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Run for a Cause

The Door County Half Marathon’s Run for a Cause program has helped runners raise more than $225,800 for area charities since 2010. To join the effort, email jordan@peninsulapacers com. Runners receive a free entry to the Door County Half Marathon or Nicolet Bay 5K when they raise at least $250 for an area charity of their choice. Find more information at doorcountyhalfmarathon.com.

know the kids would be OK.”

The Wittenmyers had moved to Door County four years earlier, when they bought an acre and a half in Baileys Harbor and started making plans to build a home. They moved here from Johnson Creek, drawn by the quality schools and the lifestyle. But their plans took longer to materialize than they had hoped, then were set back further when Chrystal was diagnosed with breast cancer.

They bounced among homes – a friend’s tiny house, campgrounds, hotel rooms –for four years. They focused on the adventure – what Chrystal called “the opportunity” for her kids to live in an RV park.

“You never heard them talk about needing anything,” Baldwin said of Chrystal and Lucas. “They’re just selfless people.”

But as her cancer progressed, the moving became harder, and Chrystal yearned to provide stability for her family. They applied and were chosen for Door County Habitat for Humanity’s 40th home in early 2022. After nine moves, Chrystal; Lucas; their daughter, Lida; and their son, Evren, would soon have a home of their own.

But Chrystal won’t be moving in with them. In October, her fight with cancer ended when she died at age 41.

Three months later, Lucas said each day brings a different challenge.

“It’s difficult on different levels, depending on what part of life you’re talking about,” he said. “There are things she handled that blindsided me when she was gone. She used to be my

The 2023 Run for a Cause Team

This year 35 runners joined our Run For A Cause team, raising a combined $15,150 for area charities. Each participant receives a free race entry when they commit to raising at least $250 for charity. Now in its thirteenth year, the program has raised more than $225,800 for charities.

Door County Habitat for Humanity

Tim Kowols

Ellie Helm Foundation

Mary Kate McCormack

Karen Peterson

Sophia Pollman

The Clearing Folk School

Joshua Perkins

Sue Baldwin Fund

Sarah Bonovich

Nancy Bontempo

Finn Bremer

Maggie Bremer

Avery Burress

Deb Davis

Scott Davis

Amanda Frangella

Tom Frangella

Carrie Goettelman

Elizabeth Grooms

Chris Janisse

Laurel Janisse

Sarah Koehler

Marnie Wienke Massey

Maureen Mercier paperwork person. I disdain paperwork. But that’s life; I have to learn it.”

Evren and Lida are doing as well as you could hope, Lucas said. Throughout Chrystal’s fight, the parents were as honest and up-front as they could be with their kids during their family meetings.

“They needed to know where things really stood,” he said. “I think that’s a big part of them being OK now. The kids weren’t sure how long it was going to last, but there were times I made sure they prioritized time with Mom, and they did.”

Lucas worries a lot about their schoolwork, about giving them the most normalcy that he can. But he said he doesn’t worry about having people to lean on.

“There aren’t really words that explain what it means, the things people have done,” he said. “It always surprised me the amount of generosity that comes from this community. I’m not sure how we would have been able to make it. I’d for sure be sleeping a lot less.”

As Chrystal approached the starting line with an army around her, she knew it would take a miracle for her to get healthy again, but she also knew she had secured one large victory for the people she cared about the most: a home of their own.

“She knew it was a foundation for the future of her family and that they would still be in this community,” Davis said. “Seeing that strength of other humans running with them was moving.”

Lucas, Evren and Lida are slated to move into their new home. Learn more about the local Habitat for Humanity at doorhabitat org

Ann Morgan

Connie Pahl

Dean Pahl

Emma Pahl

Morgan Rusnak

Brittney Smith

Camilla Smith

Carrie Baldwin Smith

Nate Smith

Nora Smith

Brynn Swanson

Tina Torcivia

Lauren Ward

Simonie Woerfel

This race was created to highlight Peninsula State Park. It was created to celebrate spring on the peninsula. To celebrate this community. But most of all, it was created to celebrate you –the runner. The runner who puts one foot in front of the other through the snow. The ice. The rain of midwestern winter and spring.

The runner pounding the pavement with a vision of the starting line amidst the trees of the park in mind. The runner starting a season of races. The runner striding to overcome a challenge. The runner proving something to themselves. The runner getting back on the course after an injury.

It’s time for the Door County Half Marathon and Nicolet Bay 5k.

Show us how it’s done. Good luck runners!

Thanks for coming!

David Eliot

Co-Founder, Door County Half Marathon Publisher, Peninsula Pulse

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