n o i h s a F Austere will be stylish this fAll-winter seAson, whAt with both men And women going for comfort clothing, lAyers, leAther, checks, embroidery And stripes over muted fAbric... here Are some good-to-know globAl trends you must reAd
Geek Chic
This is a trend that keeps recurring. But not being a novel fashion concept has not deterred designers from routinely going back to bookish uniform staples and nerdy movie characters as inspiration. Gucci’s Alessandro Michele ushered the first wave of the comeback of comfortable but stylish clothing. Slacks, for example, will be in business this season. With comfort making its presence felt on shelves and high maintenance clothes going out of fashion, these retro trousers in classic tailoring fabrics will be all about uber chic and relaxed tailoring, championed and sported with elan by fashion influencers such as Victoria Beckham. 18
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