PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST 1. REGISTRATION For participating at the photo contest it is necessary to send a registration request to the following e-mail adress: . The 30th of July 2011 is the closing date for registrations. It is neccessary to pay a fee of 60€ to make the registration valid. The deposit must be payed on following PostaPay account: - name: Dorina Forti - reason of payment: 'quota foto'. - account number: 4023 6005 7549 5702. At the moment of the accreditation, the official 'pass' will be given that will be valid for the whole duration of the festival. The photographers without the official 'pass' will not have the permission to go to the restricted backstage area, photographic set area and the area in front of the main stage. The accreditation of the photographers will be held on the 27th August 2011 from 10:00 to 13:30 at the festival's Info Point.
2. AVAILABLE AREAS The photographs will have 3 areas at their disposition for taking photos: 1. backstage area – in front of stands of the artists, with the opportunity to take shot of them while working, accesswill be allowed from 2 to 6 p.m.; photos can be shot from the working area line, without disturbing the artists or interrupting them while working. 2. photographic set area – with various backgrounds, available after the end of the contest (6 p.m), all models come into this area when finishing 3. area in front of the main stage with the chance to take shots of the stage exibitions of the artists Since there will be artists, models, cameraman and technicians in all of those areas, understanding and respect for the other is kindly asked for. We confide in your reliabilty and professionalism.
3. GENERAL INFO Only registered photographers can take part of the contest, whether they be amatours or professionals. It's allowed to partecipate only with photos taken over the two festival days. Corrections with the photo editor are allowed, but only for modifying or improving partially the image
quality, the photo should keep its original meaning. The artwork should be sent online to the following e-mail adress: or by mail to the following: Professional makeup Services, via Piazza Vico 6/b, 34131 Trieste . The 20 th of Semptember 2011 is the closing date for sending photographies. The photo files have to be in the .jpg or .tif format, 300 dpi resolution, size: 20x30 cm or 2480 x 3508 pixels minimum, RGBcolour scheme. The photographer has to give a unique title to each of his photos. This is only to identify it in the results. Since the judging will be anonymous, it is not allowed to put the photographers name on the photo front. After the festival ends, the best photos of the event will be judged by a jury. The prizing will be done until further notice. The results will be published online by the end of November 2011. Photos can be used by the Association for any publications and promotions of the Festival. Photos are not for any commercial usage without the agreement of the model, the artist and the organizer. If you want to sell photos for certain purposes, you have to have an agreement with the model and the artist.
4. CONTACTS For any furthet information write to the following e-mail adress: