Portfolio • Dorottya Hlatki • 2018 CONTENTS: 2 – Magazine Design | 10 – Editorial Design | 12 – Book Design | 15 – Business Cards | 16 – Branding | 17 – Package Design | 19 – Package Design | 22 – Patterns | 24 – Experimental Modelling www.behance.net/dorottyahlatki | dorottya.hlatki@gmail.com | +36 70 432 7872
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Magazine design During my time atOctogon Magazine as a graphic designer and art director I designed ~ 1800 pages for print. In cooperation with the editors my task covered all the stages of editorial design from picking the photos to print-preparation. Octogon is providing up-to-date news, critics, theoretical articles and overview about contemporary design and architecture for 20 years in Hungary. The magazine is over its 100th edition and it is the most determining and significant printed architecture journals in Hungary. Publisher: VERTIGO PUBLISHING Editor in Chief: JÓZSEF MARTINKÓ
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Editorial design & infographics Editorial design for a health center that introduces lifestyle program for patients who suffer from cardiac disease. See the whole project here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/61786763/Lifestyle-program
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photography: MÁTÉ LAKOS art direction, styling, graphic design: DOROTTYA HLATKI for more info, please visit: https://www.behance.net/ gallery/30165057/PURE-GOLD-FAIR-WHITE-The-Odyssey
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Business cards The first business card is for a language teacher who is a collector of typewriters as well, he wanted his business card to refer to both of his occupations. On the right side the business card was made for a Ph.D. student of old English literature. For more info, please visit: https://www.behance.net/gallery/55975599/Business-card and https://www.behance.net/ gallery/30152531/Bence-Levente-Bodo-Logo-business-card
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Town logo This logo was made for an open competition and won shared first prize. I made allusions to the main characteristics of the town, e.g. to the river Danube and to the very common, more than two hundred years old doorways and windows. The cross refers to the town’s name which translates to St Andrew. For me, playing with symbols made the logo half scripture half picture – when I look at it as a text I can read it, every sign functions as letters. But I can look at it a picture also, then the signs that were previously letters lose their linguistic meaning and their forms become informative. In this way the semicircle in the middle refers to the nature of the logo itself.
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Package design M I K E’ S O R G A N I C C U R R Y L O V E I S A FA M I LY B U S I N E S S T H AT S E L L S V E R Y H I G H Q UA L I T Y O R G A N I C A N D V E G A N C U R R Y S AU C E S A N D PA S T E S . T H E P R O D U C T S A R E S O L D AT M O R E T H E N A H U N D R E D S TO R E S A C R O S S T H E U S A , W H O L E F O O D S A M O N G S T T H E M . P H O TO G R A P H Y : A N D R I S Z O M B O R I . A RT D I R E C T I O N / G R A P H I C D E S I G N / S T Y L I N G : D O R O T T YA H L AT K I
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AUR A – organic juices
I was given the task to come up with a packaging design concept for an organic juice line with different flavours. Aura is an organic beverage for health-conscious costumers but it would be sold mainly in bars for 25-45 years old people who want their cocktails or chasers to be healthy as well.
Package design
Au: symbol of gold
aura (latin) = gold →→ aureola = halo, nimbus: crown of light rays, circle or disk of light that surrounds a person in art
Lemongrass & Mint
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• golden halo = magnificence, splendour • you can add or take away as many layers as needed • infinite number of variations while stays in style
Sour Cherry & Chili
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10 • more elegant, the form of the bottle can be custom designed as well
• smoothie and cocktail receipes recommended in small booklet on the neck of the bottles • there is a measure on the side of the bottles – it helps to make the cocktails • everything is printed with flourscent white paint that makes the bottles stand out in the night
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Patterns See all patterns of the series here: www.behance.net/gallery/56524623/Patterns-II
See all patterns of the series here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/ 61824071/Patterns-3
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Experimental modelling Quinoa, buckwheat, millet, rice and amarant in an alternative universe.
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1 – buckwheat 2 – quinoa 3 – rice 4 – amarant 5 –millet
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