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YCNYD Your Country Needs Your Data

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Record you race. Record your face. Signature, And preference. Where data goes. Well no one knows. Or asks just, Out of deference.

Step forward now. And take the vow.



Don’t ask Mater, Don’t ask Pater.

Why your country. Needs your data.

They often sigh. As they reply.

You’re the lowest Common denominator.

To accept all, With no choices. And when it’s done. Then every one. Is recognised, By voices. Repeat Chorus

First published in 2023


United Kingdom

The European Union

Printed in England

Original Design by K3 Media

Photographs by RFM, K3 Media & The Artists

All rights reserved © 2005-2023 uKUNST Magazine

© uKUNST & The Contributors

Published in 2023 by uKUNST, Londinium, Imperial Britain

The right of uKUNST, K3 Media and the various contributors to be identi ed as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the copyright, designs and patents act 1988.

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The content and views in this publication are not necessarily those of uKUNST whether they elicit a smile or not. Any complaints should be directed to your Member of Parliament who is paid to listen to your discontent.

Price £5/ $5/ €5

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Designed by K3 Media & Kargan Media www.ukunst.com

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