Jiang Na 683925 Final Journal

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STUDIO AIR 2016 SEMESTER 1 683925 Na Jiang




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A.1 DESIGN FUTURING HygroSkin - Meteorosensitive Pavilion

Architect: Achim Menges Architect, Oliver David Krieg , Steffen Reichert Location: OrlĂŠans-la-Source, France Year: 2013


eteorosensitive Pavilion is designed to attempt the Climate-responsiveness in architecture. The inspiration resourced from biological materials which response to the weather spontaneously instead of being driven by external energy. The project test a typical architectural volume with climate responsive apertures imbedded and plywood sheets enveloped, which sensitive to relative humidity changes. The degree of openness and porosity of the apertures moderate the internal illumination and visual permeability of the surface. [1] The independent movement of the materials does not consume any energy.

This project investigates the biological implications to architectural aspect that no mechanical and electrical equipment or energy required for the response to climate change. [2] In addition, this project is the first time that the theoretical assumptions tested in the laboratory are realized on field. This meteorosensitive architectural concept will be able to apply to future design due to the energy saving and the simplicity in construction process. It also increase the expansion of architectural possibilities in material aspect instead of the traditional geometrical area.

1.ArchDaily, HygroSkin-Meteorosensitive Pavilion (2013) <http://www.archdaily.com/424911/hygroskin-meteorosensitive-pavilion-achim-menges-architect-incollaboration-with-oliver-david-krieg-and-steffen-reichert> [accessed 17 March 2016]. 2. ICD Universität Stuttgart, HygroSkin: Meteorosensitive Pavilion (2013) <http://www.achimmenges.net/?p=5612> [accessed 17 March 2016].

Interior photo of HygroSkin – Meteorosensitive Pavilion

Close-up photo of a HygroSkin aperture adapting to weather changes: open at low relative humdity (left) and closed at high relative humidity (right)

Transfer of the biological principle of shape change induced by hygroscopic and anistropic dimensional change

Exploded view of a module’s buildup: initially planar plywood panel (left), elastically self-formed plywood panels with sandwhich core (right)

Structural analysis of the modular setup through finite element analysis Image source: http://www.achimmenges.net/?p=5612

A.1 DESIGN FUTURING Ptuj Archaeological Museum Proposal

Architects: Enota Location: Ptuj, Slovenia Commission Year: 2011


he Ptuj Archaeological Museum connects the natural boundary and the entire northern edge of the town with green belt, which indicates a clear separation between the historical and the modern architectures. The museum of archaeology located near medieval city wall to obtain a view of the Dominican monastery from the north side. The town of Ptuj has inherited rich amount of architectural structures from the later Roman period, which implies an abundance of archaeological findings. [1] The construction of modern city as well as the construction of the Museum therefore are delayed as a reason of frequent archaeological activities.

Nevertheless, the archaeological findings are unlikely to be expected on the site of the erstwhile moat, which provide the convenience of excavation and the space between the buildings allows the sewage infrastructure. All these factors determines the depth of the floor of the new building. Once the historical relics are excavated, they may be exhibited on site, which prevent the relics from further damage and also add to the exhibits of the new museum. The design concept of the museum realize the idea of coexist of archaeological protection and exhibition. The green belt on the roof and the natural clerestory lighting reduce the energy consumptions of the museum and reveal the excavation to visitors.

1. Alison Furuto, Ptuj Archaeological Museum Proposal (2011) <http://www.archdaily.com/190414/ptuj-archaeological-museum-proposal-enota> [accessed 17 March 2016]. 8

Image source: http://www.archdaily.com/190414/ptuj-archaeological-museum-proposal-enota 9



nstead of perfecting a single detail, the computational design emphases the instrumental parameters in a building’s formation and performance. With an expectation on adaptive and responsive performance during occupancy, feedback are continuously collected to update the parametric model. The emerging computational designers exert an influence on the structure of architectural firms. Computation is naturally integrated into the design process and practice.

A.2 DESIGN COMPUTATION Dragon Skin Pavilion

Architect: Emmi Keskisarja, Pekka Tynkkynen, Kristof Crolla (LEAD) and Sebastien Delagrange (LEAD) Location: Kowloon Park, Hong Kong Year: 2012


he Dragon Skin Pavilion is a project exploring the spatial, tactile, and material possibilities through digital fabrication and manufacturing. Designers spent only 8 days from scratch to design and build the first version of the pavilion are in a test study workshop. [1] Its patterns and rhythms is created by elaborately equilibrating the regular, repetitive framework and the gradually irregular interconnections. The pavilion consists of 163 post-formable plywood components, which take shape through bending pre-heated flat pieces in a wooden mount. [2] The curved form is given by an algorithmic script that assembles the plywood pieces with accurately calculated and cut connection slots. All components are meticulously labelled so as to facilitate assembly or dismantlement. Sizes, bending radius, slightly differing slot locations and angles are evaluated and programmed for the sake of optimal material utilization and manufacturing time. The combination of material technology and contemporary parametric design and fabrication methods allows to implement an accurate construction process of un-standardized geometries without conventionally using glue, screws or drawings.

Component assembly logic + Montage sequence

1. Laboratory for Explorative Architecture & Design Ltd. (LEAD), Dragon Skin Pavilion Press Pack (2011) <http://l-e-a-d.pro/w/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/ PressPack_DragonSkinPavilion.pdf> [accessed 17 March 2016]. 2. ArchDaily, Dragon Skin Pavilion (2016) <http://www.archdaily.com/215249/dragon-skin-pavilion-emmi-keskisarja-pekka-tynkkynen-lead> [accessed 17 March 2016]. 12

Exterior view

Interior view

Before and after

Post-forming of plywood components

Image source: http://l-e-a-d.pro/w/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/PressPack_DragonSkinPavilion.pdf 13

A.2 DESIGN COMPUTATION ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14

Architect: ICD-ITKE University of Stuttgart Location: Stuttgart, Germany Year: 2014


he design and fabrication process of the modular prototype pavilion is optimized through interdisciplinary cooperation of architects, engineers and biologists. The biomimetic investigation on natural shells for beetles’ wings and abdomen lays the foundation for the design group. By establishing and comparing 3D models of various beetle elytra, designers identify the underlying structural principles and make further refinements.

Comparison of internal elytron architecure in a flying and a ground beetle

The trabeculae-morphology-based modular system came into being with integration of robotic fabrication methods and biomimetic principles by employing computational synthesis. [1] The system was morphologically adaptive and responsive to surroundings. The multi-disciplinary approach allowed designers to develop an integral computational design tool that considers complex interactions between material selection, esthetical form structural performance and fabrication methods. It therefore conduces to the generation of innovative fiber composite fabrication methods as well as novel spatial and tectonic possibilities.

Integration of multiple process parameters into a component based construction system

1. Institute for Computional Design, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14: Interactive Panorama (2014) <http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=11187> [accessed 17 March 2016]. 14

Integrative computational design process

Fiber layout for one component

Finite element analysis of global force flows and their transfer into structural carbon fiber reinforcements

Robotically fabricated fiber composite building component Image source: http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=11187 15



iffering from modelling emphasized on external form, computational design allows designers to generate a variety of possibilities and make appropriate choices for further development. The core generative logic within design leads to something continual and dynamic, but with a high degree of accuracy in fabrication. Singularity and multiplicity are encouraged instead of predictable presentations. Computation potentially inspires the designer through the generating unexpected and perhaps inconceivable results. As thus it enhances opportunities to deal with complex situations.

A.3 COMPOSITION/GENERATION Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium

Architect: NBBJ Location: Hangzhou, China Year: 2011-


he generative computational approach was adopted to refine and explore audience experience, less material use and better energy performance. The parametric algorithm was scripted at an early stage to determine the geometry of the envelope and reduce the steel consumption for structural requirements. Initially designers developed a general concept of the envelope geometry which was based on a double curve formed from a circular arc. The envelope surface was transformed to a point cloud of NURBS control points, which produce a petal-like curve surfaces through computational generation process. [1] A plenty variety of geometric effects were generated through masterly manipulating the point cloud constraints like sorting and transforming. [2] These alternatives were then evaluated on the basis of pre-defined factors. The parametric model benefited cross-disciplinary communication and collaboration, which created numbers of opportunities for further optimization.

1. Nathen Miller, The Hangzhou Tennis Centre: A Case Study on Integrated Parametric Design (2011) <http://cumincad.scix.net/data/works/att/acadiaregional2011_016. content.pdf> [accessed 17 March 2016]. 2. NBBJ, A City Blossoms (2016) <http://www.nbbj.com/work/hangzhou-stadium/> [accessed 17 March 2016]. 18

Variations on the exterior envelope. The point cloud constraints were manipulated to create different geometric effects. The number of petal modules could also be increased or decreased.

Because the generative design process defined loose geometric rules, multiple variations could be created and evaluated during design development. Image source: http://www.nbbj.com/work/hangzhou-stadium/ 19


Architect: ICD-ITKE University of Stuttgart Location: Stuttgart, Germany Year: 2014


xploring potentials and possibilities of computational design, the Pavilion design process is inspired by the adaptive natural production strategies –fibrous nest construction of the water spider. The lightweight fiber-reinforced shell structure is fabricated reinforcing pneumatic membrane formwork from inside with carbon fibers. During this process, the initially soft shell gradually becomes stiffer enough to support itself and acts as the integrated building skin stretched over the composite framework. It appears intriguing that the fabrication process is executed by a robotic device programmed simulate the spider. The algorithm is scripted by observing, analyzing spiders’ behavioral pattern, and then transferring biological information into practical application. [1] The robotic arm is ‘conscious’ of somewhere vulnerable and place fibers accordingly. The proposed path is determined by an agent-based design tool which collects simultaneous performance feedback and negotiate various parameters. The robot could give adaptive solutions as the shape of membrane changes. Despite that the design is programmed with parameters and determinate rules, the final form could not be predicted. The generative and evolutionary design process appears to be somewhat natural and exciting.

Diving Bell Water Spider (Agyroneda aquatica) reinforcing an air bubble from the inside

1.Institute for Computional Design, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-15: Interactive Panorama (2015) <http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=12965> [accessed 17 March 2016]. 20

Conceptual Fabrication Strategy: 1. Inflated pneumatic membrane 2. Robotically reinforce membrane with carbon fiber from inside 3. Stable composite shell

Microscopic image of Diving Bell Water Spider (Agyroneda aquatica) nest

Cyber-physical fibre placement process

Finite element analysis of composite shell

Agent-based design tool which negotiates multiple design parameters to determine fiber laying paths

Comparison of various fiber reinforcement strategies Image source: http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=12965 21



nvestigations on precedent projects of computational design display various design intent but somewhat similar approaches, providing distinctive works and potential possibilities. Algorithmic thinking encourages designers to actively interpret code operation principles, which enables them to speculate on further design potentials through modification. Designers depart from using computational tools to creating tools. The creation of complex models or improving digital tools are realized with distilling the underlying design logic as the basis. Algorithmic thinking and computational design benefits the accumulation of ideas since ideas could be delivered simply by sharing codes.



he computational approach provide numerous possiblities in design of different fields. It is the LOGIC that assists creativity to create a fantastic work. Playing an interpretive role to understand the underlying algorithm of a model could amaze me. As a great tool in capturing and communication, algorithm generates complex order and form by establishing framework for negotiating the interrelation of parameters. It enhances the design efficiency and solves some significant problems like complex form along with compressed timescales that designers could encountere in the modern era.




BIOMIMICRY ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2011

Architect: ICD-ITKE University of Stuttgart Location: Stuttgart, Germany Year: 2011


he project explores and effectively extends biological principles of “the sea urchin’s plate skeleton morphology” to a variety of geometries by means of computational methods. [1]

Design implications There are several fundamental properties of biological structures being applied during computational design process of the pavilion. Heterogeneity can be observed by those cells which are well adaptive to local curvature and discontinuities. Besides, the cells are self-oriented according to mechanical stresses, which constitute a directional pavilion. The two-level hierarchical structure adopts different connection methods on two layers. The modular system is highly adaptive because of the geometric differentiation of its plate components and robotically fabricated joints.

Opportunities he biomimicry approach which integrates biological structures into architectural design perfectly optimize structural performance of the pavilion and allow plywood sheets to be extremely thin. Double layer structure offers an opportunity to explore how could the modular system work.

Fabrication concern Connections and joints are always a problem. The biomimicry approach provides ideal models which shows how connections work in nature. The finger joints utilized in this case reflect the finger-like calcite protrusions connecting the shell of sea urchins. Besides, the domed structure need to be fastened to the ground to resist wind suction load on account of the thickness of plywood sheets.

1. ICD & University of Stuttgart, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2011 (2011) <http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=6553> [accessed 29 April 2016]. 28

Image 1 (Top): shows cell system of the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion Image 2 (bottom left): shows the integration of the perfomative structure of shells of sea urchins into pavilion structure Image 3 (bottom right): shows joints and assembly process

Image source: http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=6553 29


B.2. CASE STUDY 1.0 Matrix Table


SPECIES 1: Simple field Iteration 1 to Iteration 3 adopt point charge field with changes on decay of charge potential. Iteration 4 to Iteration 6 adopt spin force field with changes on strength, radius and decay.

SPECIES 2: Merged field (point charge + spin) Speculate by Changing on FSpin strength, radius and decay as well as field line steps. Merged field makes the geometry look more dynamic and attractive than the rigid geometry created merely with force charge field, and more logical than FSpin one.

SPECIES 3: Section (Merged field) Changes on section by modifying graph mapper and multiplication factor. All six explorations are based on bezier type.

SPECIES 4: Section (Spin field) Changes on section by modifying graph mapper and multiplication factor. Six explorations are based on different graph types including bezier, perlin and sine. Flexible cezier type could replace conic, parobola, linear...

SPECIES 5: Base curves + FLine steps Changes on shape of base curves, making them not rigidly lying on XY plane. As thus fields are explored in spatial context rather than planar. Changes on FLine steps, determined by distances obtained from Crv CP panel.


B.2. CASE STUDY 1.0 Selection Criteria Iteration 1.6

It is an exploration on th To generate a diversified fields which have nega strength separately. I spli list and line the two poi FSpin panel (one with po the other one with negat data of two different spin

The rotary feature could partition layout design a shielding and directing c

Iteration 3.2

Iteration 5.5

Species 3 explores how sec The base geometry selec simple style retaining t reduce the field line step shorter for observation simple Bezier section ge simple base geometry.

The configuration cou consistently shaded co sheltering.

Iteration 5.5 & 5.6

Species 5 meets my pr diversification and dynam to manipulating the bas FLine steps different dis a good attempt to create planar fields.

Iteration 1.6 34

The shortcoming is that e not that practical in archit with something looking m

he use of force spin field. form, I attempt to merge ative and positive field it the original input point int list input to separate ositive strength factor and tive factor). Manipulating n field give this geometry.

d be developed further in as it has the potential of circulation.

ction affects the geometry. cted for exploration is in the original geometry. I ps to make massive lines n and comparison. The eometry responds to the

uld be orridors

Iteration 6.6

developed as or temporary

reference on generating mics. It can be attributed se curves and giving the stance data as input. It is spatial fields rather than

excessively free curves are tectural design compared more logical.

Iteration 3.2 35



Images source: http://improved.ro/blog/?p=1099

ZA11 Pavilion Architect: Dimitrie Stefanescu, Patrick Bedarf, Bogdan Hambasan Location: Cluj, Romania Year: 2011

The ZA11 Pavilion is in an open-air ring shape with irregular extruded hexagon cells. The design intent is to creating a flexible and comfortable space for a variety of events (“temporary bookshop, open-air cinema, tea party, jam sessions and a small concert + sleeping in the sun”)[1]. The spectacular configuration successfully arouses attraction and realize this intent.

There are numerous things need considering besides geometry design, for example, joints. Would it be linear along intersection lines? Or small planar pieces? The shape of joints have influence on the material selection and workability consideration. It generates effect on the thickness of the wooden panels as well (weight, load).

The hollow effect of wooden panels, the gaps between panels intervein light and shadow, which incites curiosity of passerby. The gaps, hollows along with the wood texture make the pavilion look industrial and raw.

The protection of the pavilion under terrible weather is another underlying issue because of the fabrication material wood.

The design adopts the parametric tool (Rhino and grasshopper). The whole process, from geometry generation to component labeling, fabrication, including cost, are in precise control.

I choose it as reverse engineering case because of its interesting cells and flexible space with various potential use. The cells look more volumetric and interactive than a planar façade, which meets my design brief. The choice of wood as fabrication material, easy assembling and demolishing process attract me.

1. Dimitrie A. Stefanescu, CLJ02: ZA11 Pavillion (2011) <http://improved.ro/blog/?p=1099> [accessed 28 April 2016]. 39

B.3. CASE STUDY 2.0 Reverse Engineering

Figure: Diagram showing parametric design processes (Courtesy of ZA11 Pavilion designers)

Line-work Diagram Curve Curve

Outer Geo Loft

Hexagon on Surface

Explode Curve

Remove Duplicate Lines


Inner Geo

Ruled Surface

Curve Remove Some Polysurfaces



Surface Box Extrution


Boundary Surface



Region Difference


Figure: Fabrication layout (Courtesy of ZA11 Pavilion designers)

Similarities and Differences The similarities between reversed model and the original one could be the general shape and hexagon cells (attributed to explorations of step 1 to step 3). Since duplicate surfaces are avoided, I could scale each surface with a factor approximating to 1 (in step 5) to simulate gaps between wooden panels.

One difference is the reversed model having the same base geometry for morphing but in reality some pieces are fully solid other than having hollow features. It might be solved using random split list panel to have two groups of surfaces to morph. It could be further developed in B.4. Modifying and optimizing the reversed model in step 6 are implemented in Rhino after baking. I expect to do some modification in grasshopper but I failed.


B.3. CASE STUDY 2.0 Reverse Engineering

STEP1. Basic Surface Generation The reverse engineering process starts from drawing three curves in to loft a basic surface which approaches the ‘ring’ shape of ZA11 Pavilion. The surface could be altered for further development (See B.4). The volumetric feature of the surface provides potential opening or entrance for users to have dynamic spatial experience. If applying a relative planar surface, the result could be a ceiling design or partition design rather than a pavilion.

STEP2. Apply Hexagon on Surface Apply the irregular hexagon cells on the base surface using the Lunchbox. The hexagon cell panel conveniently creates cells with irregular shapes in a certain rule on a concavo-convex surface. The size of cells can be adjusted by changing uv divisions inputs. In order to avoid duplicate surfaces during ruled surface, so I explode all cell curves, flatten, and apply remove duplicate lines panel. As thus I get the outer geometry. Then scale it to get the inner geometry. The distance between can be adjusted by scale factor input.

STEP3. Ruled Surfaces

Loft two geometrys. Deconstruct brep to obtain individual surfaces.


STEP4. Panel Pattern Creation Draw a rectangle with two triangles in rhino. Scale two triangles in grasshopper (for easily change the scale factor during modification). Then apply region difference panel and boundary surface panel to get the ideal surface to extrude. The geometry design has great influence on light and shadow.

STEP5. Morph on Surfacebox Individual surfaces obtained in step 3 are scaled with a large factor input which approximate to 1. The purpose is to create gaps between wooden panels where joints locate. Apply surfacebox panel for each surface. Morph, with the boxes as target input, the extrusion obtained in step 4 as base geometry and reference box input. Besides the scale factor input to control the distances of gaps, the height of surface box could be adjusted to change the depth of wooden panel.

STEP6. Bake and Modification

Bake to get rhino model. Since the upper panels and nether panels look flat and are lack of diversification. Modify by just deleting.





Species 1: Patterns Exploring the different patterns with the use of other Luchbox panels, 3D voronoi and contour lines.

Species 2: Scale factor Exploration are based upon patterns created with the use of voronoi 3D.

Species 3: Scale center Changes on scale center seemingly create a different attraction point.

Developments on Species 1 Exploring the different Lunchbox panels including hexagons, diamonds, random quad, skewed quads and triangles. Modification on uv inputs for Luchbox panel has applied.

Developments on Species 1, 2 & 3 Exploring the contour patterns by manipulating contour direction and distance. Modification on the scale factor and scale center has applied as well.




Species 4: Random split list Explorations are based upon a sphere. By randomly spliting the cell list, I could apply two distinct loft process. Instead of scaling once as did in reverse engineering, I attempt to scale each cell with each cell center before applying the whole scale.

Species 5: Morph geometry Explorations are based on original ring surface. Changes on morph geometry give a surprise. Solid, hollows and linear gemetries generate an opportynity to develop the design with the concern in material.

Developments on Species 4 Explorations are based ons a tunnel surface.

Developments on Species 1, 4 & 5 Explorations are based on a tunnel surface. Explorations focus on linear morph geomtries ranther than solid ones. Modification on species of Luchbox panel has applied.


B.4. TECHNIQUE: DEVELOPMENT Selection Criteria

Iteration 1 It adopts skewed quads pattern on the surface using Lunchbox plugin. Compared with hexagon, diamond or triangular patterns, it shows the directional quality by two sets of ‘strips’ interveining. The selection criteria is the fabrication feasibility. Its logical array pattern and inerratic shape facilitate joints design and fabrication process.

Iteration 2 By randomly splitting the cell list, two kinds of lofted surfaces are generated through manipulating respective scale factors. The exploration starts producing something diverse. The tunnel provide a sheltering space where sunlight penetrating the hollows.


Iteration 3 It is an interesting exploration on patterns of a sphere surface. Like Iteration 2, random split list panel results in two form of lofted surfaces. Instead of scaling once as did in reverse engineering and iterations before, this time I attempt to scale each cell with each cell centre before applying the whole pattern surface scale. The exploration could be further developed and applied to numerous surfaces.

Iteration 4 It retains a basic hexagon pattern form with slight variations in uv inputs. What makes it interesting is the morph geometry. The geometry is obtained by applying voronoi on points selected by populated 2D within a rectangle. It looks simple on plan but when morphed to the basic structure. Things are getting changed. Lines are getting winding and twisted.



The prototype explores the fluid waffle structure and the relationship between data provided

The card strips are bent and then connected to each other by Ni-plating paper clips. To creat papers are soft and extremely thin, the connection becomes easy. But in reality the structure could have influence on structural performance of the material.


d by computer and shadow effect in practice.

te exact curvature as what I print beforehand, steel pins are anchored to the base. Since card could be made from the material which are relatively rigid and thick. The connection issues



B.6. TECHNIQUE: PROPOSAL The design brief is to respond to the site and create new possibilities to benefit stakeholders. Upon analysis of the Merri Creek trail, I find the area around Dights Fallls could be an activity hotspot. As the start of the trail, it is the junction of Yarra Bend Park and residential blocks. There is a car park nearby and the target site is easy to access from roads. Therefore, my proposed site is the highlighted grassland at the junction of Yarra Bend Park trail and Merri Creek trail. Locating around the activity hotspot provide an opportunity to interact with people. The pavilion is derived from iterations in B.4. The major function of the designed pavilion is to provide a flexible space for multi-functional use. I adjust the amount, size and shape of hollow pattern to play tricks of light and shadow. In terms of material selection, wood would be an ideal choice to responding to surrounding environments and make people relaxed.




art B suggests a sequence from testing, learning to the start of designing.

Case study 1.0 provides an opportunity and pushes me to getting familiar with fields and graph mapper in grasshopper. In order to dig enough iterations, thinking, testing and evaluation are basic requirements. Rethinking this process could give a surprise after many trials. Reverse engineering could be the most interesting part for me. There are different scripts to get the similar outcome. When gradually getting familiar with grasshopper, I find it an extremely useful tool. It could be fast and efficient to design and modify if having a clear design logic. There is a lot to dig.








Collaborative Design Team Caitlyn Bendall, Cindy Lyu, Joanne Qiu, Kimi Wang, Na Jiang

C.1. DESIGN CONCEPT Feedback and Reflection


he vague proposal in interim presentation is about to make a wooden pavilion providing a flexible space for multi-functional use. The structure has many cells in the shape of circular truncated cone, which are made from bent wood. The material selection considers natural environment. In Part C, our group focus on explorations on wood bending structure. Considering the workability of material, we do not follow the standard mode (having a clear purpose, developing techniques and then fabricating accordingly). We will develop techniques during the exploration on prototypes as the grasshopper script need modification if having problems during material testing, joints explorations and module explorations. Though not having certain functional purpose, we have a clear design concept about bending wood and a clear target pattern – blossom. In nature, blossoms are presentations of vivid colours, softness and beauty while wood is associated with strength, dim and rigidness. Using wood to explore the flower pattern and achieve soft bent curves is to pursue some opposite qualities of wood itself.


C.1. DESIGN CONCEPT Site Selection Criteria

Locating at an activity hotspot encourages interaction with visitors. - - -

Junction of Yarra Bend Park trail and Merri Creek trail: circulation of cyclists Junction of Yarra Bend Park and residential blocks: circulation of dwellers living nearby A car park nearby: easy to access from roads for families

Dights Falls

Yarra bend park trail

Grassland 67

C.1. DESIGN CONCEPT Design Definition Workflow

Initial curve frame having triangles with unequal lengths. The triangular frame could be set in different forms.

Create a mesh that represents the brep. Join the set of meshes into a single mesh.

Use the Kangaroo Solver to transform the original mesh into a new one where each triangle has equal length.

Create a polyline connecting each set of points. Explode to get three segments for each small triangle. Evaluate to get the middle points. Move them to ideal position. Construct a nurb curve from three control points for each side.

Divide lines. Transform to the blossom shape by construct nurbs curve from control points obtained by moving according to graph mapper and remap target domain.

Create line segments defined by start points (by dividing nurbs curve), direction and length. Rotate these line segments with the rotation angle determined by graph mapper and remap domain.


Use Face Boundaries to convert all mesh faces to polylines. By far, we get the basic form consisting of triangular cell with equal length.

Line the centroid of each triangle to three vertices. It is the symmetric axis of blossom petal.

Reparameterize and evaluate curves with a parameter which determines the ratio of blossom petals versus core. Line vertices to points obtained from evaluation.

Create lofted surface through sets of line segments. It forms the blossom petals.

Extrude curves of triangular elements to obtain blossom core.

An ideal form to explore on wood bending structure.


C.1. DESIGN CONCEPT Tectonic Exploration L=600




T= 0.35



T= 50



T= 150








Species 1: shape and size of the base frame Variable = Triangle length set in kangoroo solver = L



Species 2: ratio of flower petals versus cores Variable = Line evaluation parameter = T



Species 3: bending degree Variable = Remap domain applied to graph mapper 1 = T



Species 4: flipping effect Variable = Remap domain applied to graph mapper 2 = T



Species 5: strip width Variable = Length of lines for lofting = L




Considering the poor bending capacity of horizontal grain along long edge, the bend vertical grain. The test shows that the strip could be bent through 140 degree before The break line is along the grain.

To improve the bending capacity, we make a cut along the middle line of long edge. slender strips when subjected to bending. It does work better than the one without c the strip could be bent nearly through 180 degree.

It is interesting to find that there are two different breaking lines located on each sle


Anchoring bolts at two ends. Pulling trips outwards. Ties the string.

ding test is conducted on the 30cm luan plywood strip with breaking. But it takes great strength to bend to this degree.

It becomes extremely hard to bend after bolting. The single module shows limited bending degree.

Away from two sides, the single strip work as two separate cutting. It could be observed in the second bending test that

enderer strip, though both along the grain.

The string becomes loose soon. The bending effect almost disappears. This module is a failed trial. It could work better with a more suitable material or anchoring methods. 77


Then we test on how vertical cutting (in sharp corner pattern) influence the bending capacity of the strip. We test on a strip with horizontal grain. The strip breaks when bent to about 70 degree. The drop in bending degree could be caused by cuttings and extremely poor bending strength along horizontal grain.

To determine the influence of cuttings only, we conduct the fourth test on the strip with vertical grain as previously. We expect to achieve a greater bending capacity than the horizontal one in the second test. However, it breaks when bent to about 100 degree. The bending degree is much smaller than the second one, even smaller than the original one. Observing the breaking line, the cuttings are too close to the edge. The direction of cutting lines could encourage the breaking behaviour along the grain. The test shows that inappropriate cuttings damage the structural performance of the plywood strip. 78

It is amazing to find that the 4th strip type gives a slightly larger bending degree than the original one in the module, though tests on strips give the opposite outcome. The middle part of strips is pulled outwards yet part at two ends is pulled inwards. Exerting different bending forces (different magnitudes and directions) on different parts of one strip could be the reason why the 4th type behaves better in the module.

The string becomes loose soon again. The string could not be tied effectively to provide sufficient tension force. Despite this, the bending effect remains, further proving that the 4th strip type works better in the module.

Though the material is prone to break with cuttings anyway. This module is a failed trial as well. The material is very hard to produce the module with ideal bending shape.




eanwhile, we explore on the joints that could connect several modules together to form a pattern. In consideration of consistency, we select the same material as modules. The rigid quality of small pieces of luan plywood makes the joints design hard to process. We are satisfied with the beautiful shape of this joint design. But it requires extremely accurate dimensions of each component. Besides, it is not flexible to support movement or rotation of modules. The articulation is too rigid.


We consider 3D printing for joints design at the very initial phase. Spherical shape looks bulky.

Cubic shape only allow connections between two modules.

Triangular shape looks better than the previous two. Compared with the wooden joint design on the left, it is less consistent as employing the new material. The shortcoming is similar – too rigid.


MATERIAL TESTING Birch Plywood 1mm

The birch plywood has a homogeneous surface of a consistent high quality, without any taint or odour. The light wood

The bending test shows that the material has excellent bending capacity. The strong yet flexible quality extends de (perpendicular to the long axes). The strips seem to be too flexible and soft to enable good structural performance.

This is a bending test on a rough module made up of two strips with horizontal grain (parallel to long axes). Tie the st degree.


d colour is decorative.

esign possibilities and makes it an ideal material for crafting. The test is conducted on the strip with vertical grain

tring at one end. Tighten the string at the other end. The test shows that the plywood strip breaks when achieving 180



It is an interesting attempt to obtain the module in a similar shape as we expect. In consideration of function, the string is used to connect ends and produce tension force. Aesthetically, it looks like veins on a leaf.

Bolts in the middle connect three strips together. Joints at ends connecting the upper strip and the nether strip is a small piece of plywood. The hexagonal form presents beauty of symmetry and simplicity.






MODULE BENDING TESTS Explorations on String Tightening

Anchor the string ring on bolts at two ends. Cable ties two string ring. Tighten it to control the bending degree. Flip a little bit to obtain the beautiful bending curves with immanent force or energy that provides kind of structural performance. Simple extrusion from XY plane then becomes dynamic.

Cable ties are easy to control the bending degree but lack of consistency. So we try to replace it with steel wires after setting the bending shape. It works a little bit but takes too much time.


String length: 22 cm

String length: 25 cm

String length: 27 cm

Then we try to use one single string to obtain coherence and continuity. Anchor at the bolt at one end. Tighten the string to obtain the ideal shape and finally anchor on the bolt at the other end. Two inner bolts are used to control and fix the flip degree. The string length is measured between bolts at two ends. Strings sometimes become loose after anchoring. Therefore, the final string lengths are measured after 24 hours. Comparing three string lengths, we choose the 27cm one.


MODULE BENDING TESTS Explorations on Bolting Position


2 2



3 1



3 Appropriate bolting position works well with the tightened string. It improve the workability of the module, reduce the labour load as well as giving the beautiful shape.




After figuring out the single module, we start explorations on joints that could connect three modules to form a triangular form. The initial stage of explorations focuses on drilling position. Drilling holes with adequate spacing. Bolting at ends to form a triangular shape. Cable ties adjacent inner holes. Tightening the cable ties to obtain a concave bending shape, which respond to the convex shape of modules.



In order to tighten further to obtain a more concave shape, we consider reducing the distance between two inner holes. Tests show that tightening near the middle gives a greater deformation then exerting the force near two ends. We do get a more concave shape but cable ties occupy too much space and could not be tightened further to give smaller rings before breaking. Besides the joint is lack of the beauty of balance as the inner holes make cable ties too close.




Then we go back to the adequate drilling method with the addition of a middle hole on each strip. The photo on the left hand side shows cable tie getting through three middle holes and pulling three strips inwards. This method does not work much as it is not effective and efficient to tighten the cable tie. The second photo shows that the cable tie is replaced by the thinner string. It looks good but takes too much time to tie and adjust. Considering mass production of joints, this method is abandoned. The photo on the right shows a prototype developed from the first one. Use three cable ties to tie adjacent inner holes and cable tie three middle holes. The extremely concave shape looks beautiful and too many cable ties look redundant.



Developed from the first test, the final test focuses on vertical displacement of drilling holes. The upper three photos show that inner holes close to the long edge enables an ideal concave shape and smaller cable ties rings, which generates the beauty of balance and simplicity. The lower left hand side shows that thinner string lose the advantage as in the previous test, leaving several shortcomings as explained previously. The last two photos show that replacing cable ties by bolts. It looks simple and consistent but is prone to breaking. 95

MODULE DEVELOPMENT Rethinking and Development

Separate simple modules

Connected by a joint

Connected by three strips

One single module

By far, the string length and bolting position of modules are determined. The joint type is determined (the 4th one) after the comparison between four tests. We try to connect them but find that new holes should be drilled at both ends of modules and joints for new bolt connection. To reduce the demand for bolts, we disassemble the joint into three pieces and bolt to the module ends. We obtain the triangular form as expected (showing in the bottom-right photo). Receiving feedback from studio and rethinking the previous process, we decide to explore on a new module that bolts three long strips to give a similar form (as the photo on the right). Detached components and rigid articulations become a flexible whole.

Separate simple modules 96


Connected by three strips

One single module 97






Step 1: bolting at 4, giving a rough bending shape of central part of the module, anchoring for later steps

Step 2: roughly bolting at 1, wiring string on bolts at 4 for anchoring, tightening the string, using ruler to control the string length, anchoring the other side of string on bolts at 1, tighten the bolts at 1

Step 3: bolting at 3, controlling flip degree

Step 4: bolting at 2, controlling flip degree

Step 5: cable ties at 5, further controlling bending degree of central part of the module

Step 6: fine adjustment



The module is a consistent, flexible whole without any rigid articulations. It is amazing that plywood strips, bolts, strings and cable ties all together produce such a structure showing dynamism and tension with graceful curves.



Vertical Grain

After the development of modules, joints are required to modify to adapt to new modules and new form. We start exploring on 6-side joints that could connect at most 6 modules to form a hexagonal cell. The first idea is to overlap two triangular joints by way of clamping. The vertical grain, parallel to the short axes, provides great bending capacity.


Horizontal Grain

The horizontal grain provides poor bending capacity. Cuttings for clamping seriously damage the integrity of strips and reduce their structural performance.





The second idea is to directly bolt all six strips. This relies on the amazing bending capacity of the material. By tests, vertical grain allow it. Bolting at ends firstly to obtain a rough shape. Carefully pulling strips inwards to obtain a beautiful concave shape. Bolting through the inner holes to firm it shape.


Developing the 2D regular pattern to 3D irregular form, triangular joints, 4-side joints, 5-side joints, 6-side joints, etc. are required in different circumstances.



The prototype is made up of 4 modules and 4 joints. When triangular joints are applied, it appears to be difficult to distinguish between the central part of the module and joints. It is a self-standing structure which could bear some loads. The structure is quite flexible on account of pin connection (bolts). Articulations are free of rotation. The prototype could be regarded as a single volumetric cell as well. In this case, the cell could be mass-produced to form a more complex volumetric structure.




he final models are a series of self-standing structures with flower shape. They are made from 1mm thick plywood strips which are cut with ZERO WASTE: long strips for modules and short strips for joints. Theoretically, the structure could be expanded ceaselessly provided with sufficient materials. The structure is quite flexible. All connections allow rotation but only along the axes. The bending shape of wood strips are full of strength and vitality, which are important qualities of plants in nature. The material, the warping flower, forceful curves all respond to the natural environment in Merri Creek. With good structural performance, the structure could be pressed, lifted, pulled outwards or pushed inwards. It is an interactive design providing abundant visual and tactile experience.

C.3. FINAL DETAIL MODEL Zero Waste Model Series

7 modules: 21 long strips 4 six-side joints: 24 short strips


8 modules: 24 long strips 7 six-side joints: 42 short strips

13 modules: 39 long strips 10 six-side joints: 60 short strips 3 three-side joints: 9 short strips

13 modules: 39 long strips 10 six-side joints: 60 short strips 3 three-side joints: 9 short strips








art A is a good start in learning some ideas of computational design. Analysis of how computational design is applied in different case studies lead me to think critically. Part B provides an opportunity to look deep into one case study and dig out abundant possibilities. Starting with imitation and developing with thinking, it leads a good shift from theory to practice. Developing from part B, the design concept becomes mature in part C. Though initially without a clear proposal of the function of our design outcome, our group has a clear idea to explore wood bending structure. Instead of designing the script first and follow it to fabricate, we modify our scripts several times during exploration on physical prototypes as the workability of materials greatly influences feasibility of digital models design. Material testing, joints explorations and module explorations all require modification to respond to problems. Techniques are important when developing ideas as well as addressing problems. The design outcome sometimes require a complex process: grasping some vague ideas, exploring them, finding and solving problems‌ Transforming a digital model into a physical model does not follow a rigid mode. Construction or fabrication process could promote improvements and necessary adjustments on computational design. It takes time and cost into consideration as well. Communications with partners and tutor inspire ideas and promote the progress.

REFERENCES Alison Furuto, Ptuj Archaeological Museum Proposal (2011) <http://www.archdaily. com/190414/ptuj-archaeological-museum-proposal-enota> [accessed 17 March 2016]. ArchDaily, Dragon Skin Pavilion (2016) <http://www.archdaily.com/215249/dragon-skinpavilion-emmi-keskisarja-pekka-tynkkynen-lead> [accessed 17 March 2016]. ArchDaily, HygroSkin-Meteorosensitive Pavilion (2013) <http://www.archdaily. com/424911/hygroskin-meteorosensitive-pavilion-achim-menges-architect-in-collaborationwith-oliver-david-krieg-and-steffen-reichert> [accessed 17 March 2016]. Dimitrie A. Stefanescu, CLJ02: ZA11 Pavillion (2011) <http:// improved.ro/blog/?p=1099> [accessed 28 April 2016]. ICD & University of Stuttgart, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2011 (2011) <http:// icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=6553> [accessed 29 April 2016]. Institute for Computional Design, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14: Interactive Panorama (2014) <http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=11187> [accessed 17 March 2016]. Institute for Computional Design, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-15: Interactive Panorama (2015) <http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?p=12965> [accessed 17 March 2016]. Laboratory for Explorative Architecture & Design Ltd. (LEAD), Dragon Skin Pavilion Press Pack (2011) <http://l-e-a-d.pro/w/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/ PressPack_DragonSkinPavilion.pdf> [accessed 17 March 2016]. Nathen Miller, The Hangzhou Tennis Centre: A Case Study on Integrated Parametric Design (2011) <http:// cumincad.scix.net/data/works/att/acadiaregional2011_016.content.pdf> [accessed 17 March 2016]. NBBJ, A City Blossoms (2016) <http://www.nbbj.com/work/hangzhou-stadium/> [accessed 17 March 2016].

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