IFoU Summer School_sub theme 3

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Sub-The me3. C u

ltural Diffu

sion and Rec ept ion ,a nd Tr an

Urban Sp nal ac tio e si

Can Big Culture Save the City?

Gwangju How to Re-shape Urabn Center in response to Colossal Cultural Institute

July 4th-17th 2014 IFoU Summer School in Gwangju

Gwangju, one of the seven metropolitan cities in Koreea, is the largeest city in souuthwestern reggion which is well known as a city of lighht, art and humman rights. Paarticularly, May 18 Democcratization Moovement in 1980 is a symbbol of Korean democratizatiion and is connsidered as ann exemplar off human rightts and emocrratic movemennts in Asia annd third worldd countries. The southwest region in Koorean peninsuula, Gwangju Metropolitan City as its center, has been relatively isolated and underdevelopeed in politics and economiccs for a long while during he modern and contemporaary days. Since the early 19900s, many big Korean cities have witnesssed the so-callled doughnut phenomenon or hollowing out, of the old city center due to expansioon of city bouundaries and formation of new city centers, which caaused the old city centers to deteriorate. The city of Gwwangju had no exception: as the South Jeolla provincial office annd its subsidiaary institutions moved out frrom the city center after the reorganizaation of admiinistrative


sysstem, and as tthe new city center namedd Sangmoo disttrict was formmed, the functioons and vitalitty of the old city center area have notably diminished.

The question of how to uttilize the site of former proovincial office has remaine an issue evver since the relocation was decided in 19999, and it has been decided to be used as the Asian Culture Compllex, which is an essential part of the Hub City of Asian Culture Prooject (HCAC) In 2004. under the Roh Moo-hyun government, a new type of governmen different from the status quuo, established a policy for a balanced development of regions in opes of elevaating Gwangju as a city of ulture and art by reviving the hollowed out old city center. Asian Culture Compplex (ACC), the core of the grand nationa project whicch will cover several block in old city center and a total floor area of 180,000m is currently.

Big Culture

There are a number of case that successfully revived the city by utilizing public or industrial facilities to build complex cultural faciliities. Gwangju Metropolitaan City also has high expeectations for the ‘Bilbao effect’ as the Asian Culture Complex. Hoowever, unlikee the case of thhe old provinccial office areaa where a presservation of thhe historical site for May 188 Democratizattion movemen and a consttruction of new compound culture facility have been already in prrogress, a city wide strategyy and manageement solutionn to connect this mega cuultural facilityy with its surrrounding areaas are still noot decided. In other words, discussions regarding how to expand the effects of a governmment led large-scale public enterprise, while harmonizing the city with its surrrounding areeas have just begun. It is necessary to have a new observation in different angle for neighbboring areas around the ACCC, and put effforts to intercconnect the prroblem and its potential withh strategy.


Sub-Themes and Sites 1. Gwangju Folly and Connecting Urban Cultural Spots: Clues for Restructuring 2. Urban Development and Symbolism of Human Right 3. Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space 4. Sustainable Neighborhood and Urban Linear Park 5. Coexistence of Past and Present, Modern History and Urban Village

Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space The old city center has been a center of administration, com-

the old city center has been suffering from economic and cultural decline. The colossal Asian Culture Complex (ACC) has been under construction and scheduled to be open in 2015, which is expected to bring huge impacts around the old city center. This area also includes Geumnam Road, the first main street in Gwangju that starts from the square in front of the old provincial office and runs through

provincial office and Gwangju Metropolitan City Hall have moved out,

merce, finance and culture and arts. However, after the South Jeolla

the middle of the old city center. Along with the square, it is a symbolic space representing the Gwangju Democratization Movement. In addition, major commercial areas of Gwangju are still distributed around Geumnam Road. Overflowing cultural activities and power from the culture complex, ACC, are expected to spread through the Geumnam Road and other surrounding roads that connect the old downtown area. How are the old cit center, Geumnam Road, and surrounding commercial areas going to respond and be related to the upcoming functional changes by Asia Culture Complex.

CITY >>Urban / Face << Make a face Old city >> Protect site / head << Hair Node >> Receive people / information << Eyes ACC >> Express mind / culture << Mouth Geum-nam Ro >> Axis of the site / face << Nose Surrounding >> Keep activity / warm<< Clothes 신

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신 신

Site_May 18 Plaza in front of Asia

Preserving historical buildings by inducing new programs Overcoming contemporary fragmentation and remembering historical boundaries

Culture Complex and Old City Center

Urban design is just like a process to make a face!

Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

Combine street & underground space


Bringing every day life in the big culture Connecting the different sides of chung jang street and create more open space for people

Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 Floor >4 Floor 20001990-1999 1980-1989 1970-1979 1960-1969




Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

Building Analysis


ParK Police Office

ACC Plaza

Post Office


Bank History Building Under structure Building Empty House Under ground exit Under ground Plaza Metro Metro Station BUS stop

May 18th Plaza

Folly Public space Potential Public space Informal_Building Parking

Site Analysis

Geum-nam Ro

Chung-jang street & Arts street

Preserving historical buildings by inducing new programs

The Disappeared Old City Wall

Overcoming contemporary fragmentation and remembering historical boundaries

신 신

신 신

신 신

신 신

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신 신

신 신 신

신 신

신 신

Concept Plan


Connecting the different sides of chung jang street and create more open space for people. Combine street & underground space

Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

Bringing every day life in the big culture


Pedestrian System surrounding the ACC

Pedestrian System surrounding the ACC Bringing every day life in the big culture

Diffusion and Reception isn't only directing to the culture, but also can express the tension between tourits and locals. This project's purpose is connecting with the whole surrounding, finding one way to solve the problem between tourits and locals. According to site analysis, the design in this area is not only promoting the big culture, but also bring residents' everyday life into this big public space offset new ACC. Then we try to represent a new style






Night Market/Parking

Bar area

Festival/Citizen/Outdoor theater

Pedestrian-University Students

conection and active

Weekend 2

Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

Week Days1

Week Days2


Intensity Use

Weekend 1

Weekend 2 - Outdoor theater


After infusing new activities, the whole area would gain a new atmosphere, and experience. No matter tourists or residents can also use their own life style to interact with this site. Finally, this new public space would rewrite the big culture, which with history, culture, and vitality.

Week Days 1 - Citizen

Week Days - Parking

Week Days 2 - University Students


Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

Weekend 1 - Night Market

Geum-nam Ro

Connecting the different sides of chung jang street and create more open space for people Combine street & underground space Cars parked on the roadsi-de, and it well be very crowd and dangerous when the activity of May 18 eve-ry years.

Geum nam Park is an useful open space around the Geum-nam Ro, many teen-agers walk or get together here.


There are some public sp-ace for rest in the underg-round street. Many people sit here and have a rest.

The underground street now is a very negative space. Few people buy goods in shops, many shops are empty now.

People use the underground street just for cross the Geum-nam Ro.

The subway station is directly connected with the underground street.

There are 20 entrances al-ong the Geum-nam ro. It’s very convenient to use the underground street.

Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

There is a disorderly traffic at the crossroads. Cars come from all directi-ons and get together.

Road Network Orderly Road

Lost Space

Redesign the May 18 Plaza, combine the round center with a alterable walking plaza.

Change the Geumnam Road into a Bus-only street,reduce 4 car lanes and site a walking space. Besides, make curve road to slow down the traffic speed.

Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

People can rent public bicycle at the bicycle racks and return bike at any of them.

Chung-jang street & Arts street

Preserving historical buildings by inducing new programs

Although many of the appointment place but People don’t stay in the place.

Pedestrian street parked cars on site, but can not due to the people around.

Arts street

Are provided for the street art scene, but is not activated. People can stay in that place because there is no space.

Chung - jang street

Diffrent two space, Respond together

re st et

Make spotlight to Arts network Bridge

Activate the center of Arts street


Olny flow , No stay






g STAY COMPLEX str Complex & Narrow Road



Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

ts Ar


Rroviding a transtition area between ACC

Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

The disappeared old city wall

Overcoming contemporary fragmentation and remembering historical boundaries

Art Market



Arrangement does not take into account the surrounding circumstances


Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

Site Analysis

Plan Study

History Map


old wall Gate


Shadow - Memoral


Dea-In Market

Art Market


Art street




North gate

n ee t tw ee be str nd rts po A es & R et d tre an s n ng tio a si g-j an n Tr Chu

Geum nam Ro

Ac tiv e Tr G an eu Ch si m un tion -n g- a am ja nd ng R R o st es re p et on & db Ar e ts tw st ee re n et

West gate Gwang ju River


Pedestrian System surrounding the ACC

Conneted openspace with parking. Breathed energy in to estrangement site 's border the existing open space is site gate.

North gate

Propose a piloti because to give the impression of the gate. Traces remain on the wider enterance. They remained in the pubilc bench. and bench is remember history the existing open space is site gate.

West gate

Flea market associated with art market composition. The existing open space is site gate, and the open space is link of the art market the existing open space is site gate.

Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space

Art street

Master Plan Pedestrian System surrounding the ACC Bringing every day life in the big culture

Geum-nam Ro

Connecting the different sides of chung jang street and create more open space for people. Combine street & underground space.

Chung-jang street & Arts street

Preserving historical buildings by inducing new programs

The Disappeared old City Wall

Overcoming contemporary fragmentation and remembering historical boundaries

Cultural Diffusion and Reception, and Transitional Urban Space


Yu chi Hsiao Chung Chieh Lin Ji Yu Han Su Bin Wu Qin gru Kang Su Hyun Mun Jeong Yun Kim Yu Jin Yoo Sun Hee Park Hyun Min FACULTY Zhang Fan Lee Min Seok Hendrik Tieben


2014 IFoU Summer School in Gangju active amanual http://map.daum.net/

Edited by Doragonn

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