Portfolio Dorsa Ali Zadeh

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DORSA ALI ZADEH Architect Portfolio

Hi, my name is Dorsa and I’m a MAA architect, living and working in Copenhagen. I’m from Belgium and graduated from KU Leuven university, Master of sustainibility. I’m passionate about architecture, interior design, art and I love traveling. In my projects, I always try to mix different kinds of media, whether it is handrawings, scans, photos, digital drawings, models or other. I’m a social person that can work well in a team, but also individually. I always try to bring smiles to people’s faces, becuase I think that a good mood at the work environment is very important. 2



Name : Dorsa Ali Zadeh Birthday: 20.03.1993 Nationality: Belgian

• Master thesis: Graduated with first-class honours (magna cum laude) • Exhibition Master thesis: ‘De ontzichtbare stad’, Ypres, Belgium (work archived in Stedelijk Museum, Ypres)

Øster Farimagsgade 93 2100 København, Denmark T +32 486135285

Competition Coexist - rethinking zoos: finalist



• Master of Architecture: Sustainability, 2015-2017 University of Ku Leuven, Belgium (Campus Sint-Lucas, Ghent)

AutoCAD Vectorworks AutoCAD 3D Sketchup Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Rhino Microsoft Office

• Master of Architecture: Erasmus exchange, 2016 Istanbul Külür University, Turkey • Bachelor of science and Architeture, 2012-2015 University of Ku Leuven, Belgium (Campus Sint-Lucas, Ghent) • Sint-Bavohumaniora High School, graduated 2012 Ghent, Belgium

Other skills: Physical model making, hand sketching, writing, learning new languages.



• Rosan Bosch Studio, Copenhagen, Denmark MAA Architect, 2018 - present

• • • • • • •

• MATTERS arkitekter, Copenhagen, Denmark Internship, 2017 • EVR architecten, Ghent, Belgium Internship, 2017 • TABANLIOGLU architects, Istanbul, Turkey Summer internship, 2016 • Istanbul Design Factory, Istanbul, Turkey Summer internship, 2016 3

Dutch (Native) French (Professional working proficiency) English (Full professional proficiency) German (Basic knowledge) Persian (Farsi) (Native) Korean (Basic knowledge) Old latin (Basic knowledge)

Dorsa Ali Zadeh MAA architect Ă˜ster Farimagsgade 93 2100 København, Denmark T +32 486135285 dorsaalizadeh1993@gmail.com 4



06 20 28 34 44 50


THE LOST MEMORY Re-vision and Revalorization of the Lost Memory Framework: Master thesis Location: Ypres Belgium Program: Youth center, activity park, skate park, kayak center, open air theatre/cinema, sport shop, restaurant Full Thesis: https://issuu.com/dorsa.alizadeh/docs/reflectionpaper_dorsaalizadeh This thesis reflects on the contemporary issues of the municipality of Ypres and how to deal with these from a perspective that would be advantageous, not only for the city, but also for the inhabitants. Today, Ypres is seen as one of the main examples of ‘re-construction’ destinations in Belgium. As the city is exemplary, the government has taken this concept as an opportunity to attract war tourists. The aim of this thesis is to point out the issues that Ypres faces in terms of this ‘war representation and brandification’, and to put emphasis on the ‘ghost client’ or local inhabitants by reflecting on the current needs in a fabric that is already in ‘metamorphosis.’ In the analysis, the methodology of the ‘interactive walking’ was used in order to fully submerge in the environment. Following this methodology, an architectural atlas (mapping of the city) was created which portrayed our impressions, visions and interest in the city, but also expert knowledge. My attention was drawn to the layering and the memory of the city with its traces of the past, but also the present and the ones that yet had to be created. From this view, a problem statement was formulated. In an environment where ‘memory’ is taken as a key element to represent a city, is it possible to redefine this memory, so it would not only serve the past, but also the present and the future. And therefore, how can we deal with heritage in a way where the main focus is not on the building as an object, but the building as a body in metamorphosis that allows this ‘new memory’. 7

Jotbook with handdrawings

‘Each one of us should speak of his roads, his crossroads, his roadside benches; each one should make a surveyor’s map of his lost fields and meadows. Thoreau said he carried the maps of his fields engraved on his soul. And Jean Wahl once wrote: the frothing of the hedges I keep deep inside me’ Gaston Bachelard - The poetics of Space, Beacon Press (Boston, Massachusetts), 1969, pp 11-12 quotes the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau and the French Poet Jean Wahl


In the analysis, the methodology of the ‘interactive walking’ was used in order to fully submerge in the environment. Following this methodology, an architectural atlas (mapping of the city) was created which portrayed our impressions, visions and interest in the city, but also expert knowledge. My attention was drawn to the layering and the memory of the city with its traces of the past, but also the present and the ones that yet had to be created. From this view, a problem statement was formulated. In an environment where ‘memory’ is taken as a key element to represent a city, is it possible to redefine this memory, so it would not only serve the past, but also the present and the future. And therefore, how can we deal with heritage in a way where the main focus is not on the building as an object, but the building as a body in metamorphosis that allows this ‘new memory’. 9

As a way to approach the municipality of Ypres, an urban strategy was formed. The main idea was to find different kinds of spaces of memory in Ypres. These spaces have each their own characteristics. In order to find these spaces a study was made about the built and nonbuilt public, collective and private spaces in Ypres. Linked to that, specific cases where picked out that represented a daily memory and/or a collective one. The map on the next page, is an example of how the structure and nature of the city has evolved trough time (green memory). The primary vein of the leaf rests on the main street of Ypres (Rijselstraat), and the secondary veins represent the side streets. The inbetween areas are filled with the green character of Ypres.

Model Ypres, scale 1:4000



Axonometry: transformation of former open air swiming pool


Section youth center with kayak storage

The main goal is to create a new memory (psychological and physical) by putting more emphasis on the event than the architecture itself. The new layer will allow the participation of the main users of the place. Thus, they can fully grasp the context and engage themselves with this environment that has traces of the past but also portrays new elements for the future. The newly designed elements and changes to the existing context will be designed in a way that the young generation can help to construct the area together with experts. Another important aspect is that this new skin distinguishes itself from its past layer (masonry and concrete) trough its light materiality, mainly wood.

After detecting different spaces of memory, a project site was chosen. The envisioned site is the area of the former open air swimming pool and its environment. After mapping and studying the urban character of Ypres, it became clear that the municipality was pushing important institutions out of the city; like schools, the youth organization (scouts) , sport facilities, etc. Therefore the city is loosing its young soul and there is a need for a space to allow interaction within the city. The idea is to work on 3 areas linked to the former open air swimming pool of Ypres or “Ypres Beach�: 1. Ypres Beach building & area 2. Green area next to the Ypres Beach 3. Extension area towards the Kasteelgracht 13

Plan: transformation of former open air swiming pool


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0 1 pool 2 Long section: transformation of former open air swiming





Model scale 1:100


Exhibition in Ypres

Exhibition in Ypres



COMPETITION: ISOLA PEPE VERDE Spice Up Your Senses Location: Milano, Italy Program: Community garden and playground

Placement: Not Announced yet Team: Dorsa Ali Zadeh, Tommaso Antonicelli “When we say play, we mean testing the boundaries, trying new things, taking risks, experimenting over and over. This type of engagement is what’s going to help young people prepare for tomorrow’s society.” - MIT’s Mitch Resnick, speaking at the ISB Parents’ University lecture series According to the researchers of Project Zero, Harvard; Play occurs when three aspects are available: Choice, Wonder and delight. As a rule for our design, we decided to make spaces where these 3 elements can occur at the same time in order to create an optimal play environment for children, but also intriguing spaces for all the age groups. As Isola Pepe verde is a space that functions already very well, we went back and looked to the existing context, as we believe that the perimeters for the design are already there and need to be re-defined, while also elements need to be added in order to make the space optimal. With the context in mind, we created a zoning system dedicated to the human senses: 1. vision, 2. hearing, 3. smell, 4. taste, 5. touch and 6. synergy (mixing of the senses). In each of these zones, play is designed as an element of choice, wonder and delight. As the community of Isola pepe verde is very engaged with the existing environment, we decided that the added elements (a porous structure that blurs boundaries), should be made in a way that it could be constructed with the help of the community itself in order to engage them with the design and at the same time give them a sense of ownership as they are the users and therefore also the designers of Isola Pepe Verde. In this project, the boundary was seen as an architectural element to investigate, as it is the element that connects Isola Pepe Verde with the community, with the plot on the opposite side, and further more with the outside world. 21





















Ciao! I’m a member of Isola Pepe Verde and I’m also an expert builder on the site.





With this kind of sun, the tomatoes are going to be delicious!

Hey! I live just around the corner. I can’t wait for the new playground! Miao...




COMPETITION: COEXIST - RETHINKING ZOOS GET OVER IT! Location: Barcelona, Spain Program: Coexist - Rethinking zoos Placement: Finalist Team: Dorsa Ali Zadeh, Tommaso Antonicelli The first challenge, approaching this competition, was to avoid the “Jurassic Park” effect in the development of a new concept for the Barcelona Zoo. Thus, it was important to realize that zoos are a part of the city and not a natural wild environment detached from it. Therefore, the architectural and urban components should be seen as equals and can’t be underestimated in the design process. Furthermore, the zoo in its urban environment is crucial as it is the only way we can reconnect the current generation with the unknown wild environment. The main concept behind our proposal is to free as much space as possible on the ground level by reducing the amount of animals, and to create different macro environments that adapt to the characteristics of the hosted animal species. To do this, we decided to adopt the “bridge” as the main architectural element. We believe that the contrast between the natural environment created for the animals and the completely man-made structure - the bridge - can emphasize and strengthen the peculiarities of both elements.


“The bridge it’s one of the most anti-natural elements that exists. It contradicts nature and, in doing so, it highlights it”




View: pause zone

Section : zoning of the zoo


View: trough the bridge


SPACES FOR ECONOMY IN THE CITY LIVING / WORKING Location: Ghent, Belgium Program: Living and working in 21st century industrial zones The project is about creating a new way of combining work and living space, in an industrial zone. The building is located along the ‘Brusselsesteenweg’ in the city of Ghent, which is a go trough area with many fast passing cars. The reference of the old ‘Persian Caravansaray’, one of the oldest references where living and working came together in a building, is taken to develop the project. The main principles are that the building has to catch the attention of the passing people and cars, and it should provide economic spaces for living and working. The building is turned into itself and is developed around the big workshop area on the groundfloor surrounded by 3 belts. The outer belt is the working area, the second belt is the wooden furniture and the last one is the storages on the groundlevel and the living area on the upper levels.


The groundfloor is a commercial level with administration area, storages and workshops for the neighbourhood (schools, kindergarten etc.). The train is passing on the groundfloor, which is an opportunity for delivering goods. The typical floor has living and working units. These working units are like ‘displays’ of shops and are organised around the big atrium. The circulation is organised around this atrium as a way to connect the users. The idea is to create a space where people can see and motivate each other while working. The general plan is based on the dimensions of a unit.

Each unit (living & working) has a dimension of 7.2m by 10.8m with an exception of the corner units.The inhabitants of the units have the flexibility to merge or detach their working unit according to their needs. The living units are duplexes. This gives the possibility to live with more people (with friends or parents etc.) or to rent out the upper floor if necessary. There is the possibility of a seperate entrance to allow this seperation. The whole building is based on the unit grid to make it easier to construct.


Typical plan


Main section

Detailed section

Facade detail


Axonometric view

Model of the building



Antonello da Messina, St. Jerome in His Study, 1474-75

Division of area (1 sqaure = 90 x 90 CM)

Diagram furniture (brown)

Diagram working and living area (grey)







Model of the unit, scale 1:20


Passage to new building

detailed section faรงade - 1/20

tectonic drawing - 1/20

3D impression

city scene

SUDAC - PARIS - GUY LEBRIS - 1879 spaces for economy in the city

SUDAC INVESTIGATION ON RENEWAL OF SUDAC Location: Paris, France Program: Analysis of old and new structure The asseignment was to analyse and draw the old and new structure of an existing building, that was not archived well in history. The SUDAC building was constructed in 1891 by architect Guy Le Bris and engineer Jospeh Leclaire, in Paris (France). The building was originally built for producing and storing compressed air, which was used mostly for hydraulic elevators and public watches. This construction was used until 1920 with the same function. In June 1994 it was declared as an historical monument of the city. Today the building is a part of ‘L’école d’Architecture de Paris-Val de Seine’ of Architect Fréderic Borel. New levels and opening were created in the old building, and inside the brick chimney a cylindrical stair was added. The principe of the construction existed of 6 trusses and 16 secondary trusses. The exterior structure was assembled by metallic beams and trusses that were placed outside the building. Another important element was the brick that was used trough-out the building. The new function of Sudac is a library for the Architecture school, with new mezzanines created under the roof on the whole length of the building.


Old facade

New facade

Old plan

New plan

The SUDAC building was constructed in 1891 by architect Guy Le Bris and engineer Jospeh Leclaire, in Paris (France). The building was originally built for producing and storing compressed air, which was used mostly for hydraulic elevators and public watches. This construction was used until 1920 with the same function. In June 1994 it was declared as an historical monument of the city. Today the building is a part of ‘L’école d’Architecture de Paris-Val de Seine’ of Architect Fréderic Borel. New levels and opening were created in the old building, and inside the brick chimney a cylindrical stair was added. The principe of the construction existed of 6 trusses and 16 secondary trusses. The exterior structure was assembled by metallic beams and trusses that were placed outside the building. Another important element was the brick that was used trough out the building. The new function of Sudac is a library for the Architecture school, with new mezzanines created under the roof on the whole length of the building. In contrast with the factory, the architect des

between the library and the workshops.

with the factory, the architect designed a new building connected to it, composed of a multitude of volumes with different shapes and materials. 46InThiscontrast building is used for the school’s workshops and studios. The program of the renovated SUDAC building: Halle SUDAC : Mezzanine: library / R + 2: material library, library / R + 1: photo lab, computer rooms / Mezzanine: classrooms / DRC: exhibition hall

RoofRoof Tiles Tiles 445 x445 225x 225 RoofRoof Battens Battens 40 x 40 mm x 40 mm RafterRafter 30 x 30 mm x 30 mm Wooden Wooden Structure Structure 60 x 60 mm x 60 mm Timber Timber Battens Battens 150 x150 100xmm 100 /mm Insulation / Insulation SteelSteel Structure Structure

Gutter Gutter

Passage Passage to new to building new building

detailed detailed section section faรงade faรงade - 1/20 - 1/20

tectonic tectonic drawing drawing - 1/20 - 1/20

Detailed section

3D impression 3D impression

Facade detail


Axonometric view

Old facade

New facade


detailed section faรงade - 1/20

tectonic drawing - 1/20

3D impression

city scene

Model scale 1:100

SUDAC - PARIS - GUY LEBRIS - 1879 s p a c e s f o r e c o n o my i n t h e c i t y


EXPERIENCE • Rosan Bosch Studio, Copenhagen, Denmark MAA Architect, 2018 - present • MATTERS arkitekter, Copenhagen, Denmark Internship, 2017 • EVR architecten, Ghent, Belgium Internship, 2017 • TABANLIOGLU architects, Istanbul, Turkey Summer internship, 2016 • Istanbul Design Factory, Istanbul, Turkey Summer internship, 2016


EXPERIENCE Istanbul Design Factory Istanbul, Turkey Position: Intern Projects: • Hotel project, Dubai • Workshops: art and design

EVR architecten Ghent, Belgium Position: Intern Projects: • Competition: Zottegem culture center (winning team) • Competition: InnovOcean Center, Oostende

TABANLIOGLU architects Istanbul, Turkey Position: Intern Projects: • New Istanbul airport (construction and modelmaking) 52

Rosan Bosch Studio Copenhagen, Denmark Position: MAA Arkitect Projects: • Competition: BS KA Zottegem, Belgium • Parallel competition: Ibsen library, Norway (+ Arkitema architects) • Interior of Faroe Islands Education Centre (+ BIG architects) • St. Andrews Scots School, Argentina • Stadtteilschule Niendorf, Hamburg • Publications Quality System (Books) : graphic designer • LSH (Hospital Feroe Island) • European Sperm Bank, Copenhagen

MATTERS arkitekter Copenhagen, Denmark Position: Intern Projects: • Competition: Museum of forest Finn Culture, Norway • Kvindemuseet, Aarhus • Private apartment, Copenhagen • Fensmark school, Copenhagen


Dorsa Ali Zadeh MAA architect Ă˜ster Farimagsgade 93 2100 København, Denmark T +32 486135285 dorsaalizadeh1993@gmail.com


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