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by Dosnaosya22
595,000 thefts from gardens took place last year, with 75 per cent of AA home insurance members saying it would cost them up to £5,000 to replace the stolen items. Yet nearly half of homeowners don’t include garden contents when buying home insurance – see overleaf for more.

Source The AA
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The iBlockCube Worldwide Travel Adapter lets you use almost any electrical device in almost any country. Its pins can be reconfigured to work in over 150 countries’ sockets so you’re unlikely to ever get caught out. It also has two USB ports for charging your gadgets, powersurge protection and a 12-month guarantee.

iBlockCube Worldwide
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Savvy ways to… Entertain the kids for free this summer

It’s a perennial problem: finding fun ways to keep the kids occupied, which don’t cost a fortune. But there’s no need to spend money if you’ve got a garden as there are plenty of ways to create fun in your outdoor space. So, what can you do to create free fun for kids at home? PLAY GAMES According to Cuprinol, the makers of exterior wood protection products, hide-and-seek is the nation’s favourite free garden game. Everyone knows the standard way to play but to mix it up and make each round last a little longer, you could try the ‘wave’ version. Once found, a caught-hider becomes a seeker, competing with the original seeker to find the remaining hiders. If the new seeker spots another hider, they should wave at each other, at which point the caught-hider gets to hide again. BUILD A BUG HOTEL Invite a little wildlife into your garden by filling a box with different-sized hollow tubes. These could be the dead stems of plants or reeds – bamboo or seed heads are good choices. Wedge them in so they don’t move, then place the box in a sunny position SMART SAVINGS
If you haven’t discovered TopCashback yet, maybe it’s time you did! It’s the UK’s highest paying cashback site – it’s free to join and really simple to use. TopCashback passes on its advertising commission straight to you, as a cashback. So, you just browse the site’s thousands of retailers and exclusive cashback offers, choose from your favourite brands and shop as normal.
The retailer pays TopCashback commission for your purchase and it goes into your account for you to spend. Find out more at topcashback.co.uk. near to bug-friendly flowers and shrubs. You can find online tutorials at the RSPB and Eden Project’s websites, or buy a kit from Amazon. MAKE A DEN Begin by looking for long, thin branches and removing any smaller offshoots. When you have enough, create a teepee shape and tie rope or string around the top to hold them together. Thread thin leafy branches in between the upright ones until the teepee is covered. Visit themightyeagle.co.uk or getoutwiththekids.co.uk for ideas. On rainy days, make an indoor den by placing an old duvet cover over a table. Make a cut in one end to create an entrance, then roll up the flaps and fix them with clothes pegs to open it. CREATE A KID’S GARDEN Giving children a small patch for growing their own plants and veg could be the start of a lifelong love of gardening and will instil a sense of responsibility. Choose anything that’s colourful and easy to grow, such as sunflowers, snapdragons and marigolds. Add bird feeders, birdbaths and bug hotels to bring

some wildlife into their patch, too.

Tech news
These Nanoleaf light panels are colourful and clever! As well as touch controls, the LED squares have an audio sensor – so they can light up along with music, movies and games. Compatible with Smart Home systems such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home, you can also activate the panels with your voice.
Nanoleaf Canvas Smarter Kit, nine
panels, £179.99, nanoleaf.me


As your home is the biggest financial investment you’re likely to ever make, here’s why insurance is essential…
Q You’ll get financial protection should your home be damaged due to fire or flood or if anything gets stolen. Q Buildings insurance is a must when looking for a mortgage, as this is the lender’s security on the loan. It should cover fire, storms, flood and subsidence. Q A policy should arrange for an alternative place to stay should yours become uninhabitable due to fire or flood. Q Accidents such as hammering a nail through a water pipe or staining a carpet can be covered with accidental damage. Q Look for ‘new for old’ – if you need to replace items, you’d expect to have the money to buy the latest versions. Q Adding home emergency to your cover can pay for things like locksmiths and burst pipes, as well as offering 24-hour help.
There are loads of different kinds of policies available, depending
Protect your property and possessions by having the right home insurance
Q Buildings insurance covers the cost of repairing damage to the structure of your home (the walls, windows and Q Combined buildings and contents is the most popular policy as it covers everything – the structure and all the
Making sure you have the best cover when it comes to house insurance will
roof) as well as fixtures and fittings such as fitted kitchens, basins and baths – essentially anything that can’t be taken things inside it. Q Listed buildings insurance is a must if you live in a Grade I, Grade II* or Grade

protect you against all sorts of issues, from damage to the building itself to the theft of any valuable belongings inside it, as well as extras such as bikes, tools and garden furniture. With dierent policies
You can cancel your policy any time within the first 14 days, though some insurers will charge a penalty fee. Always read the T&Cs before you buy. with you if you move. This can often extend to garages, greenhouses and sheds, but check the small print. Q Contents insurance covers the cost of replacing items that get damaged or destroyed in a fire or flood, or are stolen. It’s for everything from clothes and carpets to phones and furniture. II listed property, as repairs tend to be more expensive. Q Landlord insurance covers you if you let a property to others. It also includes cover for loss of rent and public liability. Q Tenant insurance focuses on contents cover, as you’re not liable for the building you’re living in.
available, along with varying levels of cover, our handy guide will help you determine which is best for you.

on your property type and what you’re looking for

Aspects to consider when working out how much cover you want
Q For contents insurance, it should be the approximate total value of all your possessions including furnishings, furniture, clothes, electrical items and office equipment. Q An insurance broker could save you money
Q Make sure anything inside the garage, shed or greenhouse is included too, such as bikes, scooters, lawn mowers, garden Q Having a house alarm, security lighting or
furniture and any expensive plants. joining the local Neighbourhood Watch could reduce your premiums.
How do I calculate the rebuild cost of my home?
Get the best price with these top tips
Q Compare levels of cover and check exclusions to ensure you’re only paying for what you need. Q Use online comparison sites to find the cheapest quotes. Some insurance companies aren’t on these, so contact them directly. and is worth paying for if you have a listed building or other specialist needs. Q Buying combined buildings and contents insurance often reduces costs.
Abigail Nash, Dundee
This is different from its market value and with most online comparison sites you can either accept an estimated rebuild value or enter your own figure using a calculator from the Building Cost Information Service at calculator.bcis.co.uk.

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