PA R T N E R S H I P FAC T S H E E T UrbanSitter is the members-only site that connects you to trusted sitters within your existing network, like sitters who have been booked by parents at your child’s school, or those used by your Facebook friends. In partnership with UrbanSitter, Chloe + Isabel is excited to offer exclusive perks to our Merchandisers, pop-up shop hosts, and customers! M E R C H A N D I S E R P E R K : 1 year FREE UrbanSitter membership* ($99.95 value) To claim your membership, visit: P O P - U P H O S T P E R K : FREE 1st month of UrbanSitter membership*, PLUS $15 in sitting credit Share this URL with your hosts via e-mail or text: C U S T O M E R P E R K : FREE 1st month of UrbanSitter membership* Send customers this URL via e-mail or text: *NOTE: UrbanSitter membership includes access to the trusted network, not free sitting services.
HOW TO USE URBANSITTER TO BENEFIT YOUR CHLOE + ISABEL BUSINESS Membership to UrbanSitter is an easy way to secure a trusted sitter so you can spend more time focusing on your business – be it attending a pop-up, meeting new customers, or planning your calendar! Plus, it’s also an exciting benefit you can extend to your hosts and customers. Follow these simple tips below to make the most of our exclusive partnership: OVERCOME OBJECTIONS
Come up against the objection “I can’t – I have the kids” when prospecting hosts or guests? Use UrbanSitter as a tool to overcome that objection! When sending guests reminders about an upcoming pop-up, be sure to mention UrbanSitter’s services to the mothers in the group, making it easier for them to attend, or even host a pop-up of their own!
Tell your host about the special UrbanSitter offer when securing a pop-up, or remind her to follow up with you after redeeming the membership code to schedule an event with you. Also, try promoting the program in your newsletters and on social channels to showcase how easy and fun it is to host a Chloe + Isabel pop-up.
Use UrbanSitter to secure a top-notch babysitter and have all your mom-friends swing by with their kids. Not only will the moms get to spend time with friends, and get acquainted with c+i’s jewels, but the more fun your guests have, the easier it will be to book future pop-ups (UrbanSitter can help make that happen too!).
Get started with UrbanSitter now to see the benefits in your Chloe + Isabel business!