Architectural Portfolio | Doowon Son | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | M.ARCH

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Doowon Son Architectural Works




August 2018 - May 2020

UNIVERISTY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN | IL, USA Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies

August 2012 - May 2018

COLLEGE OF FINE & APPLIED ARTS | CHAMPAIGN, IL Graduate Assistant - Operates a robotic arm including works with softwares; matercam, robotmaster - Assists in building a pavilion with parametric design methods

January 2020 - May 2020

KOLON GLOBAL CORPORATION | INCHEON, SOUTH KOREA Constructional Intern - Examined, classified, and transferred various types of constructional documents and field manuals into an online cloud-based server system - Analyzed common failures at the construction sites and provided solutions into accessible categories to prevent repeated failures in the future - Developed a tutorial presentation for 50 employees on how to use a newly established cloud database

July 2018 - August 2018

NOW ARCHITECTS | SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA Architectural Intern - Design Department -Produced 3D modeling works for design development and rendering using various software tools including Rhinoceros 3D, SketchUp, and AutoCAD. - Participated and contributed to weekly meetings for the schematic design process. -Assisted in developing various documents for a competition submission

May 2017 - August 2017



SOFTWARE AutoCAD, Revit, Rhinoceros, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Twinmotion HARDWARE Foam Cutter, Laser Cutter, 3D Printing, Woodshop LANGUAGE English, Korean, Bahasa Indonesia EDWARD C. EARL PRIZE / GRADUATE STUDIO DESIGN AWARD Honorable Mention - Spring 2019 INTERNATIONAL DEBATE SOCIETY President - Organized and facilitated weekly debate conferences for 20-30 students with various topics from politics to science, philosophy, etc. - Coordinated debate tournament every semester with professors and invited local professionals KOREAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Active Member - Design Team Responsible for creating grahpic designs such as posters, brochures, and etc.

SELECTED WORKS 1. Boundless Stroll - Weekend House | Antrim Dell, MI Maximize the experience in and out 2. Mind Farm - Research Center | Chicago, IL Architecture as a data mining tool 3. Internet Haven - Internet Archive HQ | Toronto, Canada Architecture as a medium of democratic movement 4. Hotel 1984 - Boutique Hotel | Champaign, IL Exploring the limit of automation 5. Decalcomaine - Mixed Use | Champaign, IL An attempt to revive the prosperity of the stree 6. Digital Fabrication - Pavilion | Urbana, IL Building an actual scale pavilion with digital methods 7. Swivel Scene - Recreational Area | Oakwood, IL Extending the experience of a public park 8. Professional Works I Cooperative Fish Market Design Competition 9. Professional Works II Pop-up Store Design for the clothing subscription service

Initial Sketch

Boundless Stroll

Lengthen the strolling experience

Enlarge the space perception

Idea Developemnt: Plan

Idea Development: Study Model

A Weekend House for Urban Dwellers Spring 2020 | Archon Studio | Professor David Chasco

Located at the top of the hill, in the midst of the preserved nature of Antrim Dell, Michigan, the project is a weekend house of urban dwellers from the distant cities. The major goal to achieve through the project was to maximize the allowed square footage; 1000, via design solutions that how dweller perceives the space is much bigger than the usual 1000 sq-ft architectural space, he or she have seen at the

urban environments. This design proposal extends and connects the existing road and the stroll passage, with the architecture as a medium. The building layout started from the checkerboard form, to enlarge the space it takes off from the ground, then settled down at last with shifted rectangular grids, which creates a zigzag passage for the dwellers as they walk into the house. Convergence of two different concepts

Project Site

Lake Michigan

Project Site: Antrim Dell, Michigan

Enlarged Site Map

Floor Plan

North Elevation

East Facade: Deck Area

West Elevation

West Facade

Perspective Section

Perspective Render: Living Room

(Above) Perspective Render: Dining Area and Kitchen. (Right Page) Perspective Render: Bedroom

Mind Farm

Sensory Space Research Center FALL 2019 | ARCH 572 | Professor Suchi Reddy, Kevin Erickson Can an architectural project be a design tool for a greater outcome for the future? This design proposal was started by the question stated above. Distinguished Plym Professor, Such Reddy is an architect with her distinct design principle, “Form Follows Feeling.” For her studio under the Plym Professorship, the design prompt is to create a research center that hosts 5 sensory chambers; Water, Sound, Aroma, Nature and Light, for visitors to experience sensory experiences, to research neuroscience. The design approach was started by reading the history of the context, Goose Island, Chicago. A manmade island, heavily driven by the business purposes by the one of the most powerful man of Chicago at the time of construction. The artificial island was built for mainly two reasons; fasten the logistics of products from the northern area of Chicago to the south and establish industrial areas for brick manufacturing with the soil that was excavated from the construction of the canal

adjacent to the island. As a result, the island’s protagonists, the main habitants were illegal residents from Irish immigrants communities. The environmental condition of the site was horrified by the industrial factories on the island so intensively that the nickname of Goose Island at the time was a “little Hell.” As a response to the capitalistic and undemocratic history of the site, I decided to make an egalitarian gesture to the city that had made many lives suffered enough. Following the given prompt very strictly, the design proposal suggests relatively rapid experiences for the visitors. The circulation and sensory experiences are meant to be an instant movement, yet pleasurable and measurable by numeric means. The greater goal of the project is not for itself. It rather is for the possibilities this facility can attribute to the scholars and design practicers by stacking useful datasets of neuroesthetics responses to the spatial conditions and hopefully inventing an algorithm to make machine learn about value of feelings and aesthetics.



Personal Architectural Sanctuary Space

Sensory Space Research Center - Site Analysis : Goose Island

There are plenty of spaces to rest our bodies. Very few ones exist for our souls. If what sanctuary can provide us are already accessible, can it be still defined as a somewhere apart from where we are? I believe that a place should provide what are lacking but demanded. It must be a place where your soul rests. It is where you let your mind go on a dimension where it is not restricted. Current civilization’s closet guess on where one’s mind dwell is one’s brain. A brain works very closely to our thoughts and senses. Number of Neurons in our brain is astronomically countless. Our mind is structured based on limitless scale. Design concept that is aimed to enlarge and promote connections between physical surroundings and one’s mind will complete a true sanctuary for our minds.

- William Butler Ogden (1805-1877) - First Mayor of Chicago - Built a channel for his company, the Ogden’s Canal - Industrializedthe site - Created a park system in Chicago - Goose Island, “Little Hell” - Due to its highly polluted condition.

(Below Left) Green marks represent the area accessible to public parks. Red marks represent the opposite. Whilst, red dots represent the area that has habitants with bronchial diseases (Below Right) Map of Chicago before the construction of Goose Island

This design proposal is an attempt to inherit and redefine the early urban plan of Chicago, initiated by William B. Ogden; who made the current shape of Goose island in mid 1800s.

Lobby: 650 sf. Non-Gendered Restrooms: 750 sf. Five Treatment Chambers: 1200 sf. Each Meditation Space for 25 People: 1000 sf. Multi-Purpose Space: 1000 sf. Fiver Research Offices: 100 sf. Each Research Lab: 400 sf. Conference Room: 300 sf. Staff Restrooms: 100 sf. Pantry: 200 sf. Dining Space: 650 sf. Mechanical Space: 1000 sf. Maintenance Space: 1500 sf.

The rectangular grid form of private gardening culture in 1800s is taken into the design proposal and pulled out of the ground to create extra spaces beneath its garden, which now is dedicated to the public. By adding curvature gesture to a rather orthogonal shape of the city, this proposal is aimed to arise the level of attention to the surroundings.

Large outdoor public areas and decending element at the approach is a egalitarian message to the city and its history.

Whilst, using architecture as a medium to deliver a democratic message, at the same time, it should look effortless inside.

Section View

Site Approach

Floor Plan

Chambers Sensory experiences are designed to record the responses numerically.

Internet Haven Internet Archive HQ

FALL 2018 | ARCH 574 | Professor Tierney The greatest gift the Internet has given us is the decentralizing and deauthorizing the power derived from the monopolization of information. Our society has truly escaped from the feudalistic hierarchical system by the informatization triggered by the Internet. However, the problem occurred by the appearance of giant IT corporates such as Google and Facebook which deliberately collect and privatize the information on the web to maximize their financial income. This phenomenon could potentially bring all of us back into the hierarchical society of the past. As an architectural solution to this matter, The Internet Haven is made to stands against the hierarchizing the Internet in both symbolic and functional senses. Suggested by the British architecture professor, Simon Unwin, in his book, “Analysing Architecture”, architecture is divided up into two types, ‘temple’ and ‘cottage’. The ‘temple’ replaces the uneven ground with a controlled surface as a foundation. (Unwin 88) It often uses foreign materials, stands above the landscape, protects its content from the exposed climate, in order to exhibit the creator’s power and authority. Another type, ‘cottage’, similar to

the ‘temple’. Also protects against climate, but for people and animals who inhabit within not for authoritative materials or dignity. It rather uses the materials nearby and aims to soaks into nature. In order to preserve the Internet’s equalitarian role in our society, I concluded that the place must represent both ‘temple’ and ‘cottage’ types at the same time. The place should be considered as important as a temple, but as humble as a cottage. In order to express this idea into architectural solution, The Internet Haven resembles both natural and urban landscape simultaneously by lifting up the ground as if it is a natural hill and carving out 4 different pathways to create a close relation to the quadrant grid massively shown in the urban city plan. Regardless of where the visitors from, the layout guides everyone equally to the center to enter any programs within the archive. As the visitors walk towards the center, the natural hill seam- lessly becomes an inhabitable artificial space. Connecting the smart city built by Google and the neighboring parks, with the Internet Haven as a medium, the place becomes an ambiguous boundary between nature and urban, private and public, or temple and cottage.

ur-Form: Developing geometry from structures found in nature

Structure of coral reef was chosen, as it is a living space for numerous types of marine lives

developed 3 Dimensional spaces using parameters

coral reef at a closer look

moved back on 4th dimension, time, where the original form was yet to be created

dead coral reef’s structure at an extremely close scale was selected for the final design inspiration

rebuild the structrure with vector lines on 2d

capture the moment of creation when the form was being peeled off from nothingness

model making with 3d printer

according to simon unwin’s book,analysing architecture, there are two archytypals; Cottage and temple the “cottage” is built of material around, incoperate with the site, whilst the “temple” uses forign materials, control the ground, shows off authority.

example of cottage (left) and temple (right) architecture. ironically, as shown on the right picture, the original internet archive building is one of the temple architecture. the main goal to accomplish for the new internet archive is to build a space that is fairly open to everyone, where the information of the world is accessible without any intervene nor hierarchical authority. Therefore, the schematic design was developed into non-authoritative manner with its massive scale. In order to achive the humbleness of cottage architecture, the design was focused to be emerged into the natural scene.

Stepped landscape

ada accessible landscape

mimicing the shape of hill with carved out paths

site context diagram

noise control

further from the center courtyard, the quieter the space becomes


each quadrant is holding different program inside; theater, non-stationary archive, stationary archive, and office-cafe (clockwise from blue).

model making: Oak wood with cnc milling machine

floor plans

perspectives Dance Studio

Kitchen Storage


Open User Space Reading Area

150 Seats


Mech. Room Lifelong Study Studio Storage


Lifelong Study Studio UP Stage

Lifelong Study Studio

Reception Area

UP Lifelong Study Studio Public Computing Area






Maker Space (7500SF)


Maker Space (10300 SF)

0’ 15’




Mech. Room

Lifelong Study Studio



Lifelong Study Studio OPEN TO BELOW




Maker Space(10300 SF)

0’ 15’



DIGITAL FABRICATION Pavilion Spring 2019 | ARCH 571 | Professor Kevin Erickson The objective of the studio is to twist the sequence of the design approach. Understanding the available technologie is enormously important as an architectural designer, to fabricate one’s imaginatination into the reality. In this studio, students were first trained to use many types of fabricational tools; Vacuum Former, CNC Machine, 5-axis Robot Arm, and 3D Printer, alongside the adequate softwares that operates them. Afterwards, the whole studio members as a group was asked to design a full-scale pavilion, and fabricate it with the use of digital fabrication tools. (Above) Design proposal for the pavilion installation at the campus

rapid prototyping

phase 1. hand-made box

phase 2. machine-made object (Grasshopper + 3d printer)

Exaggerating the drudgery of hand work

Exaggerating the mass-differentiation of computational work

phase 3. Brick design (T-Spline + Mastercam + CNC Router + Vacuum form + concrete cast)

Module Axon

redefining the brick into organic shapes with machines

Wall Axon Schematic Design Process (Rhino3D) 1. 6”x6”x12” Rectangular 6-sided polysurface geometry 2. Reconstruct the surface with new UV value (U:4, V:8) 3. Divide the surfaces on top and bottom into squares 4. Select centroid points from 4 squares from step 4

phase 4. 5-axis Milled Object design (Grasshopperr + Mastercam (Robotmaster) + robot arm)

phase 5. free form finding (hot wire foam cutter + culinary art technique; Net cutting)

pavilion: digital fabrication


Base table

Adjustable stickers

Fixed plane

Support chair

Pavilion design based on 3-dimensional points generated by voronoi pattern

grasshopper script for generating panel joinery automatically


Automation Boutique Hotel

Fall 2017 | ARCH475 | Professor Yi Yun Ki The project goal is simple and straight forward. It is to create a fully automated hotel that runs itself without human resources. To compete and stand out among the hotels in downtown, Champaign, the project is needed to have a clear theme. The project goal is to provide high-quality luxurious hotel rooms with comparatively lower price. To actually reach this ideal goal, the main theme of the project is set to make the hotel human-less, in order to reduce the cost of running business and enhance the quality of customer experience. Without human workers, the hotel will be generated by itself, automatically. The automation of building will not only help the financial issues, but also will take a huge part in maintenance of the building as well.

Urbanized Mass


Slice Mass

Peel Off

Old + New

Ground Floor

2nd Floor

HVAC Distribution

2nd Floor - HVAC Distribution Plan Scale : 1’ = 1/16”

Mech. Room Guestrooms

Open Space


Guest Room Floor

Guest Room Floor - HVAC Distribution Plan Scale : 1’ = 1/16”

HVAC Distribution




Photovoltaic panels Coverting sunlight directly into electricity by PV panels. They also provides shading area to the roof as well.

Exterior shading device Rotatable Vertical Louvers are attached to the facades of the buildings to adequately control the sunlight automatically.

Geothermal heat exchanger It uses the earth as a tool to both heat and cool the temperature of the building.

Coping Air/Water Barrier Insulation with driange channels Anchor Metal Decking Insulating Glass Panel Batt Insulation Concrete Slab Formed Termination Panel

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