JOURNey to Print Journalism, A Workbook on the Basics of Print Journalism

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OURNey to Print Journalism is a journalism workbook designed by the Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies students of the University of the Philippines Visayas as a final requirement for CMS 130. It is designed to be an educational material that can be used by students of the specialized program for journalism to enhance their skills in the field. The workbook is divided into three main sections, which have been identified by the members of the editorial team to be the most appropriate topics of discussion: 1. the fundamentals of news writing; 2. news editing; and 3. fact-checking. Each section offers several subtopics with additional information that contribute to a deeper discussion and understanding of the aforementioned topics. Several practice activities with corresponding answer sheets for each section are also provided to test the readers’ learnings. With this workbook, we aim to take what we have learned from the CMS 130 course and use them to help our fellow students expand their knowledge and skills.


he contributors would like to express their sincerest gratitude to the following for their invaluable contributions to the making of this workbook. To our professor, Dr. Zoilo S. Andrada Jr., for imparting his insights and expertise during the planning and development of this workbook. His guidance and constant supervision have helped us improve the overall quality of this output. To the class, the completion of this workbook would not have been possible without the hard work and efforts of everyone. Thank you for your active participation and patience throughout this endeavor. Above all, to the Almighty God, for His never-ending grace and love, enabled us to finish this workbook successfully.



News Writing News Values Writing the Lead News Structure Attribution and Quotation Activities and Examples

2 5 13 18 24 35



What Needs to Be Checked and Improved in Editing? Activities Done to Check and Improve Principles of News Editing Objectives of News Editing Procedures of News Writing Common Mistakes while Editing Traits of Good Editing Activities and Examples

52 54 55 58 60 67 69 70



What's the deal with fact-checking? How to Fact-Check? Fact-Checking Tools and How to Use Them Activities and Examples

83 86 92 98






A strong foundation is required for an exemplary journalistic composition. And to write news that follows industry standard is an essential skill. The necessary guide in newswriting will be covered in this section of the workbook to better understand it. This includes discussions, examples, and exercises on Reporting News Values, Writing the Lead, News Writing Structure, and Quotation and Attribution. By the end of this chapter, you should understand the fundamentals of newswriting and be able to write news effectively while fully comprehending its core concepts.



NEWS WRITING News is published to inform and educate readers about current events. They are used to give readers information about the world happenings around them that they need or want to know. It can be in a form of news in newspapers, radio, and television

ABC of News Writing



is defined as being correct or precise. Good news reporting requires accurate and reliable reporting. In other words, it should be factual information presented in straightforward articles. It should be completely accurate, because journalists must not only report on facts, but also verify that the facts presented are correct.


means every word in your story should serve a purpose. If not, remove it. It should be concise and precise, particularly when writing news.


is a perception or understanding. It is being able to leave crystal clear information for your reader without any questions coming from them. In short, it should be complete.



General Rules in News Writing Lifted from (MAC 225, n.d.))

Always make the lead interesting. Avoid misleading leads. The lead must


be interesting in order to capture and hold the attention of your audience. Always use simple words. Always use the nearest simple familiar words.


Avoid using unfamiliar jargons and always use the closest simple word. Always be concise, precise, specific, and clear. A good news report is the one the average reader reads and understands.

3 4 5 3

Do not editorialize. "No opinions, just facts." In writing a news article, expressing your own opinion isn’t allowed. Even verbs like "refuses," "claims," or "admits" are editorializing and should be avoided.

Don't make any judgments. Just gather facts and let your readers decide on whose side they will want to go.

Do not exaggerate. Do not over-dramatize, be careful of adjectives, use the active voice, and be natural and conversational.


6 7

There must be no willful distortion of facts in either the news or headlines.

Never tamper with a story's facts, no matter what benefits you may gain. In journalism, this is an unforgivable offence in the industry.

Always double-check the spelling and grammar before turning it in.


This is a primary rule that every writer must follow, especially in news writing, because your writing is dependent on every word you write, thus we must be mindful of all inaccuracies. All news copies must be typewritten and double-spaced: A reporter must


be able to type his article on a computer. It should also be typed in double spacing so that sub-editors and editors can edit the material. Leave at least a one-inch margin on left, right, top and bottom of each


page: Keep the pages from becoming too crowded. As needed, leave suitable margins.



NEWS VALUES News values serve as the criteria that journalists use in deciding whether a topic, event, or issue is worth pursuing. Audiences rely on the media to provide them with important information about the world around them. News values are the guidelines in determining which information are important enough to be of public knowledge.

Timeliness News stories must be in the now. News stories are valued for their recency. It’s called news because it must be “new.” Breaking news stories are given more premium under this consideration because people want to be kept up to date with the blow-by-blow account of events. A related concept to timeliness is currency. It includes stories which might not be recent, but have an ongoing interest to your audience (Rogers, 2021). The territorial dispute in the West Philippine Sea erupted as early as 2013 but news outlets cover the developments in the area until now because it is still an issue of national interest. Similarly, topics under public spotlight within a certain time period can also be considered newsworthy. These include trends, debates, and the general public discourse on social media (Spencer-Thomas, 2003). There were many instances where social media set the agenda for news. For instance, calls for Ligtas Na Balik-Eskwela during the height of the pandemic trended on Facebook and Twitter and was later picked up by mainstream media to be developed into a news story.





Photo taken from:

The elections occupied much of the news during the period around February to May 2022. The elections were a highly anticipated event, thus it was a timely choice for reports.

Impact A news story with an impact engages, involves, or affects people. An event must have real consequences on the lives of readers (Rogers, 2021). Everyday issues on the economy, health, and national security usually draw public interest. A story has a greater impact when more people are affected by an issue or an event.




Photo taken from:

The country's economy is an issue of public concern, especially when it is sinking in debt, as reported above.

COVID-19 and the climate crisis are some of the major news items that made it to global headlines because their impact cuts across different people and places. In the Philippines, the national debt was closely monitored by news outlets because the amount will largely affect the future socio-economic status of the country.



Proximity The location of an event in relation to the target audience must be given consideration when deciding on a news story (Roberts, n.d). The story must be relevant to the audience in question. Readers show interest in events or issues that happen “close to home" (Spencer-Thomas, 2003). Thus, Philippine newspapers are less likely to pick up stories about China’s solar energy, but are more willing to track the movement of Chinese vessels in the West Philippine Sea. Proximity can also be in the form of an imagined link. The Cannes Festival in France is a distant interest for the Philippine press. However, if Filipino filmmakers were nominated, local news outlets might see it as a potential story.


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The outcome of the meeting between the two nations will greatly determine Philippine foreign policy, which concerns the question of territorial protection.



Prominence News stories involving popular figures such as politicians, celebrities, athletes, attract public interest. A famous individual can do anything trivial and still make it to the news by virtue of their status (Spencer-Thomas, 2003). A vlog by an ordinary person is hardly newsworthy, but a vlog made by Vice President Leni Robredo is a subject worthy of media attention. Public figures within local communities are also befitting of media coverage. The activities and affairs of Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Trenas are closely followed by newspapers and radio stations in Iloilo.


Photo taken from:

Pasig Mayor Vico Sotto may not be a national official, but his popularity on social media earned him a celebrity status.


FUNDAMENTALS OF NEWS WRITING Prominence can also apply to famous places and companies (Spencer-Thomas, 2003). The media makes regular updates on the state of affairs in Boracay because of its status as an international tourist destination. In the same way, San Miguel Corporation is constantly eyed by reporters because of its popularity and influence in the business community.

Conflict Many of the stories that make news are ridden with some element of conflict (Rogers, 2021). News media in the Philippines is typically characterized by an expose-andoppose style of reporting (Gloria, 2000). Whether it’s a protest against the defunded health budget in the Senate or an outright crossfire between rebels and the military, conflict drives readers’ interest. Power struggles and tensions between individuals or groups of people are a common theme (Roberts, n.d.). Political news is often replete with examples. Reporting on national issues are usually framed as debates between the majority versus the opposition. When the Anti-Terror Law was being debated by legislators, the common news angle adopted the pro-admin versus the anti-admin stance.


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Tensions between China and the Philippines over territorial disputes are consistently covered by the press. The situation is highly precarious, with talks of war just around the corner.


FUNDAMENTALS OF NEWS WRITING An old newspaper adage said “if it bleeds, it leads" (Spencer-Thomas, 2003). Events or issues surrounding tragedy, violence, or death usually arouse attention. The Marawi siege, the Manila hostage crisis and the Ampatuan Massacre are some examples of bloody events closely followed by the media that shook the nation.

Human Interest People like to know about other people (Spencer-Thomas, 2003). They like stories that touch on the human condition Human interest stories have a strong emotional pull (Rogers, 2021). These are stories about people accomplishing amazing feats, breaking conventions or doing something weird or fascinating. Stories like an athlete’s journey in achieving an Olympic gold medal; how a bank CEO sold and donated all her assets to charity; or the life of a superstar as a mom.


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Heroic feats such as one reported above often tug at the heartstrings of readers..



Novelty A well-known saying in the industry goes “when a dog bites a man, no one cares. When the man bites back - now that’s a news story.” The strange, the odd, the unusual or any deviation from the normal course of things have the value of novelty (Rogers, 2021). The arrest of a wanted man is straight news. But when he is arrested on his birthday and the cops give him a birthday cake, it is a deviation from a normal crime story.


Photo taken from: news.abscbn,com

News that are out of the ordinary such as this public stunt are effective attention-grabbers.



WRITING THE LEAD The lead is the opening paragraph of a news story. It is the most significant part of the article and is composed of a short paragraph that could answer the 5Ws and 1H. It arouses the reader's interest and the length of a sentence should not be in 30 words or less.

HOW TO BECOME A GOOD LEAD WRITER? A good lead writer follows the 5Ws and 1H as a writing strategy in journalism.



Name of persons, name of the organization, subject


Name of the event or activity


Time; today, yesterday, or tomorrow


Name of place


Purpose or cause




WRITING LEADS IN 6 POSSIBLE WAYS Consider the following data in writing the angle of the news story:

EXAMPLE 1 WHAT: Reopening of Tourism Activities and Resumption of Business Operation in Malalison Island WHO: Hon. Jose Jeffrey Y. Lomugdang WHEN: May 14, 2022 WHERE: Culasi, Antique WHY: To continue the economic growth HOW: By implementing rules and regulations



Writing the angle using the what lead The reopening of Tourism Activities and Resumption of Business operations in Malalison Island at Culasi, Antique to continue the economic growth will officially start on May 14, 2022.


Writing the angle using the who lead The municipal mayor of Culasi Antique confirmed the reopening of Tourism Activities and Resumption of Business operations in Malalison Island starting May 14, 2022.




Writing the angle using the where lead In Culasi, Antique, the reopening of Tourism Activities and Resumption of Business operations on Malalison Island will officially start on May 14, 2022.


Writing the angle using the when lead On May 14, 2022, the reopening of Tourism Activities and Resumption of Business operations on Malalison Island at Culasi Antique will officially start to continue the economic growth.


Writing the angle using the why lead To continue the economic growth, Honorable Jose Jeffrey Y. Lomugdang, the municipal mayor of Culasi Antique confirmed the reopening of Tourism Activities and Resumption of Business operations in Malalison Island starting May 14, 2022.


Writing the angle using the how lead By implementing rules and regulations, the reopening of Tourism Activities and Resumption of Business operations on Malalison Island to continue the economic growth will officially start on May 14, 2022.



EXAMPLE 2 WHAT: Bagong Sibol DOS Releasement of Short Films WHO: CMS 177 Emerging Filmmakers of University of the Philippines Visayas WHEN: June 5-15, 2022 WHERE: University of the Philippines Visayas, Iloilo WHY: To showcase the films in their CMS 177 course HOW: By buying tickets at


Writing the angle using the what lead Bagong Sibol DOS will release short films on June 5, 2022, at the University of the Philippines Visayas by the emerging filmmakers of the Communication and Media Studies students of the CMS 177 course.


Writing the angle using the who lead Communication and Media Studies emerging filmmakers from the University of the Philippines Visayas will showcase their films on June 5, 2022.


Writing the angle using the where lead At the University of the Philippines Visayas, the emerging filmmakers of Communication and Media Studies students of the CMS 177 course will present their films on June 5, 2022.




Writing the angle using the when lead On June 5, 2022, the Communication and Media Studies emerging filmmakers from the University of the Philippines Visayas will showcase their films on June 5, 2022.


Writing the angle using the why lead To present the films, the emerging filmmakers of the University of the Philippines Visayas Communication and Media Studies students of CMS 177 will present their films on June 5, 2022.


Writing the angle using the how lead Buying tickets in, the emerging filmmakers of the University of the Philippines Visayas Communication and Media Studies students of the CMS 177 course will present their films on June 5, 2022.



NEWS STRUCTURE A news article follows a particular pattern in news writing. Every journalist might have their own style of writing, but a general structure could be considered by all writers, It begins with the most important piece of information or a summary of the highlights and work its way down to the least important facts.

Transition-Quote (LQTQ) Format The basic formula for news stories is the Transition-Quote format, which follows the structure of Lead-Quote-TransitionQuote. This is a modification of the inverted pyramid that allows for more flexibility and is easier for beginner journalists to use.


There are two types of leads: “tell me the news” and “tell me a story.” Good leads are concise, clear, and colorful.


When a source has spoken to introduce the topic of the story. Quotes are what carries the story, along with transitions.


Talks about the main idea of the next quote or introduces a new source


The LQTQ format starts off with the lead and then the quotes and transitions can be as long as the writer wants it to be (e.g. LQTQT…). It’s important that the story ends with a good quote that summarizes the story or the kicker quote.



Here is how to use the LQTQ structure in a news story.



REMEMBER Each box is a new paragraph. Story should flow from most important to least important information. Use quotes to add opinion and additional details. Use transitions to add facts and details. In ending the news story, avoid summarizing the story in your own words. You can use a quote to end the story or a kicker quote.



HEADLINE: DOTr disputes NAIA ranking as worst business class airport Richmond Mercurio – The Philippine Star | May 29, 2022 Source:



The Nut Graph: The Point of a Story in a Nutshell As a journalist, you need to tell the reader why he/she should read this story. A good nut graph often is the best way to achieve that. A nut graph (nut graf) is a paragraph in which the main points of a story are summarized. It lets readers know why an article was important or significant enough that it had to be written, published, and read. As the name implies, most nut graphs are a single paragraph long. However, the nut graph can be longer than one paragraph but in a news story, it shouldn’t be longer than two or three paragraphs. Longer than that, the story can become uninteresting to your readers.

Here are some tips in writing the nut graph


Tell the readers what you are going to tell them. The nut graph is where you give the most important information to your readers. It explains why the story is interesting and provides the kernel, or central theme, of your piece. In other words, you need to figure out your point, or story angle.


Summarize your story angle in one sentence. To figure out what your story is about, try writing a one-sentence summary. That is the one sentence takeaway that you want your readers to have after reading the story. This could answer the readers’ questions: (1) What is your point? and (2) Why should I care? This will help you figure out how to frame your story and what information stays out of the article. 22



Make a promise to your readers. The nut graph is where you make a promise to your readers: If you read this, you will learn… If you want to grab the reader’s attention, start with a good lead. But if you want them to follow you throughout the story, follow up with the solid nut graph.


Keep it short. Summarize your point in a sentence or two. That’s all you need for a nut graph.

Purpose of the Nut Graph: 1. Explain the lead and its connection to the rest of the story. 2. Reveal the essential theme of the story. 3. Set up the supporting material to explain the rest of the story. 4. Explain why the story is important to convince readers to continue reading

Example of a Nut Graph: Excerpt from a news article from Rappler: Internet propaganda affected the 2016 and 2019 PH elections Eusebio explored how social media was used by President Rodrigo Duterte to win the presidency in 2016, and how the widespread disinformation on Facebook during the 2019 Philippine elections became a big part of Rappler’s “Fact Check” section. Source: The nut graph from this article of Rappler immediately provided the context behind the issue that is being talked about in the article. The nut graph has done its job: given readers enough information early on to see where the story is heading so the readers can decide whether they want to continue reading. 23



QUOTATION In this part of this workbook, we will discuss quotations. What are quotes, how it is important to journalism, and how it is made. In this chapter are discussion on the proper way of attributing quotes and the information of the people involved

What is Quotation and Attribution? (The News Manual, 2022)

A quote is a form of writing of the words for which someone has spoken. Sometimes, words from written forms such as newspapers, books, magazines, press releases, etc. are also quoted. In the processes under print journalism, quotes are visible as it is shown to be enclosed by either single (‘) or double (“) quotation mark, also called inverted commas. Thus, there is an alternative to using quotes in attribution that is called reported speech. Important reminder: Quotes are encouraged not to be aired on the radio; instead, the words should be broadcast in their spoken form, often known as audio. Quotes displayed as text on the screen can be used by television journalists. The term "attribution" refers to who delivered the quote or provided the information. The verb to ‘say’ is the most prevalent form of attribution. Always identify the speaker. In the United States, they refer to attribution as ‘tag’.



Two Types of Quotation:


DIRECT QUOTE is the actual words spoken by someone. The use of quotation marks (", ') indicates direct quotes. Everything between the quotation marks ought to be exactly (or nearly so) what the speaker said. The quotation marks separate the exact quotes spoken from the rest of the story. Whenever the speaker says something highly controversial or accuses someone of something, a direct quote must be used. (American University of Iraq, Sulaimani, 2015)

(GMA News Online | Sports, 2022) I GMANewsOnline




(Giselle Ombay, GMA News, 2020)

(Giselle Ombay, GMA News, 2022)




INDIRECT QUOTE is a paraphrase of the writer's interpretation of what someone has said. Indirect quotes have the advantage of cutting through extra wordage to convey what a speaker is saying accurately. They can liven up a dull quote and make a puzzling quote explicit. (American University of Iraq, Sulaimani, 2015) The main issue with indirect quotes would be that writers may not always comprehend or interpret what a speaker says properly. So, if you're quoting someone indirectly, take the time to understand how much they intended when they said it and that you rephrase them correctly.

(GMANewsOnline |Lifestyle, 2022)



(GMANewsOnline | Scitech, 2022)

(GMA News Online | Topstories, 2020)




Identified reasons why quoting is used in journalism.

1.You can decrease the risk of misreporting what people say if you repeat the precise words those who used. 2.When we use someone's precise words, our readers can see the ideas and the manner in which they were presented. 3.When people can speak, they frequently use lively vocabulary. Quotes enable you to incorporate vibrant language into your story.



When to quote and when not to quote in news stories:

13 GUIDELINES IN QUOTING Source: (Massasoit Instructure, 2014)

1. The first time a source is introduced in an article, you should use that source's full name and title. After this initial reference, use the last name only.

Example: "The swine flu vaccine is an incredible advance in modern medicine," said Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

2. When attributing a direct quote, always use the verb "said" and never any other verbs such as "explained," "whispered," etc. It is also more common to use the format "XXX said" instead of "said XXX."

Example: "The housing crisis is growing out of control," Bernanke said.

3. Even when information from a source is not used in a direct quote and is paraphrased instead, it still must be attributed to that source. Example: The recession will most likely begin to recede in six to eight months, Bernanke said.



4. You must quote correctly if you quote directly.

You're pretty much stuck to what the person speaking said inside quotation marks. There is a clear ethical issue with revising a direct quote in the intent of enhancing it. It is not appropriate to change words completely or even slightly reorganize them. When directly quoting, strive for exactness.

5. If you must quote directly, try to quote elegantly.

Be wary of breaking the flow of the quote to also include explanatory notes in brackets. Consider a paraphrase instead of explanations in parentheses. Good quotes should not need much explanation.

6. Ellipses in quotes must be used with caution.

Ellipses are three dots that are used to remove wordy texts from otherwise coherent quotes. But take care not to change the speaker’s meaning. Never combine ellipses with notes, such as explanations in brackets. Example: “I’m certain because I’ve been in the senate for a long time and really, really aware of the processes therefore we can pass this bill on the third reading.” This could be shortened to: “I’m certain … we can pass this bill on the third reading.” 31


7. When quoting directly, always fully identify the speaker.

If a statement in a news story is surrounded by quotation marks, the person that made the statement should be recognized.

8. When a quote falls short of a reasonable brevity standard, use a paraphrase.

Using long, boring, unimportant quotes adds little value.

9. However, even if the statement is dull, it requires direct quotation.

If the newly elected President is giving a speech about, say, his plans after he takes his oath, it's best to quote him directly, even if it's tedious.

10. Sparely use fragmentary or one-word quotes.

Fragments and one-word quotes are acceptable to express doubt — he called the minority's actions "impractical" — and to demonstrate the use of highly charged word — a group of concerned citizens called him "Puppet." 32


11. Quotes should support rather than repeat the lead. Avoid using two names. The first quote in the story must provide additional details or insight while also moving the story forward. Such leads should be avoided: The Senate President was taken aback by the opposition's corruption allegations. "The opposition's accusations or corruption have left me speechless," the Senate President said.

12. Partial quotes must fit the sentence's grammatical structure.

Avoid using partial quotes incorrectly: The motorist admitted that he "doesn't stand a chance" of getting a good parking spot. However, avoid using partial quotes that the speaker would never have said. The driver admitted that he "doesn't stand a chance" of getting a good parking spot.

13. Avoid overused cliches.

Even though they are in direct quotes, avoid them. "He's fortunate to be alive!" "Something went horribly wrong." "We ended up going out there and completed the task." However, if a speaker says, "it sounded like an IED bomb dropped," inquire whether he has ever heard one. If he hasn't, throw out the cliché. However, if he has, include it. 33


Example of Right and Wrong Quotation (The News Manual, 2022)



Mr. Andres Arthur, the principal, stated that the graduation program will be sooner than expected. Mr. Jhon Michael, the assistant principal, added: "the tentative date identified still agrees with our school calendar"

Mr. Andres Arthur, the principal, stated that the graduation program will be sooner than expected. "the tentative date identified still agrees with our school calendar," the assistant principal, Mr. Jhon Michael, said.

“Those acts are unethical,” said Rep. Alvarez, House Deputy Speaker and Davao del Norte Representative.

“Those acts are unethical,” Rep. Alvarez, House Deputy Speaker and Davao del Norte Representative said.

The mayor anticipated a difficult task ahead.

The mayor anticipated a “difficult” task ahead.



Activities and Examples 35


Activity 1. Let's Find Your 5W's and 1H! ACTIVITY. Now that you have learned the 5Ws and 1H in reporting, it is time for you to discuss its importance. Determine the who, what, where, when, why, and how in the given article. Write a 250-word news story with the facts you have identified. VP-elect Sara Duterte 'formally communicated' with OVP, DepEd for a smooth transition — spox Angelica Y. Yang - May 28, 2022 | 4:18 p.m. The Philippine Congress officially proclaims Sara Duterte-Carpio, daughter of incumbent President Rodrigo Duterte, as the winner of the 2022 vice-presidential election on May 25, 2022. MANILA, Philippines — Vice President-elect Sara Duterte-Carpio has already begun speaking with the Office of the Vice President (OVP) and the Education department about securing a smooth transition, her spokesperson said Saturday. Duterte has "communicated formally" with the OVP and the DepEd office in hopes of ensuring a "smooth, orderly and comprehensive transition", Liloan, Cebu Mayor Christina Frasco said in a statement. "As the transition process is still ongoing entailing detailed discussions...information on the completion of this process will be released once available," Frasco added. Duterte won the vice presidential race by a wide margin, after garnering a vote count of 32.21 million, accounting for over 61% of the total votes cast in the May 9 elections. She ran alongside President-elect Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. under the theme of unity. Before vying for vice president, she served as the mayor of Davao City. She is also the daughter of President Rodrigo Duterte. Barry Gutierrez, the spokesperson of Vice President Leni Robredo, said earlier this month that they are ready to work with the next administration for the transition. Although Duterte has no formal experience in the education sector, she will be helming the DepEd, replacing outgoing chief Leonor Briones, who was a public administration professor. While Briones earlier welcomed Duterte's Cabinet position, she hopes the vice presidentelect will continue the agency's programs. "It’s the prerogative of the incoming president to appoint members of his official family. He chose her (Duterte) and she accepted. But we are looking for continuity. She is fully aware of all the programs that we initiated at the Department of Education," she told ABS-CBN at the Education World Forum in London on Thursday.









200- Word News Story:



Activity 2. Determine the News Value Identify the news value/s that forms the basis of the following headlines. Check the box that applies.

Maynilad: Water supply interruption in parts of Metro Manila, Bulacan until June 1 Timeliness





Human Interest


Gunman kills 19 children, 2 teachers at Texas elementary school Timeliness





Human Interest


Shots! Pope jokes 'a little tequila' would ease knee pain Timeliness





Human Interest


Philippine Congress declares Marcos as next president Timeliness





Human Interest


Blasts in Basilan city hurt two people, damaged some properties Timeliness





Human Interest


Mona Lisa smeared in cream in climate protest stunt Timeliness





Human Interest


Ben&Ben surprises newlywed couple, sings ‘Paninindigan Kita’ at reception Timeliness





Human Interest




Activity 3. Write the Lead 1. Consider the given lead. Identify the 5Ws and 1H 2. In one given story, write the possible 6 leads.

Nine out of ten percent of teachers of the Philippines will vote for Vice President "Inday" Sara Duterte to be the next President of the Philippines this 2028 Election Day.









With her determination and perseverance to support her family, Celebrity Anji Salvacion was the PBB Kumunity Season10's Big Winner by a total of 40. 42 landslide votes on May 29, 2022, at Pinoy Big Brother House.









Activity. 4. Follow the Structure Provided below is an excerpt from a transcript of an interview. Let us test your understanding on how to use the structure for news writing in the Transition-Quote Format and the Nut Graph. Your task is to write a news story that follows each format.

INTERVIEW: Incoming PH Justice Secretary Boying Remulla | ANC – May, 24, 2022 Source: (0:00 – 5:09) Interviewer: We’ll be speaking now with Congressman Boying Remulla in his new role as the incoming justice secretary. Good afternoon, to you Congressman. Thank you for joining us today. Cong. Remulla: Magandang hapon sa iyo, Carmina at sa lahat ng nakikinig sa atin. Interviewer: Ano na po ba ang pakiramdam ngayon na binigyan kayo ng ganitong kabigat na role as incoming justice secretary, congressman? Cong. Remulla: Alam niyo naman, kaming mga abogado, isa sa mga pangarap naming ay maging justice secretary o kaya justice sa supreme court. Highest dream of any lawyer. Per mas mahalaga siguro dito, marami akong maitutulong sa pangulo, sa mga karanansan ko sa gobyerno. Sapagkat napakaraming papel tungkol sa justice system ang umabot sa aking lamesa nung ako ay naglilingkod pa nung Erap administration as Head of the Legal Department of the Presidential Management Staff. Kaya mga bagay na hindi natuloy noong araw, hanggang ngayon ay tuloy pa rin ang problema. Mga solusyon na hindi ginamit dahil walang political will and mga sumonod na mga pangulo. Interviewer: Halimbawa po ano ang mga solusyon na to at anong problema?

Cong. Remulla: Hindi siguro umabot sa kanila yung mga idea na dumating sa opisina namin nawala ang continuity ng Office of the President. Kaya itong mga idea na ito hindi naman ito bago. I just want them to be implemented, to improve the justice system. Interviewer: Give us an example congressman. Cong Remulla: Well yung isa ay ang ating National Crime Information System. Matagal na itong nakapropose na kung saan lahat ng database ng PNP, ng courts, ng ombudsman, ng NBI, lahat ng involved sa pagpursue ng justice ay pag-iisahin. Para ang mga tao kung kukuha ng clearance, isang opisina lang ang pupuntahan.



Activity. 4. Follow the Structure Cong. Remulla: Sa ngayon, hindi nagkakatugma ang mga records, kaya ang mga manggagawa na gustong magapply sa trabaho ay kinakailangang pumunta sa police para kumuha ng clearance, pipila sa NBI, pupunta ng korte, hihingi ng ourt clearance. Ito naman dapat, integrated nay an pero, nung araw, nagkaproblema kami jan sapagkat marami angayaw pumayag. Nagkaroon ng mga turf war o turf interest na nakaupo na mga secretaries noong panahon na yon, at ibang mga old timers. This time, with a fresh mandate given to the president, it’s about time na we integrated our national criminal information system. Para makatulong naman sa ating bansa. Hindi lang dyan sa manggagawa, kundi sa paghuli rin ng mga tao. Lalo na sa mga advanced ang technology, pati facial recognition pwede mo ipasok. Kaya, yan pa lang, simula lang yan, isa pa lang yan. Marami pa akong alam na pwedeng sabihin, Carmina, kung nais mong tanungin. Interviewer: We’re going to have to skip that,a nd we’re going to move on to the next topic. How will the DOJ look like under your leadership? Alam niyo, congressman, naging controversial kayo during the campaign period. We’re going to talk about that later on. But tell us in your own words, how the DOJ look like, under sa Remulla leadership? Cong. Remulla: Well, ang mahalaga saking dito ay yung aging nd dokumento, dapat hindi tumatagal. Pagka ang dokumento ay dumating sa opisina, dapat alam na natin kung sino, anong oras tinanggap, at kung sino ang in-charge. Kapag hindi naayos, yan, alam mo na may problema sa taong may hawak ng dokumento hindi naaksyunan. Pangalawa, yung cooperation ng Supreme Court and the other branches of the judicial system ng Pilipinas. Siguro mas makakausap natin para mas maganda ang cooperation. Maami Carmina eh. It will be an action-filled Department of Justice. Interviewer: You said during the campaign numerous instances where you had conversations with presumptive president Marcos Jr. What were these conversations like and was there any point when you specifically volunteered your help in any capacity to the incoming administration? Cong Remulla: Opo. Ang una naming pinag-usapan noong kampanya mismo, ang una niyang sinabi sa akin, nung nakita niya na ang daming taong sumasalubong sa kanya, sa aming lalawigan. Ang sabi niya, pag nanalo tayo dito, we cannot afford to fail. Hindi natin pwedeng biguin ang taumbayan. Yan ang naalala kong pinakaunang sinabi niya sa akin at hindi na ‘yan nawala sa aking isipan.








Nut Graph Format

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Activity 5. Let's Quote This! Below are transcriptions of two interviews. Your task is to choose an angle in the transcription and make a 300-word news (excluding the quoted words). Make sure to apply the guidelines in the proper way of attributing and quoting.

Activity 5.1 : Prof. Daroy-Morales sa posibleng pamamahala ni BBM | Eleksyon 2022 Source: (4:00 - 8:43) Jesica Soho: sa punto pong ito, kausapin natin si professor rowena daroy-morales ng UP college of law. Magandang umaga po professor morales. Prof. Daroy-Morales: magandang umaga po, magandang umaga po Jesica Soho: una muna, ano po ang inyog assessment, observations, insights sa ating nagging election 2022 Voting process at yung on going although nasa 96 percent na po yata yung partial and unofficial results. Prof. Daroy-Morales: okay number one yung observation pangalawa yung process. Una sa observation. Uhm—nung lumabas ako kahapon, so this is going to be a personal experience-observation muna. Kasi hindi naman ako nabigyan ng pagkakataon na umikot para tignan kung anong mga nangyayari. Uhm—alam niyo I am very-very surprised na andaming lumabas para bumoto.At hindi lang iyon, maraming lumabas, bumilad sa araw, ang haba sa pila at hindi nagrereklamo. Naghihintay talaga sila ng kanilang turn para bumoto. That for me is very overwhelming and very historical. Hindi rin sila magulo ha. Hindi sila magulo except for yung iba na humihingi, nakiki-tanong kung meron bang tubig, meron talagang muntik ng mahimatay. But they were helping each other, isn’t that a phenomenon? I don’t know who they are voting for. I don’t know if they were all there to support one candidate or which ever but they were all helping each other. Yun ang aking personal observation. Ang insight ko ngayon, kahit ano pa man ang magiging outcome talaga at mukhang alam na natin kung ano ang outcome, base nga sa nasabi Ninyo uhm— malaking porsyento na ng mga balota ang nakapasok-- oh well yung uh—aggregate number no? uhm—meron naman akong naririnig na kung Manalo si ganiyan tayo ay magrarally, pagnanalo si ganiyan hindi natin matatanggap, pagnanalo si ganiyan ito ang gagawin natin. Sa akin namang sarili, kung sino man ang Manalo, don’t you think it’s time for us to sit down and face the real challenge that are nation faces, which is uhm—hindi ko alam kung nasa gitna pa tayo ng pandemya o nag rerecuperate na tayo. I am not so sure about those health statistics. Pero its about time that we get together, get our act together. Tayo as citizens led by who ever is going to win at kung ayaw niyo man ang nanalo uh— let’s set aside no—ang ating mga personal feelings and feel for the country. kung gusto naman natin ang nanalo at sinuportahan naman natin, bigyan natin ng suporta at wala na yung “ble-ble-ble—nanalo kami”, wala na yung ganunan. Let’s all sit down and uh—kung baga magsama-sama tayo and Let’s do it for change.



Activity 5.2 : Press briefing with Vic Rodriguez and Trixie Cruz-Angeles at Marcos Jr. headquarters - May 26, 2022 Source: (0:00 - 3:00)

Cruz-Angeles: Magandang hapon, ako po si Trixie Cruz-Angeles press secretary designate. Hindi po ako spokesman, ako po ay press secretary at trabaho ko ay magbigay ng media briefings ah—kung mayroong kailangang i-clarify doon sa mga statements ng ating pangulo or president elect then maaari po akong tanungin tungkol don. So it’s merely clarificatory hindi po ako ang tagapagsalita niya. so mayroon po ba kayong tanong? Tungkol sa ano-- Yes ma’am? Rappler reporter: I’m sure you know by now yung mga old tweets niyo po nagreresurface about your criticism about Marcoses. Ano po ba, nagbago po ba ang isip niyo have you talked to it about president elect? Cruz-Angeles: Actually we’ve talked about it. As You know I’m a blogger and we have talked about it extensively on the blog as you know we have conducted in fact several lives about it and I’ve told my story about how and when I change my mind about it. So ah—that’s it. it’s pretty much it. I’m sure you can see them… Rappler reporter: how do you change your mind.. change your mind about it? Cruz-Angeles: yes of course. Aren’t people entitled to change their minds? I think we are diba? I think that ah—evolution is a natural thing even among our consciousness. But really —yes ma’am? GMA News Reporter: Ma’am napanood niyo yung interview ni BBM earlier? So sinabi po niya yung kalimutan nalang yung nakaraan when it comes to corruption. gusto lang po naming ma clarify kung ano ah— ma expound kung pano po kalimutan ang past, ibig sabihin po ba non mga pending cases sa coc, bir.. alam namanpo natin--Cruz-Angeles: no ma’am no-- pending cases will continue of course because they’re pending cases. I think theapproach as he had expounded in previous interviews is simply to not to concentrate too much on fault finding but rather or on the sins of the past because in his words and I quote “ako na ang namamahala ngayon, kung dati hindi ako ang nananagot yung iba.” So that’s the extent of what he says. I cannot expound more on that. We’ll probably require a more clear of precise policy on thisone, since he was freely speaking his mind at his interview this morning—yes ma’am? Hi miss merlin Reporter: Hi ma’am kamusta po Cruz-Angeles: mabuti po Reporter: Ma’am, kalian niyo po nalaman at ano po ang pakiramdam na kayo po yung --andami niyo pong ano doon Cruz-Angeles: Uhm—a week ago when it was formally, when I was formally invited and I accepted the day before. Anong pakiramdam---



Inquirer Reporter: attorney, Nestor from inquirer Cruz-Angeles: yes po? Inquirer Reporter: president marcos uses the bahay pangarap or pagbabago in malacanang as his official residence Cruz-Angeles: ah—we have no policy on that yet. I think we’ll have to wait and see. Uhm-- there will be transition team so we’re going to have to see what he will feel at doing Unknown reporter: any information naman po about the inaugural uhm— Cruz-Angeles: wala pa po Unknown Reporter: uhm-- saan po Cruz-Angeles: wala pa po tayo. A lot of decisions still have to be made so wala pa po —kahit kami wala pa pong.. ano balita doon.. yes ma’am? ABS-CBN Reporter: Kath Domingo from ABS-CBN news. The Singaporean leader has extended an invitation for the incoming president for a state visit. Has the United States issued the same invitation, how will that play up considering that he has a contempt order there Cruz-Angeles: we have no information yet on a—any invitations by the United States. So far they have congratulatory messages Cruz-Angeles: I apologize miss rian no because I don’t really have enough information yet on the other matters that need to be clarified, I can a—I could answer only the questions pertaining to this morning’s press briefing uh—interview of the president and my coming in so maraming salamat po. We will be ano- we’ll be having two briefings every week hence forth and possibly an additional one if there are pressing matters that need to be discussed with—allow me first to—wait, allow me first to get settled into the job because I only was here—I only started yesterday. Today was my first formal undertaking so be gentle guys. Thank you very much. We’ll see you—we’ll be giving press advisories when we have press briefings okay thank you.



Activity 5.1 - 300-word news story

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Activity 5.2 - 300-word news story

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NEWS EDITING Accuracy can be a deciding factor whether a journalist’s journey is about to start or end. This section of the workbook will allow you to have a better understanding about News Editing by bringing forth its principles, objectives, methods, and process one page at a time. Activities will be provided at the end for you to analyze and practice your knowledge and skills in News Editing. By the end of this unit, you should be able to understand the rudiments of copy editing and be able to apply it with journalistic or even daily writing.




Derived from SH. Mihir Ranjan Patra, Department of Communication Management & Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology

News Editing is the process of modifying news stories in a preferred shape and size using appropriate language and symbols. It aims to create a refined version of write-ups to make them easier to comprehend.

In sum, editing is done to improve the

grammar, grammar, structure, structure,

style, style, facts, facts, and and readability readability of the news story.

In print journalism, the jargon used for editing is

copyediting copyediting or or sub sub editing. editing. In the United States, the term copy editor is used while the United Kingdom, as well as India and other countries, use the term sub editor.



WHAT NEEDS TO BE CHECKED AND IMPROVED IN EDITING? Derived from SH. Mihir Ranjan Patra, Department of Communication Management & Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology

Punctuation It is crucial to understand punctuation marks since how they're utilized by the writer can alter the tone and meaning of the sentences we read.

Spelling Checking and improving the spelling of words provide readers with as much clarity as possible.

Subject-Verb Agreement Right usage of subject-verb agreement makes the delivery of message more understandable and to cease confusion of the readers,

Clarity You should avoid using thesaurus words that are not part of your vocabulary because you might misuse them.

Proper Word Use Using proper words in news story strengthens the credibility and quality of the news. It helps in avoiding confusion and misinformation to the readers. Thus, this must be checked and improved.

Flow This talks about how the story moves. Use logical connections between ideas and appropriate transitional devices.



WHAT NEEDS TO BE CHECKED AND IMPROVED IN EDITING? Point of View Newspaper articles are in the third person point of view to ensure no personal views or opinions are reflected. Remove these sentences for an unbiased news article.

Dialogue Look into the dialogues if what was written is accurate to what was said by the person. Do not alter any idea on the statement.

Sentence Structure A strong sentence structure moves the reader easily and clearly from one topic to the next. The goal is to inform readers while also impressing them with a good style.

Inconsistencies Check if there are inconsistencies in verbal tenses, languages, and style of the news. Make them consistent before publishing.

Redundancies Remove redundancies by avoiding double negatives and having the same meaning of words or phrases in the same sentence.

Format Check if the format of the news components is right. It should be accurate and in a preferred style of writing a news story.


Sources: Editing and Proofreading. (n.d.). The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from Patra, M. (n.d.) Introduction to Editing. Retrieved from


ACTIVITIES DONE TO CHECK AND IMPROVE Derived from SH. Mihir Ranjan Patra, Department of Communication Management & Technology

Arranging A newspaper's content must be presented in an appealing and easy-toread format.

Reducing A news story or article is shortened in order to fit within publishing limits or to improve the material.

Adding Replace passive verbs with active verbs to give the paper more life and movement.

Translating Translating a text means nevertheless keeping the original context of the work despite being changed into a different language.

Selecting Selecting the correct type of news is a must for copy editors. Though time-consuming, it is an essential practice in the overall story.

Checking & Adapting News and Other Materials for Publication Related to selecting, looking over at different sources of news from other agencies helps with news editing as well.

Sources: Ghosh, P. (2015, November 7). News information selection process–explained! World's Largest Collection of Essays! Published by Experts. Retrieved from Patra, M. R., & Singh, S. K. (n.d.). Introduction to Editing. Dde Gjust. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from Sunarjo, E. (2019, October 1). The work of an editor in translation. ACES. Retrieved from



PRINCIPLES OF NEWS EDITING Derived from SH. Mihir Ranjan Patra, Department of Communication Management & Technology & Kumar Yugesh, Getup Learn

Accuracy Sub editors need to be engrossed with accuracy. There is a reputation for newspapers and magazines to maintain, and sadly, it only takes a moment to ruin it. It is most important to check and collate names, numbers and facts. Always attribute the news to sources so that readers can evaluate its credibility.

Balance and Fairness Balance and fairness form the basis of a good editing. Balance refers to creating a platform in which both sides can be presented while fairness is about not taking a side.

Brevity The heart of a journalistic piece. Brevity refers to telling a story without beating around the bush. It saves both time and space for writers, editors, and readers alike. Quite a challenge especially if a lot of information is presented to you, but that’s the journalist's life.



Photo taken from:

Clarity Clarity is the ability to the quality of being coherent and being able to translate it into a writing. Readers should understand what they read without going twice into it. We wouldn’t want the readers to misinterpret the story, don’t we?

Readability A good article must be readable. By this, we mean the words, expressions, and grammar should result in the acceptable and correct language. It is also important to spot the standard writing format (number of words, paragraphs, etc.) of the story. Don’t forget to look out for mistakes!

Human Interest Editing aims to create a style that attracts human interest. Sub editors should think about their readers' point of view to create a piece that people see themselves reading.



Sharp Observation In the field of journalism, sharp observation indicates a good communicator. It portrays reality, gives the dynamics of reporting, enhances the joy of reading and sharpens the reader's perception.

Simplicity One of the "building blocks" of a good news article. Short and clear words and sentences must be applied. No one wants to read a lengthy report full of big words on something interesting, right? Readers will get bored and doze off in the middle of your piece.

Photo taken from:


Sources: Clifford Flowers. (n.d.). Principles of good editing. Retrieved from Kumar, Y. (2021, August 9). What is news editing? objectives, principles, role, functions. GetupLearn. Retrieved from


OBJECTIVES OF NEWS EDITING Derived from Kumar Yugesh, Getup Learn

Accuracy Fact-checking is a professional and ethical requirement for news reporters during their research and writing processes. It includes correct spelling, name pronunciation, factual details, and any grounds for drawing judgments. Multiple accuracy checks are common. This is something that all competent writers should do. The finished text's dependability is determined by the accuracy of the research and writing processes.

Fact-Checking The practice of attempting to confirm or refute claims made in speech, print media, or online content. In each field where claims are made, including government, journalism, and business, the technique is crucial for maintaining integrity. Before making a decision, fact checking entails collecting support or guarantees to back up any assertions.



Photo taken from:

Maintaining Objectivity Making objective judgements is critical to achieving the three primary goals of assessment: fairness, reliability, and validity. It can be challenging to maintain objectivity especially when faced with other external factors that could affect decision-making practices.

Staying on Track Maintaining the focus of a writing is extremely important for the editing process. Some writers find it hard to recognize and delete unrelated sentences and passages as they have brilliant ideas. Writers are protective of their work however, scrutinizing it is still of importance. Sources: Clifford Flowers. (n.d.). Principles of good editing. Retrieved from Wigmore, I. (2017, March 10). What is fact checking? - definition from Retrieved from



PROCEDURES OF NEWS EDITING Derived from Vicky Krueger, The Poynter Institute

Step 1 must be completed first and Step 6 should be completed last. The rest can be completed in whatever sequence you find most efficient. Some editors prefer to clean up all the details first, then look at the big picture; others prefer to address the big-picture issues first, then repair the details later.

Step 1: Read the Text Read the text all the way through before doing any revisions and edits. The primary intention is to get a hold of the story's sense: what it is about, what it entails, and where it is heading. This is a way to contemplate how much work there is to do and what kind of editing will make the story more appealing.

Step 2: Fine-Toothed Comb Make sure everything is in your preferred style — check the punctuation, language errors, and the typo. By calibrating your work with a more focused eye, you can spot mistakes and make the necessary changes to improve your content. Like editing, proofreading requires a systematic approach. Do not rush. You are mistaken if you believe you will uncover all faults on the first read. Reading the manuscript aloud can help you focus and slow down the process. Make sections in the manuscript. This can help you concentrate and reduce the overwhelming feeling of reading the full manuscript in one sitting. Highlight common errors. This is beneficial for both present and future news writing. The more you understand your errors, the easier it will be to avoid them in the future. 60


The Proofreading or Editing Symbols


Photo source:


Photo source:



Step 3: Consider the Big Picture Make sure that the structure of the story makes sense. Is the data in the correct order? Is it easy to transition from one thought to the next? Is everything discussed in detail? Do you have any unanswered questions? Is there any information that's missing? Take these questions into consideration to have much more comprehensible news articles.

Step 4: Double-Checking Facts Examine everything. Check the name and title. Check the date and location. Make a calculation. Compare the report, data, or survey summary with the original source. Investigate all possible sources.



Step 5: Revise "Revise" is a broad term that includes a variety of activities such as removing redundancy, reducing wording, and in some cases reducing length, and preventing other edits from creating gaps or errors in the story. After the writer answers all the open questions and fills in all the gaps in the story, the writer may need to revise some paragraphs.

Wordiness Note that you should avoid using unnecessary words, strings of prepositional phrases, overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences, and overusing noun forms of verbs. Below is an example of a long sentence and how it could be improved. The revised sentence is more brief and straightforward. Original: If economists were to base their statements about economic growth entirely on the information given by the GNP, they would have false findings. Revised: Economists would have false findings if they based their statements entirely on the GNP.



Passive Speech Passive voice is often deceptive and wordy. When the author uses passive verb, it is unclear for the reader as to who or what the source of the action is. The sentence indicates the source of the activity, so using the active voice makes the statement clearer and clearer. A sentence is in the active voice when the actor (which may be a person or an object) is placed before the action the action in the sentence.

Passive: It was earlier demonstrated that heart attacks can be caused by high stress. Active: Researchers earlier showed that high stress can cause heart attacks. Passive: After several months of better trading conditions, the annual bonus to the staff at the Fred Smith store group will be paid for the first time in four years. Active: Staff at Fred Smith stores will get their first annual bonus in four years after the group reported better trading conditions. 65


Step 6: Select a Display Type Many editors also create headers, headlines, photo captions, and summaries. Ideally, this is done when the text is complete and no further significant revisions are expected. The message or theme you want to express is refined by editing. More importantly, editing is a test of a journalist's professionalism as editing can eliminate the distractions of the reader, undermining the credibility of the writer. The purpose is to ensure ACCURACY and ensure that facts are presented in an EASY-TO-READ format.

Source: Krueger, V. (2016, March 28). Fundamentals of Editing: The Editing Process.



COMMON MISTAKES WHILE EDITING Derived from SH. Mihir Ranjan Patra, Department of Communication Management & Technology

Arrogance This is sometimes referred to as a self-centered act. Your news layout, your attempts to be funny in your headline at the expense of clarity, and other elements can all send the message to the reader that "I don't care about you." There are many variations on this: confusing grouping captions, typefaces or fonts that are difficult to read, images that are too small, and so on. As a result, stay away from these items and be aware of your audience.

Assumptions Sub editors frequently assume that the reporter has already checked and cross-checked the story, or that the photographer has correctly identified the name of the subject. It's possible that they assume someone else did the planning while you were away. To say the least, handling such assumptions in editing is highly dangerous.

Sloppiness Here are only a few examples of sloppiness or carelessness: A caption that implies someone is in the photo when they are clearly not; a caption name that differs from the name in the narrative; a headline with a terrible break that makes it difficult to interpret. To avoid these errors, avoid being casual and double-check everything.



Indifference You create a modest headline for a great story out of boredom, as if it were just another ordinary feature. Alternatively, you could display a magnificent work of art in a mediocre way. Similarity is a related issue in this scenario. Every page appears the same and is predictable, from the headlines to the size of the art to the basic layout of the page. To contrast, create something memorable for your readers on that day's page: a fascinating title, a tease, a beautiful photo crop, and a relevant info box.

Ignorance Ignorance means that you printed the wrong MLA photo from the district because you did not pay enough attention. Or argued that Mahatma Gandhi died on October 2 but did not bother to investigate the exact details. Readers are always aware of these facts and proving you are unaware, damages the newspaper`s credibility.


It wasn't your job, so you didn't have to bother checking for additional information in your office or elsewhere. Or maybe you didn't finish the preface because you thought the shift was over and someone else could finish it the next day. Or maybe you skipped searching for something in your stylebook because you were convinced it was correct. Indeed, in sub editing, one of the major offenders is laziness.

Inflexibility Inflexibility can be reflected through different circumstances in life. Disliking working in later shifts, or maybe you don't want to work in sports. Newspapers often face challenges due to their inflexibility. Doing extra work and being flexible provides an opportunity to develop new skills that are useful in a variety of situations, so be sure to learn a few things outside the comfort zone.

Source: Patra, M. (n.d.) Introduction to Editing. Retrieved from




Derived from SH. Mihir Ranjan Patra, Department of Communication Management & Technology

Precision An editor’s job is to ensure the accuracy of every information. If it is not accurate, it is not journalism.

Sticking to Basics Copyediting requires consistent and skilled application of fundamentals, no matter how advanced things might get in technology.

Imagination A creative and flexible mind is what an editor needs.

Convergence As different media converge, an editor should be able to operate through different domains in the field.

Critical Thinking An editor should be able to analyze ambiguous information, find answers on their own, and identify the credibility and utility of various sources of information. 69


Activities and Examples 70


Activity 1 Instructions: Using the symbols chart of copy-editing as a guide, identify and draw the corresponding symbols for the following descriptions.



Activity 2 Instructions: Using the symbols chart of copy-editing as a guide, mark the words with copy-editing symbols in the left column so that they will match the words in the right column. Example:



Activity 3 MATCHING TYPE: Match the descriptions in column A with the their corresponding answers in Column B.


Attained by being unbiased and not presenting any personal viewpoints in the news piece. Truthfulness is related here as well. A method of editing where reporters used carbon film ribbons to type their reports on electric typewriters on bond paper. A process of modifying news stories in a preferred shape and size using appropriate language and symbols. Ready access, speed, and appearance of authenticity typically influence public use and acceptance of available resources.Examples of mechanical copy processing equipment. Examples of mechanical copy processing equipment. A common mistake in editing where the factors can all shout to the reader, "I don't care about you." A jargon used for editing in print journalism. A method of editing where standard editing symbols are being utilized by the sub-editors in marking revisions and corrections on the pages. It means that the words, expressions, and grammar result is in the acceptable and correct language. Examples of this are no page number in a tease; a jump line that directs readers to the incorrect page and a caption that claims someone is in a photo when they clearly are not.












Activity 4 Instructions: Read and understand the news story to be published in the national newspaper. Correct the given news using standard copy reading symbols. Utilize the space below for your headline and slugline. ____________________________________________________________

President Rodrigo Duterte on friday likened him self to the Nazzi leader, saaying he wants to kill millions of Drug addicts, just as hitler killed Jews during the Holocaust

Hitler massacred 3 million jews. Now there id 3 mil, what is it, 3 million drug addicts (in the Philipines), there are, “said He in a speech in hometown of davao city.

“I’d be happy to slaughter them. at least if germany had Hitler, the Philipines would have (me). You know my victims, I would like (them) to be all criminals, to finishes the problem of my country and saved the next Generatiom from perdition

history counts the cost of Hitlers purges against “undesirables” at 11 million to 6 million of whom where Jewss.



This statements are rebolting. President Duterte must retract them band apologize,” Lauder said. “We just marked the 75th anniversary of Babi Yar, the massacer of more than 33,000 Jews in Okraine by Nazi Ger many. Now, the elected leader of the Philippines openly calls for the masH mUrdUr of people who are adictted to drugs.

“Drug abuse his a serious Issue. But what President Dawtete say is not only profoundly inhuman, butt eat demonstrates an appal ling disrespicture for human life.”

The control versial leader champaigned on A hard line against crime, particularly drug offences, and has in the past uttered statements

Which have caused many in the international community to recoil.

Source of example story: McKirdy, E. (2016, September 30). Retrieved from



Activity 5 Instructions: The news story below needs a bit of fixing before it gets to be published. With the lessons you’ve learned from past topics, look out for word usage, sentence construction, and other errors. Add the required symbols. Assume and practice the role of a news editor and polish what is necessary, to make the article better.


bidding for renovation of minnesota school facility

EAST SHOE, Minn.-- The East Shoe School Board Monday tabled a decision whether to issue a call for bid specifications for a $1.5 million bonding request to be applied to required renovation of the city's elementary education facility.

There are a number of studies by qualified experts hired by the school board to study the structure which show deterioration of the roof and athletic facility, according to school board reports. "We also need to deal with








superintendent Irving C. Nern. He added that in the unlikely eventuality that educational facilitators need to traverse the stairway to the substructure








negotiating around possible hazardous materials.



"We could use sizzors to cut out the hazardous material ourselves," stated Nern, "but the state requires professional removal, and thats costly."

It is the school board's standard position that property taxes increase no more than 2 percent a year, but school board chair Mary Smith said she is ready to make a revision to that policy. Reviewing the report, she said, "I can see that we'll need to think about spending big money to make our students safe," she said. She made her comment after reviewing the report by experts hired to study the structure of the school for hazards needing correction.

What the school board plans to do next is examine options for cost and effectiveness. There are a number of building contractors in the city interested in submitting a bid for the remodeling.



Several of their spokesmen spoke at the meeting, including speaker Jane Jones, CEO of Jones Construction Co., who said it would be efficacious to expidite the bidding process at the board's earliest convenience, so that a contractor could begin the process of planning the remodeling and refurbishment project. "We need time to order materials," she added.

There is one hurdle remaining before the board can take action, however: the voters. Polls have shown city residents are normally unwilling to pay more taxes for publically-funded building and remodeling projects. "We'll have to convince them that this is in their best interest in the long run," said Peterson.

Source of example story: Trite exercise. (n.d.). Retrieved from



Answer Key Activity 1 1.

Activity 2


3. 4.








Activity 3 1. F 2. B 3. I 4. G 5. J 6. C 7. H 8. D 9. E 10. A


Answer Key Activity 4



Answer Key Activity 5




FACT CHECKING It is not enough to have information - one must also check its validity. As the Philippines continues to suffer from the repercussions of a raging disinformation propaganda, it is of the essence to remain vigilant against any misinformation, disinformation, or fake news we may encounter on the different media platforms. This section will cover topics on the background of fact-checking, steps on how to fact-check, and fact-checking tools. Several examples and activities are also made available to practice one's application of the skill. By the end of this chapter, one should be able to distinguish misinformation and disinformation from each other, know and apply the fact-checking process, and identify the characteristics that make an internet troll.



FACT-CHECKING: AN ESSENTIAL SKILL What's the deal with fact-checking? Fact-checking is an important process that aims to combat the spread of misinformation. The Oxford Dictionary defines fact-checking as a procedure that attempts to “investigate (an issue) in order to verify the facts.” According to Leonard, Meban, and Young (n.d), fact-checking is a type of critical inquiry which offers a wide range of approaches and practices.

Essentially, the importance of fact-checking stems from the fact that misinformation, disinformation, and fake news are now incredibly rampant with the rise of technology, especially as the Internet has become more and more accessible. The repercussions brought by the spread of fake news appear to cause a domino effect: as fake news can heavily sway one’s opinion, it is also able to affect one’s actions, and if one’s actions are based on false information, one is inclined to make wrong decisions which lead to unintended consequences (Ohio University, 2019). Taking this into consideration, it is important to learn about fact-checking and its entire process to avoid making these mistakes.



In order to fully understand the concept of fact-checking, one must first know the reasons behind the need for it: misinformation, disinformation, and fake news. The following definitions were lifted from the University of Michigan (2022).

Misinformation Misinformation is defined as inaccurate information that is mistakenly created and spread but does not intend to deceive. Basically, this is information that is spread by an individual thinking it is true, but it is not.

Disinformation Disinformation is false information that is deliberately spread by individuals despite knowing its inaccuracy. It is information spread by an individual with full knowledge of its untruthfulness.

Fake News Fake news is an element of the ecosystem of mis- and disinformation. It refers to news stories that are fabricated with no verifiable facts, sources, or quotes

An important factor that has greatly emphasized the need for factchecking is presence of instant communication and social media. Although they provide a convenient avenue for people to get in touch with each other despite any distance, research shows that “Facebook users engage with fake news 70 million times per month on average.” Meanwhile, individuals share fake news 4 million to 6 million times per month on Twitter. These statistics reflect how social networks have become a breeding ground for the spread of false information. The presence of artificially intelligent bots, trolls, and personalized ads have aided in making people more susceptible to misinformation (Ohio University, 2019). 84


In the Philippine landscape, misinformation and disinformation have been constantly rampant in recent years. Many have even claimed that the results of the 2022 Presidential elections were greatly influenced by disinformation propaganda in favor of a particular candidate. Because of this, several initiatives have been made to combat the spread of fake news. In an article by Mateo (2022) of The Philippine Star, UP college of Mass Communication associate dean Rachel Khan stated that academic institutions and civil society organizations are now involved in trying to put an end to the circulation of disinformation. A coordinator of fact-checking collaborative group, Khan shares that the organization had become a collective effort to fight political disinformation to ensure a clean and honest election. Aside from this, media outlets Rappler and VERA Files release special articles on their respective websites debunking several false claims. MovePH, Rappler's civic engagement arm, even hosts regular fact-checking webinars to teach participants the basics on how to identify misleading news. With these efforts, the citizens of the country are shielded from inaccurate, sometimes harmful, information. However, further steps should be taken in order to continuously protect oneself and others from becoming victims of disinformation, misinformation, and fake news.

Photo from Rappler



How to Fact-Check? BASIC STEPS IN FACT-CHECKING Fact-checking is a procedure that ought to be habitually practiced by everyone on account that disinformation affects people’s opinions and attitudes. Thus. Fact-checking should be learned, especially by 21st-century students, to avoid being enablers and victims of fake news and any misleading information. In the Philippines, disinformation, misinformation, and fake news persist. Social media trolls, propagandists, and malevolent political forces propel the escalation of these issues. The gravity of them calls for the instant and potent education of fact-checking. Media organizations have published fact-checking segments to promote truth in the public domain and command accountability on those who circulate it. It's time for you to learn the basics of fact-checking, take them to heart, and promote and share them. Here are three basic steps in fact-checking. Learn this fact-checking procedure so you would know what to do if you encounter fake claims and doubtful content online.



Steps in Fact-Checking 1. Identify which news and claims should be fact checked

How do you select claims to fact-check? Vera Files fact-checks claims based on this three-point criteria.

Is it a statement of fact? A fact-checkable claim is one that is categorically claimed to be a fact. This means that opinions and editorials do not fit into these categories, as they are personal claims.

Is it feasible? A fact-checkable claim is one that can be disproved or given context to using readily available government records, documents, journal articles, or expert interviews, among others.

Is it relevant? Relevance in the news is of public interest, so anything that may affect the welfare of the general public should be fact-checked.

Source: Vera Files (2021, October 1). What you want to know about ‘VERA FILES FACT CHECK.



Steps in Fact-Checking 2. Differentiate reliable and untrustworthy news sources.

According to Rappler, troll-operated accounts are mushrooming on Facebook and YouTube. Don't allow them to take advantage of you. Recognize fact-based media by counterchecking their objectivity, validity, and honesty. Considering the source involves looking over the logo and name of the page or account because they represent the content being published. It's best to rely on verified accounts. Check the author. Avoid authors with a history of circulating fake news or having biases. Subscribe to authors who have a record of honesty and objectivity. Additionally, photos without captions are also a dead giveaway in identifying untrustworthy news sources. Like the last criteria in the first step earlier, one can know the value of a news source by looking at the currency and relevance of the news it publishes. Ask yourself – is the news timely? Is the news important for you?

Source: Rappler (2022, February 18). How to report dubious claims to #FactsFirstPH.



Steps in Fact-Checking 3. Report dubious claims online

The next step in fact-checking is to forward this dubious news to the proper agencies or news checkers to verify the information on the news. When reporting claims online, one still has to remain vigilant as a lot of fake news-checking and fact-checking sites have also emerged as tools for redtagging and cyber crime. Rappler has their own initiative with regards to this step. For starters, you can still email links and screenshots of suspicious claims through You can also message Rappler through their Facebook Page or Newsbreak, their investigative and research arm, via Twitter direct message. These are extremely accessible since any claim can be submitted online. A bot will greet you with the option to submit a request for a fact-check about an article, video, image or other content. Follow its instructions and send in the link, picture or video you want to be fact-checked, followed by any context or additional questions related to the claim. Source: Rappler (2022, February 18). How to report dubious claims to #FactsFirstPH.



R.A.V.A.T Lifted from: Torres (2022)

RELIABILITY If information can be validated and assessed, then its reliability may be increased. When assessing the validity of the information, some people take into consideration how reliable the source is.


It refers to the closeness of the report to the actual data. Look for facts and cross-reference with other sources to the check for consistency.

VALUE Information is said to be of value if it aids the user in making or improving decisions.

AUTHORITY OF THE SOURCE Sources with an established expertise on the subject matter are considered as having sound authority on the subject decisions.

TIMELINESS While a piece of information may have been found accurate, reliable, and valuable during the time it was produced, it may become irrelevant and inaccurate with the passing of time (thus making it less valuable). Other information may be timeless, proven to be the same in reliability, accuracy, value, throughout history. 90


Fact-checking is not only the job of journalists, media organizations, or factchecking organizations. Everyone can and should resist the spread of disinformation, misinformation, and fake news across different media platforms. Regardless of age, gender, or political convictions, it is our duty of taking initiative to determine if the information we read or share is factually truthful. May the standard steps and procedures of fact-checking presented in this article heighten your knowledge and awareness of why it is a serious matter in this digital era. Now more than ever, collective effort is needed to halt the further propagation of lies and misleading information that persist to afflict the anatomy of truth.



Fact-Checking Tools and How to Use Them Disinformation and fake news are smoothly spreading on the internet and social media. They have rapidly grown to the extent that people's opinions are getting swayed toward the lies. It is imperative to know how to regularly fact-check every piece of information that is published online, especially those with dubious claims and authors. Several fact-checking tools are now available online. The good news is they are free and easy! You can use these fact-checking tools to verify news and claims on the internet, find out if images and videos are manipulated, and visit archived news articles on news websites. Check these five fact-checking tools chosen especially for you! Know about what you can use them for and how to use them. All of them are user-friendly and can be found online.



Google Reverse Image Search Google Reverse Image Search is useful in validating suspicious images and videos online. It can be easily performed by uploading an image and counterchecking matching photos and content. This online tool can be used on desktop browsers only.




Upload the photo to the designated tab.

Look into the matching photos, verify claims, and examine the sources.


Google Fact Check Google Fact Check is one of the most straightforward and most used factchecking tools online. It is available both on mobile phones and desktop browsers.


Type the topic or information that needs to be factchecked on the search engine.


Enter the topic for the results to show. Review the articles that fact-checked the claims about the topic.



Internet Archive Internet Archive's Wayback Machine allows users to visit the front pages of news websites and the news articles they published on a certain day. It is effective in confirming the sources of the information posted on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.



Enter the URL of the website of a news organization on the search engine.


Choose the date of the cited dubious article on the Facebook or Twitter post.


Confirm if the article cited on the post was in fact published by the news website by going through the list of news articles published on the chosen date.


Claim Buster This online tool offers the ease of fact-checking. It is almost similar to Google Fact Check since it only involves searching a topic. It can be used on mobile phones and computers without cost.



Type a topic or a doubtful claim on the search engine. Click "Check Claim" for the results to show.

Go over the list of contents with false and misleading claims about the topic.



Hoaxy Hoaxy enables Twitter users to visualize the spread of information on the platform. It's free and easy to use but it will require the fact-checker to log in to their Twitter accounts.


Choose a topic that you want to fact-check and input it on the search engine.


Review the bot scores and the representation. Click the nodes to reveal the claims and fact-checks about the chosen topic. The bot scores indicate the automated accounts that spread false claims about the topic.

There are a lot more useful fact-checking tools online. Most of them are free and uncomplicated. They are not giving people reasons not to fact-check. As aspiring journalists and digital natives, you have the duty to ensure the truthfulness of the news and information that you consume and share online. Promote fact-checking by sharing these fact-checking tools with your friends, classmates, and colleagues. 97


Activities and Examples 98


Activity 1: Misinformation vs. Disinformation Instructions Identify if the pictures below depict misinformation or disinformation. Write your answer on the line provided.

1. 2.


4. 5.




Activity 2: Jorno The Explorer With the awareness you have acquired of the steps in fact-checking, let us help Jorno, the explorer, do fact-check by guiding him. Hi, I am Jorno! I have read a message of a certain account posted online warning people to be careful when shading their ballots on election time as markers can blot, and will affect the ballot ovals of other candidates. Is it true? What are the steps to fact-check this one? What is the first step?

Help Jorno fact-check the claim by fixing the order of the steps on how to fact-check! Instructions There are a series of steps on the left side of the table below. Put a check on the column next to it, if the step is part of the process, and put an ex if otherwise. Afterward, determine the order of the fact-checking steps. Determine if it is editorial or opinion and if yes, proceed to fact-checking.

Is the source reliable and trustworthy?

Authors with a history of objectivity should not be factchecked.

There is no need to fact-check a claim if it happens today. Forward the dubious claim to the proper agencies or news checkers to verify the information. You do not need to fact-check a claim if it can be disproved or given context using readily available government records, documents, journal articles, or expert interviews, among others.

Is it a statement of fact? Is it feasible? Is it relevant?



Activity 3: To believe or not to believe Instructions Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on the space provided if the situation reflects proper factchecking or not.

Yes or No Situation 1: Nick found a post online that claimed vaccines were scientifically proven to give 1 out of 10 people superpowers. He immediately posted in on a Reddit forum with the caption "Is this real or not? Comment below!" which was then bombarded with comments from strangers claiming that it is indeed true, so Nick believed it.

Situation 2: Elle came across a YouTube video claiming that there is a treasure in the highlands of Baguio left there by the Japanese when they came to colonize the Philippines. Elle started to research this from verified sources and found nothing that supported the video's claims.

Situation 3: While writing a report about the drug war in the Philippines, Phyllis used an article from that presented statistics on the progress of the drug war which featured a picture of policemen at a team-building event.

Situation 4: Max, a podcast lover, started listening to a new podcast that told the stories of student activists. In one episode, one of the activists interviewed talked about their Martial Law experience, and how hard it was to protest at that time. Max was a bit skeptical because his parents told him martial law was a time of peace in the Philippines, so he decided to research more on the subject and cross-referenced the interview with numerous accounts of other activists from different videos, news, etc., coming from reliable and verified sources.



Activity 4: Identification Instructions Below is an example of a fake news report that contain 3 errors. Box these errors and explain why these are fake or seem suspicious on the box below.



Activity 5: Fake News vs. Real News Instructions Identify if the pictures below depict real or fake news by using fact-checking tools. Write your answer on the line provided.









Activity 6: Practice R.A.V.A.T Instructions Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, a Facebook post from an FB page named Mayor Mel Aguilar Bacolod Unofficial has announced the aerial disinfection of the whole of Luzon. Using RAVAT as the criteria in checking the validity of the information, fact-check this claim. Write your findings and conclusions below.



Answer Key Activity 1: Misinformation vs. Disinformation 1. Disinformation 2. Disinformation 3. Misinformation 4. Misinformation 5. Misinformation 6. Misinformation

Activity 2: Jorno The Explorer Determine if it is editorial or opinion and if yes, proceed to fact-checking.


Is the source reliable and trustworthy?


Authors with a history of objectivity should not be factchecked.


There is no need to fact-check a claim if it happens today.


Forward the dubious claim to the proper agencies or news checkers to verify the information.


You do not need to fact-check a claim if it can be disproved or given context using readily available government records, documents, journal articles, or expert interviews, among others.

Is it a statement of fact? Is it feasible? Is it relevant?








Answer Key Activity 3: To believe or not to believe Situation 1 - No Situation 2 - Yes Situation 3 - No Situation 4 - Yes

Activity 4: Identification

Activity 5: Fake vs. Real News 1. Real News 2. Real News 3. Fake News 4. Fake News 5. Real News 6. Real News 106

r JOURNey! u o y r lo o c u o ed to help y it c x e e r a e W

Congratulations! You have completed your JOURNey! means so much to us Dedicating your time and effort to this workbook s worth it. So, from CMS 130 as it makes all the late-night work and adversitie Section 1, thank you. alism, and we hope that This workbook was your first step into print journ small, large, slow, we have guided you well. Every step, no matter how closer to your goals. or fast, is a step forward, and each step brings you news editing, and May the knowledge you've gained in news writing, you aspire to be. fact-checking assist you in becoming the journalist We are excited to help you color your JOURNey!


Grana, R. (2022, April 19). After his research on troll farms, Filipino professor awarded $200K Carnegie grant for next project. ANC. American University of Iraq, Sulaimani. (2015, June 11). Quotations and Paraphrasing. The American University of Iraq Sulaimani.,a%20second%20piece% 20of%20writing. ANC 24/7. (2022). INTERVIEW: Incoming PH Justice Secretary Boying Remulla | ANC [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. v=qcNo6eEbsoM&t=718s Editing and Proofreading. (n.d.). The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from Ghosh, P. (2015, November 7). News information selection process–explained! World's Largest Collection of Essays! Published by Experts. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from Gloria, G. M. (2000). Media and democracy in the Philippines. Media Asia, 27(4), 191– 196. GMA News Online. GMA News Online.



GMA News. (2022). Air Force’s unmanned aerial vehicle crash-lands in Cagayan de Oro. GMA News. (2022). Broiler raisers concerned over Dar’s possible reappointment as DA secretary. GMA News Online. GMA News. (2022). Dengue, COVID-19 situations remain “manageable” despite rise in cases —PHAPI exec. GMA News Online. GMA News. (2022). Habagat, LPA trough to bring scattered rain showers over several areas. GMA News Online. GMA News. (2022). NAIA is the world’s worst airport for business class travelers study. GMA News. (2022). POC to give out incentives to SEA Games medalists. GMA News Online. Krueger, V. (2016, March 28). Fundamentals of Editing: The Editing Process. Kumar, Y. (2021, August 9). What is news editing? objectives, principles, role, functions. GetupLearn. Retrieved from Leonard, A., Meban, A., & Young, O. (n.d.). What is fact-checking and why is it important? | Co-inform. Co-Inform. Mateo, J. (2022, December 2). Fact-checking initiatives gaining ground in Philippines. Philstar.Com. News Writing and Reporting. (n.d.). MAC 225. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from


REFERENCES Newsmoor. (2021, May 2). Ohio University. (2019, October 17). Fake News, Misinformation, & Fact-Checking Ohio University MPA. Parks, B. (n.d.). Basic News Writing. Ohlone College. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from df Patra, M. R., & Singh, S. K. (n.d.). Introduction to Editing. Dde Gjust. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from Philstar Global. (2022, May 28). DOTr disputes NAIA ranking as worst business class airport.; Poynter. (2022). The Transition-Quote Formula. Public Communication: Newspaper Article. (2020, April 22). University of Hull. Rappler, & Abad, M. (2022, May 28). Groups call on government to ensure better access to women’s healthcare. RAPPLER. Roberts, J. (n.d.). News value types: Writing for strategic communication industries. Pressbooks. Rogers, Tony. (2021, September 1). What Makes a Story Newsworthy. Retrieved from Sharer, W & Williams, S. (1992). Sentence Revision. 110


Spencer-Thomas, O. (2022, February 28). News values. Owen Spencer-Thomas. Sunarjo, E. (2019, October 1). The work of an editor in translation. ACES. Retrieved from Sunarjo, E. (n.d.). The work of an editor in translation. ACES. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from The News Manual Quoting/Attribution: JOUR-120 Journalism Basics SP 14 01 (SHOWCASE). (2014).,the%20 use%20of%20quotation%20marks. The News Manual. (2022). Chapter 8: Quotes. Trite exercise. (n.d.). Retrieved from University of Michigan. (2022, May 26). “Fake News,” Lies and Propaganda: How to Sort Fact from Fiction. University of Michigan Library.


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