Raport Vjetor Annual Report
Milestones of Sigma Interalbanian VIG s.c February 1999
The first private company is founded in Albania.
October 2002
Sigma begins the expansion in the region, by opening a branch in Macedonia.
September 2004
Sigma continues the expansion of the activity, operating in Kosovo through the branch Sigma Kosovo.
September 2007
The largest insurance group in Eastern and Central Europe, decides to enter the Albanian market through the acquisition of majority shares of Sigma s.c.
October 2014
The merge of Sigma and Interalbanian was announced, both part of Vienna Insurance Group, and now they operate as Sigma Interalbanian VIG.
May 2016
The historical leader of Sigma, Mr. Qemal Disha, retires and passes on leadership duties to the Mr. Klaidi Çitozi.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
To identify unexplored sources at the insurance field and to become the customer’s first choice, especially in voluntary insurance, working with accountability, devotion and integrity.
To be the indisputable choice of the customer for non life insurance in Albania and Kosovo and to offer a qualitative service in claims settlement.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
The economic environment is continually changing. We forerun the customer’s needs, creating products which meet their needs and we invest in technology, so they can reach and access these products easily.
Our Values Our ambition is to be an insurance company of high standards, measurable through the satisfaction and the opinion of our clients, the tranquility of our staff, the profitability of our investors and the community in which we work and live. Our business model creates value for all groups of interests. We help our customers to identify the risk they can come across during their everyday life and to find reasonable solutions in order to feel safe and protected.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
We invest in our employees, so they can grow professionally, in order to give their best while serving to the company. The value of the company is growing each day, while we are committed to the highest standards of ethics applying our strategy. So the company becomes more profitable for our shareholders. The community around us, benefits not only through the scope of our insurance business, but we also grow the social welfare offering jobs and affecting their economic growth. We also include the corporate responsibility in each of our activities.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Albanian Insurance Market Indicators At the end of 2016, the Albanian insurance market totaled about ALL 15,466 million (about EUR 114 million), or 9.64% more than the previous year, according to the figures published by FSA. The total value of paid claims was about ALL 4,276 million (EUR 31.6 million) or 17.54% more than 2015, of which more than half (about 52%) were related to Compulsory MTPL insurance. Generally, the insurance contracts issued during 2016, reached 1,126,233 having an increase of 2.66% compared to the year 2015. The market continued to be dominated by Non-Life insurance, having 93.13% of the total premium volume. Anyway, the market premium structure is still dominated by compulsory insurance, which make 62% of Gross Written Premium, while 38% is from voluntary insurance. It is worth mentioning that the number of voluntary insurance contracts decreased by 3.1 % compared to the year 2015.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
As per lines of business, the GWP is dominated by the Compulsory Motor insurance. Overall, the value of GWP was ALL 9,509 million, showing an increase by 12.19% compared to the year 2015. It is also noted that, all three subclasses business lines have report a double-digit growth rates both in terms of volume of GWP as well as number of contracts, as follows:
Green Card
GWP in Domestic MTPL insurance, increased by 11.59%, also the number of insurance contracts increased by 4.22% compared to the previous year.
Border Policy
GWP in Border insurance, for the year 2016 increased by 19.32%. The number of contracts also increased by 21.86% compared to the previous year.
GWP in Green Card insurance, increased by 12.31% in the year 2016 and the number of contracts also increased by 15.26%.
Fire and allied perils policies, although reported a drop in GWP of over 11% and a decrease in the number of contracts by almost 15%, still remains one of the main insurance business of in voluntary insurance, which provides for nearly 9% of total GWP.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
About Sigma Interalbanian VIG Sigma was founded in 1999. The main activity of the company is to offer non life insurance, such as motor insurance, property insurance, health insurance, etc. The company offers its services in Albania and Kosovo through 350 employees.
Market Share
Incomes from gross written premium for 2016, reached the value of Euro 25 million. Currently it is the third company of the market, with around 15% of the market share. The customer is the focus of our work, so we still are the company who pays most of the market claims, 34% more than the previous year, and actually 25,7% of the market. Sigma Interalbanian VIG is the second company in motor insurance, having a slight increase compared to 2015, and actually has more than 16% of the motor insurance market share.
Claims paid by the Company
26% 25% of the total premiums are from voluntary insurance, including health insurance, property, KASKO and liability. At the property insurance portfolio it is the third company of the market, with around 12% of the total market share.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Gross written premium of the company through years 2,500,000.00
Claims paid by the company through years 1,200,000.00 1,000,000.00 800,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 2006
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Solvency Margin
Reserve Coverage
EU 17.7 Million
EU 33 Million
EU 7.3 Million
Technical Provisions
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Leposa viq
Zubin Potok
Mitr ovic ë Zv e çan Poduje vë Vushtri
Skënder aj
Prishtinë Oboliq
Kamenic ë
Fushë Koso vë
Novobër dë
Graçanic ë
Malishe va Shtimë
Gjak ova
Bajr am C urri
Raho veci
Suhar eka Shtërpca
Prizr eni
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Puk a
Shk odër
SIVIG Branches
Mir ditë
Peshk opi
Laç Kruja Durr ës
Being part of the leading insurnace group in Central and Eastern Europe, we can gurantee to be your partners not only all over Albania and Kosovo, but even in Europe. The professionalism, accuracy and mutual trust are the mean thatleadsus to the success to produce satisfied customers.
Burr el Bulqiz ë
Tir ana Libr azhd
Lushnje Gramsh
Kuçovë Fier
Ber at
Vlor ë
Skr apar
Ersek ë Përmet
Gjir okastër
Del vinë
Sar andë
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Who are our customers? Sigma Interalbanian VIG serves to more than 111.000 customers, being individuals, small businesses and enterprises and even to global corporations. They find at our company not only an excellent customer service and standard products, but even tailor made insurance policy to meet their specific needs.
Who are our partners? Reinsurance companies with maximal ratings from Standards and Poor’s support us during our work. They enable us not only to underwrite major risks, but from time to time they support us with their expertise and experience. Despite the direct sales of the company, an important part of our revenues are from the sales through agents, brokers, banks, cars selling points, etc.
mbi 111.000 klientĂŤ nĂŤ 2016
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Who are our shareholders? The Company’s subscribed capital is Lek 498,213 thousand divided into 39,627 shares each with a nominal value of Lek 12,572.57. Vienna Insurance Group
89.05 % 4.49 % 3.73% 0.75% 1.23% 0.75%
Mrs. Shpresa Prodani Mr. Qemal Disha Mr. Rasim Disha Mrs. Shefikat Ngjela Mr. Idajet Kuka
Supervisory Board Mr. Peter Hoefinger Head of Supervisory Board Mrs. Sonja Raus Member Mr. Christoph Rath Vice Head of Supervisory Board Mr. Jonard Prodani Member Mrs. Shefikat Ngjela Member
Management Board Mr. Klaidi Citozi General Manager Mr. Enid Minarolli Vice General Manager Mr. Ervin Rali Member
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
VIG Profile Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) is well established in all lines of business and thus offers a comprehensive customer-oriented portfolio of products and services with more than 50 Group companies and around 23,000 employees in 25 countries. The Group generated around EUR 9 billion in premiums in 2016, further strengthening its market leader position in Austria and in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), where VIG has been operating for more than 25 years.
VIG’s successful expansion into the CEE region VIG’s roots reach back more than 190 years in Austria, during which time the Company developed from its start as a local insurer in 1824 to an international insurance group. In 1990, visionaries in Wiener Städtische recognised the many opportunities offered by the CEE region and took the chance of entering the market in the former Czechoslovakia. The expansion continued in following years. From Estonia to Albania and Germany to Georgia, the entire region was slowly covered. The 2014 entry into the market in the Republic of Moldova filled the final remaining gap in coverage of the CEE region.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Using its combined strengths to become number 1 VIG has worked its way to the top of the insurance market in many countries in previous years. Using a focused growth strategy and long-term perspective, it created a stable base that led to double-digit market shares in many markets. The figures for the region show that the decision to expand into the CEE region was correct. In 2016, around half of VIG’s total premium volume of around EUR 9 billion was generated in the CEE markets. The Group continues to believe in the potential offered by the ongoing economic growth in the region, which brings with it a rising demand for insurance products. The importance of the region was confirmed by another decision by the Group in 2008 to establish the registered office of the internal Group reinsurance company VIG Re in the Czech Republic.
Focusing together on the core business The decisions above underscore the path followed by VIG and strengthen the focus on insurance as the clear core business. It pursues a progressive and highly risk-conscious insurance strategy. Reliability, trustworthiness and solidity define its relationships with business partners, employees and shareholders. This fundamental approach is also reflected in its strategy of continuous sustainable growth and excellent creditworthiness. The international rating agency Standard & Poor’s has confirmed VIG’s development with an A+ rating with stable outlook for many years. VIG continues to have the best rating of all companies in the ATX, the leading index of the Vienna Stock Exchange.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Side-by-side with our customers Customer loyalty and customer proximity are major factors in VIG’s success. Our local employees know the needs of their customers the best, which is why VIG places its trust in these employees and local entrepreneurship. In order to create stability and trust, the Group uses a multi-brand strategy that retains established brands and unites them under the Vienna Insurance Group umbrella. This also allows a wide variety of distribution channels to be used. The Company’s strategic orienta orientation is rounded off by a conservative investment and reinsurance policy.
Erste Group and VIG: strong together Erste Group is strongly anchored in Austria and is one of the top players in the CEE region. The strategic partnership between Erste Group and VIG began in 2008 and has grown and strengthened over the past eight years. VIG Group companies offer Erste Group products, and Erste Group branches sell VIG insurance products in return.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Stable dividend policy of the Group VIG has been listed on the Vienna stock exchange since 1994. Today, it is one of the top companies in the “prime market” segment, and offers an attractive dividend policy with a dividend payout ratio of at least 30% of Group profits (after taxes and non-controlling interests) for shareholders. The significance of the Central and Eastern European economic area was once again underscored by the Company’s second listing on the Prague Stock Exchange in February 2008. VIG shares have also established themselves as one of the top companies there. The shareholder structure has remained stable since the capital increase in 2005. Around 70% of the shares are held by its principal shareholder, Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein. The remaining 30% of the shares are in free float.
Searching for the best together All VIG Group companies strive to attract the most talented and intelligent employees. As a result, identifying and developing individual skills is a central priority in the company’s human resources management. Promoting diversity is also highly important, as is creating a framework that offers appropriate development opportunities for employees. This is because it is clear to VIG that its success is built on the dedication of its 23,000 employees.
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
SigmaInteralbanian Vienna Insurance Group sh.a. Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Ernst & Young Certified Auditors Albania Branch Nius: K61911012I Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower 6th Floor, 1001 Tirana, Albania
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Tel: +35542419575 ey.com
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
31 December 2016
31 December 2015
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 17
222,696 2,223,565 1,438,762 235,693 324,672 1,865,864 35,264 333,089 112,066 189,176 10,063 6,990,910
188,555 2,088,499 1,459,125 255,177 290,743 2,047,496 35,264 355,499 112,066 201,308 10,063 13,936 7,057,731
22 23 24 25
2,402,051 1,485,771 62,750 1,452,569 9,589 5,412,730
2,555,745 1,453,318 43,810 1,433,015 5,485,888
26 26 26
695,263 171,792 78,192 39,085 437,207 156,641 1,578,180 6,990,910
668,217 171,792 82,170 49,953 437,207 162,504 1,571,843 7,057,731
Notes ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Term deposits with banks Treasury Bills Insurance and other receivables Deferred acquisition costs Reinsurance assets Prepaid income tax Property and equipment Investment Property Other assets Shares in affiliate companies Deferred tax asset TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Liabilities for losses and loss adjustment expenses Unearned premium reserve Tax and similar liabilities Insurance and other liabilities Deferred tax liability TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY Share capital Insurance reserves Revaluation reserve Translation reserve Merger reserve Retained earnings TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
These consolidated financial statements have been approved by the Directors of the Company on 02 May 2017:
Sigma Interalbanian Insurance | 4 Sigma Interalbanian ViennaVienna Insurance Group -Group Raport- Annual Vjetor Report
SigmaInteralbanian Vienna Insurance Group sh.a. Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income (All amounts are expressed in Lek ‘000, unless otherwise stated) For the year ended 31 December 2016 2015
Notes Gross written premium Change in provision for unearned premiums Premiums ceded to reinsurers Earned premium, net
27 23 28
3,409,702 (54,564) (1,523,158) 1,831,980
3,652,912 (95,157) (1,705,238) 1,852,517
Other income Net income
6,437 1,838,417
706 1,853,223
Paid claims Change in insurance and reinsurance claims reserves Net insurance claims
22 22
(916,325) (13,152) (929,477)
(968,894) (271,940) (1,240,834)
Acquisition costs Administration expenses Reinsurance commission Other insurance expenses Operating costs
30 31
(657,090) (603,064) 598,953 (215,907) (877,108)
(724,178) (606,777) 707,884 (112,429) (735,500)
Interest income Foreign exchange gains/(losses), net Financial charges Net financial income
32 33 34
109,555 (5,044) (26,432) 78,079
79,064 4,870 (28,599) 55,335
4,679 (702) 3,977
4,679 (702) 3,977
Profit/(loss) before income tax Income tax expense
Profit/(loss) for the year Revaluation reserve Tax on other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the year
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group - Annual Report
Balance at 1 January 2016 Total comprehensive income for the period Current year profit Transfer from retained earnings Other comprehensive income, net of tax Revaluation reserve Total other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income for the year Transaction with owners, recorded directly in equity Dividend paid Total contributions by and distribution to owners Exchange rate differences Balance at 31 December 2016
Balance at 1 January 2015 Total comprehensive income for the period Current year profit Other comprehensive income, net of tax Revaluation reserve Total other comprehensive income Total comprehensive loss for the year Transaction with owners, recorded directly in equity Dividend paid Total contributions by and distribution to owners Exchange rate differences Balance at 31 December 2015
Insurance reserves 171,792
Share capital 668,217
SigmaInteralbanian Vienna Insurance Group sh.a. Consolidated statement of changes in equity (All amounts are expressed in Lek ‘000, unless otherwise stated)
Merger reserve 437,207
(3,978) (3,978) (3,978)
(3,977) (3,977) (3,977)
Revaluation reserve 86,147
(10,868) 39,085
(15,791) 49,953
Translation reserve 65,744
3,978 3,978 (5,860)
17,208 (27,046)
3,977 3,977 (85,843)
Retained earnings 248,347
(10,868) 1,578,180
17,208 -
(15,791) 1,571,843
Total 1,677,454
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