1 minute read

Editors note


Like many a business we got shook until the loose bits fell out. We dodged and pivoted, bobbed and weaved like our lives depended on it. We fought like mad to keep ourselves relevant in a quickly changing market and we were at the front lines of many incredible break throughs in the industries we love to write about. None of which would have been possible without our team. Thank you peeps, I think you’re all insane. People are planning their trips. They’re doing their research. They’re sticking pins in their maps and keeping an eye on the news. To help make things easier we’ve provided a few choice places to visit for the new, intrepid adventurer. We’ve also touched on some of the vineyards you should keep an eye out for. Of course, for regular updates on grub and tubs you should check out the food and drink section on our website. For those interested in the latest in the glamping world we caught up with our firm favourite consultants who gave us the low down and the high-ups of what’s happening in glamping today. Some topics include, what glamping sites need to be doing to keep themselves in the race through 2021 and what newcomers to the industry need to consider. Out of all hospitality, glamping is one of the few sectors that has seen substantial growth during the past year (when open) and 2021 has seen huge investments in these naturally socially distanced hospitality options. Of course, you’ve probably been keeping up with our latest articles, editorials, features and interviews on our website and social media. But I’m sure you’ll agree, nothing beats the look and feel of a top class magazine. It’s good to be back.

The Team

Published by The Lost Executive LTD

Co-founder and Creative and Editorial Director Don Campbell Head Writer Donnie Rust

Copy proofreader Daemon Sands

Magazine Designer Louise Smith

Working with Glampinghub.com

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