Assignment Sheet Step 1: Pick your Partner You will be working with a partner to produce your persuasive podcast. Choose wisely and do not forget that this will be a significant part of your grade. You don’t want to work with someone who won’t contribute, because this will be a lot of work! My Name: ______________________________________________
My Partner: ________________________________________________
Step 2: Pick your Prompt You have five prompts to choose from. Read them carefully with your partner and pick one you can agree on and back up with solid reasons and evidence Prompt we chose: __________________________________________________ Step 3: Scribble your “Script” (essay) Before you record, you need to know what to say! Write a persuasive essay that includes an introduction, three body paragraphs, a counterargument, and a conclusion. Use persuasive writing packet as a resource to help you include all the pieces you need in each paragraph. You may want to do your pre-writing together as a pair and then split the paragraphs between the two of you. Essay Rough Draft due: ________________________________________________ Step 4: Cram in some Credibility Your podcast won’t be truly persuasive unless you include credible sources to back up your reasons. You must use at least five sources in your essay. These could be quotes, statistics, polls, etc., but you must be able to provide a list of the sources you used in a works cited sheet (MLA format). *tip: use Works Cited Sheet Due: _____________________________________________ Step 5: Revise to add Rhetoric Now that you have a rough draft of your script, you need to boost the rhetoric so your essay becomes not just an effective writing, but also an effective audio track. Your podcast will need to demonstrate the following rhetorical devices in order to persuade your listeners: •
Polysyndeton or Anaphora o Definition:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ o Example:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alliteration o Definition:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ o Example:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Simile or Metaphor o Definition:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ o Example:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rhetorical questioning o Definition:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ o Example:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Revised Draft w/ rhetorical strategies in bold due: _____________________________________ Step 6: Plan your Parts (vocal techniques) Now you’ve planned what to say, so next you need to plan how to say it. You must use the following three strategies to supplement your podcast. •
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Volume o On your revised draft underline parts of your essay you plan to say loudly and put a * next to pieces you will say quietly Tempo o Put a box around parts of your essay you plan to say quickly, and highlight parts you will say slowly Multiple Voices o Split your essay into “parts” for each member of your partnership. Label each part of your essay as “name #1”, “name #2,” or “both”
Step 7: Build your Background The last thing you need before you record and mix is a background plan. Music and sound effects can add to the convincing nature of your podcast by subtly affecting your listeners. You will need to use both of the following in your podcast: • •
Sound effects to illustrate a point, and Music to match the mood (instrumental only)
Background Sound Plan Sheet due: __________________________________________ Bring a CD of your sounds to class: ___________________________________________
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Your Persuasive Podcast Portfolio Completely filled out Assignment Sheet (this paper) Stamped Rough Draft Essay Stamped Works Cited Page Typed Revised Draft w/ rhetoric in bold, and vocal techniques highlighted, *, underlined, etc. (stamped) Background Sound Plan Sheet (stamped) Final 3.5-minute—5-minute podcast (mp3 file)
Final Persuasive Podcast Portfolio Due: _____________________