4 minute read
from uKUNST 08
by Nourishment
WE are uKUNST. WE are alternative WE are creative. WE are independent. WE will produce. WE will disseminate. We have no masters. We are legion. uKUNST.
uKUNST: All Is Artifice. Creative actions and productions to challenge apathetic human acceptance of religious delusions, bankrupt conventions, colonial and capitalist ideologies and plain lack of reason. (uKUNST Manifesto April 1, 1917). uKUNST develops, produces and distributes interdisciplinary arts-led creative works. uKUNST is an independent creative studio and producer delivering in-house and external (client) products ranging from audio, visual, performance and digital arts through to literature, animation, music, print and events. By Any Media Necessary © RFM 1995. Welcome to the eighth in a series of alternative and radical arts productions. uKUNST actions, events and productions aim to challenge the existing status quo across the arts, society, commerce and politics. Our series of art or kunst products and initiatives are creative actions. Each product is a standalone creative work as well as a part of the wider uKUNST canon of art provocations, products and productions.
Here at uKUNST we decided, due to unpopular demand, to pursue a monetary policy. In order to fund future uKUNST projects, initiatives and productions (including publications) we introduced a subscription. For a paltry £20 you will receive three uKUNST publications. To subscribe email subs@ukunst.com with Subscription in the subject line. We will send you a short subscription order form and payment details. Your publications will be mailed to you by recorded post. We will also be producing the long-awaited uKUNST Audio Magazine quite soon. Thank you for your continued interest, support and cash.
Groß Kunst Über Alles
Art lovers, and art suckers (for there are some amongst us who relish art not as spiritual nourishment, inspiration and balm but as a commodity to engage, pimp and exploit until the bare market perversion shows though) what does the word art mean at this time in human devolution? If the word art means creativity then we are all in grande merde. Creativity is an essential human gift, it allows this backward species to develop, prosper and ultimately destroy all and everything it surveys. Creativity, inventiveness and adaptability are key to the progressive evolution of humans from reptile to politician, eugenicist to monkey and peasant to champagne socialist. It is the bread and butter of so-called civilization and used by scientists and corporations alike to enhance the forthcoming destruction of the planet and its inhabitants. But what of the good that comes from humankinds’ creative endeavours that enhance the positive attributes of this wayward beast? Language, music, philosophy, literature, dance, architecture (carbuncle-like though some of it is), graphic design, film, fashion, ritual, television and, that doyen of human experience, light entertainment. What boons to the human condition! What enviable treats for creatures, until relatively recently, sitting high in a tree waiting for peckish tigers to pass? Here, in dear old Blighty, we suffer from the European disease of dominant culture. This delusional condition plants a virus of superiority in the minds and rhetoric of the afflicted. It overinflates the achievements of the pallid and lacklustere whilst denigrating the creativity and inventiveness of the so-called artists of darkness. The condition is endemic in every institute of the state, academia, business and especially religion. In culture it mannifests itself in an obsession with the faux enlightened European artistic past and costume dramas. Britain has never rated the artist as a contributor to life, development and good fortune and consequently has steadfastly refused to invest in those that make art, the artist, favouring instead the middle men and women (administrators, fundraisers, curators, secretaries of state, select committees, director-generals and commissioners) whose sole raison d’être is to line the pockets of their class and maintain the established cultural order.

There is also the question of why the UK is so in thrall to American (so-called) culture? This is not aimed at the purveyors of the urban culture so beloved of the forthcoming generation (which at least is able to reinvent itself and harness technology to effect change) but rather the threadbare, formulaic, lame and common denominator sucking fare shit out (as Uncle Bill would say) through the guts of wholesome Americans and of course their British Film Industry prostitutes. How much do we spend importing American and other external culture into the UK, who profits from this and what is the difference between UK expenditure on foreign dissident artists against homegrown dissenters? Figures are not available as no such comparison was ever made, at least in this fair isle.
So it is not the art we fake but the art we make my fellow kunstlers and art has to have a beating heart. As we used to say in broadcasting, Grosse Kunst Matt Frei!
Welcome to this art-rich, resource-starved and revolting, but inevitably so, edition. uKUNST
Enjoy Der Herausgeber September MMXX