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The Good Newz
”2023” the good news!
Rodger Duvall ~ Jesus Freak
Thee Redeemed House biker Church
No more Darkness. Physically and Spiritually.
The spiritual Darkness happening every day and night now is being counted down by God the Father .
He’s going to finally say ENOUGH! Of this moral decline of humanity, evil, disease and deception. To avoid the deception part one has to come to a knowledge of Truth that is in Christ Jesus, and the time is now.
Being born again not only gives us eternal life, but also a mind that will not be deceived by the acceptance of the moral decline we see happening.
When will this stop, when will the wrong be made right?
Right now good is called evil and evil is called good. Isaiah 5:20
Satan offers a strange mixture of just enough good to disguise the evil along his downward path of destruction.
The only freedom from that is, ”if the Son sets you free you are free indeed.” John 8
2023 could be that year for you, don’t let 31,536,000 seconds go by before you know it...
Love , Jesus Freak Rodger.
Each Dec. 31st at 11:59 brings a 60 second countdown to the begining of a new year of 31,536,000 seconds for the next year.
31,536,000 seconds that keep ticking away, lost forever.
One day time as we know it will stop.
Some of the best Kickstand up rides started out and turned into desiring that they wouldn’t end but knew that they would.
Time determines everything, and knowing how much one has determines your actions.
Jesus tells us that there is a year in the future where after a thousand years time of days and nights will stop. There will be no more nights.
7 Days A Week