Character Magazine: Forward Movement 2013

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“Forward Movement”

Magazine FEB – APR 2013

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To pray for YOUR

trust YOU

PASTOR & His Wife A Shortcut to

Why God?



The Collective Conscience of a Nation Calls Out!

Marital Bliss

A publication of Hill Publishing

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“What WINNERS Live By”



Donna Sneed

IN THIS ISSUE 5| “Forward Movement” - Inner Sessions from the Editor-in-Chief 13| Family Bible Wordsearch


Guest Writer, Kenneth Barnes




Why God?

9 PRAYER Changes Things by Lindsay Williams

Special Interview with The LEGGETT Sisters

10 A New Year A New Start 29 |

Lil Johnny by Dorcas Williams

Page 12 CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST BACK COVER: 63rd International Women’s Convention and Crusade May 27-31, 2013 (Monday through Friday)

It's difficult to experience how great it is... living in how great it was. @DonnaSneed on Twitter · via Twitter

© 2013 Character Magazine


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~ C. S. Lewis

Greetings to you!


Inner Sessions by our Editor-in-chief

The year has kicked off to a great start and we’re already in the second month. Can you believe it?!? The saying is true… ‘My! How time flies when you’re having fun.’ This year, that is exactly what you should be striving to do…. Have some fun! For many years some of you have been in somewhat of a holding pattern; waiting for a clear, breakthrough and opportunity to finally land in a place of victory. Well, I believe your time is now. Sure there will be days and moments of challenges but Jesus never said there wouldn’t be. Those are the times when he is most near so no matter what… choose to LIVE and not die. Look around you. Someone needs your encouraging nod, smile or hug. Let the light that shines so bright in you, “shine” on others. I guarantee you will feel even better.

It is my desire that you not only read this quarter’s issue but share it with your neighbors and coworkers. We have worked diligently to prepare some great nuggets that you will see in the session entitled, “Crumbs for The Virtuous Woman” as well as a PUSH from Lindsay Williams that will encourage you to continue to pray. Our guest contributor all the way from Kenya, Ndungu Mungai, shares “A Shortcut to Marital Bliss” and you don’t want to miss the insight that Kenneth Barnes writes concerning the recent, sad story of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school.

This is the year of FORWARD MOVEMENT. Regardless of what comes your way, you must believe that God is for you. He has enabled you with the strength and wherewithal to “press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus.” Do not look back. For whoever puts his/her hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom. My dear friend, it is my sincere prayer for you that the Lord will continue to motivate you to do more for him this season. Don’t stress over trying to be like anyone else. He knew exactly what your challenges and “issues” and schisms would be and guess what… HE STILL LOVES YOU and ME! Ha! What an awesome God! I’m challenging YOU to serve Him even more this year; whether in your individuals lives, your ministry, home, business, grocery store, in your neighborhood or more specifically in your marriages…. There is NOTHING too hard for God. The thing is, you must allow Him to fully operate and speak to you. Remember, there is nothing good that he will withhold from them who walk upright before him.

NEW YOU. NEW SEASON. NEW OPPORTUNITY. You have been given power over all the power of the enemy. Even if you don’t understand it, begin your progression and move forward. ‘…the finite can never totally understand the infinite..’ ~ Ken Barnes Until next time, do all that you do – with grace and character.

© 2012 Character Magazine



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WHY GOD? The Collective Conscience of a Nation Calls Out!

| Kenneth Barnes FEB – APR 2013


The question expressed in the title may be the most frequent inquiry in all Christendom. With the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the collective conscience of our nation is asking, why? Most people who believe in a spiritual being in charge of all are attaching God to that question. Is there a Biblical answer to these questions? I am not a theologian; I am a former schoolteacher. But every Christian has a theology and to be viable it must work in good and bad times. Before delving into this issue I must say that the finite can never totally understand the infinite. Therefore, there will always be some unanswered questions in the fine print. But I do believe there are broad biblical answers that can get us through such a horrific event with our faith intact.


If there is a God, how could he allow something like this to happen? This question has echoed in the hearts of many across this land. It calls into question the very existence of God. Not to mention that it implies that God may not care, and if He does, He is not able to do anything about it. As Christians we must be able to answer this question.

God is sovereign and man is free. This is one of the great mysteries of the Christian faith. God is able to work His sovereign will and yet still give man his free will. Try and wrap that one around your earthly mind. How does it work in everyday life? How did it play out on that December day in that New England town? I don’t know. And I am in good company, as the Church has been discussing it for centuries without a clear-cut consensus. Maybe what God has not revealed plainly (in the Bible), we should not try to explain totally. Whatever the case may be, there is a God who rules in the affairs of men, but has chosen to give man a measure of freedom in that process. This may be the point of wisdom that can explain why we have such unthinkable evil in a world governed by a good God. There is a case in point in the Bible that deals with hatred and murder. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7 If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” 8 Cain told Abel his brother. And it came about when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. (Genesis 4:6-8) Clearly, it was not God’s intent or desire for Cain to commit murder. God reasonably explained to Cain the right and wrong response to anger and the corresponding blessing or consequence. Cain used his freedom to ignore a God who is only seeking his well being and murdered Abel. Evil is perpetrated in this world when we disregard the kind and just intentions of God. At this point you might be thinking would it not have been better if God had made us without the ability to hate? But if He had, God also would have had to create us without the ability to love. Without evil, good has no meaning. You can’t have one without the other. God did not create us to be puppets.

Justice Prevails



You might also be thinking that I have described a God that has His hands tied behind His back. Not so. God sees the end from the beginning with an eternal perspective. We see only a small clip of the movie with a temporal perception. God has a plan. We live in a fallen world where evil is pervasive. There is a titanic struggle between good and evil. Yes, at times it does seem like evil triumphs over good, but make no mistake about it, there is a God who rules and reigns in this universe. The end has already been decided. read more on page 30 Visit Ken’s BlogSpot and Book site:

​Ken Barnes, the author of

“The Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places” YWAM Publishing Email:

“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else. It's about your outlook towards life. You can either regret or rejoice; but through it all, I will rejoice.� ~LaShaye


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I Know Prayer Changes Things

by Lindsay Williams

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. ďƒ˜ Effectual: producing or sufficient to produce a desired effect, fully adequate ďƒ˜ Fervent: having or showing great emotion or zeal, ardent; passionate In this season our prayers must be effective, we must strive to get results, because there's no need in praying if you're not expecting an answer, if you dnt believe God will do what you need him to do....and our prayers must produce RESULTS...not just God give me the house, car, money, but lives touched, it should produce a word for those needing a word, direction, and hope. Our prayers must also be fervent, nothing is worse than a weak prayer....a prayer that you can tell the person is just going through a ritual, saying words they've been taught to say or heard others say....prayer must come from that place of passion, desire, and the reality that you need God and the faith that he hears and he'll answer you....

In order to get these kind of results, we must learn how to pray consistently and pray according to God's will and not our own, because this flesh will never want the things God wants for us....we also must not pray selfishly or foolishly like the mother that prayed for one of her sons to sit on the right n left hand of Jesus...

Prayer is not just important for your personal walk with God, but its the lifeline that can connect you with others to God, in other words its important to pray for might not even know their name but God might deal with you about some issues....and it's also vital to move and answer the call to prayer cause somebody's life could be on the line.... We must answer the call of prayer before any other call...and people should be able to tell when you've been before God....and they can certainly tell when you haven't....and when you can learn how to pray effectively and fervently, then you can see this scripture as a testimony that I Know Prayer Changes Things, and not just things but EVERYTHING!!

Don't stop praying!!! Visit | 9


C: Please tell us a little about yourselves. LS: The Leggett Sisters consist of three beautiful young ladies: Jessica (28), Ashley (26), & Courtney (23). We were born in the “Good Life City” of Albany, Georgia. Our parents are Bishop J. Wayne and Lady Alfreda Leggett who also serve as our spiritual leaders at Bethany Temple Church of God in Christ, where we serve in many capacities of the church. C: How long have you been singing together as "The Leggett Sisters"? Have you always liked to sing together or was there ever a time when you desired to do something else?

LS: We have been singing together for thirteen (13) years, and have enjoyed every moment of it. We never imagined that our gift would grant us the opportunity to bless others across the world. C: What are some of your favorite things to do? If you can, please share your heart about the importance of having passion for what you like to do.

Jessica: My favorite thing to do is host and plan events with family and friends. I love seeing people come together to have an enjoyable time with one another. I aspire to be an entrepreneur obtaining my own event planning business; “Heavenly Minds Event Planning.”

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| The Leggett Sisters

Ashley: I love reading, shopping, and spending time with family and friends; but my passion is teaching. I love working with children each and everyday. I am currently employed at Turner Job Corp Headstart teaching 12 to 18 month old children. I am also obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Ashford University. My future endeavor is to one day open my own Learning Center preparing and teaching the children of the future. Courtney: I am passionate about Graphic Design. I have my own business; “Courtney’s Classic Design” and I do everything from flyers, church programs, & invitations, etc. C: If you knew you had an audience of young people, what would be some of the things you would say to them? LS: If there was such an audience we would tell them to keep GOD first in everything that you do, develop a TRUE relationship with God. Never be afraid to achieve your goals and carry yourself with the utmost respect.

C: How important do you feel "praise & worship" is? LS: We feel that praise and worship is extremely important because it allows one to express their gratitude to God for who he is and what he does in our lives. C: Do you feel this (worship) is something that can be taught to others? LS: This worship cannot be taught it must be genuine and come from the heart. As the scripture says in John 4:24, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” and the only way to do this is to have a TRUE relationship with him.


Personal NOTE….

C: Do you write your own songs? LS: Most of the songs that we sing have been recorded by other artist, but we are in the process of writing our own material. C: Are there any plans to record a CD or are there any future projects coming along that you care to share with us? LS: Yes there are plans in the making to record a CD; God has allowed some wonderful people to cross our path, so get ready to add The Leggett Sisters to your CD collection. C: Thank you for allowing us a peek into your lives. I really appreciate it and we look forward to hearing more from The Leggett Sisters. Please share (if you will) how you may be contacted for booking: LS: For booking we can be contacted at Thank you so much for this opportunity. FEB – MAR – APR 2013

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Charles Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago’s Awesome Journey Continues Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago Lead the Stellar Gospel Music Awards with Five Wins including Song of the Year, CD of the Year, Choir of the Year and More Jenkins Performs at the African American Church Inauguration Ball and Delivers a Prayer at the National Cathedral (Chicago, IL–January 22, 2013) – Charles Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago’s year-long journey hit a high point at the 28th Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards with five wins, including Song of the Year, CD of the Year, Choir of the Year, Traditional Choir of the Year and Recorded Music Package of the Year. The Stellar Gospel Music Awards aired live on GMC from the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN with subsequent airings to follow. The award show will also air in syndication on 150 stations in over 125 markets across the country, January 24, 2013 through March 3, 2013 (check local TV listings for dates and times in your area). Read more on page 27

Charles Jenkins, his wife, Dr. Tara Jenkins and their kids. Photo credit: Rick Diamon


© 2013 Character Magazine

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Dealing with Betrayal

He spoke kindly to them, reassured them, and promised to provide for his betrayers.

by Jennifer Slattery In an act of Christian kindness, you open your home and heart to a relative, only to have them turn against you. How could they? When wronged, it can be tempting to seek revenge, vindication, but will this help? Or could this make things worse by keeping our wounds fresh and allowing them to crowd out God’s still, small, healing voice? Betrayal hurts, and if not dealt with biblically, can lead to a lifetime of bitterness and regret. Christ died to set us free, not only from our sin, but from everything that binds us. Recognizing His sovereignty during betrayal can help place our hurts in proper perspective, can provide emotional healing, and can teach us valuable lessons that will better equip us for understanding and fulfilling God's will. Throughout Scripture we read accounts of godly men and women used and betrayed by others. Sarai, Abraham’s wife, was abandoned by her husband and given to an Egyptian Pharaoh—traded for sheep and cattle. (Genesis 12:10-14) David was chased down by the king he once faithfully served, then later, betrayed by his own son. (1 Samuel 19:1, 2 Samuel 13, 15) And then there was Joseph, the favored son of twelve, thrown into a cistern then sold into slavery. (Genesis 37) Betrayed, abandoned, by his own brothers. At seventeen, he received a God-given dream—one that foretold him being used mightily by God. A short time later, he laid at the bottom of a cistern, listening to his brothers plot his murder. What had happened? Had God forgotten about him? Changed his mind? Had man’s sin thwarted God’s plan? Or could it be that God used each moment, each tear and cruel betrayal, to mold Joseph into the man He created him to be and to equip him for his future task? Trudging across the Egyptian desert, shackles around his feet, Joseph had a choice to make—he could wallow in self-pity, feeding his anger over the injustice he’d received, or he could surrender fully to God, trusting the Creator to bring good out of his tragedy. It appears Joseph chose the latter. Because of this, he grew into a wise and powerful man, second in command over all of Egypt. Decades later, with all the power of Egypt at his fingertips, he faced his betrayers once again. He had the power to destroy them, to make them pay for what they’d done. But as they stood, trembling before him, he greeted them not with hatred, but instead, with grace. “But Joseph said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.’ And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them” (Genesis 50:19-21 NIV).

Why? How? Because he knew, regardless of what his brothers had or hadn’t done, God was still in control. More than that, he knew God was loving and kind and had only allowed that which was in his best interest. He said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done.” Romans 8:28 provides a promise that can help carry us through even the most painful betrayals. “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (NIV). God works all things—including the mistakes and mistreatment of others—for our good. Understanding this allows us to maintain a teachable spirit, which in turn, allows us to grow from the experience. According to licensed marriage and family therapist, Jeannie Campbell, we can learn just as much about ourselves when we are hurt as we can about the person who hurt us. “Extreme reactions usually lessen with maturity,” Campbell said. “And quiet dignity might be the order of the day instead. When your first thought isn't to strike back, but instead to show the love of Christ even to people who hurt you, that's clear indication that growth has occurred.” Responding with quiet dignity doesn’t mean repressing our feelings or excusing the action. It means seeking God’s will and wisdom amidst our pain. Chuck Rife, LPC with Total Life Counseling, Inc., encourages clients to see the betrayal as an opportunity for growth. When dealing with betrayal, he encourages his clients to follow three steps:

Tell the truth about the offense.

“Don't sugarcoat the betrayal,” Rife said. “Note that Joseph agreed with his brothers about their abuse.”

“…what you intended for evil.”

Allow yourself to grieve.

As we grieve, we will likely experience a myriad of emotions from denial to shock to anger to sadness before arriving at what Rife refers to as healthy acceptance. “Realize and respect the fact that each multiple facet of the singular betrayal can require movement through the grief stages,” Rife said. FEB – APR 2013



While grieving, Rife encourages clients to journal and said writing a letter (without sending it) to the perpetrator often helps the offended party release negative emotions.


Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting, and most often, it’s more an act of will—a choice—than an emotion. “This choice has nothing to do with feelings,” Rife said. “We can choose to forgive, trusting God to take care of our conflicting emotions. Forgiveness means we refuse to bring up the matter in a spiteful way or take vengeance. Instead, we let God deal with the person in His own way and in His own time.”

Pray for the offender.

“You can't hate someone you are praying for,” said Campbell. “It's counterintuitive, and thus the Lord asks us to pray for those who persecute us. The Lord knows betrayal intimately. Few of us have been betrayed into death. He hurts along with us and wants to share in our journey.” Betrayal hurts, but when surrendered to Christ, our hurts can be part of a greater purpose. For Joseph, the bigger picture was helping countless survive a famine. By selling him into slavery, his brothers actually helped place Joseph right where he needed to be to fulfill God’s big picture plan. God has a plan in our betrayals as well. Campbell encourages us to focus not on our pain but on what God can and will do through it. “There is a bigger picture, a mosaic made up of all the betrayals, griefs, well as all the celebrations, successes, and acts of perseverance,” Campbell said. “If we can tell ourselves that this, too, will pass, and focus on the next mountain that awaits after we go through this particular valley, it will help us move on.”

Jennifer may be reached via email at:

“.…this, too, will pass…”

Wailing Wives share…. “CRUMBS” for The Virtuous Woman The Bible reminds us that we are living in “perilous times” and we ought not be surprised to hear of some of the violence and drama that is going on all around us. With that said, we are often surprised to hear of the struggles that our Christian brothers and sisters face within the walls of their own homes and yes, even churches. As sad as it may sound, it is true. Many marriages have been under fire and much prayer is necessary to maintain and endure through these difficult seasons. We are to remember the scripture given to us in 1 Peter chapter 4 verses 12 and 13 which states: “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you; as though some strange thing happened to you. Instead, be very glad--for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.”

What an encouragement! Even though what we experience does not always “feel” good; know it is working “for” good and instead of bowing down in oppression and submitting to depression, we know that even during the trial, we have the power to over come and we can rejoice in the midst of the situation. Our friends of the Wailing Wives Facebook group has opened their hearts to share some encouraging words that will surely bless you tremendously. Woman, daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, niece, aunt and wife ……

You are welcomed in The Beloved. You are beautiful and you are God's child. When you understand who you are and God's purpose for your life, the doubt, confusion, and second guessing a ends. ~Pamela Turner Johnnicans

Wailing Wives are coming together in Prayer. JOIN the Movement. Facebook: /wailingwives The Wailing Wives is a group started by Author and Entrepreneur Regina Howard. It originates from Atlanta, Georgia but reaches across the globe as a support to women everywhere – offering prayer and bringing sisters together in the faith.


never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8

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Can GOD trust YOU To pray for YOUR

PASTOR & His Wife

In the midst of a world of chaos, economic deficit and personal struggles, there is one thing sure …. God’s CHURCH is not defeated. He has set up a divine shield that prevents the prince of this world from touching or prevailing against his church – his Bride. What a beautiful vision of the husbandman who tends to, cares for and protects a vineyard. A satisfying peace, knowing that God never leaves a people who longs for his presence and power. It is great to know he has put in order a system of authority --- in earth, as it is in heaven. Pastors, who are given to the Body of Christ, feed (God’s) sheep with knowledge and understanding. Those who are married have been especially favored with wives who are also called to the ministry. To be the helper she was created to be, God makes ways for the pastor’s wife, to learn to be consistent in prayer and committed to support her husband and ministry to which they are called. It is very important and pertinent for the local body of members to remember to pray for the pastor and his family. There are many attempts to divide and conquer but we have been authorized by God with power over all the power of the enemy. The responsibility of prayer never left the Body of Believers who are to “always pray;” without ceasing. Whatever the need is in the local body, know – without doubt – that God has “put” in place those who will heed his voice as watchmen on the wall. These watchmen or intercessors are careful to stay alert to what is happening in the church and are fearless enough to put their faith to work through prayer. As God sees fit, he moves upon them who WILL obey his voice and pray God’s Divine covering and favor over their leaders. Can GOD trust YOU? He desires to reveal His mysteries to you. Will you be one he can trust to move in divine wisdom and power to pull down strongholds and do all you are assigned to do and set yourself in position to PRAY? Do not be afraid of the enemies’ attempts. You and God are the majority. With God on your side, you are empowered to overcome and therefore able to help ensure your pastor and his wife are constantly covered in “fervent, effectual prayer” that avails much. Don’t wait for someone else to do it, YOU take the opportunity and … PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. © 2013 Character Magazine

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A Shortcut To Marital Bliss


Ndungu Mungai

Sunset. Walks. Talks. Drives in the countryside. Candlelight dinners in city restaurants. Working in a virtual harmony to meet family needs. Rearing happy children. Having a happy family – father, mother and children!

All these desirable things can be yours. They are yours for the asking. You need to claim them from the Maker of marriage and family – Creator and Almighty God. If anything. they are the results He wishes to see in every marital relationship in the world. Make no mistake about it! Every marital relationship has its own problems. Each and every spouse has his or her own weaknesses. And as Philip Nunn - a Christian writer and a former missionary to South America, wrote in the Grace & Truth magazine in November 2008: “Even unions directed by the Lord have tense moments that, if the partners are not careful, can lead to serious problems.” But the most significant thing is that God has provided a unique force that can produce marital bliss in the lives of married couples even if they exhibit demonstrable weaknesses or are living under unsavory circumstances. That force is none other than the Holy Spirit which our Lord Jesus promised all and sundry who would repent and accept the gospel He promulgated during His three and a half ministry in this world (John 14:26). Certainly because of that heavenly gift truly converted Christians are increasingly reported to have happy and progressive marriages than couples of other faiths. In her 2003 book Sex Has A Price Tag, Pam Stenzel – a relationship counselor, Christian couples have better sexual relations as well than couples who do not profess the Christian way of life. Stenzel insists that this is contrary to conventional wisdom which has duped cultures around the world that people with a sexual background and philandering spirit enjoy their conjugal relations better than those who profess to be Christian.

© 2013 Character Magazine

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“ A Shortcut to Marital Bliss”


Ndungu Mungai

The Holy Spirit was ironically designed by God in such a manner that it would help individuals who allowed it to live in their bodies and produce the qualities that could make them have a happy marital relationship in particular and a contented life in general. If it is not suppressed by unbecoming behavior and ungodly conduct and attitude, the Holy spirit can help a couple – and even other persons so to speak, produce all the ingredients required to forge a close and a joyful relationship.

The apostle Paul – a prolific writer of the New Testament and one of the pioneers of the Christian faith, describes such qualities as “fruit of spirit” and tells us that they include “love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control . . . ” (Galatians 5:22-23).

Conversely, of all these essential elements none is more powerful and therefore more helpful to Christian folks in general and spouses in particular than “love.” According to God the Father and His son Jesus Christ, love is one element Christian couples cannot afford to miss in their lives as well as in their marriages. Without it, no marriage can survive. Without it, spouses could only be living in a state of “married singleness” - as the late pastor Richard Wiedenheft wrote in the Bible Advocate magazine of June 2001 in regard to couples who do not love each other anymore but continue to “live in the same space, share the same bed and bank account, parent the same children, attend the same church – but are not emotionally connected.“

The Creator of the human species and the Originator of the institution of marriage and even the designer of sexual relations among married couples, is especially of the opinion that husbands, first and foremost, should demonstrate love to their wives. …continued on page 26 © 2013 Character Magazine

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FEB – APR 2013 | 24

B re ak Eve r y Ch ain

PROMOTIONAL TOUR EMI Gospel Recording Artist Tasha Cobbs Releases Debut Album Grace

In Stores February 5, 2013 New Single “Break Every Chain” Breaks Ground at Radio and Retail Break Every Chain Promotional Tour Kicks Off in Atlanta

(Nashville, TN – February 4, 2013) – EMI Gospel recording artist Tasha Cobbs’ debut album, Grace, will be aggressively priced and available in stores and online Tuesday, February 5, 2013. Great anticipation has landed Grace at #1 on Amazon’s Gospel Albums chart even before the album’s release date. Cobbs’ new single, “Break Every Chain,” is breaking records on radio and retail charts: the single debuted at #1 on Billboard’s Top Digital Gospel Song chart. Additionally, “Break Every Chain” was the #1 most added song at gospel radio the week it entered at #27 on Billboard’s Hot Gospel Songs chart. The lyric video of “Break Every Chain” is currently the #4 most viewed gospel video on VEVO. A powerful worship leader, Cobbs first ministered “Break Every Chain” at Bishop T.D. Jakes’ Woman Thou Art Loosed Conference in Atlanta, GA. Moved by the power of her ministry and voice, Jakes invited her back for the New Year’s Eve service at the Potter’s House in Dallas. In addition, Cobbs had two recent guest appearances on TBN’s Praise the Lord program, where the single was well received by the show’s international audience.

Sunday, February 10, 2013 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Bethany Baptist Church Bishop David Evans 1115 Gibbsboro Road Lindenwold, NJ 08021 Thursday, February 14, 2013 7:00 p.m. The City of Love Bishop Lester Love Annual DOLL Conference 8601 Palmetto Street New Orleans, LA 70118 Friday, February 15, 2013 The Gospel Heritage Conference Changing A Generation Ministries 3350 Greenbriar Parkway SW Atlanta GA 30031 Sunday, February 17, 2013 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The Greater Traveler’s Rest Church Pastor E. Dewey Smith 4650 Flat Shoals Parkway Decatur, GA 30034 Sunday, February 24, 2013 City of Refuge Bishop Noel Jones 4527 S. San Pedro Street Gardena, CA 90248

Cobbs is currently taking her ministry on the road with a promotional tour that kicked off in Atlanta at Higher Living Christian Church (January 27); with visits that continued to Sunday, March 3, 2013 Northview Christian Church in Dothan, and Montgomery, AL The New Light Church (January 30 and 31); and returning to Atlanta to Changing A Dr. I.V Hilliard Generation Ministries (February 3). The promotional tour will 11233 Crown Park Drive continue on to Lindenwold, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; New York, NY; Houston, TX 77067 Los Angeles, CA; Houston, TX; Baltimore, MD; Washington, DC; New Orleans, LA; Chicago, IL; and Jacksonville, FL (see list of dates below). www.facebook/officialtashacobbs Sunday, March 24, 2013 Sunday, March 17, 2013 First Baptist Church of Twitter: @tashacobbs 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. Glenarden and 12:00 p.m. Pastor John K, Jenkins, Sr. GWENDOLYNQUINN New Life Covenant Church 600 Watkins Park Drive 718.622.4100 Pastor John Hannah Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 917.769.7808 5517 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60615 Sunday, March 31, 2013 Saturday, March 23, 2013 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. MEDIA TRAINING The Light Annual Women’s Bethel Baptist Institutional Church PUBLICITY Empowerment Conference Bishop Rudolph McKissik PUBLIC RELATIONS Raleigh, NC 215 Bethel Baptist Street MARKETING Jacksonville, FL 32202

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“ A Shortcut to Marital Bliss”

Ndungu Mungai

This is contrary to their wish that women should be the ones who should be taught how to respond to their desires and obey their instructions. In his letter to Christian believers in the city of Ephesus – a seaport in the Roman province of Asia, the apostle Paul was quite unequivocal that husbands were to “love their wives“ just as Jesus the Messiah “also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” To make make the marriage work, the apostle Paul also admonished husbands professing the Christian faith “to love their own wives as their own bodies . . .” In his opinion “he who loves his wife loves himself” (Ephesians 5:25-28). Like a clever and objective marriage counselor, Paul also had a word or two on how women were to treat their husbands. Writing to a Gentile Christian called Titus, Paul instructed that older women train younger wives to “love their husbands” as well as their children (Titus 2:4). If these younger women could embrace the concept of loving their own husbands at all times and in all circumstances their husbands would in return reciprocate their love. The ultimate result of this approach was two couples who loved each other even as they did that to their children and no doubt to fellow Christians. Also like a good teacher and instructor, Paul also felt constrained to define the remarkable qualities of the kind of love he was speaking about to fellow Christians as well as those among them who were married. In emphasizing that married spouses had to do away with love affairs outside the marriage bed and had to strive to be committed to their spouses and love one another, Paul described true love in the following words: “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails . . .” (1 Corinthians 1:4-8). Not surprisingly, however, Paul was talking about a higher form of love that did not exist among his contemporaries and is also foreign to our world. The high rates of marital failure in our world - and more so in our Christian nations, is a clear indication of an absence of the kind of love that can sustain a marital relationship. In these nations there is a kind of love that helps couples get together as a man and a wife but vanishes soon enough that the spouses can hardly relate to

each other or even tolerate each other. According to Greg Laurie of Riverside, California, the culprit for our marital failure is the kind of love ancient Greeks called “eros.” In his 2008 book 10 Things You Should Know About God and Life, Laurie – a Christian pastor and author of several books, has observed: “Eros encompasses that initial love, the mutual, physical attraction that draws a man and a woman together.” According to this highly-respected minister and author:“Eros is good . . .as far as it goes. The problem with eros, however, is that it is essentially selfish. It is primarily interested in taking. It says, 'I have needs, and I want them met.' That isn't bad, but it's not what you build an entire marriage on.” In sharp contrast to eros, however, is another type of love which the apostle Paul was describing to Christian believers of his day: agape love. He actually used this term six times in his admonition to married spouses in one local church (Ephesians 5:22-33). As he and other apostles understood it, this is the kind of love God has for the world and Christ has had for the church (John 3:16; Romans 5:8; Ephesians 5:2; 1 John 3:16). Pastor Laurie perhaps better understands the definition the apostles - and more so Paul, had when talking about this form of love. He notes that agape love “springs from a sense of the preciousness of the object other than the sense of pleasure derived. Agape is primarily determined by the character of the one who loves – not necessarily the 'lovableness' of the object.“ The most striking definition about agape love, according to Laurie, is that it “is not a feeling or emotion. It gives, wanting nothing in return.” Apparently, it is in an atmosphere where both spouses demonstrate agape love – actually being ready to serve each other while overlooking the weakness in each other, that marital bliss can result. That - and certainly nothing else, is the formula God has provided to Christian spouses wishing to have a happy life together. After submitting to that approach couples soon find that it is quite easy for both of them to have sunsets, walks, talks, drives in the countryside, and candlelight dinners in city restaurants. Ndungu Mungai – P O Box 1384 – Limuru 00217, Kenya

PH: 254 720 916 078

Ndungu Mungai is a relationship counselor and Christian writer based in Limuru, Kenya. (Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1982). Used with Permission. © 2013 Character Magazine

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I n s p i r e d P e o p l e


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“It was a stellar weekend,” said Jenkins. “They could not have given me enough time on stage to thank everyone who contributed to our success.” The awesome journey began with the release of the record-breaking and criticallyacclaimed #1 CD project, The Best of Both Worlds, which included the #1 praise and worship anthem, “Awesome,” penned by Jenkins, who is a GRAMMY® Award-winning songwriter. Immediately following the Stellar Awards, Jenkins headed to Washington, DC to participate in a series of Presidential Inauguration activities, including a performance at the African American Church Inauguration Ball “Keepers of the Flame,” to commemorate the Inauguration and second term of President Barack H. Obama. Jenkins performed “Awesome” and joined a list of distinguished guests. The organization honored Muhammad Ali, Bishop George E. Battle, Jr., Bishop Phillip R. Cousin, Sr., Andraé Crouch, Ed Dwight, Joycelyn Elders, MD, Bishop William H. Graves, Sr., Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale, Vernon E. Jordan, Esq., Hugh Masekela, Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, Jr., Jessye Norman, Beny Primm, MD, Cecily Tyson, Rudy Dee and Elaine R. Jones, Esq. On Tuesday, January 22, Jenkins delivered a prayer at the National Prayer Service at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. “It is an amazing honor to participate in such a significant moment in history as the celebration of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King as it is divinely aligned with the Inauguration of our President—it has truly been a once in a lifetime experience,” says Jenkins.

As Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago’s awesome journey continues, the award-winning and famed producer Mark Burnett (Shark Tank, The Voice, The Apprentice and Survivor) has produced a music video for the hit anthem “Awesome,” featuring scenes from his new television series The Bible, which will air on the History Channel, debuting March 3, 2013. Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago’s #1 debut CD project, The Best of Both Worlds held the top position on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums chart for three consecutive weeks. The Best of Both Worlds was the highest debut for a new artist in 2012 and the 10th best-selling gospel album for an artist in 2012. The single, “Awesome,” entered at #1 on Billboard’s Hot Gospel Song chart, and remained at #1 for 20 weeks. “Awesome” also entered at #1 as the Best Selling Christian/Gospel Song on Amazon. “Awesome” is the third best-selling digital gospel song of 2012. The single has remained at #1 in listening audience at gospel radio. In Billboard’s magazine year-end issue, Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago’s “Awesome” landed at #2 on the Gospel Songs chart, #5 on the Gospel Songs Imprints chart, #6 on the Gospel Songs Labels chart, and #20 on the Gospel Albums chart for The Best of Both Worlds. Jenkins is the founder, CEO and President of Inspired People Music, an independent label based in Chicago, IL.

(Cover) Performance photo of Charles Photo credit: Rick Diamon ### GWENDOLYNQUINN 718.622.4100 917.769.7808 MEDIA TRAINING PUBLICITY PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING © 2013 Character Magazine

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A New Year A New Start Hi boys and girls! This is your boy Lil Johnny, coming at you first to say Happy New Year; next to encourage you to know you can have a "New Start!" Some of you may have started on the wrong foot. You may have been slipping in school, your grades have been down, you haven't been studying like you’re suppose to, your behavior has been horrible, peer pressure has been taking its toll on you. These things are going to happen. The question is: What


you going to do about it? You have the power to change it, you have the power to say it won't go on any longer - I will have a new start. Boys and girls it may have been rough for you. It may even be hard for you to concentrate but you can make up your mind. Say this with me, “my mindset will be different in 2013. I will have better grades. I will get my homework done. I will stay out of trouble. I will turn away from temptation.

I will have a

"New Start!” Voy a tener un nuevo comienzo (Spanish translation)

© 2013 Character Magazine

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Creator: Dorcas Williams, Folkston, Georgia To find out more about Lil Johnny and to see what he’s up to, follow him on Facebook /dwill3

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| Kenneth Barnes

But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelations 21:8 NASB) The gunman did not avoid responsibility by killing himself. God always has the last say. Ultimately justice prevails and God will reward good and punish all evil.

Acts of Unimaginable Kindness “Well and good on judgment day!” you might say. What about the anger we feel now when we look at the pictures of those innocent children taken from us? Or how do we deal now with the frustration we feel because we can’t do anything to lessen the pain of the parents, relatives, and friends of those slain? Again, let’s look to God’s Word for the answer: Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21 NASB) On that fateful early December morning, Adam Lanza showed no mercy and perpetrated an unthinkable act of rage on the weakest and most vulnerable among us and on those who cared for them. Maybe this week we should target the weakest and most vulnerable among us with unimaginable acts of kindness and mercy. If we do, good may start to overcome evil, and our healing may begin. Ken Barnes the author of “The Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places” YWAM Publishing Email: Website: Blog:


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