2 minute read
The Remainder Of The Dazed
Oh yes, we’ve got trouble. Right here in Rock Head City. That’s trouble with a T that stands for Tory and smells of grief. Well here we are again… It’s like a bad nightmare that you wake up from only to realise it is reality. But whose reality? How can ordinary folk, perhaps such as thee and me, discern problems with human behaviour and activities and yet the masses, seduced and reduced by the internet of nothings, fall willingly into the vat of boiling peasant oil prepared by the bastard descendents of Charles II.
Whilst Jason Grease-Dogg, the Mother Of The House, lounges nonchalantly and dismissively across the Mother Of All Parliament benches isn’t it time for a good look at a Republican model of statehood? Nicky Morgan, not previously thought to be the worst of politicians, reveals her self-serving hypocrisy by, having lost her constituency seat at the Christmas Election, accepting a peerage, becoming The Right Hon. the Baroness Morgan of Cotes, the accompanying place in the House Of (Empty) Gourds and a return to a ministerial position. Morgan also enjoys the £8,400 winding-up payment given to retiring MPs this despite the fact she remains employed in government! This highlights the anti-democratic issue at the heart of the second chamber; it is full of eight hundred unelected, largely self-serving, partially deceased or unstable rejects from normal society appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Prim Monster. Its members are appointed by political favour not popular selection or even scrutiny.
The most expedient route to Republicanism however is via the abolition of the monarchy, which in turn allows the removal of the aristocracy from political influence and power to be replaced by elected, self-seeking, corrupt and immoral arseholes who can at least be removed by the majority. We will not dwell on the current issues causing royalists such hand wringing now however we should note that The Crown and The Government are both alleged Corporate Identities. This simply means that they cannot be arraigned or prosecuted as ordinary individuals can be. It is how the Department of Worthless Pensions, under the dictatorship of the Secretary of State is ultimately beyond the law or indeed any of the many regulations that exist.
And so leaving the European Union is nothing to do with immigration but rather an act aimed purely at removing the European legislation and directives that might restrict or even curtail the ability of the powerful and rich (including royals and politicians) to plunder the nation and its people without hindrance. Check it out, Boris has already issued fatwa’s on several policies and laws regulating money making, laundering, offshoring and restricting of financial abuse. Watch out for the imminent dissembling, watering down and straightforward removal of any obstacles to unbridled cruelty, greed and climate-change-denying liberalised global commerce.
Welcome to this latest snapshot or selfie of our absurd yet terrifying slide into the oblivion. uKUNST Enjoy
Next uKUNST due soon.
Der Herausgeber January MMXX