Programs of Study
Spiritual Life
Bachelor’s Degree Majors
Dordt’s aim is to contribute to students’ spiritual and social growth, as well as to their academic preparation. Dordt College aspires to be a community in which faculty and students together seek to glorify and serve Jesus Christ. Dordt provides many opportunities for the campus to worship together, including chapel services, praise and worship, GIFT (Growing In Faith Together), and Wellspring. Find more about these programs by going to and searching for campus ministries. Each school year begins with the college retreat at Lake Okoboji. This is followed throughout the year by Bible study groups, residence hall devotions, lecture series, and other opportunities for spiritual refreshment and sharing. All of these opportunities are noncompulsory.
The dean of chapel serves the spiritual counseling needs of students. Trained counseling personnel are available to help students with social, emotional, and other personal concerns. Academic advising and skill development are also provided, along with career counseling.
Career Services
The career services office assists in arranging on and off-campus interviews, maintaining student placement records, listing job vacancies. The office also trains students in resume writing, job application procedures, and interviewing.
Student Activities
Students may choose from a broad range of co-curricular activities, including academic and professional societies, music performance groups, intercollegiate athletics (member of NAIA and GPAC), Christian service organizations, theater productions, student publications, campus radio station, special interest clubs, and intramurals.
Dordt College
is a Christian liberal arts college enrolling over 1,350 students from more than 30 U.S. states, six Canadian provinces, and over 15 other countries. Founded in 1955, Dordt is located in Sioux Center, Iowa. This attractive, progressive community in northwest Iowa is about an hour’s drive from Sioux City, Iowa, and Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which are both served by major airlines.
Dordt College welcomes the challenge of assisting students in developing genuine Christian insight—an understanding of the creation in light of the Scriptures. This insight leads to the practical ability of carrying out one’s task in loving obedience and service, and the desire to function effectively as a kingdom citizen. The Dordt College community challenges believers to obey God in every area of life. Our mandate in Christ’s kingdom requires us to examine and understand His world.
Admissions Requirements
Dordt College requires a minimum high school GPA of 2.25 and a minimum ACT cumulative score of 19 (SAT 920) for regular admission status. We recommend the following high school preparation: 3 or 4 years of English 2 or 3 years of mathematics (including advanced algebra and geometry) 2 years of a foreign language 2 years of science (including biology, chemistry, or physics) 2 years of social studies
College credits presented by transfer students will be evaluated on the basis of the quality of the student’s work and the relationship of the subject matter to the Dordt curriculum. A maximum of 61 semester hours of credit is granted to junior college graduates.
Financial Aid
Dordt College maintains a generous program of financial aid consisting of federal, state, and college sources. About 98 percent of our students receive some form of financial aid, which may include scholarships, grants, loans, or a work-study position. To receive more information about financial aid, contact the college’s financial aid office at finaid@
Visiting Campus
Prospective students are invited to attend one of our Friday campus visit days scheduled throughout the school year. Students who are unable to fit a campus visit day into their schedule may arrange a visit at their convenience.
Dordt College has over 80 full-time faculty members; more than 70 percent hold the highest degree in their teaching area. A number of adjunct faculty members teach on a part-time basis, providing specialized instruction in various fields. Teaching is the primary task of the faculty, and our excellent 15 to 1 student/faculty ratio means that personal attention to the needs of the student is a hallmark of education at Dordt College.
Dordt College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Our teacher education program is approved by the Iowa Department of Education. The Dordt College social work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, and the engineering major is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board of Engineering Technology.
Master of Education
Curriculum and Instruction Accounting Agriculture Applied Science and Technology Art and Design Biology Business Administration Business Education Chemistry Communication Computer Science Construction Management Criminal Justice Digital Media Production Dutch Elementary Education Engineering Engineering Science English Environmental Studies Health and Human Performance
Educational Leadership History Individual Studies Mathematics Medical Technology Music Nursing Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Studies Psychology Science Education Secondary Education Social Science Education Social Studies Social Work Spanish Theatre Arts Theology
Many majors feature a variety of specialized areas of interest. For a detailed listing, go to
Pre-professional Programs Prearchitecture Prechiropractic Predentistry Prelegal Premedical Preoccupational Therapy
Preoptometry Prepharmacy Prephysical Therapy Preseminary Preveterinary
Associate of Arts Concentrations Administrative Assistant Agriculture Computer Networking
Off-Campus Study
Early Childhood Aide, Special Education Aide, Teacher Aide General Studies
Dordt College sponsors the Studies Program In Contemporary Europe (SPICE), based in Zwolle, the Netherlands, during spring semesters; the Studies Program In Nicaragua (SPIN), based in Leon and Managua, Nicaragua, during fall semesters; and five cross-cultural summer courses in Korea, Honduras, Hungary/Ukraine, the Netherlands, and Nicaragua. It also co-sponsors the Chicago Semester program. Dordt College students also have access to more than 30 additional programs that are sponsored through the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and other institutes and universities. For a complete list, go to
Campus Map/Profile
Campus Life
ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS Agriculture Art & Design Biology Business Ed/Accounting/Econ Chem/Physics/Planetary Science Communication Education Engineering English Foreign Language Health and Human Performance
3 8 3 1 3 8 8 3 8 8 28
History Math/Computer Science Music Nursing Philosophy Political Science/Criminal Justice Psychology Social Work Theatre Arts Theology
8 7 34 17 8 8 8 8 8 8
The Campus Center (1) houses a bookstore, game room, the VerMeer Business Center, offices for student services, the president, admissions, financial aid and
administrative staff, Eckardt Student Lounge, De Yager Student Activity Center, Defender Grille, and provides direct access to the John and Louise Hulst Library.
The John and Louise Hulst Library (2) has study space for over 350 students and accommodates over 130,000 holdings. The library features a variety of 18
agriculture, biology, engineering, and chemistry/physics/planetary sciences departments.
The Ribbens Academic Complex (7-8) houses the art department, classrooms, a digital media lab, the New World Theatre, computer labs, a
14 11
College housing (13, 15, 16, 18, 29, 30, 32, 36) includes four residence halls, the East Campus apartment complex, the Southview apartment building, the newly completed Kuyper Apartments, and two houses. Approximately 85 percent of Dordt’s students live on campus.
2 1
Open Space Park (25) which is owned by the city, is located adjacent to campus. Its tennis courts, sand volleyball court, baseball/softball
diamonds, and football/track stadium are all available for college use. The college shares nearby Te Paske Theatre (19) with the local public high school.
33 34
30 32
basketball, volleyball, and tennis; three racquetball courts; and spacious rooms for weightlifting, exercise machines, gymnastics, dance, and aerobics.
services. It houses the 37-stop, 57-rank Casavant Organ, and a Steinway piano.
The Music Building (34) adjoins the B.J. Haan Auditorium and provides rehearsal halls, practice rooms, classrooms, and offices.
The Agriculture Stewardship Center located two miles north of the campus, includes 160 acres of farmland used for production, crop testing, and research.
498 4th Avenue NE Sioux Center, Iowa 51250-1606 (712) 722-6080, 1-800-343-6738
Baseball Diamond Dordt Prairie Football Field Open Space Park
20 38 22 25
Outdoor Track Soccer Fields Softball Diamond Tennis Courts
22 35 21 23
10 24 6 33 9 1 31 11 37 7 18 14 30 1 27 1 29 15
Faculty Office Complex Greenhouse John and Louise Hulst Library KDCR Radio Station Kuyper Apartments Maintenance Building Music Building New World Theatre North Residence Hall Nursing Education Building President’s House Recreation Center Ribbens Academic Complex Science and Technology Center Southview Apartments Te Paske Theatre West Residence Hall
8 4 2 26 36 12 34 7 16 17 5 28 8 3 32 19 13
The B.J. Haan Auditorium (33) seats up to 1,500 for musical performances, public meetings, and the college’s chapel
31 1 1 14 31 1 1 12 1 10 1 1
Counseling Dean of Chapel Financial Aid Food Service Health Services Housing Information Desk Maintenance President Public Relations Registrar Student Services
10 9
The All Seasons Center (24) houses indoor and outdoor swimming pools and the all-purpose Vernon Indoor Arena and ice rink.
1 2 1 10 10 28 1 1 9 1 7 8
language lab, an art gallery, art studios, and a copy center. The graduate education program and many faculty offices are also located in this building.
The Recreation Center (28) features an 1,800-seat gymnasium; classrooms; faculty offices; a 200-meter indoor track; courts for
The Alumni House (6) is available to visiting Dordt alumni and other guests for overnight stays.
Broadcasts can be heard live at
The Science and Technology Center (3) includes the greenhouse, 180-seat and 80-seat lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories, and offices for the
KDCR-FM (26) Dordt’s 100,000-watt radio station, has an on-campus studio with complete production and broadcasting facilities.
computer applications, including an on-line catalog, on-line periodical indices, off-campus database networking, and more.
Academic Affairs ASK Center Admissions Advancement/Development Alumni/Church Relations Athletic Director Bookstore Box Office Business Office Career Services Computer Services Copy Center
Advancement Office All Seasons Center Alumni House B.J. Haan Auditorium Business Office Campus Center Campus Health Services Central Heating Plant Clock Tower Computer Services College Housing Commons (Dining Hall) Covenant Residence Hall Defender Grille De Witt Gymnasium De Yager Activity Center East Campus Apartments East Residence Hall
Updated September 2011, Printed in the U.S.A.