Dorian 5 Scary stories

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THE TABLE OF CONTENTS ● The Haunted House ● The Mystery ● The Locker ● The Ghost Bully ● The Murder

THE HAUNTED HOUSE Four girls were walking home through the park . They were being followed by a big black dog. They went down to the creek to get away from the do. On the bank of the creek they found a little boy who was lost . He could not talk. He held an object in his hand which helped the girls get him home. The girls were around the age of 12­13 . There names were Kathlyn Mikaela (Mika) and Carlene . When they got there they saw the boys house it was black and purple it was also very huge. ‘’I can’t believe my eyes’’, said Carlene while looking at the house. ‘’Hey where did the boy go”, as Kathlyn was looking all over the place. ‘’Maybe he went inside and we didn’t noticed ‘’, said Mikaela while looking at the door. ‘’Maybe’’ , said Carlene, ‘’Ok then lets go inside ‘’said Kathlyn. The girls went in, inside the house it looked old and rusty . “ poor little kid ‘’ said Mika. Then the girls kept on going and going, but the halls started to get longer and longer.”Boy this is sure a big house’’ repaid Kathlyn. The girls kept on going till they fill in a whole. AHHHHHH the girls yelled. The girls fill into this weird room. “What is this place said Carlene while looking around. So the girls kept on going , till they heard voices of laughter.”Ummm you guys….’’,said Carlene while shaking . “ Ya “ answered Kathlyn. “Look “,yelled Carlene. Behind them there was a person standing there he/she was wearing all black and you couldn’t even see it’s face. AHHHHH as the girls screamed trying to run. The girls were running as fast as they could. “Wait where are we’’, yelled Carlene. The girls ended up in a dark room. ‘’Oh no ,’’ answered Kathlyn “ I think we are lost. The girls kept on going farther and farther , till they found a door. “Umm…. should we go in’’, said Mika very worried. “I guess so “,said Carlene. The girls went in ,they got into this other room, but this time it was different it was purple ish. The girls kept on going they saw a girl sitting in the corner of the room . The girls knew what was going to happen so they kept on going, when all the sudden the girl grabbed Kathlyn’s leg. Kathlyn screamed so loud that the door where they were going to get out shut. The little girl disappeared.”Oh great”, yelled Mika. While Mika kept on talking the room started to get dark till the girls couldn't see anything. The girls yelled for eachothers names.When the lights went on Mikaela missing. The door opened and the girls just left as fast as they could. Then they appert in another room. “Great another room “,said Kathlyn. But only this room as different it was like a baby room. Carlene started shaking. “Carlene are you ok said Kathlyn worried. Carlene didn't answer. Then all the sudden the room started to get dizzy. Then all the sudden the floor cracked open. Carlene faint,”Carlene wake up wake up”,yelled Kathlyn. Poor Kathlyn couldn't help her friend so she left her and went on to the other door. But the only difference with this room was that it looked exacted like her inside of her house. Kathlyn just kept

wondering around , when all the sudden she saw her cat. “Oh cupcakes i'm so glad so glad to see you”, Kathlyn said thrilled, but them all the sudden Kathlyn’s cat melted. Then there was a little kid standing,and it was the same little boy they saw in the beginning. There was the little kid just standing watching her. “You”,said Kathlyn really scared, “You where are my friends what did you do with them”,. The little boy was just watching her, then all the sudden he went through the wall. “No’’, screamed Kathlyn. Kathlyn she grabbed the boy and through the wall too. When Kathlyn opened her eyes she saw 3 doors. On one of the signs it said You can only go to one door there no way back one door is bad luck good luck. Kathlyn was so scared she didn't know what door to go, then she heard someone call her name. It was Mika, “ Mika”, Kathlyn screamed of thrilled,”Mika Mika i’m so happy to see you where were you”,said Kathlyn. MIka told her she wasn't sure instead she felt she was sleeping. “Ok Mika there is 3 doors and we only need to choose one and no way back”,said Kathlyn. Mika told her to take the door on the right. So they did the girls took the right door. As soon as the girls opened the the door slammed opened behind them, and disappear. The girls just kept walking. Then they saw her friend Carlene lying in the floor. “Is she died”, examined Kathlyn, “I don’t think so”,answered Mika. While the girls were talking if Carlene was died or not, all the sudden Carlene opened her eyes.”Carlene”, yelled her friends while hugging her. Meanwhile the girls were happy that Carlene didn’t dyed. A tunnel opened.”Umm...should we go”, in said Kathlyn scared. “I think”, Mika answered. So the girls did, but behind them they saw the little boy. “Look”, yelled Carlene, the girls turned around and saw the little boy but the looked different. Then out of no where he started screaming. The girls were just standing there screaming, and then the little boy started chasing them. “AHHHHHHHH”, the girls screamed ,”Look”, said Carlene “I see a light”. The girls kept running to the light , but the tunnel was closing. “Were not going to make it”, yelled Mika. The tunnel was smaller and smaller than the girls jumped. After 10mins the girls woke up.”Where are we”, said Carlene. Then the girls were full wake,and saw that they were finally out of the house.”Yaaaaaayyyyy”, the girls yelled. Then they went back home, but promises themselves that they won’t come back .


The Van Snizzlepusses had a dinner party. In the middle of the main course,everyone at the table heard a loud explosion and a quiet scream. After dinner, Mrs. Van Snizzlepusses went up to her room and noticed that the wall safe was open, and the contents were missing. The detective said that one of the dinner guests did it, and he knew which one. The detective went down stairs. There were 10 guest there names were, (MrMrs.Snizzlepusses)Johnny,Amy,Crystal,Maya,Rick,Max,Maria,Roy,and Sarah,. The detective said “Ok nobody i leaving unit we solve this case”. The guest we sitting in the table while the detective was looking at them. “I think i know who did this “,said the detective Mr. Johnny he yelled. The detective said “Ok Mr. Johnny please hand over the contents. “ I didn’t do it “,said Johnny. Then out of no where the lights went off. The lights were off for 1min and then back on. Ahhhhh screamed a lady. The guest turned around a found Johnny died. The detective looked at the body and saw that and saw that the person left a red mark on the person. “Could it be a vampire “ ,said Amy. “No it looks like a rash” as the detective was looking. “ What do we do”, said Mrs. Van Snizzlepusses. “ Leave the body alone, but the crime person is still here”,.The detective told everyone that they could take a rest. At that night the detective had a dream,but it wasn't any kind of dream the dream was about a person sitting next to the guest, but then left and was not ever seen in the party. Then the alarm of the detective rang.He woke up and said “Man i wish I knew who it was”. Later that day after everyone ate the detective told everyone to come and sit again at the dining table, as always everyone did. The detective told Mrs. Van Snizzlepusses if she will take her to the room where her contents were stolen while everyone else would wait. As they were walking up the detective noticed foot prints. He told Mrs. Van Snizzlepusses if she had ever seen these before. Mrs. Van Snizzlepusses told him that she has never seen them before . The detective looked at them with his. “ Hmmmm”, he said while examining them,” I think they might belong to someone with small feet like a……” but before the detective could say anything he started to hear noises coming from the room down the hall,and then it happened the lights went off like the other night. Then they went back on . The detective turned around and saw Mrs. Van Snizzlepusses died. Everyone down stairs so scared went to where the detective was. Mr. Van Snizzlepusses cried for his wife and told the detective if he doesn’t solve this case not only he will be fired he will have to pay the consequences for this people dieing. After what happened the detective went to bed but had another dream.This time he dreamed of someone opening the door but on it’s hand it had a bracelet color red.Then the alarm went on. The detective quickly got up and told everyone to come to to the dining room . So everyone did but then it happened

again the room went dark and back on, but this time it wasn’t only one dead body it was 2 . The 2 people where Crystal and Roy.”That’s it”,said Mr. Snizzlepusses madly. “ Nobody else is going to stay here anymore, i’m not going to allowed more deaths “.”And Mr. detective you are fired”. The detective really felt bad that he couldn't solve the case,but he did what he was supposed to do. Later,that night the detective had another dream. In his dream there was a woman standing next to the bodys but she had a red dress. As soon as the detective woke up he was trying to remember a woman that was the guest with a red dress. “Who could it be”, thought the detective. Then he remembered it was Maya. “Of course said the detective she was the one with the red bracelet. The detective quickly got to the house of the Snizzlepusses, but when he opened the door he noticed blood footprints. “Oh no I might of been too late’”,said the detective sadly, But he heard noises it was Amy, Rick, and Max crying for help. The detective was going to help them but then Maya blocked him.Maya had a gun and she said if he moved she would of shot. The detective didn’t know what to do. But out of no where he had a plan .He was going to pull the rug and so he did,Maya fell down and hit her head so hard. The detective called the police and anabolic for help. And Maya was arrested and after that moment the detective got an award for the best detective.


My locker door was open,all my books were missing. Tilly had been standing right behind me when I opened my lock. My best friend knows my combination to my lock.I found my books in the empty locker. I thought to myself how would my books get in my locker. The first thing that came in my mind was my friend. “Hey”,I told my friend . Hi he said back. I told him how did my books get in this empty locker because I mean you were the only one who knew about it. Then a girl passed by and she said” You know they say that locker is haunted”, she said in a scary way. I told her if the locker is haunted why would it take my books?. She said because it chooses it’s vitam they it cause it bad luck. Of course i didn’t believe her but then I stared to noticed that I was having bad luck . My first bad luck started when I the teacher told us to get out our projects but I release that I forgot my project at home. I called my mom and she said the dog ate it. I told my teacher and of course she didn’t believe me and I got an F. My second bad luck day was when I had lots and lots of homework but nobody cares so I guess that doesn’t count. Ok now back to the real thing ok so it all happened when I was at the lunch line . This boy was picking on me,of course I told him to stop. But instead what he did was when i was walking with my lunch he tripped me over and of course everyone started laughing at me. I couldn’t stand it but I also didn’t want to admit to that girl that she was right. But as always so stupid of me decide to give it another day and it happened. My teacher went got to the office to get something and these boys started writing on the board foolishness and,When my teacher came she said who did it and the boys blamed me can you believe it oh well. The next day I went to that girl a begged her if she can help me oh and her name is Sarah. Sarah told me about the “story” . She said that about 10 years a girl named Lilly went to this school. And she had some secrets but nobody ever say her locker till this one girl named Jackie saw her combination and,opened her locker. She saw a bunch of weird and scary things. After that day Jackie started having bad luck till one day they never saw her again. Of course the girl Lilly was neither seen again. Till that people say they stoled her soul. I got to admit that, that last part was scary. “How do I break the curse”, I told her. She told me the only way I can break the curse is put all the things that belonged in that locker and shut it close so nobody will ever open it. I told her where do I get the things she wants, when I turned around she wasn’t there. Man how much i wish those things where and when i opened my locker there was a listed of things and in the back it said Lilly. Well you can say my wish came true but it was creepy.Ok so right after school I went to the store and started get all the things some were creepy and others weird but i kept going till i was finish. I went to this store to get a lock too.Ok and the last thing was to…..go in the middle of the night and put the things. I started to panic what if she

took my soul too. But you know it’s better dieing than having bad luck. Anyways i did it. I waited till midnight then i went. I opened the locker and did what I had to do. When i was finish the last thing to do was put the lock. When I was all finish before I left I heard a voice said Thank you and I turned around and saw her, of course I started running and went to my house and pretend nothing happened. The Next day At school the locker wasn’t there I wasn’t surprised because she needed peace.

The Ghost Bully Rick was late getting home. There was a strange message on the answering machine. Rick’s best Friend Victor had’nt seen him since they got out the bus together after school. Rick arrived home very dirty, and his shirt was torn. “Rick what happened to you”, said his mother. Rick didn’t say anything and went upstairs. His best friend Victor went upstairs with him. “ What happened dude”, he said. Rick still didn’t tell him any thing."Come on Rick we are like brothers". "Do you believe in ghost", said Rick. Victor told him that there is no such thing as ghost. "Lier Lier", shouted Rick, "Get out of here",he shouted louder. Victor left but worried about his friend he needs help he thought. The next day Victor went to see his friend. "Hey",said Victor opening the door. "What do you want",he told him. "Uhhhh i do",said Victor. "I do what?" said Rick. "I do believe in ghost", Victor told him. Victor told him if now he can tell him what really happened to him. Rick said that when they got out of the bus he went home,and his mom told him if he can go run some erens while walking ,he heard noises then when he turned around something threw him against the wall. And then it punch him and started hitting him. And then he heard that it said stay away from me and through him down. "Oh well.....",. said Victor. "What you don't believe me",. Rick replied ."No it's just that it's really hard to believe",.said Victor . "Get out then",said Rick madly. Victor left but still think about what Rick said. The next day at school Victor saw rick down the hall. "Rick,Rick",he yelled. Rick turned around and told him what he wanted. Then all the sudden Rick saw something. "He there he there", yelled Rick. Victor turned around but he didn't see anything. Then all the sudden Rick started running. “Rick Rick” where are you going he shouted. “He in the back of you run”. Victor didn’t see anything, then Victor stopped running and thought for a moment can his friend be crazy. Victor felt bad. Afterschool Victor went to go see his friend . “Hey how are you doing”, he told him. Rick didn’t answer. “Ummmm….what did you see”, he said. “Alan” replied Rick. Victor told him that who was that Alan. Rick said that it was the bully . Victor didn’t understand but he didn’t also want to bother more his friend . Victor left the room without saying anything. The next day at school Rick didn’t come to school he ,but there was bad news the teacher said that he was moving to a new school . “This is bad thought Victor”, . Afterschool Victor went to go get some help for his friend. He went to this place where a woman helps and contacts with ghost. He told the woman that he needed help he showed her a pic of his friend . The woman looked at the picture and said “I see your friend is being haunted by a ghost”, she told him. Victor told her if she can help him. The woman said that the ghost wanted something. Victor thought to himself and said if he wanted his friends soul. He asked the woman what was it that he wanted. The woman said that he wanted a friend."A friend". Victor thought. But who will become friends with

a ghost?. The woman said that it is possible because everyone needs friends nobody is alone. The woman gave Victor some things and Victor left. Victor was running to Rick house. "Hey Rick guess what", said Victor. "What", repealed Rick. I can help you he told him. Victor quickly got out the things he needed and started. The sat in a circle. They did what they had to do. They a boy appeared in the circle. "Its him", cried Rick. Rick was hiding in the back of Victor. Victor gulped "Hi", he said in a scared vocie. The boy said his name was Alan etc. Victor told him how he died. The boy said that his loneliness killed him he didn't have friends because he was a bully and he really wanted to change. Rick felt really touched by the story so he told him if he wanted to be friends with both of them. Alan was so happy and he promies that he would'nt hurt them instead he will protect them and be nice. After that day things went back to normal.


George Woebegone lay face down in the quad. Hilda saw him as she went to her locker and screamed. The police came and removed the body.The detective said that Gracie had murdered George. Right after the crime Hilda went to Gracie house. When Hilda got to where she was she was knocking on the door. It took a while for Gracie to open. Hilda got in her house and told her what happened at school and that they were accusing her because of a crime. Gracie was very shocked. She told Hilda that she didn’t do it. Hilda didn’t know who to believe or what to think. Then the girls heard a knock at the door. It was the police and the detective. “Oh no”said Gracie really scared. Since the girls were too scared to open the door the police knocked it over. The police took Gracie to court. Hilda was waiting outside for her friend. Then she saw the detective. “Hey”,she told him, “ How do you know it was Gracie that did it”,as she was looking at the detective. The detective said that he knew because he was the person who saw George and her together for the last time. “That’s no proof”, she said . The detective said it was enough proof for the police and that he had no time to talk . The detective left and Gracie got out of court.”So how did it go”, she told her. Gracie said that they were still investigating the case. When Gracie got home she went on her computer . She went on her blog and she saw lots mean comments of her killing George . Gracie was about to cry but when she saw something sticking out of her backpack. She got out the paper note it was something that George gave her the last time they saw eachother. It was his password to his blog. Gracie didn't want to see it but see remembered that , that might have a clue or something to proof she is incent. She went to his blog, and was shocked to see how many people put bad comments about him. Gracie felt bad and then turned off her computer. The next day she didn't went to school because everyone had said bad things about her. While she wasn't at school she was on the computer then she found something on her computer about cyber bullying. She started to di research about it. She found out that cyber bully was something that people say over the internet to make other people sad or even kill themselevs. Then that when it happened Gracie thought that, that might be why George killed himself. "Of course",she said the last time she saw him was when he was talking to her telling her that, that was the last time he will see her and gave her that note. Gracie quickly got up and went to the police station and told them about everything. Of the police didn't believe her. But she heard a voice in her head telling her help me. She thought she might of been crazy so dhe went home to take a nap. While she was sleeping in her dream she dreamed when she was sitting in a room and then all the sudden she saw a boy hanging saying help me. She woke up and then she thought who could that boy be. A few weeks later she went to George grave. Then again she heard a

voice telling her help me I need peace. The first thing that came in her mind was to go to the police station. The detective was there and told her that she didn't have any evidence that she was innocent so they we going to sent to jail. Gracie got got her computer and showed the detective what was in George blog and that he post that he couldn't stand it anymore. The court said that, that she wasn't going to be sent to jail anymore. But then the detective told the court then why was George body in her Hilda locker. Then a teacher came running in. I'am I too late", she said . She showed the detective and the court a video it was of how George killed himself. He throw himself down the school stairs and that when the camera got all black. But it still didn't show who put him in there. Well since nobody knew or no evidence they decied to close the case.then the detecive said sorry to Gracie for blamming her.When Gracie got home she saw a boy spirt walking towards her and held her hand to tell her thank you and this dissapered in a flash of light. But sill lies a mystery whom put the body in the locker.

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