English INTL Breastfeeding guide

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Enjoy your new life

Breastfeeding guide



Why breastfeed?

Why breastfeed?


Breastfeeding: what changes?


How to breastfeed?


What positions are best for breatsfeeding?


• Benefits for your baby • Benefits for you • And much more…

• Lying on the side • Cradle hold breastfeeding position • «Rugby ball» breastfeeding position • Laid-back breastfeeding position (after a c-section)

Breastfeeding schedule


Answers to the ups and downs of breastfeeding


What diet during breastfeeding?


Milk conservation


Breast pump, a precious help while breastfeeding

P 10

Going back to work

P 10


P 11

Who can I reach for help?

P 11

• How to know baby is hungry? • Breastfeeding frequency • How long on each side?

• Recommendations • Bébé Confort’s milk conservation products

Health care providers maintain that breast milk represents the best nutrition for newborns because it provides all the essential elements for your baby’s development. Breast milk evolves according to what your newborn needs and contains antibodies to protect baby from common illnesses. Breastfeeding is very natural and every experience is different. If you are breastfeeding and it’s not what you expected, hold on: an average of 3 weeks are necessary for the breastfeeding process to be established with a regular milk production.

Benefits for your baby

Breast milk contains all the ingredients your baby needs to start his new life the best way. Antibodies and nutriments included in your milk provide essential elements for your baby to stay healthy. For example, breast milk: • Reduces risks of allergies • Reduces risks of obesity and diabetes • Creates an efficient defense against infections and common illnesses such as ear infections, diarrhea, lung or urinary infections • Better speech and brain development and also facial bone structure • Creates a unique sense of well-being • Prepares for food diversification: through you own milk, you can introduce new tastes to your baby according to what you ate. Baby will recognize these different tastes once the weaning phase is over.

Benefits for you

Breastfeeding reassures you in your new role as a mom and increases your confidence day after day. Despite the psychological well-being it brings you, breastfeeding also has numerous psychological advantages: • The uterus goes back to its initial shape and recovers quicker • 200 to 500 calories burnt each day: weight loss is quicker and more gradual • Decreases the risk of infection after delivery and protects against diarrheas and stomachaches. • The risk of breast and ovarian cancer is decreased before menopause • Breastfeeding is not tiring: sense of well-being and baby goes to sleep more quickly.

And much more... Despite reinforcing the bond between mother and baby, breastfeeding can be a precious time saver. Breast milk is always available, at the right temperature and without any germ or bacteria! Fully breastfeeding or combinaison feeding can also save you money: none or less baby bottles to buy. Moreover, breast milk evolves with baby’s needs as its composition changes during breastfeeding and over time. Breast milk will always have the best ingredients.



Breastfeeding: what changes? During your pregnancy, your breasts are slowly preparing for breastfeeding: the size increases at the same time as the size of your nipples, under the effect of hormones secreted by the ovary and the placenta. Towards the end of your pregnancy and after delivery, two hormones will activate milk production: prolactin and oxytocin will be released as soon as baby will start to be breastfed. The amount of milk produced depends on the number of times baby eats. The ejection reflex is simultaneous in both breasts: while your baby eats on one side, milk flows from the other. Don’t worry, there are no ideal breast shape to breastfeed. Breasts don’t store milk but produce it while baby eats. So big or small breasts make no difference, baby will always have enough to eat!

How to breastfeed? Breastfeeding is very natural but not always intuitive and can be a difficult process to start. Here are some tools to naturally overcome the ups and downs of breastfeeding.

When to start breastfeeding?

It is preferable to start breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible after the birth. First of all, your baby will take advantage of the colostrum (rich milk) only produced when lactation starts. Also, the first time your baby will be breastfed will favor breastfeeding.

How to stimulate milk supply?

Use your senses: looking, listening and smelling your baby will trigger milk ejection. Make sure to be comfortably installed before starting to breastfeed your baby: back and arms on cushions and feet can be raised if you want. Now it’s time to enjoy this precious moment! If milk ejection is difficult, try to massage your breast before breastfeeding.

1• Hand shaped like the letter C

2• Place your baby near your breast

3• Remove baby from your breast

What positions are best for breatsfeeding? It is recommended to change breastfeeding positions in order to: • Stimulate every area of the breast • Prevent nipple pain because the pressure is made on different areas Your baby can be positioned comfortably on a cushion, chin must touch your breast and ears, shoulders and hips must be straight lined. If you are well installed, baby must not pressure your nipple and you shouldn’t even need to support your baby.



Position your nipple towards the baby’s mouth. Once it’s wide open and the tongue is flat, you can start breastfeeding

When your baby is not eating anymore and is chewing on your nipple, remove your baby from your breast by making sure to place your little finger between your baby’s gums to interrupt suction without hurting your nipples.

Baby’s chin pushed into the breast. • A big part of the areola is covered by the baby’s mouth and lips • Baby’s inferior lip is folded towards the exterior • Baby’s tongue is positioned under the nipple • A movement can be seen near the forehead and ears when baby starts sucking and swallowing • Baby’s feeding is made at his own pace: he sucks for a few seconds, stops to swallow and then starts the whole process again • You can hear your baby swallowing the milk

on the side Your baby and you are lying on the side facing each other with pillows protecting both your and baby’s back and your head. Baby’s head is placed on your arm or on the bed. This position allows you to relax and stay in bed while breastfeeding.

Cradle hold breastfeeding

«Rugby ball» breastfeeding

Baby is facing you, head in your arms and body lying down on a breastfeeding cushion supporting his weight. To be comfortably sitting, you can place a pillow behind your back which must always be straight and relaxed. Don’t lean on your baby.

Baby is supported by a breastfeeding cushion and positioned under your arm on the desired breast side. Baby is lying down on the side, his body facing yours.

Laid-back (after a c-section)

Biological nurturing

Baby is lying down next to you on a cushion. You must be able to support your baby’s back with your arm.

Semi-reclined position and baby is lying on your stomach. Perfect position if breastfeeding is painful or if baby has a hard time grabbing your breasts.


breastfeeding position

Place your fingers flat under your breast, it looks like your hand is shaped like the letter C

Breastfeeding is going well when:


breastfeeding position


Breastfeeding schedule? Experts recommend to breastfeed on demand without restricting the amount of time or length you breastfeed. However, you can adjust the amount of time you breastfeed according to your personal schedule.

How to know baby is hungry? Some signs can warn you when baby is hungry. Try breastfeeding before baby cries. • baby’s head leans on the side • baby is looking for your breast • baby sucks his fingers • baby rolls his eyes • baby’s fists are clenched

Answers to the ups and downs of breastfeeding Common issues Inflamed or painful nipples Possible causes: • wrong positioning •b reastfeeding occurs too often

Advice To prevent or heal, make sure to let the last drops of milk on your breast dry: it will heal inflammations and cracks efficiently.

If it gets painful while breastfeeding, use nipple shields as to protect your sore nipples. Soft and flexible, they still keep skin-to-skin contact between your baby and you.

Check with your doctor for advice if your nipples are: • chapped • inflamed • cracked • bleeding

When you are not breastfeeding you can use milk shells to heal naturally and avoid painful rubbing.

Breastfeeding frequency Breastfeeding frequency is different for each baby. During the first few weeks, a baby is breastfed approximately every 2 to 3 hours so 8 to 12 times a day. Feed baby as soon as he is hungry to stimulate milk supply and for optimal breastfeeding.

How long on each side? Feed baby with one breast until baby stops swallowing, even after massaging your breast. Change sides if baby wants. Breastfeeding with one breast is feasible if your baby is satisfied. Let him decide when he had enough: baby will fall asleep. The approximate length of each feeding is around 15 to 30 minutes.

Use pads that will absorb the liquid while keeping your nipple dry and change them after each feeding to avoid infections. Disposable pads by Bébé Confort are very absorbent and allow a better airflow to keep you dry. If it really hurts, use a breast pump: you’ll be able to pump your milk and start the healing process at the same time.

Congestion Your breasts are hard, painful and warm Possible causes: • Inefficient breastfeeding or too spaced in time •W rong positioning of mom or baby • Blocked ducts

Lack of milk / milk Lackejection of milk / milk ejection

Breastfeed your baby as often as possible; use a hot washcloth before breastfeeding to soften your breasts and to release some milk. It will help your baby find your breast. Congestion can cause breasts infection. Contact your midwife if the pain gets stronger or if you have the following symptoms: • fever • headache • stiffness • hot, red or painful area on your breast

To favor the milk ejection reflex, apply a warm washcloth on your breast and massage before breastfeeding. For the first few days, it is normal that milk production is smaller because baby only needs a few colostrum drops to be satisfied. Then, breastfeed your baby more often and it will stimulate milk production that will be adapted to your baby’s needs.


Products that can help

Warm up Bébé Confort’s soothing compresses and put them on your breast before breastfeeding to favor milk ejection. You can also use Bébé Confort’s mini breast pump to release and relieve rapidly your breasts. In case of a low congestion, you can use milk shells to increase milk ejection. Be careful, do not use milk shells in case of a high congestion (when the milk doesn’t come out anymore) because milk shells stimulate milk production and could worsen the symptoms.

Warm up and use Bébé Confort’s soothing compresses.

Milk shells collect the milk and their massaging effect can help stimulating milk production and milk ejection.

If you can’t breastfeed very often, you can use a breast pump to keep a regular milk expression and stimulate milk production.


What diet during breastfeeding? Diet

Breastfeeding requires a lot of energy. This is why you need to keep a healthy diet (dairy products for calcium and fish for iodine are specially important) and drink the usual amount of water recommended. Always keep a glass of water near you while breastfeeding.


Polluting and toxic products and drugs are best avoided. As for the rest, you can check the list of medicines compatible with breastfeeding, published by the WHO or contact your doctor if you have any doubt.

Tobacco et Alcohol are highly prohibited. You can drink alcohol in very small quantities and just after breastfeeding in order

to be fully gone for the next feeding; of course the best is to not consume any alcohol at all. Nicotine is directly absorbed by breast milk every time you breastfeed it’s just as your baby smoked twice as much as you. This can have irreversible consequences on your baby like allergies or a higher risk of cancer. However, if you don’t want or can’t quit smoking, try to cut down cigarettes as much as possible and wait 2 hours after smoking to breastfeed your baby again.

Bébé Confort’s milk preparation and conservation products

Storage time at room temperature (20°C)

Storage time in a refrigerator*

Storage time in a freezer compartment

6-10 hours

3-4 days at 4°C

2 weeks at -16°C

1 hour

If you want to keep milk that you previously pumped, make sure it has been sterilized. When you feed your baby with pumped milk, throw any leftover away.

Be careful, never interrupt the cold chain: always carry your milk in a cooler or in a isotherm bag.


Defrosted milk

To heat the milk, it is preferable to use a bottle warmer or a hot water bath rather than using a microwave that can burn or degrade the nutritional qualities of the milk.

Bébé Confort’s milk conservation products

Storing expressed breast milk

Freshly expressed milk

When you are about to use the milk previously stored, take it out of the fridge or the freezer. To unfreeze it, put the milk in the fridge for a few hours then leave it at the room temperature. Warm it if you want. For an optimal heat distribution, shake the bottle between your hands. Once the milk is unfrozen, you can’t re-freeze it. Avoid mixing hot milk with cold milk that has been previously frozen in order to keep cold the milk that has already been stored. It is preferable to cool down the milk that has just been pumped before adding it to milk previously stored.

10 hours at + 4°C

Do not refreeze once defrosted

Storage time in a freezer

Around 6 months at -18°C

Do not refreeze once defrosted

Electric breast pump

To breast pump while your hands are free for maximum comfort and discretion

Manual breast pump

To easily and comfortably pump your milk in or out of home

Conservation bags

Sealed and compact solution to store your milk: write the date your milk has been pumped and put the storage bag in the fridge or freezer to use it later on.

Conservation bottles

Store your breast milk in the fridge or the freezer. The milk can be heated in a hot water bath or with a bottle warmer. With a teat, this conservation bottle becomes a baby bottle.

*Do not store milk in your fridge door (the temperature is not as cold as in the interior of the fridge)




Transform your bebe confort conservation bottle into a natural comfort baby bottle

"Discover the video"



ideal to pump your milk at work Unique: hands free and discreet

Breastfeed naturally in comfort 2 modes : stimulation et milk expression "Discover the video"

Designed by newborn experts, the Natural Comfort teat respects your baby’s natural suction: its unique asymmetrical and physiological shape reproduces the shape of your breast to get as close as possible to breastfeeding. This teat is easily accepted by 95% of babies, even breastfed*.

Breast pump, a precious help while breastfeeding Pumping your milk has many advantages and flexibility is one of them. Breast pumps are a great support during breastfeeding but also a good way to extend this period. • if your breasts are congested • to relieve sore nipples • to feed your baby who can’t directly be breastfed (premature, etc…) • to empty your breast if baby isn’t hungry • to create a milk storage along with breastfeeding • to store milk in the freezer in case of an emergency • to allow someone else to feed baby with your breast milk.

Going back to work With a little organization and support from your close family, breastfeeding and going back to work can be compatible. Here is an efficient method: use a manual or electric breast pump! To make that transition even easier, start using the breast pump a few weeks before going back to work to start changing your habits. For example, during breastfeeding, pump the milk of the free breast: it will save you some time. You can also pump an hour after breastfeeding or when baby eats less often or even when you feel the need to. Once you pumped your milk, please read carefully the conservation rules listed in the section “Store your milk”. Once you’re back to work, try to keep a regular schedule: pump your milk according to the feeding schedule your baby was on. It is important to find a quiet, comfortable and private place to pump your milk where you won’t be interrupted. Contact your employer to find the best and most appropriate place and to accommodate your schedule.



Designed in France

Weaning Your baby is growing up quickly and towards the end of the 4th month, milk isn’t enough to satisfy his nutritional needs. It’s time to switch to new food, even though milk will stay the basis of his diet during the first year. During the first few weeks of diversification, mashed vegetables or fruits will replace part of a bottle or breastfeeding. Gradually, they will replace milk entirely. Diversification occurs through different steps: at 4 months old, only a few fruits and vegetables suit your baby’s diet. At 6 months old, baby will discover meat and fish and at 8 months old, baby will try starchy food. Every child is different and you’ll naturally adapt yourself to your baby’s schedule! If you have any question regarding your child’s nutrition, the best person to contact is your doctor or pediatrician.

Who can I reach for help? If you have any question while breastfeeding, don’t hesitate to contact your midwife or doctor: they will answer your questions and reassure you. You can also contact the different organizations below to exchange information with other moms and breastfeeding professionals:

World Health Organization (WHO) http://www.who.int/en/

International Lactation Consultant Association

Breastfeeding and lactation professionals, who support and help you through your breastfeeding project, listen and solve technical issues. http://www.ilca.org/

La leche League

Support groups organized by volunteers representing a true moral support for moms seeking for advice. http://www.llli.org/


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