30 Days of Wellness - Foundational Health e-book

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ALL-NEW FEATURES Build rock solid habits with foundational health advice from dōTERRA Wellness Advocate Chantel Hutnan Find out your Foundational Health quotient with our ALL-NEW Wellness Assessment.


Come with us on a Foundational Health journey as we re-energise our 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge, exploring the transformative power of ritual and routine supported by some of our all-time favourite products and encouraged and inspired by other members of our dōTERRA community.

We’re going to give you the tools you need to not only set your goals but take action again and again, establishing rock-solid habits that lay the groundwork for Foundational Health.

We’ll continue to challenge your motivation and bring even more people into the fold by extending our 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge into October, re-inforcing the core principles we established during the first leg of the challenge, but shifting our focus to Foundational Health.

Motivate to Win!

Want to share your progress to help motivate others towards health and wellness success during this next leg of our 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge?

Help us create momentum for our wellness movement by sharing the highlights of your 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge journey on Instagram and tagging @doterraaunz & #doterra30daychallenge for a chance to win!

Feel ready to inspire? Find out more by visiting doterra.com.au


Foundational Health Pillars

Live a Wellness Lifestyle

Discover how to lay the groundwork of health and wellbeing with the dōTERRA® Wellness Pyramid. Designed to connect your lifestyle choices with better wellness outcomes, each tier of the pyramid nurtures your foundational health.

Are you ready to take control of your health and wellbeing? The best place to start is where you’re at right now. Find out your personal Foundational Health quotient by taking a few minutes to answer the questions in our dōTERRA Wellness Lifestyle Assessment.

Designed to help you identify what lifestyle areas you need to work on in order to optimise your wellness, the results can also help guide your 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge and prioritise your personal habits.

Wellness Lifestyle Assessment

Welcome to the Wellness Lifestyle Assessment! This form is designed to help you take control of your health and well-being by assessing aspects of your health through the dōTERRA® Wellness Pyramid framework. Take your time, answer the prompts truthfully, and use the results as a starting point to identify which dōTERRA products will best support you on your journey toward an optimal wellness lifestyle.

Give yourself a score in each area on a scale between 1–5: 1: Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree

I eat a healthy, nutrient-rich diet that’s high in whole foods and low in ultra-processed foods.

Agree 5: Strongly agree

I’m mindful of my portions. I eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m full. I avoid snacking between meals.

I use micronutrient and macronutrient supplements to ensure my nutritional needs are met.

I’m free from digestive discomfort.

I don’t struggle with food sensitivities.

I make sure to include prebiotic and probiotic foods in my diet at least weekly.

I’m physically active, getting at least two hours of moderately intense activity or an hour of vigorous activity per week

I do at least two days of muscle strengthening per week.

I give myself time to rest and recover from activities, including gentle stretching and using dōTERRA products to support the recovery process

I stay satiated for hours after eating.

I’m getting enough sleep to feel rested and alert the next day.

I have good sleep hygiene practices.

I’m familiar with and use smart supplementation to help on days when sleep is challenging.

I know my main sources of stress and have adequate resources to manage them.

I have self-care strategies to help manage my stress.

I’m familiar with and use supplements and products that help as I relax and unwind.

I’m familiar with the most common environmental toxins and ways to avoid them.

I use nontoxic, eco-friendly products at home and advocate for them with friends and family.

I focus on supporting my body’s natural detoxification process, such as by limiting alcohol intake.

I educate myself on proactive wellness lifestyle habits.

I work hard to continuously support my immune function.


With this form, you can identify health areas where you’re doing well and where you may need to make lifestyle changes to improve your overall health. The larger the gap between what the ideal is and where you scored should help you identify which areas of the Wellness Pyramid to prioritise.


Why should I participate in the 30-Day Challenge?

If you want to take charge of your health, life and happiness, it requires some change.

The best way to make lasting change is through micro habits, as they eventually lead to macro changes. Often, we feel overwhelmed if we try changing too much too quickly. But if we start small, it’s amazing how we can train our brains and bodies to do something new, little by little.

If you think about it, we already have thousands of daily habits that are second nature to us. We take showers, lock the door behind us when we leave for work, give our kids a kiss before bed—all without even thinking about it. When we do things repeatedly, the brain builds strong connections with those actions, until eventually we hardly think about them. This is the idea behind habit stacking.

Instead of trying to make a major change and re-train the brain all at once, you instead take advantage of the habits you already have and build on them.

For example, if you want to be better at flossing, you stack that behaviour with another habit. Every morning when you turn on the shower and have to wait for the water to warm up, you use those 30 seconds to floss. Then pretty soon, just like turning on the shower every morning, flossing while the shower warms up becomes second nature to you.

All habits work on a loop. We first experience a cue, then we perform the habit, after which we receive some sort of reward. That’s how all habits are formed.

However, we’ve become so used to these daily habits that we don’t notice the cues triggering them. The good news is this means you can use specific and deliberate cues to trigger habits you want to adopt, and then reap the rewards.

If you’ve been wanting to make real changes in your life, know that small habits make big, lasting change. So start small. Before you know it, habits you used to dream about will come so naturally, you won’t even have to think about them!



Step 1

Set a date to get started! Then Focus on building these 3 new habits into your daily routine – daily movement, water intake and restful sleep.

Step 2

Choose a lifestyle habit (or habits) you’d like to focus on personally, for the next 30 days. We suggest you use the dōTERRA Wellness Pyramid (page 9) to identify any areas of wellbeing that may need attention before setting your goals.

Step 3

Use our 30-day Lifestyle Calendar to define your ‘what’ and your ‘why’ every day throughout the challenge to stay motivated, inspired and intrigued. You can reference our suggestions or create your own daily challenges.

Step 4

Visit our Community Inspiration page (page 13) or get motivated by visiting our dōTERRA socials throughout October.

Step 5

Make it happen every day for 30 days!



Set a date to get started! Then Focus on building these 3 new habits into your daily routine – daily movement, water intake and restful sleep.

Are you ready to change your health? If you want to feel less stressed, lethargic and weighed down by life, you’ll need to change your habits.

We're giving you three habits to focus on for 30 days. At the end of 30 days, these three habits will give you a new normal and a new lifestyle routine that you don’t have to think twice about.

Insert Start Date Here:

Habit 1: Daily Movement

Most people have the best intentions when it comes to daily exercise, but busy schedules and family responsibilities often get in the way. Setting aside time to get moving helps us feel our best. Whether you get moving by taking your dog on a walk, straining through a tough workout, or doing a quick yoga session, your body and mind will feel better when you’re done.

Habit 2: Water Intake

Hydration does so much to help the body, yet many of us aren’t getting adequate water every day. By making the conscious decision to increase your water intake, you’ll notice improvement in other areas of health like skin, digestion, focus, energy, and more. And before long, you won’t have to remind yourself to drink more water—it’ll just be a habit.


Habit 3: Restful Sleep

Restful sleep is one of the most underrated elements of a healthy body. You might find you’ll need to remove distractions and barriers to good sleep if you want to make it a part of your regular routine. By focusing on getting sufficient rest, you’ll find you feel much better during the day and have the energy and motivation to focus on other healthy habits.

How to Habit Stack Your Three New Daily Habits

You can use habit stacking to turn these three action items into rock-solid habits. Remember, if you combine these habits with existing habits or cues, you’ll be more likely to actually do them. Here are some examples of how you can stack them to help you do these three habits every day:

• Do you drink coffee in the morning? While your morning coffee is brewing, drink a glass of water to help you get going on increasing your water intake for the day.

• Do you struggle with getting a workout in your schedule? After dinner each night, go for a family walk to get your body moving.

• Do you have a hard time removing distractions and falling asleep at night? Before you start your night-time routine, turn off the Wi-Fi so you create a calm environment for sleep.



Choose Your Personal Habit.

We hope you’re excited to use the next 30 days to focus on the three habits of water intake, daily movement, and restful sleep. But you don’t have to stop there! Choose one personal habit to focus on over the next 30 days, big or small. If you need ideas, find a habit you’d like to work on by reviewing the dōTERRA Wellness Pyramid (page 3). This may help identify any gaps in your lifestyle that are standing in the way of total wellbeing success.

These goals can be as simple as improving your daily step count or including a meditation in your routine, or more complicated like changing your diet, boosting your energy levels or maximising your metabolic health.

Once you’ve identified the personal habit (or habits) you’d like to establish over the next 30 days, take note in the box provided.



Need some ideas based on our dōTERRA ® Wellness Pyramid?

Eat Right

• Create and stick to a meal plan.

• Use dōTERRA® Nutrition Protein daily with breakfast or before a workout.

• Up your daily vegetable servings. Try three, five, or seven servings—whatever is a challenge for you. Use dōTERRA® Nutrition Greens to help!

• Try cutting sugar out of your diet and replacing it with healthy snack alternatives instead.

• Take PB Assist®+ and TerraZyme® every day.


• Take more steps every day—whatever number is a challenge for you.

• Incorporate the MetaPWR® 3-Step System into your daily health and wellness routine to support healthy energy production to help convert food into energy.

• Create exercise bundles with your clothes so they’re ready to go—tank top, sports bra, shorts, socks, and so on.

• Find an exercise partner or group and help to keep each other motivated.

• Try out a new exercise app.

Rest and Relaxation

• Put your smartphone away an hour before bed.

• Start your day with a quick one-minute meditation while diffusing dōTERRA Shinrin Yoku™ Forest Bathing Blend.

• Diffuse Lavender for a half an hour before bedtime to wind down for the night.

• Download a meditation or sleep stories app and use daily.

• Go to bed and wake up at the same time each morning and night.

• Try to get seven to nine hours of restful sleep each night.

• Apply Lavender Peace™ Restful Blend to your feet and pulse points before bed.


Reduce Toxic Load

• Replace one cleaning product each week with a natural option made from essential oils.

• Find ways to remove processed foods from your diet and replace them with whole foods.

• Make sure surfaces and frequently touched items in your home are cleaned with a plant-based or non-toxic surface cleaner regularly. Try our Australian made, plant-based dōTERRA® clean range for extra peace-of-mind.

• Revitalise your hair and reduce your toxic load by switching to natural hair care. Try our ALL-NEW dōTERRA®Hair range for a better-for-you option.

Informed Self-Care

• Give your body more nutrients by taking dōTERRA® LifeLong Vitality or dōTERRA® Nutrition Greens daily.

• Provide your brain with some exercise every day by using a memory or brain teaser app.

• Include a daily meditation into your wellness routine.

• Take time to read a book, have a bath, spend time with your kids or do something that brings you joy every single day.


Use our 30-day Lifestyle Calendar to define your ‘what’ and your ‘why’ every day throughout the challenge.

30-Day Lifestyle Calendar

Developed by an integrative nutritionist and packed with ideas on how to make the most of your 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge to prioritise healthy eating, healthy moving and a healthy mindset, this 30-Day Lifestyle Calendar is your pathway to a healthier, happier you.

By using this calendar, every day during your 30 day journey, we’ll be right here, backing your success with daily tips to keep you motivated, inspired and intrigued, and, we’ll be making sure we’ve covered all the bases when it comes to your health and wellbeing by referring to the dōTERRA® Wellness Pyramid.

Choose to include some or all of these tips into your own personalised 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge, or customise it to your plan by filling in the spaces each day with your own personal ‘what’ and ‘why’.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.


Be inspired!

Community Inspiration

Passionate about health, fitness and all things foundational health, Chantel Hutnan is a Silver dōTERRA Wellness Advocate and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner.


We want to empower you to lay the foundations of a wellness lifestyle and be encouraged by other members of our dōTERRA community. So, we asked Wellness Advocate and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Chantel Hutnan to share her Foundational Health journey and what she does daily to stay feeling fit and healthy.

Here’s what she had to say:

When I look back over my life and the various health challenges I’ve faced, I’m reminded that no one thing made the difference. I just had to be radically honest with myself about where my current physical and mental health was at and what I was actually willing to do about it.

So, I started simple and took a closer look at my nutritional health. I started to bring more wholefoods into my kitchen and played with some very simple recipes. Over time, I had more mental clarity and improved energy levels.

Then, I learned more about the self-care products I was using and the impact they could be having, so I did an audit of my bathroom and either ditched or replaced the products I was using every day for natural alternatives. Eventually my skin started to look better. From there, I looked to other areas of the home, finding low-tox alternatives from washing powder to bedding.

I addressed my gut issues with digestive enzymes, prebiotic rich foods, (including fermented foods) and began to recognise the impact of stress. I also added in key supplements to further support my digestive needs.

Understanding that my mental health also needed attention, I started doing a morning meditation and walking to work so that I could spend time in nature.

Slowly but surely, my wellness improved. I finally had the internal power I needed to make some changes to my personal life. And, I had the energy I needed to start training. Moving my body as a way to nourish myself mentally and physically is now a part of who I am.

Realising that each step in the process makes an impact, I feel empowered to continue adding rituals to my routine, stacking my habits until they become second nature.

My journey was one of continuous layering, focussing on one foundational health pillar at a time. I believe our health is a journey, not a destination. Our body wants to heal & thrive. It’s up to us to simply listen and work with it.

“I always tune in to myself before I look outside myself for answers.”
– Chantel Hutnun

A day in the life of Chantel Hutnan


• Open windows and go outside to breathe the morning air.

• Have a big drink of filtered water, (suggest adding 3 drops of a citrus oil like Wild Orange or Lemon essential oil).

• Do some gentle stretching.

• Pop an invigorating citrus blend in the diffuser. My go-to morning blends are: Any citrus with Peppermint essential oil or dōTERRA Balance® Grounding Blend.

• Take my morning dose of LifeLong Vitality and TerraZyme™.

• Prepare a nutritious, wholefood breakfast: protein, fat and fibre.

• Morning self-care routine: On Guard® Cleansing Toothpaste, Verage Facial Cleanser, Verage Moisturiser infused with two drops of Frankincense essential oil.

• 4 drops of Copaiba essential oil and one drop of Frankincense under the tongue.

• Workdays mornings I roll dōTERRA Motivate® Encouraging Blend over my temples and add a stimulating diffuser blend to the diffuser to enhance focus.


• Incorporate movement into my day at least 3 times per week.

• Pre-movement ritual: Hydrate with water and 3 drops MetaPWR® Active Blend, roll Peppermint Touch on chest and Ice Blue Stick + Copaiba down the side of my neck.

• Post workout: Engage in 3-5 minutes of deep breathing exercises, including parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) breath work.

• Infuse MetaPWR® Advantage with cold water and drink.

• Prepare a healthy lunch: usually consists of leftovers or protein + carbs + salad.

• Sit outside to eat, get some sunshine on my skin if possible.


• Add a blend to the diffuser. Go-to evening diffuser blend: Bergamot essential oil + dōTERRA Balance® Grounding Blend or dōTERRA Shinrin-Yoku™ Forest Bathing Blend.

• Prepare healthy, wholefood dinner, taking one MetaPWR® Assist prior to consuming the meal.

• Head out for a post dinner walk (10-15 minutes).

• Bedtime routine: On Guard® Cleansing Toothpaste, add 2 drops of Frankincense essential oil to Verage Face Serum. Massage in Geranium, Lavender or dōTERRA Shinrin-Yoku™ Forest Bathing Blend into Yarrow|Pom Body Serum and rub over neck, chest, shoulders and arms.

• Layer Vetiver Touch and Lavender Touch on the soles of my feet, temples, chest and behind ears right before sleep.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.



The 'What' The 'Why'

Start the day with a nourishing breakfast smoothie - packed with high quality whey protein for muscle health, and to help keep you fuller for longer. Simply add 1 scoop of dōTERRA Nutrition Vanilla Protein with 1 banana, ⅓ cup of any type of milk, handful of ice + 1 tablespoon of honey if you want added sweetness.

Our unique protein powders not only provide an excellent source of protein for muscle growth and repair, they also contain probiotics for optimising gut health, as well as collagen to help support and promote smooth, elastic skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Make this smoothie a daily essential in your diet.



The 'What' The 'Why'

Daily movement is essential to good health. Today’s goal is to beat yesterday's step count, and to keep raising the bar every day.

Ditch the car and walk some or all of the way. You can clock up to 4,000 steps a day just by making this simple tweak to your routine.

Get in your incidental exercise – this helps boost your daily movement and has health and wellness benefits for your body.




The 'What' The 'Why'

Your wellbeing is important. Did you know that massage has proven benefits to relaxation and stress relief?

Tonight, why not try a relaxing foot massage using essential oils. Try diluting Ice Blue® Athletic Blend or Wintergreen essential oil with some Fractionated Coconut Oil. As a rule of thumb, dilute one part essential oil to five parts or more of Fractionated Coconut Oil depending on skin sensitivity, or as directed on label.

Did you know that dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil is completely soluble with all essential oils and is colourless, odourless and will not stain clothing or upholstery.

It also has a lovely soothing and moisturising effect, leaving skin feeling soft and refreshed.



The 'What' The 'Why'

Craving sweet food? Feel like snacking between meals? This can be caused by a variety of factors, but we have some things that can help you fight the urge. Try adding a few drops of our MetaPWR® Active Blend to your water bottle, and sip it throughout the day.

Aim for 8-10 cups of water a day (and more if you are more active, or the weather is hot). Adding in a few drops of MetaPWR® Active Blend is a nice way to help you focus on mindful eating.




The 'What' The 'Why'

Look after your muscles today. Sore muscles after a big day at the gym or working around the house?

Massage Ice Blue® Stick with Copaiba before or after exercise to help ease discomfort.

Infused with Ice Blue® Athletic Blend, our Ice Blue® Stick with Copaiba brings natural relief to sore and aching muscles.

Ice Blue® Athletic Blend is a proprietary combination of Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Helichrysum and Osmanthus essential oils to help soothe and cool.



The 'What' The 'Why'

Have you practised some mindfulness today?

It could be as simple as removing distractions and focussing on your breath for 5 minutes (try diffusing Cedarwood, dōTERRA Shinrin Yoku™ Forest Bathing Blend or Frankincense essential oil) or taking a stroll in nature to tune in to the sights and sounds around you.

Practising mindfulness is where you try to keep your mind in the present. The process is done without judgement and with full acceptance of whatever thoughts and feelings might come.




The 'What' The 'Why'

Healthy eating is all about balance. For a simple, nourishing snack, why not add a scoop of our dōTERRA Nutrition Vanilla Protein to some greek yoghurt, with some fresh berries or nuts - you can even add a drizzle of honey.

Adding a high quality protein to your meals and snacks can help you feel satisfied for longer, while nourishing your muscles and body at the same time.



The 'What' The 'Why'

Ready to hit the gym? Try to get your heart rate up today - what can you do to get that blood pumping? Maybe a HIIT workout, spin class, or even a good old fashioned run - your body will thank you for it. Add MetaPWR® Active Blend to your diffuser to energise your routine.

High intensity exercise is beneficial for your heart. It also helps improve your fitness level, as your heart is able to more quickly and more efficiently work to send blood to your working muscles.




The 'What' The 'Why'

Take care of you today! Self-care can be as simple as a warm bath at the end of the day, or finding somewhere quiet where you can sit, relax and simply be.

To elevate your next bath, add 2-3 drops each of Lavender or Peppermint essential oils to a tablespoon of our unscented dōTERRA Spa Bath Salts. Add to the bath, and soak away the stresses of the day. Or if your muscles are sore after a big day of exercise, add Ice Blue® Athletic Blend instead to help melt away tension and ease muscle aches and pains.


Our dōTERRA SPA Bath Salts are ideal combined with your favourite essential oil to renew calm and help you sink into a state of deep relaxation.

Our dōTERRA Spa Bath Salts feature the exceptional purity of epsom salt, (magnesium sulfate) to help dissolve tension and stress and when added to a bath.

DAY 10

The 'What' The 'Why'

Work on your metabolic health. Take one MetaPWR® Assist capsule with your largest meal of the day. Your metabolism with thank you.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women. Adults only. Resveratrol may affect the way some medicines work, including Warfarin. Consult your health professional before taking with other medicines. Not suitable for children. Read warnings before purchase.

The combination of ingredients in MetaPWR® Assist can help maintain healthy blood sugar and glucose levels, avoiding the spikes after eating by helping to balance out the release of sugars and sustain energy levels throughout the day.

Taking 1 capsule with the largest meal of your day helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable and helps support a healthy metabolic state.



DAY 11

The 'What' The 'Why'

Soothe those sore muscles!

We all know how it feels the day after a heavy gym workout or running routine.

Get relief by rubbing dōTERRA Ice Blue® Stick with Copaiba into your tired muscles and say 'so long' to soreness.

Our Ice Blue® Stick with Copaiba contains the Ice Blue® Athletic Blend, Copaiba essential oil and other natural ingredients to help calm, cool and soothe a sore and aching body.

The Ice Blue® Stick is your perfect travel companion. Convenient to roll on hardworking muscles before or after exercise. Pop it in your gym bag so you have natural relief on-the-go.


DAY 12

The 'What' The 'Why'

Take a moment for yourself today.

If you feel tense or have had a hectic morning, focus on your breathing. Try the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique - close your eyes, breathe in through your nose to the count of four, hold your breath to the count of seven, then exhale through your mouth to the count of eight.

Why not diffuse Frankincense essential oil in the office, or at home, so you can enjoy the lovely aroma while you focus on your breathing.

The 4-7-8 breathing method and other simple breathing techniques can create a sense of calm, and allow you to re-focus. This is a simple mindfulness technique.



DAY 13

The 'What' The 'Why'

You're nearly halfway through your 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge. Today we want you to reflect on your daily routine and try and incorporate the benefits of habit stacking to improve your daily rituals from here on out.

To make all of your new healthy lifestyle actions daily habits remember to connect them with other things you do every day.


DAY 14

The 'What' The 'Why'

Give yourself a rest day today. Movement is great for your body, but you do need some rest days to give your body time to recover.

When was your last rest day? Spending time in nature is the perfect way to revitalise mind and body. If you’d rather rest indoors, why not bring the power of nature inside by diffusing dōTERRA Shinrin Yoku™ Forest Bathing Blend.

Rest days are just as important as work days. Benefits of rest days include replenishing the body’s energy stores, repairing and building muscle and simply allowing the mind to rest.



DAY 15

The 'What' The 'Why'

You’re halfway there! Take some time out for self-care today – you’ve earned it.

Have you tried our amazing, low-tox and Australian made shampoo and conditioner?

Good for your hair and the planet, with eco-friendly reusable refillable bottles.

These dermatologically tested products are great for the whole family – including kids and pets.


DAY 16

The 'What' The 'Why'

Charge up for the second half of your program by giving your healthy lifestyle choices an advantage with MetaPWR® Advantage. Simply mix one sachet with your morning water or smoothie and reap the energising benefits.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women. Adults only. Resveratrol may affect the way some medicines work, including Warfarin. Consult your health professional before taking with other medicines. Not suitable for children.

As part of your daily metabolic health routine, MetaPWR® Advantage empowers you by supporting your body’s energy production.

Developed by dōTERRA researchers, antioxidant-rich MetaPWR® Advantage has also been shown to reduce free radicals formed in the body, support immune system health and enhance collagen formation, while supporting skin, nail and hair health. So, with MetaPWR® Advantage you not only feel your best, you look your best too.



DAY 17

The 'What'

Take your daily dose of Ice Blue Polyphenol Complex™. While moving your body is great for health, it can sometimes leave you feeling a bit sore, especially after a heavy workout.

Ice Blue Polyphenol Complex™ provides some added internal support and can also support general health and wellbeing.

Make sure you remember your daily dose.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. If you are pregnant, or considering becoming pregnant, do not take without consulting a health professional. Read warnings before purchase.


The 'Why'

The unique blend of polyphenol extracts in Ice Blue Polyphenol Complex™ provides the soothing comfort needed to support a life of activity and vitality.

DAY 18

The 'What' The 'Why'

Focus on getting a good night’s sleep. We all know the feeling of a poor night’s sleep - it can really leave you feeling flat the next day.

Try diffusing Lavender essential oil in your bedroom tonight.

Anchoring essential oils to your sleep routine by using them as part of your evening routine each night can help you drift off sooner by signalling to your brain that it’s time to wind down for sleep.


DAY 19

The 'What' The 'Why'

Want to mix up your morning routine, while nourishing your body?

Try these simple protein pancakes, with our dōTERRA Nutrition Vanilla Protein:

1 scoop dōTERRA Nutrition Vanilla Protein

1 large ripe banana

2 whole eggs

1/2 tsp. baking powder (optional)

cinnamon to taste (optional) pinch of salt - served with fruit + dollop of yoghurt (optional)

Not only does our dōTERRA Nutrition Protein keep you fuller for longer, it also contains probiotics for a healthy gut and it contains collagen for glowing skin!


The 'What' The 'Why'

Supplement your healthy lifestyle with Turmeric DuoCaps.

Healthy habits supported by natural products is the best way to promote holistic wellness.

We know that eating right, moving your body,minimising your toxic load and getting a good night’s sleep enhances your wellbeing. But dōTERRA’s range of naturally powerful products can supplement your healthy lifestyle.

Alongside a healthy diet, regular exercise, and solid sleep, Turmeric DuoCaps supplement your healthy lifestyle in the fight against free radicals and promotion of a healthy inflammatory response.

TOXICITY Always read the label and follow the directions for use.


DAY 21

The 'What' The 'Why'

Yes - it’s true that you need 8-10 cups of water a day. If you struggle with this - try adding a few drops of Lemon essential oil or even our MetaPWR® Active Blend to your next glass of H2O - we think it tastes delicious, and it also complements mindful eating throughout the day.

Did you know you can also diffuse our MetaPWR® Active Blend?

Next time you need an invigorating and uplifting aroma, pop a few drops into your diffuser.

DAY 22

The 'What' The 'Why'

Experience the lifestyle benefits of xEO Mega® as part of our bestselling Lifelong Vitality Pack. Omega 3 healthy fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. Sometimes, we just cannot get the amount we need through food alone - so instead of missing out on all the benefits, our xEO Mega® has you covered - take it daily to reap the benefits.

dōTERRA xEO Mega® is a blend of omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble nutrients. It is formulated to support the functioning of a healthy immune system. Supports healthy immune system function. Helps reduce free-radical damage to body cells.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. If you are pregnant, or considering becomingpregnant, do not take without consulting a health professional. Read warnings before purchase.



DAY 23

The 'What' The 'Why'

Low-tox your lifestyle today. Ditch those chemical laden household cleaners and make the switch to purity. Try adding 10 drops of our bestselling Lemon essential oil and 5 drops of Tea Tree essential oil to a spray bottle of water with vinegar to clean mirrors, shower screens, windows and other glass surfaces. Or, Fill an eight-ounce spray bottle with water and add five drops of dōTERRA On Guard® to clean household and office surfaces.


The 'What'

Focus on your energy levels. While there can be a number of reasons you might feel low on energy, one aspect is certainly your diet and how well you are fuelling your body for all the hard work it does.

Choosing natural DIY solutions with the help of pure essential oils is not only good for your health, it's cost effective and a much more sustainable choice for our planet.

DAY 24

The 'Why'

dōTERRA Alpha CRS®+ helps support your body’s natural energy production and helps reduce free radicals formed in the body.

A daily dose of Alpha CRS+® as part of our bestselling Lifelong Vitality Pack can support your body and supplement your diet, to help keep your energy levels at their best.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. If you are pregnant, or considering becoming pregnant, do not take without consulting a health professional. Read warnings before purchase.



DAY 25

The 'What' The 'Why'

Curb those cravings!

Here are some tips for next time a craving strikes:

• A palmful of nuts

• A boiled egg

• Veggie sticks and hummus

• dōTERRA Nutrition Vanilla Protein mixed with natural yoghurt & topped with crushed nuts.


Adding some protein to your snacks can help you feel fuller for longer, satisfies cravings, and may help get you through to that next meal.

DAY 26

The 'What' The 'Why'

Focus on vitamins.

While nothing can replace a good and balanced diet, dōTERRA Microplex VMz® as part of our bestselling Lifelong Vitality Pack provides a comprehensive array of essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals that complements our modern diet, helping to maintain health and wellbeing.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. If you are pregnant, or considering becoming pregnant, do not take without consulting a health professional. Read warnings before purchase.

dōTERRA Microplex VMz® provides essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals to support health and wellbeing. Supports nutritional intake by providing essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals and helps maintain health and general wellbeing.



DAY 27

The 'What' The 'Why'

Reduce your toxic load.

Try our new dōTERRA hair dry shampoo to help reduce your toxic load. This non-aerosol, plant-based and Australian made product nurtures your hair and the Earth.


The 'What'

Switch to natural solutions. We love how versatile our products are. Have you ever tried our Peppermint essential oil as a headache remedy?

Combine with Fractionated Coconut Oil and gently massage into the neck and temples next time a headache strikes.

Ditch the chemical laden dry shampoos - and switch to a natural, plant-based alternative.

DAY 28

The 'Why'

Peppermint essential oil is known to help naturally relieve a tension headache.



DAY 29

The 'What' The 'Why'

Get your daily dose of probiotics. Did you know that a daily dose of probiotics can help keep your gut healthy? If you have regular gut health issues, adding in a probiotic source could help. Simply using our PB Assist®+ or dōTERRA Nutrition Protein powder daily also gives you probiotics, as we’ve included some in our formula.

Our PB Assist®+ and dōTERRA Nutrition Protein powders contain probiotics to help support a healthy gut.


DAY 30

The 'What' The 'Why'

You've made it to your last day of the 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge. Today, we want you to reflect on the past 29 Days and see how far you've come.

Have you achieved your goals?

Are you happy with your results? Is there something standing in your way of complete wellbeing success? Use the dōTERRA Wellness Pyramid to assess your progress and identify areas of improvement.



We’ve selected some of the best dōTERRA products to help set you up for success as you start your 30-Day Lifestyle Challenge. These products can lay the groundwork for foundational health by helping you achieve all levels of the Wellness Pyramid, promoting a healthy body and mind.


Lay the foundations for better health and wellbeing with the trusted purity and efficacy of some of our bestselling and iconic essential oils. Showcasing supreme versatility, our Five Faves pack combines 5 of our most popular essential oils into an Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) only kit, designed to make it easier for you to get your hands on our Five Fave oils every month.

What is the Loyalty Rewards Program?

Are you a loyal dōTERRA customer? Let us reward you with our Loyalty Rewards Program. By becoming a LRP member you earn credits towards products every time you place your monthly order. These product points can be redeemed on the dōTERRA product(s) of your choice. But that’s not all. LRP members also get exclusive access to member-only product packs, offers, discounts, FREE gifts, FREE shipping and more!


Stay feeling fit and active with our MetaPWR® range. Showcasing a proprietary blend of powerful natural ingredients including essential oils, plant extracts and supportive co-factors, this innovative and synergistic product range complements your daily health and wellness routine, supporting healthy energy production by helping to convert food into energy. So, you can get your vitality back and maintain your active lifestyle.

Our MetaPWR® range is formulated using natural ingredients and is free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

MetaPWR® Active Blend 15mL

Live your most active life with our MetaPWR® Active Blend. Developed with dōTERRA clinical researchers, this stimulating combination of CPTG® essential oils complements your wellness lifestyle.

Featuring our MetaPWR® proprietary blend of Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger and Cinnamon Bark essential oils, our MetaPWR® Active Blend supports a healthy diet and exercise routine, with an invigorating citrusy, spicy and minty aroma. Our MetaPWR® Active Blend can be taken internally or diffused to energise your fitness routine.

Primary Benefits

• Featuring our MetaPWR proprietary blend of CPTG® essential oils.

• Supports a healthy diet and exercise routine.

• Developed with dōTERRA® clinical researchers.


MetaPWR® Advantage

Developed by dōTERRA® researchers, MetaPWR® Advantage can serve as an important part of a daily healthy metabolic regimen, providing a source of collagen, and containing antioxidants, to support overall health and wellbeing.

Combined with healthy lifestyle choices, taking MetaPWR® Advantage once a day can help support daily vitality and wellness. Advantage also contains nine types of collagen tripeptides from marine sources, which supports a healthy complexion.

Primary Benefits

Contains nine types of collagen tripeptides from marine sources to support a healthy complexion.

• Can serve as part of a daily healthy metabolic regimen.

• Contains antioxidants.

• Supports vitality, health and wellbeing.

MetaPWR® Assist

A powerful addition to your active lifestyle, MetaPWR® Assist contains standardised mulberry leaf extract, berberine, cinnamon bark powder and our proprietary MetaPWR® Active Blend of essential oils.

Developed to assist a healthy lifestyle regimen focussed on increasing energy and vitality, MetaPWR® Assist may help maintain healthy blood sugar and glucose levels and may assist with sustaining energy levels throughout the day.

Use 1 capsule 15-30 minutes prior to a meal and up to 3 times a day.

Primary Benefits

• May help promote healthy blood sugar/ glucose levels.

• May help sustain energy levels throughout the day.

• Supports a healthy lifestyle regimen focussed on increased energy and vitality.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women. Adults only. Resveratrol may affect the way some medicines work, including Warfarin. Consult your health professional before taking with other medicines. Not suitable for children.


The MetaPWR® 3-STEP System

The MetaPWR® System helps you live your most active life, supporting the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, maintaining energy production and general health. Designed to be used as a system, each product offers a specialty, while also supporting and enhancing the benefits of the other products in the MetaPWR® range. The whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts with the MetaPWR® system.

Of course, there are no quick-fixes to optimal metabolic function—you still have to make smart and healthy lifestyle decisions—but the MetaPWR® system including our MetaPWR® Active Blend, MetaPWR® Advantage and MetaPWR® Assist can maximise and optimise the effects of your wellness lifestyle so that your healthy choices count that little bit more.

MetaPWR® Bundle

Our MetaPWR® system and dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® (LLV) are the perfect health and vitality pairing. Because nutrition and metabolic support go hand in hand.

Discover complete health and wellness synergy with our MetaPWR® Bundle. Featuring the complete MetaPWR® System, including our MetaPWR® Active Blend 15mL, MetaPWR® Advantage and MetaPWR® Assist, alongside our bestselling dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® .

MetaPWR® Bundle Components:

MetaPWR® Advantage

MetaPWR® Assist

MetaPWR® Active Blend 15mL

dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack®

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women. Adults only. Resveratrol may affect the way some medicines work, including Warfarin. Consult your health professional before



Why not purchase your MetaPWR® Bundle on LRP?

If you’re a member of our Loyalty Rewards Program, you can now purchase the complete MetaPWR® System including our LifeLong Vitality Pack® as a bundle on LRP. Adding this bundle to your LRP template means you’ll not only replenish your monthly supplement supply with ease, but each time you order, you’ll earn points towards FREE products.

Not a member? Join our LRP program today and gain exclusive access to product discounts, FREE shipping, FREE products and more!



Lifelong Vitality Pack® Cellular Vitality Complex

dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® is a holistic approach to help support your health, that covers three vital aspects of your wellbeing: immune system support, nutritional support, and energy production maintenance.

xEO Mega®

dōTERRA xEO Mega® is a blend of omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble nutrients. It is formulated to support the functioning of a healthy immune system.


dōTERRA Microplex VMz® provides essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals to support health and wellbeing.

Alpha CRS+®

dōTERRA Alpha CRS®+ helps support your body’s natural energy production and helps reduce free radicals formed in the body.




Turmeric DuoCaps

dōTERRA is the first company to combine CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® Turmeric essential oil and turmeric extract in a dual chamber capsule. This product creates a powerful synergy of turmerones and curcuminoids, maximising the effectiveness and benefits of both compounds toward a healthy inflammatory response.

Derived from the ginger family and a key botanical in traditional Ayurvedic health practices, turmeric oil and extract have a long history that’s inspired many uses of Turmeric essential oil today.

Our Turmeric DuoCaps are now a permanent part of our dōTERRA Supplement Range.

Primary Benefits

• Combines the complementary benefits of Turmeric essential oil and turmeric extract in a convenient capsule delivery system.

• Supports a healthy inflammatory response in the body.

• May help fight free radicals and protect from oxidative damage.


Shinrin-Yoku™ Forest Bathing

Blend 15mL

Return to the forest to nurture mind, body and soul.

Specially formulated to bring the power of the nature into our homes, our Forest Bathing Blend 15mL not only features the aromas of the great outdoors, but essential oils with the same chemical constituents you inhale when you walk amongst the trees, so you can bring the vitality of the forest to your every day.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.


Hair Protecting Shampoo

Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree & Spearmint


Reduce your carbon footprint as you revitalise your hair and scalp with this Australian-made, aromatic and gentle shampoo. Specially formulated to give your hair body and shine and featuring a low-tox formulation and conscious packaging, this eco-friendly shampoo is kind to your skin and the planet.

Surround yourself with the invigorating aromas of Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree & Spearmint as all natural, botanical ingredients effectively nourish and cleanse your hair, removing build-up.

Dermatologically tested dōTERRA Hair Protecting Shampoo is safe for the whole family and contains no silicones, phthalates, parabens or sulfates. Safe for colour-treated hair and suitable for all hair types.

Gentle enough to use every day.

For best results use together with dōTERRA hair Daily Conditioner.


Hair Daily Conditioner

Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree & Spearmint


Fill your spirit with hope as you refill your bottle with this clean conditioner, designed to help us tread lightly on the planet by using refillable containers and a non-toxic, natural formulation that is both safe for our waterways and kind to our land.

Nurturing and nourishing, this lightweight conditioner smooths and detangles with ease, restoring softness, volume and natural shine. Featuring the pure aromas and natural benefits of Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree & Spearmint essential oils, this dermatologically tested conditioner is safe for the whole family and contains no artificial fragrances, silicones, phthalates, parabens or sulfates. Suitable for all hair types.

For best results use together with dōTERRA hair Protecting Shampoo.


Dry Shampoo

Peppermint, Lavender & Rosemary


Hang on to those amazing hair days even longer with this plant-based, non-aerosol Dry Shampoo. Combining beneficial natural ingredients including tapioca starch and fermented aloe vera to absorb oil at the root and nourish and refresh the scalp naturally. This clean formulation Dry Shampoo complements your low-tox and ethical self-care routine with the CPTG® essential oils of Peppermint, Lavender and Rosemary. Safe for colour-treated hair. Suitable for all hair types.



Now that 30 days of working diligently on your health goals is over, what comes next? Where do you go from here?

No matter what healthy looks like for you, dōTERRA® is here to support you during your next lifestyle challenge, with naturally effective products to support your needs and goals. Keep your healthy habits going by setting up your own wellness program and making these products a part of your Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) monthly order.

Choose your focus. Is it immunity? Mood and stress relief? Enhancing gut health or optimising your metabolic health?

For now, thank yourself for taking time to focus on a healthier lifestyle and including more movement, more water and more rest into your every day.




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