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THE Human REsouRcEs (HR) DEPaRTmEnT is onE of THE mosT cRiTical aRms in an oRganisaTion. YET, iT is ofTEn consiDERED To bE a cosT cEnTRE. REaD on To KnoW HoW THE HR DEPaRTmEnT conTRibuTEs To an oRganisaTion’s ToP linE anD boTTom linE, WRiTEs nanDini mEHTa fRom THE DEPaRTmEnT
eople are the heart of an organisation. They can make or break a business. Having the right people at the right place, ensuring that the workforce is engaged and productive and providing the right
environment and culture where employees are aware of what is their role in the organisation and how do they contribute to the organisation’s goals... From this perspective, the Human Resources Department plays a very important
role. While all organisations consider Human Resources function as a support function, I wish to use this forum to enlighten everyone on the role of HR in an organisation. The HR department’s function can be divided into two