Documentary series TV & DVD © Double Mètre Animation
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 1
PENGUIN ” Episode
- Can you tell me where does the penguin live?
We’re going to talk about the penguin.
- Well, you see, I still live at my mom’s.
- Hello everyone!
(Off Ribbit) - The penguin lives in the Antartic Continent. - Here is the Earth. Can you show me where is the Antartic?
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 7
PENGUIN ” Episode
10 There are different kinds of penguins. The Emperor Pinguin is the tallest and heaviest of all penguins.
- Here it is! Errrr... No, it’s down here in the South Pole.
the penguin: - Look, here’s my cousin. 11
(Off Ribbit) - That’s right! The Antarctic is on the South Pole. (Zoom on the Antarctic)
Penguins live in colonies.
12 It’s the planet’s coldest place. The thermometers can slide down to - 60 degrees Celsius.
They walk for a very long time before reaching the right breeding location...
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 13
16 The female lays one single egg, and gently slides it over the male’s feet.
She replaces him in taking care of the baby.
The penguin: - Over the feet... How bizarre! 14
PENGUIN ” Episode
Ribbit: That’s right. So it doesn’t touch the ice.
17 The male, that has lost a lot of weight, may now go to the sea, where it will feed on fish.
The male incubates the egg for more than 60 days. It can’t move, so it can’t go out fishing. Not feeding properly, it eventually looses weight. 15
18 At last, the female comes just in time for the hatching. Penguin: - Well it’s about time!
The penguin is an excellent swimmer. It feeds on fish, molluscs and small shrimps, also called Krill.
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 19
PENGUIN ” Episode
22 Penguin: - Hey, I have a riddle for you Ribbit.
Whereas, the penguin, lives in the South Pole and doesn’t know how to fly.
Do you know the difference between a penguin and an auk?
It sometimes slides belly down on the ice.
23 And look, they are very different from each other. The lask big auks disappeared 150 years ago. Those didn’t know how to fly either.
- Sure thing!
The small auk, lives in the North Pole and knows how to fly.
These days, there are only small auks. And these small auks sometimes come to Brittany (The penguin shows up with typical briton haircut). - Me too, I want to go to Brittany! Bye bye Ribbit!
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 1
PANDA ” Episode
- Can you tell me where do China’s giant panda bears live?
- We’re going to talk about the panda bear.
- Hey, you just said it! I live in China.
6 (Off Ribbit) - Hello! Here I am!
- Here is the planet Earth, Can you find China on the globe?
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 7
PANDA ” Episode
10 (The panda bear spins the globe) - It’s over here!
- They are carnivorous animals but eat very little meat. They feed mainly on a bamboo diet.
(Off Ribbit) - Let’s get a closer look at it. 8
11 - They can eat up to 20 kg per day, chewing it up all day long, preceding an 8 hour long digestion.
- The giant panda bear lives in chinese forests, in mountainous regions, more than 2000 meters over sea level.
(Off Ribbit) - They are very big: Their average height is 1m60 and they can weight more than 100 kg. The panda: - Check out these muscles!
- The panda bear has six fingers in each hand, from which one is a thumb, helping it grabing the bamboo straws. The panda: - Like this one!
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 13
PANDA ” Episode
16 - The panda bear is a rather lonely animal. Their birth rate is quite reduced.
- The giant panda bear is a species threatened with extinction.
The female gives birth to a baby weighting between 100 and 160 grammes. 14
17 - The bamboo on which it’s survival depends, flourishes every 10 to 100 years and dies afterwards.
- It’s as much as an apple weights.
18 - The panda baby is brought up by it’s mother alone. And it becomes independant at the age of 18 months.
- It has to wait 10 years before new shoots are big enough to be eaten.
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 19
PANDA ” Episode
22 - Sometimes, entire bamboo forests disappear, and panda bears are left with no feeding resources.
- Say Ribbit, do you know what does panda mean in chinese language?
23 - These forests are also destroyed by human action, because of its wood or for farming purposes.
- Yeah, it means cat-bear.
The panda: - Oh no! It’s intolerable! 21 - Fortunatly, there are several protected forests in China where panda bears are in safety.
The panda: - Congratulation! Bye bye, Ribbit. Ribbit: Goodbye and see you soon.
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 1
- Do you know where do butterflies live?
- We’re going to talk about the butterfly.
- On top of a beautiful flower!
6 (Off Ribbit) - That is a good idea!
- Here is the planet Earth. Can you show me in which country we may find them?
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 7
- Ho, but I can’t find my prairie...!
- there are 140 000 different butterfly species.
11 (Off Reinette) - We can find butterflies in every region of the globe where the weather is not too cold.
(the screen splits into several different sequences)
the butterfly: - Look, here’s my prairie!
- The butterflies that are seen during daylight are colourful and close their wings in an upright position when not airborne.
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 13
16 - Whilst night-time butterflies are pastel coloured and their body is thick and furry.
- Small caterpillars leave the eggs.
the butterfly: - Me, I’m part of the first group! 14
17 - Butterflies go through four different life stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and adult.
- These caterpillars don’t resemble adult butterflies at all!
18 - Female butterflies lay their eggs on plants. Sometimes there are hundreds of them. the butterfly: - I don’t have enough time to count them all.
- They have big mandibles and silk producing glands.
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 19
22 - Once the butterfly is completely formed, it breaches the chrysalis’ skin and comes out.
- They spend a lot of time eating and they change their skin several times. the butterfly: - What a glutton!
the butterfly: - Ah! There you are, finally! 23 the butterfly: - But, how come you don’t fly away?
- After one last moulting, they search someplace to hang...
(Off Ribbit) - At the beggining it’s wings are weak and wrinkled, preventing it from flying.
-... and transform into chrysalis. This process can take from some days up to one year depending on the species.
(Off Ribbit) - But after a few hours, it can finally fly away.
the butterfly: - Hey! Wait up! I’m coming too! Bye-bye Ribbit.
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 1
SHARK ” Episode
- Can you tell me where do sharks live?
- We’re going to talk about the shark.
- Sure, they live underwater.
6 (Off Ribbit) - Hello everyone!
- Here is the planet Earth. Can you show me in which ocean may we find them?
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 7
SHARK ” Episode
- This one... Errr... No, that one... Errr... No, it’s this one over here!
- There are more than 400 shark species: the hammerhead sharks...
11 (Off Ribbit) - Every ocean in the globe has sharks, except the Antarctic.
-The sawshark,...
the shark: - Yeah, I recognize him, he’s my cousin.
- The tiger shark, the bull shark, etc...
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 13
16 - The sharks’ size varies from species to species. 15 cm for the smallest, as the pygmy-shark or the dwarf lanternshark...
SHARK ” Episode
- more than 18 metres for the biggest like the whale shark, that feeds exclusively on plankton, krill and seaweed.
- It’s jaws have 5 to 6 sets of razor edged replaceable teeth. the shark: - It’s a hard time washing all these teeth! 17 - It also has an excellent sight, a wide sense of smell and a very good hearing. Below the shark’s nose there are magnetic field sensors.
the shark: - Me, I prefer chocolat! 15
18 - The shark’s skin is very porous, covered with small bony scales that protect it from parasites.
- Which allows it to detect very distant noises and vibrations.
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 19
SHARK ” Episode
- Only very few sharks are considered dangerous to humans.
- But Ribbit, what does “ovoviviparous” mean?
23 - The white shark is one of them, even if it very rarely attacks humans.
(Off Ribbit) - It means its babies are born inside eggs that grow and hatch inside the mother’s belly.
It’s the largest predatory fish. It’s 3 to 5 metres long in average. 21
- Did you know that the shark is an ovoviviparous animal?
- Well, I’ll go join my cousins now. See you soon, Ribbit.
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 1
- So, can you tell me in which continent do chimpanzees live?
- We’re going to talk about the chimpanzee.
- I live in the African continent.
6 (Off Ribbit) - Hello! Here I am!
- Here we have the Earth. Can you spot Africa on the globe?
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 7
10 - Africa? (it spins the globe) There it is!
- It can walk on two legs but it prefers to do it on all fours.
(Off Ribbit) - Exactly. Let’s take a closer look at it.
11 - The chimpanzee is omnivorous.
- The chimpanzee lives in the African equatorial forests.
It eat leafs, fruits, insects, birds and even small mammals.
12 - It’s a gregarious animal, that means, in other words, that he lives in community.
- It can use simple tools like a tree branch, which it sticks into ants’ nest for feeding purposes.
The chimpanzee : - Here is my family.
Le chimpanzé : - Yep! They’re down there alright!
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 13
16 - A young chimpanzee stops being breast-fed around its fourth anniversary.
Off Ribbit : - Every evening adult chimpanzees build a new tree nest to sleep in.
17 - But it can stick around its mother until it reaches 10 years of age.
- The female gives birth to only one baby chimp at a time. Twins are very rare.
18 - Right after being born, the baby chimp clings to its mother’s fur.
- To communicate between themselves, they gibber, grunt, growl and cry, depending on their humour.
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”
© Double Mètre Animation
“ the 19
22 Off Ribbit: - In 1961 the americans sent Ham, a young chimpanzee, into Earth’s orbit.
- They also use facial expressions to communicate their emotions.
23 The chimpanzee: - Hey Ribbit, I have a question for you. Do you know who reached space first? A man or an ape?
- A few months later, the first human went on its place.
24 - Of course I know, it was the ape.
- Bye bye Ribbit!
Wildlife documentary mixing animation series - Episodes lengh: 4mn30”