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Test Lab: Giving passwords the finger

Digital Photography Tutorial 21

Showing off your holiday snaps

What to do with all those holiday snaps! Prints are a tried and true solution, but the digital variation of the 35mm slide show is a popular alternative. There are many ways to build one.

Image organizers and image editors usually include the ability to create a slide show. You can buy software that is dedicated to the task, or use general-purpose presentation tools like Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft PowerPoint. You can also use video editing software to create a movie made entirely of stills, or mix stills with video.

All of these will do the basic job of organizing a number of images into a sequence. Some now include the ability to pan across a still image, giving the illusion of motion (often called the Ken Bums effect). They will allow you to add text slides for titles, vary the time that images stay onscreen and provide transition effects. Some will let you include an audio sound track - a voice track for narration, a music track for accompaniment, or perhaps both.

One principle to keep in mind when building a presentation is that less is more. A fewer number of wellchosen images will have more impact (and cause less

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