The social of the social housing

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Site | Ownerships


Medallion Corp.

city leased land Privately Owned Medallion Corp.

city owned land

Greenwin Inc.

TCHC Owned Land

CAT Regal Group Privately Owned


G&C Regal Group


18 towers Medallion Corp.

city leased land


Privately Owned Medallion Corp.

city owned land

7000 Units

CAT Regal Group Privately Owned


TCHC Owned Land

17000 Residents + me G&C Regal Group

Densification and Neighborhood Improvement

Site | St. James Town

Site | St. James Town

Site | St. James Town

St.James town | A Failure?

St. James Street

St.James town | A Failure?

Rose Street

St.James town | A Failure?

Wellesly street

St.James town | A Failure?

Overview | Step One

Overview | Step Two

Overview | Step Three

Overview | Step Four

10-15 years

Overview | Timeline

Challenge | Changing Needs

How do we design the built environment to support both stability - in respect to long term community interests and change - in respect to individual preferences?

Toronto | Immigration Pattern

North America Central America Caribbean and Bermuda South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Noerthern Europe Southern Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa West Central Asia and the Middle East Eastern Asia South East Asia Southern Asia

Number of Immigrants 10 500 1,000 1,500 1,955

Before 1941

Toronto | Immigration Pattern

North America Central America Caribbean and Bermuda South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Noerthern Europe Southern Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa West Central Asia and the Middle East Eastern Asia South East Asia Southern Asia

Number of Immigrants 10 500 1,000 1,500 1,955


Toronto | Immigration Pattern

North America Central America Caribbean and Bermuda South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Noerthern Europe Southern Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa West Central Asia and the Middle East Eastern Asia South East Asia Southern Asia

Number of Immigrants 10 500 1,000 1,500 1,955


Toronto | Immigration Pattern

North America Central America Caribbean and Bermuda South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Noerthern Europe Southern Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa West Central Asia and the Middle East Eastern Asia South East Asia Southern Asia

Number of Immigrants 10 500 1,000 1,500 1,955


Toronto | Immigration Pattern

North America Central America Caribbean and Bermuda South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Noerthern Europe Southern Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa West Central Asia and the Middle East Eastern Asia South East Asia Southern Asia

Number of Immigrants 10 500 1,000 1,500 1,955


Toronto | Immigration Pattern

North America Central America Caribbean and Bermuda South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Noerthern Europe Southern Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa West Central Asia and the Middle East Eastern Asia South East Asia Southern Asia

Number of Immigrants 10 500 1,000 1,500 1,955


Toronto | Immigration Pattern

North America Central America Caribbean and Bermuda South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Noerthern Europe Southern Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa West Central Asia and the Middle East Eastern Asia South East Asia Southern Asia

Number of Immigrants 10 500 1,000 1,500 1,955


Toronto | Immigration Pattern

North America Central America Caribbean and Bermuda South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Noerthern Europe Southern Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa West Central Asia and the Middle East Eastern Asia South East Asia Southern Asia

Number of Immigrants 10 500 1,000 1,500 1,955


Toronto | Immigration Pattern

North America Central America Caribbean and Bermuda South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Noerthern Europe Southern Europe Western Africa Eastern Africa Northern Africa Southern Africa West Central Asia and the Middle East Eastern Asia South East Asia Southern Asia

Number of Immigrants 10 500 1,000 1,500 1,955


Room occupants

Dwelling Influence



Room Control


Dwelling occupants



Neighborhood Control


John Habraken | Diagram


Block occupants


Neighborhood occupants

District occupants



John Habraken | Adaptation

Block Structure


Building Types

Open Space Tower Interventions

Tactical Urbanism


Why | Social

Why Social matters?

Female 25-29

Female 45-64

Male 65+ +So is that what that could make it (living in SJT) sort of special for you? -Yeah +That network of… -Yeah, the network of people you know; acquaintances and going down the street there’s always somebody to say “hello” to.

+What about your neighbours: have they been here a long time like you? -Not, really, no. They come and go. I’ve had since I’ve been here about four, five different neighbours. I’m about the oldest one on this estate now. they just pass you. You see people coming and they just pass you now, unless they’re from here as long as me they would say “hello” but anybody that’s new here, they just pass. It’s just like a city now.

I think everyone keeps themselves to themselves. When we first moved in we used to work in a community shop at the corner and there everyone was very clicky and into their own business, and don’t want to know anyone else. So we don’t go there no more.

Length of residency

Level of Satisfication with community


Faily satisfied

Security|road configuration



Very satisfied

Less than a year


Neither satisfied or dussatisfied


Very dissatisfied

Between 2 and 5 years



Slightly disatisfied

between 1 and 2 years


23.08% Between 5 and 10 years




20% 30%

40% 50%



11+ years

Community Spirit

St. james Town City of Toronto

70% Agree

60% 50%


40% 30%

Don’t know

20% 10%

Empty Response

0% People know each other

Willing to help Neighbour

People don’t get along with each other

People do not share same values



Why | Social

Social infrastructure vs Socializing infrastructure

Why | Social


Social infrastructure

Why | Social

-Community Computer Centre -Cabbagetown Youth Centre -Community Matters -Goodwill -Growing Together -Low-Income Families Together -The Neighbourhood Information Post -Ontario Works Employment Resource Centre -Parliament Street Employment Resource Centre -Rose Avenue Public School -Silayan Community Centre -St. James Town Youth Employment Centre -Toronto District School Board -Wellesley Community Centre -Yonge Street Mission


Social infrastructure

High Density Residential Medium High Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Local Shops Offices Institutional Site Number

High Density Residential Medium High Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Local Shops

Why | Social

Offices Institutional

Social infrastructure

Why | Social

Socializing infrastructure

Why | Social

St. James Town - September 24, 2010

Why | Social

Why | Social

Why | Perimeter Block

Socialiazing Space Neighborhood Level

Why | Perimeter Block

Why | Perimeter Block

Why | Perimeter Block

Why | Midrise


Why | Midrise


Why | Midrise

precedent studies

Alison and Peter Smithson, Robin Hood Gardens, London, 1968-1971

precedent studies

Design Competition, Robin Hood Gardens, London, 2015

precedent studies

Ralph Eden Smith, Bain Co-Op, Toronto, 1925-1931

precedent studies

Ralph Eden Smith, Bain Co-Op, Toronto, 1925-1931

precedent studies

Powell and Moya, Churchill Gardens, London, 1946-1962

precedent studies

Froetscher Lichtenwagner, centrum.odorf, Inssbruck(Austria), 2006

precedent studies

Froetscher Lichtenwagner, centrum.odorf, Inssbruck(Austria), 2006

precedent studies

Froetscher Lichtenwagner, centrum.odorf, Inssbruck(Austria), 2006

precedent studies

Massimo Ciuffini, Playscape, Drancy, Europan 7

precedent studies

Massimo Ciuffini, Playscape, Drancy, Europan 7

precedent studies

Studio Gang, The garden in the machine, Cicero, Illinois

precedent studies

Studio Gang, The garden in the machine, Cicero, Illinois

1-2 years

Block Structure

2-4 years

Tower Transformation

7-10 years Densification

Tactical Urbanism

5-7 years

Clean up and Re-use


10-15 years

Phase 1 | Clean-up and Re-use

Unused Indoor pool Party/gathering room Lucker/storage room

Phase 1 | Clean-up and Re-use

Surface Parking Non-programmed open space Programmed open space

Phase 1 | Clean-up and Re-use

213 parking space 183 occupied 430 parking space 372 occupied

350 parking space 183 occupied

Proposed 618 parking space 349 occupied

758 parking space 396 occupied


850 parking space 570 occupied

P: 9,748

Phase 2 | Block Structure

P: 5,914

V: 16,848

V: 22,190

8HrPedVol= P 8HrVehVol= V P: 575

P: 5,071

V: 8,082 V: 24,804

P: 1,343

V: 7,378

V: 13,458



P: 3,393 P: 3,659 P: 4,285

Phase 2 | Block Structure

Phase 2 | Block Structure

Phase 2 | Block Structure

Add pedestrrian walk way

Phase 2 | Block Structure

Public Street Low Speed shared street

Phase 3 | Tower Intervention

Phase 3 | Tower Intervention

Phase 3 | Tower Intervention


Phase 4 | Densification


Phase 4 | Densification


Phase 4 | Densification


Phase 4 | Densification

Open Up

Phase 4 | Densification

Shadow Study

Phase 4 | Densification


Phase 4 | Densification

Phase 4 | Densification

Subway Station

Fire Station

Phase 4 | LandUse

Anglican Parish Church

Rose Avenue School

Lobby-collective space community Center Toronto Public Library

Retail/Office Food Basic


Phase 4 | Market Path

Phase 4 | Back alley access

Subway Station

Phase 4 | Program recommendation

sport Facilities

Grocery Store Recreation Theatre Medical offices

Rose Avenue School

Book Store Art Supplies

Medical offices Art Studio

community Center Toronto Public Library

Food Basic

Phase 4 | Parking Entrances

Phase 4 | Garbage Collection

Phase 4 | Built Form Catalogue

Phase 4 | Built Form Catalogue

Phase 4 | Built Form Catalogue

Phase 4 | Built Form Catalogue

Borneo Sporenburg - Netherland

Tactical Urbanism

Tactical Urbanism

Tactical Urbanism

Open Space Catalogue

Open Space Catalogue

Open Space Catalogue


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