair the car, but as long as I could pay the service people to do it, in my books, I was independent. 2. I took care of my children. I took them to Disney World, Hershey Park, Dorney Park or wherever. I did not do this because my husband, their father, would not take them; he couldn’t get the time off from work. Therefore, I would do it by myself. 3. I did not wait for anyone to open the car door for me (lol). I could do it for myself and certainly, you would take too long to get to my door. 4. I did not ask men for money—just because I never saw my mother do it. 5. I did not allow anyone to make decisions for me. I didn’t need others’ help. Then God stepped into my life and daily, that independent spirit had to go. When you are used to doing for yourself, relinquishing that power is harder to break than a child who came from a two-parent home. Can I honestly tell you all that independent spirit is gone? Resoundingly no. However, daily, I strive to release the independent spirit that was in me from the day I entered this world. God, through His precious Holy Spirit, is bringing me to the place of total surrender to His Lordship in my life. How about you? Do you see any traits of what I have dealt with in your life? Give it to Daddy God, He is the only One who can gently and with love, look at that independent spirit and bring you to a place of total submission to Him. #Godzmouthpiece #runningafterGod #realtalkdonna
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