DOS GROUP profile DOS GROUP is a group of Companies that invest in Renewable Energy Projects, mainly in Biomass and Wind Turbines. In the last fifteen years, the Companies of DOS GROUP have invested and operated in several sectors of the Greek Economy, mainly in Real Estate, Tourism and Energy. Since 2009, mainly through DOS ENERGY, DOS GROUP is investing in Renewable Energy projects beginning with PVs and Wind Turbines. In 2010 the GROUP decided to implement an investment project plan on Biomass that will lead it to the forefront of Biomass Power Plant operators in Greece within the next 5 years. The plan is focused on two basic power generation Biomass technologies: Gasification of Woodchip and Used Cooking/Waste Vegetable Oil.
The Investment in Biomass Project Plan CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF BIOMASS POWER PLANTS The investment project of DOS GROUP begins with the construction of several 1Mw BIOMASS POWER PLANTS that work with Woodchips or Used Cooking Oil. These Power Plants are set to operate in Industrial Areas of Attiki, Greece, in order to create a network of production and distribution of electricity and thermal energy. The technologies that DOS GROUP has chosen to develop are Gasification of Woodchips and Used Cooking/Waste Vegetable Oil.
The technologies WOODCHIP GASIFICATION Gasification is a process that converts organic or fossil based carbonaceous materials into carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This is achieved by reacting the material at high temperatures (>700 째C), without combustion, with a controlled amount of oxygen and steam. The resulting gas mixture is called syngas and is itself a fuel. The power derived from gasification and combustion of the resultant gas is considered to be a source of renewable energy because the gasified compounds were obtained from biomass. Gasification system is based on a fixed-bed gasifier, or as a more sophisticated system, on using fluidized-bed technology. The produced syngas is subsequently filtered, cooled and eventually used as a fuel in an internal combustion engine, which is connected to a generator. The self-consumption power rate of full set of equipment is only 5~8% of the generated power. Therefore, such a project is ideal and shows significant benefits for an area that has plenty of biomass resources but is short of electric power supply or has higher electricity rates. In general, investment in major equipment can be returned from power generation benefits within the first two years. The equipment is safe and reliable, its operational technology can be easily mastered by workers, and the maintenance and repair work is similar to ordinary diesel generators.
ENERGY PRODUCTION FROM VEGETABLE OIL The production of electricity using Used Cooking/Waste Vegetable Oil by internal combustion engines is an idea as old as internal combustion engines are. Actually Rudolf Diesel himself in 1898 developed a type of internal combustion engine that was constructed to produce electricity with used oil derived from peanuts. Vegetable oil would continue to be used in diesel engines in the early years following the turn of the century. Nowadays vegetable oil is attracting a renewed interest, with the focus shifting from transportation to stationary power generation. The whole idea of this technology is based on the combustion of vegetable oil as a fuel for internal combustion engine, usually a modified diesel engine. The process is, indeed, as easy as it sounds. The used cooking/waste vegetable oil is gathered and after a light treatment is stationed on big tanks. Tanker trunks are dispatching it to the Internal Combustion Engines that usually have a tanker that can store the necessary quantities for 3-7 days of production. The engine operation costs and procedures are identically cheap and easily forecasted as with any internal combustion engine.
The two stages of Investment on Biomass Project Plan The investment plan is implemented in two phases: 1st phase: The construction of 36 Biomass Power Plants in Industrial Zones of Attica. 2nd phase: The construction of 100 more Biomass Power Plants in Greece and parallel development of Eucalyptus Camaldunenis Energy Crops by EUC FORESTRY. The total amount of the investment is 151.000.000 euros and is set to come 35% equity, 45% loan and 20% capital from Equity Crowdfunding. The implementation of the investment plan DOS GROUP has already activated companies of the GROUP like DOS ENERGY, DOS BIOFUELS, GEODYNAMIKI ARTEMIS ENNEA, GEODYNAMIKI ARTEMIS DYO, GEODYNAMIKI ARTEMIS OKTO, EUC FORESTRY and other SPVs that invest in the licensing, construction and operation of Biomass Power Plants. Beginning from Attica and selected Industrial Zones DOS GROUP has set a target to develop a 130Mw network of electricity production using biomass.
EUCALYPTUS CROPS DEVELOPMENT As part of the vertical integration of the investment plan, DOS GROUP is developing a program of Eucalyptus Crops and triggers for this purpose the EUC FORESTRY, Group Member of DOS GROUP which also works closely with DOS BIOFUELS. EUC FORESTRY is the company that runs this project and has set a goal to collect 100.000 acres of agricultural land in 2014 and over time to increase to 300.000 acres, thus creating the largest area growing from a single operator in Greece, ensuring autonomy feedstock and dependence fluctuations in domestic and international biomass market, while creating significant investment opportunities that can be summarized as:
a) Farmland sale or lease by EUC
FORESTRY for the Eucalyptus Crops, •
b) cultivation of energy crops on
behalf of EUC FORESTRY and sale of produced biomass and •
c) Capital Investment and partici-
pation in Forestry Fund with significant return on equity offered.
EXPLOITATION OF THERMAL ENERGY In parallel with the electricity produced, it is in the projects foreground to exploit the thermal energy, which is also produced by the Biomass Power Plants, thus seeking synergies and collateral benefits. The thermal balance of the units will be allocated either for the needs of industrial customers or for the development of greenhouse crops, to be developed by the group via investment vehicles. Thermal Energy can also be exploited by installing unit conversion of thermal energy in cooling, so it can support logistics facilities - refrigeration, storage and handling of food (supply chain).
Companies of DOS GROUP supporting the implementation of the plan The companies that support the implementation of the Investment in Biomass Project Plan are DOS ENERGY, DOS ENERGY HELLAS, BERMAN BES, EUC FORESTRY, GA2, GA8, GA9, DOS BIOFUELS. Each of the companies has undertaken specific activities that make up the puzzle of DOS GROUP.
332 Syggrou Ave, Kallithea, Αthens, 17673 tel. +30 211 012 1390 - +30 211 188 3700 Fax +30 211 213 1577