Flotlines Dec 2015

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FLOT LINES USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3


Flo lla Earns Na onal Public Educa on Award By Do e Riley, FSO-PB

We couldn’t be prouder! Awards earned at NACON this year are presented at the Division 7 Change of Watch Ceremony. Dustin Buxton, FC 74 accepts the 2015 National Association of Commodores for the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Award for Public Education sponsored by The National Boating Federation along with Flotilla 74 contributing members Galen Johnston and Carlos Velez. Left of Velez is COMO Robert Weskerna. Right of Buxton are Senior Chief Eamon C. McCormack, CDR Victor F. Rivera and Jeff Gines. DCDR. Photo by D. Riley Flotilla 74 ended the year on a high note and is ready to take on new challenges with the elected and staff officers sworn in at the annual Change of Watch ceremony held Dec. 5, 2015, at the Columbia Restaurant in Tampa. Flotilla 74 earned the 2015 National Association of Commodores for the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Award for Public Education sponsored by The National Boating Federation. The award was presented at the Division 7 annual Change of Watch ceremony. (A list of other national and district

awards earned by flotillas and individual members appears in the “Intercom.”) Distinguished guests included CDR Victor F. Rivera, Chief, Response Department, Sector St Petersburg, USCG, LT Larry J. Brant; Command Chaplain, Sector St Petersburg, Air Station Clearwater, Sector Jacksonville, USN and spouse, Mrs. Tammy Brant; LTJG George K. Daws, Assistant Chief, Incident Management Division, Sector St Petersburg USCG; Continued on page 4


FLOT LINES Newsletter of Flotilla 74 Brandon Dustin Buxton, Flotilla Commander Carlos Velez, Flotilla Vice Commander Jim Mulligan, Immediate Past Flotilla Commander

Flo lla 74 Staff Officers Communica on Services Christopher Alexander Diversity William Vildibill Finance Linda Brandt Human Resources Gilbert Thomas

In this Issue.... From the Helm- Dustin Buxton, FC


Meeting News


Staff Reports


Flotilla 74 Holiday Party


Get Involved In Flotilla 74’s Many Missions


Informa on Systems Leonard Chiacchia Materials Ron Matz Marine Safety Conrad Palermo Member Training Dus n Buxton Naviga on Systems August Miller Opera ons Kenneth Morningstar Public Affairs Lawrence McKinnon Publica ons Do e Riley Public Educa on Galen Johnston Program Visitor Steven Hunnicu Secretary of Records Elaine Nabach Vessel Examina ons Mark Jaqua USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Flotilla 74 “Dirty Santa” gifts ready to be “stolen.” Photo By Linda Brandt

Note: Each title links to the article. Just click on the title to read. At the bottom of each page is a ‘Home’ icon like the one at right. Click on the icon to return to this contents page. We’re on the web!

FL 74 0n FB



FLOT LINES is a publica on of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flo lla 74, located at 3006 S. Kings Ave., Brandon, FL. The cost of publica on is provided by dues-paying members of the Auxiliary, an organiza on of unpaid, civilian volunteers whose mission is to assist the U.S. Coast Guard in promoting boa ng safety. Ar cles may be reprinted only with the express consent of the author or photographer with proper credit given to same. For permission or for more informa on, please contact the editor: Do e Riley, FSO-PB, FL 74 at: do eriley1@verizon.net Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3



From the Helm Fellow Auxiliarists,

ful year.

Once again, we have reached the end of yet another busy year. 2015 contained its fair share of vicissitudes for Flotilla 74. As we prepare to close the proverbial books on the current year, I would like to reflect upon some of the successes and challenges that we shared.

One of our greatest challenges this year has been the overall decline in member participation. Repeatedly throughout the year, our active members were stretched extremely thin in an effort to keep up with the very fast pace we set for ourselves in the past. To be frank, we have fallen short on many of our goals. Our Program Visitation and Vessel Examination numbers have fallen short of our projected goals. In retrospect, we simply have not had sufficient personnel with the proper certifications to ensure proper coverage to meet our goals and demands. While I certainly understand that as a volunteer organization, members are free to give as much or as little of themselves as he or she wishes, it simply was not enough to successfully meet our targets for Program Visitation and Vessel Examination.

In terms of successes, Flotilla 74 excelled greatly in the realm of Public Education. As was stated by me at meetings and social functions, our flotilla has the honor and distinction of winning the National Commodore’s Association Award for Excellence in Public Education. Flotilla 74 beat every other flotilla in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, in terms of successful graduates, course offered and time spent conducting classes. I cannot overstate what a great accomplishment and achievement this is. To add to this, our current Public Education statistics double what we did last year. I have complete confidence that we are well on the road to winning the award again next year as well. This distinction would not have been possible were it not for the program established by Galen Johnston and Len Chiacchia. Special thanks for this achievement is also extend to the Polk County Detachment and its aggressive expansion in Public Education. I would also like to thank all of Flotilla 74’s instructors for helping make this success possible. Our next great success comes in the formation of Flotilla 77, formerly the Polk County Detachment. Through hard work, dedication and mutual support, the Polk County Detachment toiled for almost seven years to grow to become its own independent unit. In that time, the Polk County Detachment contributed to Flotilla 74 by providing a large number of vessel examinations, program visitations and the aforementioned public education expansions which contributed to Flotilla 74’s overall success. It also prepared them for the time when they would take on these tasks as an independent entity within the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Likewise, the Polk County Detachment aided in providing officers to support Flotilla 74 and to ensure the greater flotilla is able to continue in its responsibilities to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. As I stated earlier this year, there are few greater testaments to success than having a flotilla grow to the point that a new unit emerges from its ranks. As the Polk County Detachment moves on to its own affairs as Flotilla 77 in 2016, bear in mind that they have their roots in Flotilla 74. Their initial success reflects upon our success in preparing them to become a contributing member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. In addition, all Flotilla 74 members are cordially invited to Flotilla 77’s Chartering Ceremony on Jan. 23, 2016. Please RSVP Gil Thomas for more information and RSVP notification. While we enjoyed two remarkable successes, we also endured profound challenges that tested both our morale and resolve. To say the least, 2015 has not been a dull, uneventUSCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

In addition to this, our dwindling member participation also extended into the inability to meet quorum requirements. As everyone may recall, this prompted me to conduct an emergency meeting in August to resolve over a quarter’s worth of business. While there were other contributing factors to this problem, specifically, the fact that Flotilla 74 had grown so large that obtaining quorum became exceptionally difficult, the common denominator is still member participation. We must all strive to participate in the Auxiliary and ensure success. Every Auxiliarist, regardless of training or knowledge is important. We cannot succeed without member participation. In the coming year, we must extend our networking to those members who have not been able to attend our events and try to bring them back to active participation. Another issue that stymied us this year was beyond our control; the problem of integrating new members. Until recently, new members were compelled to sit on the sidelines due to the well-known issues with obtaining a successful personal security investigation (PSI) determination and obtaining both IQ/BQ status and the identification card. While policy finally came through from the Chain of Leadership that finally integrated those caught in the administrative quagmire, the wait proved to be stressful and demoralizing. I regret to say that it was too much for some and those members have chosen to leave the Auxiliary. This was outside our ability to direct events to a more successful outcome. As crushing as this is, we have the responsibility to invigorate these new members and encourage them to gain as many certifications as possible within the scope of the new proviBackground photo by Gil Thomas Issue #3



Cover Story ... Continued from cover Senior Chief Eamon C. McCormack, Officer in Charge, Station St Petersburg, USCG and Petty Officer Cory D. Palmer, Operations, Station St Petersburg, USCG. Notable guests and members of the Auxiliary present included Commodore Robert Weskerna, District 7, United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and spouse, Mrs. Jackie Weskerna (also a member); Paulette Parent, District Captain-West and Don Hoge, Immediate past Auxiliary Sector Coordinator. Flotilla 74 has another great achievement of which to be proud: its Polk County Detachment will officially be chartered as Flotilla 77 Polk County on January COMO Robert Weskerna, D7, pins the Auxiliary Commendation Medal on 23, 2016. While forming a new flotilla is Jeff Gines with CDR Victor F. Rivera, Chief, Response Department, Sector ever a happy occasion, it is also pain- St Petersburg, USCG Senior looking on. The medal acknowledges Gines achievements while serving as Division 7 Commander. Gines is a member ful as friends and long-time co-workers of Flotilla 74. Photo by D. Riley separate and either join the new flotilla or remain behind. We are immensely proud of this accomplishment and wish Carlos Velez, Flotilla Commander (e) and Mark Jaqua, Floour comrades well. We recognize that the National Public tilla Vice Commander (e) are hard at work building a new Education award was possible only with the contributions of cadre of Flotilla Staff Officers for 2016. Besides the efforts of our detachment and we hope they share in our pride. Here- our staff officers, we need the contributions of every member after, their accomplishments belong to them alone and we to succeed next year. If you joined the Auxiliary to contribute anticipate that they will become a force to be reckoned with then now is the time to step forward! and make great contributions to our Recreational Boating Safety missions.

From the Helm

one support Mark to the fullest extent possible to meet the demands of the coming year.

(Continued from previous page) sions. We desperately need Vessel Examiners and Program Visitors. Likewise, with the departure of the Detachment, we now need Instructors in order to continue our award-winning Public Education program. As final parting words, I would like to say that I am honored to have served as Flotilla Commander for 2015. I can assure everyone that it has been quite the challenge. However, at the end of the day, I see what we have accomplished despite our challenges. Even though I feel I could have been a much better leader, I see that Flotilla 74 gives its all to the best of its ability and I am proud to have served as its leader. As I conclude my term, let me welcome my soon-to-be-former Vice Commander, Carlos Velez, as the Flotilla Commander for 2016. I ask that everyone extend to him as much support as possible as 2016 should prove to be another eventful and challenging year. I would also like to welcome Mark Jaqua back to the role of Vice Commander. Again, I ask that everyUSCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

Again, I thank all the members of Flotilla 74, as well as those members forming Flotilla 77 for persevering throughout an extremely trying year and striving for success despite the obvious adversity. I wish everyone Happy Holidays and to enjoy the remainder of the season, as we all have to stand tall again once the New Year opens. Semper Paratus.

Dustin Buxton

Flotilla Commander 74 United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

Issue #3



Mee ng News

Galen Johnston is sworn in as Flotilla Staff Officer-Public Education by Dustin Buxton, Flotilla Commander at the meeting of Flotilla 74 Nov. 10, 2015. Galen was on a temporary break from his duties as he has held this position for many years. Photo by D. Riley

Dustin Buxton presents a cerificate of completion to member, Roger Sneden at the meeting of Flotilla 74 Nov. 10, 2015. Photo by D. Riley

Dottie Riley smiles broadly upon receiving a Commodore’s Certificate of Excellence presented at the Division 7 meeting Oct. 3, 2015. The presenters from left are Paulette Parent, District Captain-West D7; Jeff Gines, Division Commander 7; Judith Hudson, District Chief of Staff 7. USCG Auxiliary photograph

USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3



Mee ng News Recipients of the National Vessel Examinations and Recreational Boating Safety-Program Visitor Century Club Award for 2014 pose beside Jeff Gines, Division 7 Commander (far left) at the division meeting Oct. 3, 2015 in St. Petersburg. Pictured from left are Gines, Rick Smith, Paulette Parent, District Captain West, D7; Jack Lee, Flotilla Commander 72; Judith Hudson, District Chief of Staff, D7; Mark Jaqua, Don Rimel; Dustin Buxton, Flotilla Commander 74, Terry Hershman; Michael Massimini, Flotilla Commander 79 and Tony Novellino, Flotilla Commander 78. Photo by D. Riley

Dustin Buxton, Flotilla Commander 74 accepts a Commodore’s Certificate of Excellence on behalf of Gil Thomas at the meeting of Division 7 Oct. 3, 2015. From left are Michael Massimini, Flotilla Commander 79; Parent, District Captain-West D7; Judith Hudson, District Chief of Staff 7; Buxton and Jeff Gines, Division Commander 7. Photo by D. Riley

Dustin Buxton (center), Flotilla Commander 74 accepts a Commodore’s Certificate of Excellence on behalf of Galen Johnston and Ken Morningstar at the meeting of Division 7 Oct. 3, 2015. From left Parent, District Captain-West D7; Jeff Gines, Division Commander; Judith Hudson, District Chief of Staff 7; Buxton and Rick Smith, recipient from Flotilla 72 St. Petersburg. Photo by D. Riley

USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3



Staff Reports Publications-Dottie Riley

Logistics Logistics Section-Ron Matz-Chief Note: All reports are for October-November 2015

Information Services-John Robbins Members are encouraged to turn in their hours forms as soon as possible. While we are past the Dec. 15 deadline, every hour still counts and will be entered next year. While October reports increased sightly, too many members are not submitting their hours. Graph key:Asterik (*) denotes unique member reports for the current month (October 2015). Form


ICS certificates














# of Active Members


% for 7029*


Flotilla Staff Officers and Sections Chiefs are kindly requested to subit copies of monthly reports to the Publications Officer for inclusion in the newsletter. This will give our less active members a source of information and may encourage more participation. Please include information about upcoming/scheduled activities. Special thanks to Linda Brandt for providing photos of our holiday gathering this year. All photos are welcome. With modern technology, one does not need to carry a camera with them. Most smart phones take excellent photographs! Conducting Vessel safety Checks? Take a photo of a member performing the check. Boat shows and Public Affairs events- take a photo! RBS Program Visits- take a photo. Very few photos in the Auxiliary document our RBS Program Visits.


Materials-Ron Matz All materials requested by the Polk County Detachment were ordered in preparation for their startup as Flotilla 77.

Human Resources-Gilbert Thomas •

8 New Members received their A/P numbers.

2 New Member have been submitted for A/P numbers

Total number of E-responder applicants we have worked with this year: 39

Total number of ‘Other’ applicants you have worked with this year: 25

Total number of 7001s submitted this year: 10

Total number of members awaiting their photo ID: 14

We actively recruited members at the About Boating Safely Class conducted July 25, 2015. USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Public Education-Galen Johnston Flotilla 74 has the honor and distinction of winning the National Commodore’s Association Award for Excellence in Public Education. Flotilla 74 beat every other flotilla in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary in terms of successful graduates, courses offered and the number of hours conducting classes. Our Public Education statistics for 2015 doubled what we did last year placing us in line to earn the award again next year. Flotilla 74 congratulates Galen Johnston and Len Chiacchia. Without their efforts, this would not have been possible.

Continued on page 8 Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3



Staff Reports Program Visitor-Steven Hunnicutt Vessel Examinations-Mark Jaqua As of this printing, we do not have the year-end totals for our efforts in the Vessel Examination or Recreational Boating Safety-Program Visits programs. The graph below is for our third quarter which ended September 30.

Below left: Fireworks light the skies as Channelside celebrates July Fourth a day early. Papabeis crewed for John Simone from Flotilla 79 on board CHASIN’ TAIL. Photo by George Papabeis.

Response Operations-Kenneth Morningstar We performed one mission in September to meet division currency for half of our qualified crew members. We currently have 10 qualified crew persons, 1 coxswain and 2 facilities (1 vessel and 1 mobile radio). George Papabeis continues to lead the flotilla in the number of crew hours logged. In addition to routine marine observation missions, Papabeis crews on numerous B-0 standby missions.

Oct. 10, 2015- CHASIN’ TAIL with John Simone coxswain and Linda Churchill and George Papabeis, crew. They transported MST1 (Marine Science Technician) Michael Walker, U.S.C.G., Incident Management Division, Sector St. Petersburg, to Egmont Key where they met Assistant Park Manager Tom Watson who gave them a tour of the wild life refuge and state park. Photo by George Papabeis

Member Training-Dustin Buxton Ron Matz completed the requirements for and received recertification as Vessel Examiner. Herbert Wittnebert received initial certification as Vessel Examiner. Mr. Wittnebert’s certification is notable as he is in approval pending (AP) status. Members in AP status may: • • • •

USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

Be provided with essential course materials and take any and all Auxiliary courses Are authorized to take any and all end-of-course exams. May be presented with the corresponding course completion certificates. Will have test results entered into AUXDATA. Issue #3



News and Ar cles of Interest

Flotilla 74 Holiday Party

Dec. 10, 2015 Della’s After Dark, Brandon Photos from top: Chris Alexander and Galen Johnston by Linda Brandt; Mark Jaqua and Carlos Velez by Dottie Riley

Flotilla 74 ended the year by celebrating the holidays. The dinner and ‘dirty Santa’ gift exchange was held Dec. 10, 2015, at Della’s in Brandon. It is always good to end the year by celebrating each other as much as our accomplishments, and this year, we accomplished much! How was the party? A lot of fun, especially for member, Chris Alexander who had several gifts ‘stolen’ from him during the dirty Santa exchange. It was fun getting to know spouses and significant others and enjoying each other’s company. We hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful holiday season and have a Happy New Year! USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3



News and Ar cles of Interest

Flotilla 74 Holiday Party Right: Galen Johnston and his lovely lady look like they are enjoying themselves. Photo by Linda Brandt

Left: With the Change of Watch behind us Je Gines, DCDR, looks much more relaxed at the Flotilla 74 holiday party. To his right is Dottie Riley. Photo by Linda Brandt

Right: Len and Lucy Chiacchia came prepared for a great evening with ďŹ ne food and great friends. Photo by Linda Brandt

USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3



News and Ar cles of Interest Gearing up for 2016:

Get Involved In Flo lla 74’s Many Missions!


nother year is upon us, and with the chartering of Flotilla 77 Polk County in January, we will have fewer members. That means the same amount of work must be accomplished with fewer people, and in order to be successful, we will need the contributions of every member. New members may be unsure how to get started. Members in approval pending (AP) status may now earn qualifications, wear the uniform and get involved in flotilla activities. See: http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=014-22-03&category=while-in-ap-status New members are anxious to get their feet wet but seasoned members and flotilla staff officers often fail to give consistent guidance and direction. We do a great job of recruiting but are we following up with them once that new member packet is submitted? New members may be unsure where or how to get started. Now, more than ever we have to reach out to them and ask for their help. Yes, that’s right- ask for their help! If you are a qualified Recreational Boating Safety-Program Visitor, call up a new member and ask them if they want to

go with you. If you are a qualified Vessel Examiner, call up a new member and ask if they want to go to the docks with you. New members must first see what we do to pique their interest. Call and invite them to assist in a Boating Skills and Seamanship class; call and ask them to tag along the next time you do a radio watch. For our new members and seasoned Auxiliarists who may want to expand their qualifications, here is some useful information to help you get started. Each includes links to their sources. To get started: •

Click the links for more information.

Contact the Flotilla Staff Officer designated in the program area that interests you.

Call your mentor or find someone experienced in that program area to guide you.

We need every member’s active participation and learning new skills is fun! 

New Member Course Available How to be the Best Darn VE Possible! And Then Become a Program Visitor Too! Links to the Vessel Examinations Tool Kit that includes the Vessel Examinations and Program Visitor Manuals and other important information for Vessel Examiners.

http://wow.uscgaux.info/content. php?unit=V-DEPT&category=job-aid-kits

USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

We encourage prospective members take the New Member Course to complete their membership application. To access the course, click here and if necessary, click on the Login as a guest option. Additional information may be found the on the Human Resources website.


Issue #3



News and Ar cles of Interest Computer So ware and Systems

Are you a closet nerd? Are you interested in computer technology? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then the Auxiliary has a job for you! We are always looking for members willing to serve in our Information Technology (IT) departments. The best part is, like every other qualification in the Auxiliary, we train you FREE! Information Technology includes Communication Services and Information Systems. At flotilla level, Communication Services maintains our web pages. Our web pages are user-friendly and do not require a knowledge of coding to administer or maintain. They are called WOW (units without webmasters) pages or “push button” pages because each page is a template in which the Communication Services officer plugs in data, texts or images.

Formal training for Communication Services officers is offered annually through AUX -04 C-School. Information is available at: http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=aux04 Information Systems is more than completing those pesky ANCS 7029 or 7030 forms. Information Systems is also responsible for keeping our Auxiliary Information System (AUXINFO) and Auxiliary Data System (AUXDATA) up to date. While attending the AUX-10 C-School is recommended, you can be trained one-on-one or through classroom training by an Information Systems officer. Division 7 has conducted these classes in the past and next year’s schedule is not yet mapped out. More information is available at: http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=aux10 If you are interested in our Information Technology programs, contact your Flotilla Staff Officer Communication Services/Information Systems or Member Training. 

Opera ons Boat Crew Training Program

Participation in the Auxiliary’s on the water programs is often a strong motivating factor for joining the Auxiliary, especially for those flotillas conveniently situated near water or a dock. Flotilla 74 is land-locked, and for that reason, puts a greater emphasis on the Recreational Boating Safety missions like Vessel Examinations, Program Visits and Public Education classes. That, however does not mean that we do not participate in marine observation missions, crew training and other patrols. Coxswains from other flotillas are always looking for reliable crew.

Two Auxiliary vessels and their crews prepare for a side-by-side tow during a qualifying examination for boat crew. USCG Auxiliary photo by D. Riley USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7 offers crew training to all of its members every spring, usually beginning in February. The program requires a great commitment from boat crew candidates as it runs one evening and Saturday for 10-12 weeks. It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know member from other flotillas and build a sense of comradery. Beginning and ending dates for the 2016 program will be announced soon. Contact your Flotilla Staff Officer-Member Training if you wish to become crew qualified. 

Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3



News and Ar cles of Interest Opera ons Telecommunications Operator

Telecommunications Operators stand radio watches. They track our vessels on the water and report to Station St. Petersburg when required. To become involved in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Telecommunications program, applicants must become certified as Telecommunications Operators (TCO). All operators of fixed land and land mobile radios must be certified as TCO, except for those members who completed AUXCOM prior to 1 August 2008. Additional details of the qualification requirements for TCO can be found at this link: http://rdept.cgaux.org/documents/BeQualified/BecomingQualifiedAuxiliaryTelecommunicationsProgram.pdf In past years, Division 7 conducted Telecommunications Operator classes every year in spring. Contact your Flotilla Staff Officer-Communication Services or Member Training for information about classes in 2016. 

Len Chiacchia enters an update while on radio watch at TAMPA RADIO ONE during the 2014 Gasparilla Boat Parade. Photo by George Papabeis

Public Affairs (and Publica ons)

members. If you like to write or take photographs, start by contacting your Flotilla Staff Officer-Puplic Affairs or Publications and offer to help. It is an easy way to break in and to learn by doing, and we need your skills and talents!

Public Affairs is not just the business of a Public Affairs officer. Public Affairs is every member’s business! Auxiliary Public Affairs is more than writing articles and news “The Public Affairs Directorate engages and comreleases! It is also public outreach. Steve and Elizabeth Rogmunicates with the public and stakeholder groups. It ers, members of Flotilla 36 Boca Raton and the United States encompasses creative services, public affairs, publi- Coast Guard Pipe Band are escorted to the Tampa Convention cations, training and Web services. The Directorate Center by Ken Morningstar and Jeff Gines, Division Comserves the auxiliary and active duty Coast Guard by mander, and accompanied by the Division 7 Color Guard; Guy developing and distributing stories, photos and vid- Mandigo, Mike Shea, John Larkin, and Adrian Spagnolo as we eo to members, the public, and promotes a positive celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the United States Coast image of the United States Coast Guard. It reaches Guard Auxiliary at the Tampa Bay Boat Show, Sep. 5, 2014. the right audience, with the right message, using the Photo by George Papabeis right communication tools, at the right time. It builds awareness, understanding, credibility, trust, and mutually beneficial relationships with external publics with whom the Auxiliary’s success depends.” Any member can- and all members are encouragedto take the Introduction to Auxiliary Public Affairs (AUX-20) course. Know what to say and what not to say when asked a question by the public at a boat show, at other pubic outreach events, or by a reporter. The course will not earn you the Public Affairs qualification, but it will make you a more informed member and possibly keep you off the hot seat! http://classroom2.cgaux.org/moodle/ Did you notice that the above includes publications and Web services? Your FSO-PB is always in need of your assistance to get the news out to the USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3



News and Ar cles of Interest Auxiliary Instructor With the loss of the members to Flotilla 77 and staff changes, certifying instructors is a major focus. We need qualified instructors to keep up our current pace. We do not expect you to teach every Public Education course we offer, but we need instructors who can assist by teaching one course during every cycle, by grading papers or to be available in case of emergencies. The Auxiliary Instructor program qualifies members as Instructors for public education (PE) and member training (MT) courses. For qualification as an Instructor, the member must pass the current IT Qualification Examination and satisfactorily teach two classes under a qualified instructor’s supervision. The first presentation should be of ten to 30 minutes in length and the second presentation should be of one to two hours in length. You can achieve the status of an Instructor by passing an open book, three-hour time limit examination with a score of 90% or better. An IT may annually retain qualification by fulfilling the following requirements: •

Teach at least two hours or function as an Instructor Aide for four hours each calendar year.

Attending, when required, one approved Instructor workshop each calendar year. Flotilla 23-7 Herring Bay, District 5SR has posted a PDF on their site that For more information, see: http://wow.uscgaux.info/content. combines the manual and all appenphp?unit=E-DEPT&category=idc dices if you prefer a single document. Find it at: http://wow.uscgaux.info/Uploads_wowII/054-23-07/Instructor_Program.pdf

Look sharpGet your uniforms in order for the new year! Review the uniform guide at: http://wow.uscgaux.info/ content.php?unit=T-DEPT&category=custom The uniform guide is a Power Point Presentation that will tell you how to properly wear your uniform from Tropical blue to operational dress uniform (ODU). New members are not the only ones who should periodically review this presentation! While you are on that page, notice that training is now available for staff officers. This is new and recommended especially for first time staff officers!

USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3



News and Ar cles of Interest

p Hap

ys! Let’s have a wonderful a d i l o 20 yH


2015 Tampa Holiday Boat Parade, Dec. 12, 2015. Photo by George Papabeis

FLOT line is a military acronym meaning “Forward Line of Own Troops” (FLOT). FLOT line, or Forward Edge of Ba le Area (FEBA) are technical terms used by all branches of the U.S. armed services to designate the forward-most friendly mari me or land forces on the ba lefield at a given point in me during an armed conflict. We are not a military force engaged in armed conflict. We are, however, the front line of the struggle to save the lives of recrea onal boaters, and we face this great endeavor armed with vessel safety checks, public educa on classes and all of the all other Recrea onal Boa ng Safety programs in our arsenal. Our newsle er banner serves as a reminder of this mission. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT The Privacy Act of 1974 protects names, addresses, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail addresses of Flotilla 74 members which may appear in this or other USCGAUX publications. As a matter of policy, information described above is not made available to the general public or outside groups without that member’s expressed and/or written consent. When such information appears, its privacy shall be safeguarded and the information will be clearly labeled. Publication of this information by the general public and/or outside groups is prohibited by the Privacy Act. USCG Auxiliary Flo lla 74 Brandon

Division 7, 7th District

Issue #3


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