Lane 300, Xuanhua Rd, Changning Area, Shanghai, China Ceramic ferrule is employed for multiple purposes in stud welding. Initially, the ferrule helps to shield the arc from the operator. Second, it minimizes the atmosphere that the flux must clear away. Third, the ferrule varieties the molten metal into the fillet. Finally, the fillet vents allow welds gases to flee. Each of our ceramic ferrules for man welding is Precise design and strict tolerance, Great concentricity and consistency, Great apprearance, Good thermal conductivity function, Environmental Protection, high impact strength and break down strength Our arc guards, or ferrules, are made from a cordierite structure. Cordierite possesses properties that make it well suited for man welding. Cordierite holds a minimal thermal expansion as well as low thermal impact. Our ceramic ferrules can go from ambient heat to weld temperature in a moment and withstand cracking or exploding. The use of a ferrule is essential for stud welded as a way to concentrate the heat and retain the molten metal at the base of the man until it has chilled. After cooling, it is broken off to disclose the weld. The durability of the weld actually ends up being better than the stud itself. They can be needed in most applications where stud welded is prevalent. The most common applications are for bridge and road repair and the construction of buildings and skyscrapers. Almost all of our ceramic arrangement are mixed and dried out in-house from recycleables