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OKC Festival of the arts opening ceremony set for June 22
Festival of the Arts opening ceremony set for June 22
Arts shindig has been tradition since 1967

Arts Council Oklahoma City (ACOKC) has announced its Festival of the Arts opening ceremony, an in-person and livestream event. Malcolm Tubbs, Thunder Game Day Emcee, will host the ceremony which occurs on Tuesday, June 22nd, 11:00am on the east steps of City Hall.
Festival of the Arts dates are June 22nd through June 27th at Bicentennial Park; hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 11:00am – 9:00pm and Sunday 11:00am –6:00pm. Festival of the Arts celebrates the community of visual and performing arts, bringing a variety of talented artists together in downtown Oklahoma City’s Bicentennial Park.
“I’m so excited Festival can finally be produced once again after the difficult time we all have been through this past year, ” says Seth Lewis, Festival of the Arts Director. “Our artists and food vendors have also expressed their delight to once again be interacting with the community on such a grand scale.

Festival’s got talent! Below, Youth Art Sales.

Festival of the Arts has been an Oklahoma City tradition since 1967. The event is considered a rite of spring and an ACOKC signature event. The festival site has been extended this year all the way to Hudson Street, creating more space for food vendors and performances.
More than 550 visual artists from across the nation jury for one of the highly coveted 144 spaces in the Plaza Artist area surrounding Bicentennial Park. There are 12 mediums in the show, ranging from paintings and photography to sculptures. Additionally, more than 200 performers of all ages will showcase their talents on stage.
“Special thanks go-out to many departments of the city of Oklahoma City for their undying support and encouragement in the production of Festival of the Arts, ” says Peter Dolese, Executive Director. “We simply could not have done it without their professionalism. Also, a big shout out to the thousands of volunteers who work for months to produce the event.
For more information on performances, artists, and
food head to our website artscouncilokc.com n