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the good news!

Rodger Duvall ~ Jesus Freak

Thee Redeemed House biker Church

”The Dangling Card”

The Heart of a Motorcycle is its Motor.

It is what our attention is drawn towards, but our attention only stays fixed on it a short period.

Our eyes automatically follow the flow of it to the exhaust pipes, from there maybe the tank, bars, and gauges.

In this process of taking its view all in, our thoughts are considering the paint, rims, tires, and seat with a deciding factor of, can I see myself riding it.

One other item our mind is drawn to is a card dangling from this Motorcycle hand grip that reveals the price.

I believe that maybe the heart of the Motorcycle, because if one cannot afford it, there will be no life for it with you. Payment and paying for it can restructure your heart in the heart of your life relating to your Job, relationship, and time ,especially time now to ride, ride to work or it setting at home while you work ‘til you can add time to ride in to what one is already doing in their days.

Your heart about your new possession now maybe to a personal customized look.

And the vision begins to make it your own.

Ever think about how God looks at you?

In His word to us, the Bible there are many numbered scriptures that tell us what our Creator looks at when He sees us, and scriptures that tells us how to customize our heart.

In 1 Samuel chapter 16 verse 7 it is recorded that God tells us He looks at our heart, and that man looks at the outer appearance.

We judge by what we see on the outside, God cannot judge on what we look like individually because He’d have to judge what He made.

But when God looks at our heart He’s looking into, yes what he created but also into how the free will that has been awarded to us has shaped the condition of one’s heart. He has provided all kinds of customizations to personalize it.

God’s hope is that we will choose the heart of Jesus to transform our heart .

When you look at Jesus the eyes of your heart are drawn to His.

That’s what you’ll be drawn to first, the flow of His Spirit wind, His tank that never runs out, His scared hand grip that will never let go. His gauges that monitor our working order. His rims and tires to be His hands and feet. Time to ride is not work but Joy always.

And if you happen to try and look at the card dangling from His wrist that has the price tag... Well, you’ll see these words “paid in full”. And the key for His Custom heart is hung right over there on that Cross.

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