The Drawing Board, issue 166

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Roxanne Kehr

DISCLAIMER: ShenMen® may be less hunky than they appear.

The Big Bad World

Gordon Brown

“The Colon-Bomb”: don't pretend you wouldn't at least try it....

Page 2 | The Drawing Board Room 500

Issue 166: February 27, 2014 Beth Knight & Laura Stockdale

Based on true events.

I Can Whine All the Time


Issue 166: February 27, 2014 cough


Page 3 | The Drawing Board MLE

Katie Parry

Just give me all your leftover Valentine's chocolate, and we can forget what just happened.


Caleb Hallead

People overestimate my intelligence just because I go here....

Page 4 | The Drawing Board Steve, the Insensitive Reindeer

Issue 166: February 27, 2014 Trip

“Can you tell me now?” “Can't you follow directions?”

Misadventures of the Myriad

The Gadflies

“Accuse me of cheating one more time and we start playing ‘Swat the Gadfly.’”

What Evolution Forgot

Wesley Payette

My face is red, my feet are blue, and my arms are clear.

Issue 166: February 27, 2014 The Man With a Hat on His Finger

Sheepology 101

Page 5 | The Drawing Board Harold Beardington


You know who you are. Seriously, put on a coat.

Awkward Musical Moments

Katie Parry

Did you hear that?!

Page 6 | The Drawing Board Anthropophrenzy

Bobby Mauger & Jim Vitale

Weeks later, they would receive a book in the mail. Double-You Double-You Jay Dee

Issue 166: February 27, 2014 Editor’s Panel On your marks, Get set, Midterms. That’s right, professors, don your tweed camo because it’s open season here in the land of Academia, and there’re wascally students afoot. Practice your student calls (‘caw-fee’) and start setting up traps in your true/false questions. Get familiar with the students’ foraging patterns, so that you can stake out your prey when they stop appearing in class. Students, your instinctive defenses may yet spare you from your pursuer--most hunters would never mount a mug like yours on their wall, not with those black rings under your eyes and three weeks’ worth of grease in your hair. Perhaps these comics will provide a moment of respite for both ends of the food chain. Please enjoy in peace. Still hibernating, Leah Evan Yeong

Matthew 19:14

With Apologies to the Mature

Leah Doty

Leah Doty Editor Emily Marie Morrow (MLE) Co-Editor Laura Stockdale Treasurer Roxanne Kehr Distributor John Rhett Faculty Advisor

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