3 minute read
AT Expo: Greatest Show of All Time!
by Dennie Ortiz
Even as we move forward into 2017, we can still look back at the 2016 American Towman Exposition in Baltimore last November. We have dedicated many pages in this issue to provide an in-depth look at why this trade show has become the largest Expo in the towing and recovery industry.
This past fall brought warm temperatures and thousands of towers to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor for the AT Expo. This is the first time in the Exposition’s history that the trade show encompassed the entire Baltimore Convention Center. It was very cool to be able to walk miles inside the exhibit halls and see nothing but tow trucks. In fact, 2016 featured one of our largest wrecker pageants. Take a look in the Expo Recap section where we have showcased the winners that competed in various individual classes. It is truly amazing the level of work and effort (not to mention the heart and soul) that is poured into making these trucks some of the most beautiful in the world. That is not an overstatement. The Expo not only highlights the unique equipment of our industry, but strongly supports the people that make our industry great. A main aspect of this profession is helping motorists on the roadways, and there are times when tow operators have
been in a position to save someone’s life. Through the Towman Medal, awarded each year in Baltimore during Festival Night, American Towman recognizes towers for their heroic deeds. Be sure to read through the stories of this year’s Towman Hero Medal, Commendation and Silver Star recipients to be awed by their brave efforts. Thank you to our readers that were able to join us at the AT Expo, and we look forward to seeing you during Tow Industry Week at the AT ShowPlace-Las Vegas from May 10-12.
Towers turned out by the thousands to truly make the 2016 AT Expo the "Greatest Show of All Time."
First On The Scene!

Dennie Ortiz Steve Calitri Brendan Dooley Charles Duke Randall Resch Terry Abejuela Jim “Buck” Sorrenti Don Archer David Kolman Bill Simmons Emily Oz Mark Lacek
Publisher Editor-In-Chief Editor Senior Editor Operations Editor Field Editor, West Field Editor, Northeast Field Editor, Midwest Chassis Editor Safety Editor On Screen Editor Repo Run Editor
Editorial Board
Tommy Anderson Roy Carlson Debbie Collins Belinda Harris Bill Johnson Ron Mislan Kurt Wilson
Dallas, Texas Saint Paul, Minn. Las Vegas, Nev. Greensboro, N.C. South Hadley, Mass. Warren, N.J. Creve Coeur, Ill.
American Towman Staff
Ann Marie Nitti Dennie Ortiz Ellen Rosengart Norma Calitri Jimmy Santos Miriam Ortiz Henri Calitri Toni Vanderhorst William Burwell Peggy Calabrese Ryan Oser Helen Gutfreund Emily Oz Steve Calitri
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American Towman Media Headquarters 7 West Street, Warwick, NY 10990 800-732-3869 or 845-986-4546
E-mail: Publisher: dortiz@towman.com Editor-In-Chief: scalitri@towman.com Editor: bdooley@towman.com
AT’S Digital Edition: itowman.com AT’S Website: americantowman.com AT’S Weekly: towindustryweek.com ATTV: americantowmantv.com
Copyright ©2017 American Towman Magazine is published 12 times a year by American Towman Media, Inc.
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