2 minute read
Happy People!
folks that are way younger than me as kids. I don’t mean to do it, but I could tell Jackson was a great kid. It wasn’t long I had added his family to my Facebook and I enjoyed seeing their life adventures. Jackson had posted pictures of the bike on his facebook and I could tell he was proud to have it. Which made me feel good knowing a good kid got a good bike. To me, I made another friend who shares the same passion as I with motorcycles.

It was Tuesday May 23rd when I got a message from a mutual friend of mine and Jamie’s that Jackson had gotten into an accident. He said he was headed home after work on his bike when he was hit head on by a van. The hit he received was so hard that it was a miracle he had even survived it. I called Jamie to check on Jackson as soon as I heard the news. His spirits were good but I could definitely tell he worried. For the next few days I would check the family’s FB to keep up with the latest updates. Unfortunately nine days after the accident Jackson went to be with our Lord. He had given it a good fight but the injuries were just too much. There were countless prayers and well wishes from what I could see on FB.
After a few days went by, I asked Jamie would he mind if I put this tragic accident in my article. He seemed to like the idea. He spoke how Jackson had deep love and compassion for motorcycles. Jackson like his father just enjoys the ride and being around like minded people. Its sad to see something like this happen to someone so young, but Jackson didn’t want to leave this world without showing his love. At 16 years old, he decided to be an organ donor. So, with his gift of life, he was able to donate his heart, kidneys, pancreas, liver and some skin went to the burn center. He was truly a good and kind hearted young man. He is now and will be forever missed.

I just want my readers to be aware to always look twice for motorcycles. We get so caught up on what we are doing, that we forget there is a whole nother world around us. You might be worried about cooking supper when you get home. You may be in a rush to get little Becky to dance class or little Jerry to Boy Scouts, but it only takes seconds to changes somebody’s life forever. Anytime you are at the stop sign or crossing traffic. Just take an extra second to look twice. It’s not an inconvenience to save a life. It could be yours.
Well folks that’s what I got to share this go around. Please be safe out there and look twice and I will be in the wind right there with you, Behind Barz.
Big Ed / 2Timer
Left: Jackson and his family.
Below: Jackson on his motorcycles. The bottom photo is the 2013 HD Street Bob Jackson traded the Sporty for.