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4.6.3 Conference Council on Youth Ministry

Strategic Initiatives — Your Area Camp and Retreat Ministry experienced significant progress on Strategic Initiatives including the start of construction of the new Tabernacle/Dining Center at Koronis, installation of high-speed internet at Storm Mountain Center, and dedication of recently purchased forest land adjacent to Northern Pines property. Wesley Acres Camp (WAC) — Wesley Acres had success in the past year. WAC successfully returned to in-person camping. Although the numbers of campers were lower than previous years, the quality of the experience for our campers and guests remained excellent. Our guest groups continue to seek Wesley Acres as a place for leadership development, spiritual and personal growth, and to experience Christian hospitality. We had new groups interested in long-term relationships. We had returning groups that seek the sense of coming home they feel as they return to Wesley Acres. This year also gave us hope for the future as our supporters rose to the challenge of building a bridge. The money that was raised will be supplemented by an approved grant from United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries (UMCRM) to allow us to build a bridge that crosses the creek connecting the main camp to the challenge course. This grant also provides materials to build an observation deck, access to the bridge, and a ramp according to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. We look forward with hope and excitement as we make changes, plan for the future, and make sure everyone can go to camp. Lake Poinsett Camp (LPC) -— We were thankful to host guest groups and campers again in 2021. Our retreat groups were not as big as usual because of COVID-19. Some chose not to come, and some had smaller groups because of sickness or people who were hesitant to gather in community. We were excited to once again welcome summer campers. Oddly, some camps that normally fill did not and others had waiting lists. Most of our summer staff was new and younger, but this was good in a lot of ways. We hope that the younger staff will continue to work here for years to come. The neighbors and community were glad we had chapel services again but missed our Sunday brunches. Our chapel attendees continue to bless camp in many ways through their donations and volunteerism. We were blessed with tremendous conference support, volunteers, and lots of prayers. We did not do any big projects at camp because of our lack of income but have been moving forward on some exciting projects for 2022. It has been awesome to see God at work in the rainbows and storms! Thanks for all your support. Storm Mountain Center (SMC) -— The return to camp and retreat operations with limited capacity in 2021 brought over three hundred campers and 1,300 retreat guests to Storm Mountain. We completed a long-awaited internet upgrade to a dedicated fiber line in October— several groups have already taken advantage of the new virtual meeting capabilities for their hosted retreats. Throughout a large portion of the year a persistent water leak in the system led to extensive maintenance of the water lines, including an updated pump in the main reservoir to better meet water demand for large groups. The broken line was located in May and repaired just in time for the summer season. The year-round staff duplexes next to the parking lot were updated with new flooring, paint, and repair/replacement of broken fixtures. Forest management was a focus through the last four months of the year with staff working to clear brush and eliminate slash piles in multiple areas close to camp, including the ridge behind the staff duplex, Paradise Trail and plateau areas, Storm Mountain Trail, and areas along Spring Creek. Storm Mountain continues to be blessed by a dedicated base of volunteers who assisted in programming, yard work, and forest management. Staffing Transitions and Celebrations — We welcomed Elouaze and Edson Alexis - Koronis food service and support staff, Jerry Simmons - Food Service Manager at Storm Mountain Center, Elizabeth Ziegler - Koronis Administrative support staff, and Jay Foss - Property Manager at Storm Mountain Center. We said goodbye to SaraJane Madison – Northern Pines Program staff. Dakotas-Minnesota Area Alignment — All Dakotas-Minnesota staff, including site directors and central office staff, continue to meet and plan consistently together. Since 2016, the Dakotas and Minnesota Conferences’ Camp and Retreat Ministries have combined their strengths and leadership and have come together to form a joint governance council. The Camp and Retreat Council is made up of equal representation from each conference and meets quarterly. In addition, since 2017 Dakotas-Minnesota Camp and Retreat Ministries has served our area churches, clergy, and staff through a centralized administration office. 2021 Operations Ending in Black – For the seventh year in a row in Minnesota, and for the sixth year in a row in the Dakotas, your camp and retreat ministries ended financially in the black. Success is attributed to strong financial support from local churches and conference boards/teams, unified financial system, controls and review processes, staff management and oversight, regular review of costs/rates, and realtime access to accurate data and information.

Camping Statistics and Additional Highlights — see 2022 Missional Report American Camp Association (ACA) Accreditation — Dakotas and Minnesota staff regularly review every facet of camp programs and operations to ensure a safe and quality camp experience for all participants. Each of your six Area sites are fully accredited operations through the ACA, the national accrediting body for camping programs. To earn accreditation, camps must comply with hundreds of health, safety, and program quality standards. Only one in five camps nationwide achieves this distinction. Current Staffing -— Dakotas: Christy Heflin - Director, Lake Poinsett Camp; Levi and Lara Ziegler - Co-Directors, Storm Mountain Center; Paul and Brenda Lint - Co-Directors, Wesley Acres Camp. Minnesota: Leslie Hobson - Director, Northern Pines Camp; Dan Ziegler - Director, Koronis Ministries and Kowakan Adventures. Central Camping Office - Stacey Edwards - Camping Coordinator; Linda Bowers - Camping Assistant; Beata Ferris - Marketing and Outreach Project Coordinator; Mary Hovden - Camping Accountant; Keith Shew -. Area Executive Director of Camp and Retreat Ministries Thank you for your continued support of your camp and retreat ministries in the Dakotas and Minnesota Annual Conferences. Thank you for making sure that the children, youth, families, and adults in your church and community know about camping opportunities. Your support and encouragement help ensure that your camps and retreat centers can continue to be places where God meets with people. An experience at one of your Dakotas and Minnesota United Methodist Camps has changed the lives of generations of our Conferences’ leadership. Thank you.

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