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Helping People Become Better People
Steps To A Personal Growth Plan & Why You Need One! 2013
Why You Need a Personal Growth Plan & 5 Steps to Create One Many people desire to have their circumstances in life change. I heard Brian Buffini say one time that everyone wants to get to heaven but no one wants to die to get there. We all want something better in our life. Or am I just talking to myself? Whether it be a happy marriage, better relationship with family, more friends, better job, get that promotion, make the team, lose weight, better health ..... You get the point. The list goes on and it will be different for everyone on what they want. So the question is asked, “what do I need to do to make my life change.” Will wishing for it to happen work? I don't think so. As the memorable quote goes, “You can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which gets filled first.” (Grumpier Old Men, Burgess Merideth) So if mere wishing won't work, how about Osmosis? Osmosehoose? (Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules through a partially permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration blah blah blah)
I don't think this will get it done either. Well consider this. Develop a plan to make the change happen! Sounds simple enough and in theory it actually might be but after studying this concept for a while, I don't think that it is all that simple or a great many more people would be doing it. Just try asking a few people if they actually have a Personal Growth Plan. I dare say you might only find a few. So I've come up with a list of 5 things that will help you establish your own plan and boost you forward a couple of seats.
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Establish your starting point. This might sound very basic, but can you communicate to someone where you are right now in your life? Where are your relationships? Where is your career at? How are you doing with that weight issue? It is critical that you understand what your starting point is. A huge part of establishing your starting point is identifying the WHY of what you are trying to accomplish. Without a strong why, your motivation will wane and your desire will turn into another unfulfilled New Years Resolution (Root word Resolve. We don't want to lose or resolve to change our life.)
Step 2. Where do you want to go? Where do you want to be in 1 Year, 2 Years, 5 Years? Forget about 1 year. Where do you want to be 3 months? It has been said that we overestimate what we can accomplish in 1 year and vastly underestimate what we can accomplish in 10 years. We need to recognize the need to implement a concept called incremental growth. No matter how much we want to make the change happen, it will only happen over a period of time and it will not happen all at once. Everything in life has asequence and that includes personal growth. We cannot allow it to get out of sequence but we can speed it up by setting our resolve to do so.
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Prioritize the areas that need to be addressed. Where do we most need the change to happen.
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Establish new habits. Before you tackle this one, you will also need to identify some of the old habits that you need to lose first. The new ones will replace the old ones after about 30 days of repeatedly performing the new activity. An example of this would be a personal growth objective of improving my attitude. You can improve your attitude by the renewing of your mind. What is the best way to renew your mind? Read a book. Don't have time to read a book? Stop watching TV. Replace the habit of watching TV with the habit of reading a book. For this one, you will need to remember that it is imperative that you try to change only one thing at time. Trying to go on a diet and change your activity level at the same time might not work that well. You need to take things one step at a time and he sequence should make sense to the circumstances.
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5 .
Get a coach, mentor or an accountability partner. Someone who will walk with you through the changes that you are trying to make. While you might think you are strong enough (Listen up Men!) you will be much more successful if you consider the value of another person that is able to keep you accountable. I would suggest that this person needs to be someone who has your respect and is willing to make this commitment with you.
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These are 5 steps and they should be viewed as introductory at best. A beginning. They will help you to accomplish what you are wanting but they are really only the start to a lifelong journey of growth, change and fulfillment in your life. Why settle for mediocre when greatness is within your grasp. Stretch and grow. Plan and build. You, your family, your friends, your community, and everything connected with you deserves to have you be the best that you can be. Our Company, Specializes in helping people be better people. If you think that we can help, then please feel free to contact us at your convenience.