-UFOs Over Byrd’s Little America!-
Original photograph taken during Byrd’s first Antarctic expedition at the Little America base in 1928-1930.
fter many years of careful examination into the UFO problem along with considerations for what others had to say about it, laypersons and authorities alike, in conjunction with long contemplations of my own personal experiences in the matter, I have found that it is not that difficult to separate the nonsense from the common sense in these explorations. All be it a very complex problem, the method of sorting out the mountains of available information is simple; repetition of consistent details contained within data will always bear the underlying truth of it all eventually. This is not to say that isolated data should automatically be considered as invalid, on the contrary, it should still be considered but as either nonsense (If the patterns of such are prevalent.) or incomplete data pending individual elements. Once you become extensively familiar with (Given that you are disciplined enough to have truly considered all possibilities) a topic so controversial as UFO visitation, these patterns of data will ring familiar as they repeat themselves like a beacon and demand serious attention. Years ago, Mr. John A. Keel who is without a doubt one of the most learned minds of paranormal sciences, made the statement that wherever there was advancements in human science and development, rest assured that the UFO would be present, quietly (Most of the time at least.) observing our progress. Like most of the annoying and often outrageous statements and assessments made by Mr. Keel throughout the years, this statement has proven to be accurate as well and paying heed to his wisdom is what led to the discovery of this most perplexing artifact. Bear in mind that advanced thinking will always be met with aggressive resistance. Many have voiced much negative opinions of Keels work in the past and responded with more than harsh criticism, but then again, opinions do not necessarily guarantee intelligence or the disciplines of thought that these fields of study demand. Today Keel’s insights are recognized as standard. If one can get beyond the politics of it all and manage to dodge all of the egos conflicts of those involved in these fields and, as the late and great Ivan T. Sanderson would say “Stick to the facts at hand”, you will go very far in your own personal understandings if nothing else…
So, adhering to “Keel’s Law”, as the years have shown me that his advanced concepts are indeed valid (Although often grossly misunderstood.), I began to create relationships with vintage photograph dealers and scientists to make it known that I have an interest in examining and collecting photos from expeditions and scientific endeavors of all kinds, from all time periods in an effort to spot UFO presence, especially from periods previous to public knowledge of such phenomena as no one from the pre 1940s era would be looking for them and any photographic appearance of UFOs would most likely be shrugged off as no one would have any reference at all to relate them to back then. Around 1999, a photographic dealer contacted me to ask if I had an interest in two very old, described as 1920s-1930s arctic expedition photos of undetermined origin. He speculated they were from the North Polar Region. After corresponding with him and examining digital images that he had e-mailed to me, I noticed that in one of the shots (He had received them together and was adamant that they should be sold together.) had a suspect “spot” in the night sky. I learned that they were sealed long ago into standard wood frames, sealed with heavy brown paper glued at the back. He wanted a mere $20.00 for them so I agreed to purchase them. It was a long shot but if it turned out to be a photographic flaw or mistake of some kind, I could always retain them for IFO study or re-sell them to return my meager investment. As I patiently awaited the arrival of these antiques, I obsessed with the small and poor quality images that he had sent, building my anticipation for a close examination of the real thing. But something haunted me in the back of my mind with the one photo in question… Somehow, it seemed strangely familiar to me but for the life of me I couldn’t place how or why! The other shot displayed a crew of men busying themselves around an airplane that was countersunk in the ice but offered no clues as to why the other photo would strike me so. I would simply have to suffer the torments of time and wait in the hopes of discovering more to define why the one photo would seem so familiar yet so distant.
-An Unexpected Discovery-
Closest of four UFOs hovering over Little America.
Finally, I received my quarry and like a child opening presents at Christmas, I hurriedly struggled with the packaging, displaying little dignity in doing so! At last, the artifacts emerged, exactly as described by my vintage photographic friend. Two very early frames containing photos that displayed every indication that they had not been removed since their placement into them, still fully sealed in the heavy brown grocery bag style paper. I looked at the suspect photo first and immediately recognized the all too familiar UFO object! As I stared at the image under the dusty glass, observing every element common to historic and modern UFO photographs of this particular type, there was something else… The closer I looked, the more abnormal objects were being noticed that were not visible to me at all in the e-mailed scans! A total of four UFO objects at varying distances occupied the night sky among the stars above the base camp that was the central focus of the photo! It appeared that I had gotten more than I had bargained for! More than what was even realized at this point! I still would be faced with the problem of identifying the source of the image and still, I could not place the nagging familiarity of it! The photo was marked “B.A.E.” at the bottom right corner, without a doubt an important clue but it didn’t spark any particular memory for why it was so familiar to me. The other photo offered no clues at all and only one of the nine men working around the plane was facing the camera and his face was not clear enough to identify him! Frustrated by all of this lack of identifying element, I determined that the photos would have to be removed from their proverbial tombs in the hopes that there would be something contained with them or written on them that would help with my dilemma. It seemed a shame to remove them after over seventy years of preservation remaining undisturbed for so long but my curiosity and duties as a researcher argued the importance of it, even at the risk of finding nothing more… Very carefully I removed the paper backing, then the rusty nails holding the cardboard backing (All materials of which were carefully preserved in the APE-X Research archives.) and then the cardboard. What I saw explained my familiarity, but left me in a state of complete shock! I simply couldn’t believe, didn’t want to believe what I saw but there it was! Like a slap in the face of all common sense and reason, clearly stamped in purple ink it read; “REAR ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD” and “TO BE RETURNED TO THE POND BUREAU 25 W. 43rd ST., NEW YORK”!
Original stamping found on the back of both photographs.
No wonder it seemed so familiar, I remembered it from my school days, this was the infamous Little America base of Byrd’s unprecedented 1928 to 1930 Antarctic Expedition! B.A.E. Byrd Antarctic Expedition! Long hailed as the most important and influential arctic explorer, pioneering and defining Polar (Both North and South) research, these photos documented the first of five
groundbreaking Antarctic expeditions. For the very first time since his historic return in 1930, actual physical documentation of the Byrd UFO story had surfaced!
-A Humbling Discipline Indeed-
Computer processed Polarized Embossed Edge Enhancement establishes both 3-D nature and a good distance.
Now, I had heard of the Byrd UFO “myth” along with all the wild, preposterous and often obnoxious stories of Hollow Earth theories, secret Nazi UFO bases in Antarctica, UFOs seizing Byrd’s Ford Tri-Motor plane (The same plane that appears in the second photo!) for a journey to the center of the Earth, tales of Byrd’s encountering prehistoric wildlife and mountainous regions that should have no business being located in this barren icy desert and a seemingly endless array of secret military operations, the lost then found then suspiciously lost again “secret Byrd diaries” and various conspiracies but it all seemed so completely unfathomable for any serious consideration. In the past I had made very mild attempts to inform myself of the facts of these more than wild tales but the mountains of madness and unsubstantiated facts proposed a maze of mythology that I had no desire at all to get lost in. For the most part, I thought it was an interesting story, but nothing more. I did not believe that any of it was true by any means as there was always a distinctive lack of witness testimony as well as any confirming documents to support any of it. Then there were the so called “secret Byrd diaries” detailing and perpetuating much of these presumed fantasies but even to date, I’ve seen absolutely no evidence whatsoever outside of hearsay that they ever actually existed.
Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Antarctica, Circa 1928
But we will not be going down these twisted paths of modern mythological mayhem today but instead, we will attempt to remain focused on what we do know given the evidence at hand. Believe me; I have attempted to sort that entire end of the problem given the prescribed scientific and investigated methods with very little success and much time wasted in frustration. All I have really been able to determine based on the various materials available including the works of such established individuals as Dr. Frank E. Strangess and the classic works of Dr. Raymond Bernard, Richard Shaver, Ray Palmer etc‌, is that yes indeed many explorers have reported similar mountainous green warm regions in the central arctic regions and yes indeed the Nazi’s were without a doubt working on developing various UFO type technological craft. Whether these secret Nazi projects were taking place in Antarctica remains debatable but not without consideration by any means.
Orig. theater poster from Byrd’s second expedition
Following each of Byrd’s Expeditions would be theatrical documentary film releases into American theaters along with public lectures, book releases and signings. It was at the first of such public lecture series and radio broadcasts following the initial Little America expedition that Byrd made very mysterious remarks regarding “The greatest discovery in history” and the discovery of a “New Land”. Curiosity over such references would never be quenched and our admirable Mr. Byrd never spoke of it again… It seems unlikely that he was referring to the penguins or the sub-zero wastelands of the arctic world, and there are no further references contained in his lectures, documentaries or books. The meanings of Byrd’s cryptic remarks are still unknown to this day. Our esteemed Rear Admiral was certainly a very primary figure in the development of (Then top secret) massive U.S. military operations and bases such as Operation High Jump and Operation Deep Freeze, both of which appear to still be in operation today. It is entirely possible I suppose that Nazi and or UFO activities may have served as the catalyst for such U.S. military concentration and the Byrd expeditions to the Poles. The testimonies of highly respected military authorities like Ret. Navy Commander Graham Bethune and Ret. Col. Wendell C. Stevens who worked on many of these secret missions can only lend authenticity to many of these secret base rumors. As if to add salt to the wound, all these things have one repeating element to them, one element distinctly common to all. Mythology or reality, they are focused on extensive UFO activity in the great Poles. Make of it what you will, I will not pretense to know but the surfacing of this original photographic document has taught me the importance of consideration despite how outlandish or fantastic a case may appear… I have taken the time to know both Com. Bethune and Col. Stevens and found them both to very highly credible and their standings and involvements in these missions are rock solid by full military documentation. For those who entertain the conspiracy theory research, it is important to note that it is widely recognized that John D. Rockefeller and the Rockefeller legacy is constantly tied to many U.S. government conspiracies, cover-ups and various shenanigans. The more you examine the Rockefeller connection, the creepier it gets! John D. Rockefeller also funded (With heavy intimate ties to the Office of Naval Intelligence, long before the C.I.A. would be created) the Byrd expeditions as well as owned the office that would serve as Byrd’s publicist, “The Pond Bureau”! It may also be of interest to note that in Byrd’s first book “Little America” published by G.P. Punam’s Sons upon his return from this expedition in 1930, after page 208, you will find this same photograph but there
is something different. The UFOs, strange cloud at the top center and even the very stars in the sky have all been distinctly removed from the image! What was the true function of the Pond Bureau? Most likely it was to operate with the Office of Naval Intelligence in insuring that what the public saw was cleared of any indications of what was really going on out there… Were they the clean-up crew for public release and disinformation?
Same photo of Little America Base minus anomalous objects as it appears in Byrd’s 1930 book. Even the stars have been removed!
It is also very curious to note that the Rockefeller family was the primary funding source for the establishing of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a global community and the largest and longest surviving network of scientists and researchers to study the UFO phenomenon. Make of it what you will… Being a MUFON member myself and having many close friends and colleagues who are members as well, I try not to think about it too much…
-In Way Over My Head!-
Four stages (In Left to Right order: 2, 1, 3, 4) of Plasma Propulsion UFO entry into our atmosphere.
After a few years in secretive possession of the photo spent in focusing on back-researching all I could find that was written about the whole Admiral Byrd flying saucer Nazi base hollow earth thing, there was an unsettling problem discovered. Records would indicate that Mr. Byrd spent some time in the mid 1950s attempting to leak his arctic secrets out to the public through contacting several journalists, all of whom died shortly thereafter! It was clear that this was far more sensitive than I had originally imagined so I kept it’s (The photo) existence highly secretive as I’d no intention of becoming the next! By this point a careful cross reference using original 1930 publicly released souvenir photographs of the same image (Minus the UFO visitors) that were stamped by the ships captain who transported the expedition confirmed the photographic materials as well as the same distinctive purple official ink used to stamp them were authentic. I even search for photographic anomalies in film exposed to adverse subzero conditions and found nothing like what I was looking at here. Analysis utilizing magnification, light blasting and grey-scaling edge enhancement computer applications confirmed the objects were indeed original to the photograph as opposed to surface or negative flaw or tampering with its development when the photograph was created. There was absolutely no doubt that this was a photograph of UFOs utilizing plasma generated technology.
“Plasma discharge” displayed in #3 Byrd UFO
Same “Plasma discharge” displayed in 2001 UFO
Yet another UFO very similar in appearance to Byrd #3 UFO from NASA
Only a few trusted colleagues knew about it and fewer were allowed to see and receive copies of it lest my demise should arise. If anything happened to me or the artifact, it would only add to the Byrd mythology so it was important that at least a few possessed copies. I was able to meet up and consult with perhaps the greatest journalist in American history, Mr. Jim Marrs. If Marrs could blow the whistle on a case as sensitive as the J.F.K. assassination and still be breathing, he must know his business! We discussed it over dinner and it appeared that my homework was accurate as it coincided with what he’d learned in twenty years of research into the topic, including the mysterious deaths of at least five journalists who were in contact with Byrd, and he was eager to see the artifact. Jim advised to desensitize the artifact by mass public exposure which I achieved at the World UFO
and Paranormal Expo in Denver, Colorado in November of 2004. Once a sensitive secret is exposed, there is no real necessity to utilize terminal force as preventing the exposure has already failed.
Similar Plasma build-up around edge of this 1960s UFO
Polarized Edge Enhancement displaying Plasma discharge
The only remaining living member of any of Byrd’s missions that he might have spoken about this early expedition (Or any other UFO activity at the Poles for that matter.) that Marrs and I have ever been able to locate was renowned Retired Navy Commander and veteran UFOlogist Mr. Graham Bethune. Jim and I were able to meet up with Bethune a few years back in 2004 at the Laughlin conference through the careful guidance and keen observations of Mr. Rob Simone. Perplexed at the situation of Marrs’ twenty plus years and my four years of researching this case leaving us with no living witnesses to shed any light on the subject, we sat in frustration staring at the artifact and pondered the possibilities and as well as suffering the loss as to any further definition. Seemed every avenue to anyone that Byrd might have spoken to about it would only lead us to graveyards. Indeed, an important clue seemed to only lead us straight into a dead end, lending little to no progress or insight outside of the photographic documents existence. Simone sat nearby quietly absorbing some of the various discussions, debates and brainstorming that goes on during such highly charged conferences commonly frequented by many of the world’s finest researchers and scientists when he overheard our dilemma. Simone turned and asked “You guys are looking for someone who flew with Byrd?” to which we both eagerly acknowledged a big “Yes”! Simone casually responded “There’s one sitting right behind you…” and sure enough, right behind us sat Bethune! We were both familiar with Bethune’s involvement in UFO research but neither I nor Jim had any idea that he’d flown with the infamous Richard E. Byrd, and on two missions at that! He even lived only two miles away from Byrd for a period and they became close friends! Marrs and I immediately sprang into action, scooped up our notebooks and trusty micro-cassette recorder and moved over to introduce ourselves. Mr. Bethune and his lovely associate Maria B. Thome’ of the National Space Society (An international aerospace sciences network) were very welcoming and receptive to our request. Almost as if both were patiently awaiting the day to arrive when such evidence to the Byrd story would eventually come to light.
-Progress At LastAccording to Bethune, who indeed actually flew with Byrd on many of these missions including Operation High Jump, the Rear Admiral spoke of it almost casually so long as they were in the air on flights. Now we were getting somewhere! Not only was our witness a very esteemed and reliable military authority, his integrity and intelligence as an informed well-seasoned UFO investigator was widely recognized and firmly established as well. And most importantly, he was more than willing to discuss it! “That’s amazing! This is just great, I’ve told people about this but they never believe me!” he said with ecstatic enthusiasm as he stared almost transfixed at the image and signaled for Maria Thome’s attentions to it. “No question about it!” he said laughing, “These bright spots here
are crystals. It works crystalline energy. What it is, is it picks up particles out of the atmosphere and converts it into electromagnetic charges.” It would appear that Jim and I were about to receive a crash course education on Pleadian UFO propulsion technology!
Plasma envelope of ionized air particles forming around disk.
I was quick to point out my case that these same distinctive qualities of UFO entry into our atmosphere were not unfamiliar at all to modern UFOlogy citing “I think the initial charge is being made (Referring to the top right object) and that’s why it glows around the edges and you see these little points of light (Pointing to the lower right object’s edges)? Those points of light are still present on the one that’s fully charged and you can see the fragmentation there by these little points around the edges. This has been seen, this ionized air-plasma effect has been seen as late as the 1979 (Now as late as 2001) and these modern photographs show distinctly this exact same quality and texture!” All were in agreement being well familiar with the modern photos I spoke of, “And those are atoms!” Thome added. If you look closely at the fully charged UFO, you will notice that the metallic craft is still visible within the plasma envelope of charged air particles. Graham confirmed that this was indeed shot during Byrd’s first expedition in Antarctica and was able to provide us with a wide range of military technological progressions and time-lines of such to validate this fact. He went on to tell us “That’s a Pleadian craft near Antarctica and this, you see (Pointing to the power lines of the radio towers), they can charge that up if this is electricity” of which I immediately confirmed. “See? Do you see?” Thome added pointing towards the charge of the closest craft at the lower right, “Our division of space propulsion laboratory aerospace center is developing a rocket moved by plasma. That means a variable circuit impulse magnetic plasma rocket! And everything is here!” referring to the technologies displayed by the UFO craft. According to Bethune (And I’m inclined to believe him.), the so-called secret Byrd diaries were a fabrication as Byrd never once mentioned any such visitation or meetings with beings in the vast city within the Earth’s interior as the diaries describe but he did confirm that the Nazis had indeed acquired UFO technologies from Pleadian and Syrian sources but that these assisting beings revoked contact when Hitler came into power and the Nazi regime became established. Thankfully enough, it would appear that the technologies given were still very incomplete when the revocation occurred and the Nazi’s were unable to perfect or complete their UFO war fleet. Bethune had a strikingly wide range of knowledge of the many alien beings that occupy our humble planet in deep
underground bases and caverns from his high military standing and experiences in intelligence. He did however mention the peculiar fact the Byrd hated to fly! He didn’t mind the actual flying in a plane as much but loathed piloting them! Apparently, that was Floyd Bennet’s job!
-A Mysterious Mist-
Bizarre geometric shape moving from left to right, trailing through mysterious cloud at top center of photo?
And then there’s the problem of that highly mysterious and suspect area of a foggy misty sort of cloud-like formation towards the top center of the photograph. It simply bears no reasonable conventional answer for its presence. There also appears to possibly be a fifth object of a different type looming on the right side of the fog but it is not clear enough and can only amount to little more than an odd ominous black, mildly geometric shape in the formation, trailing the strange mist as if it were moving through it. There is also the question of it’s (The mysterious mist) source and distance, it is certainly much too far away from the heating and ventilation shafts of the base that create the steam clouds just above the underground facility. Surely such a steam generated cloud would dissipate long before reaching it’s photo-captured position whether you considered its position to be high above the base or if you considered it to be low to the ground and closer to the photographer’s position. It also appears to be unusually illuminated, if its light source were from the radio tower lights, the mist would have to be fairly close to the ground (I’d say within 400 to 500 feet) as well as reside midway between the central base position and the photographer’s position. I would suggest that perhaps there was another facility located behind the photographer causing the steam/mist from outside of the frame but there are clearly only three foot trails to this position in the snow, presumably one trail to the spot and then a second footfall trailing back to the base, then a third back to the spot to take the photo. If there were a facility of any kind behind the photographer, there would definitely be more footprint traffic to and from it. This also is a strong indication that whoever shot this photo was the only witness present for this particular event, at least at this point of it. Perhaps the trails indicate the sighting, running back for a camera and then returning with the camera to take the shot? Most likely, the photographer and developer was Ashley C. McKinley who was in charge photographic and processing documentation of the operation. So many new questions to be contemplated, most of which seemed to be determined to go unanswered. Were more photographs taken? Was the photographer telepathically summoned outside? One must consider that at 70 to 90 degrees below zero, going outside demanded a fairly substantial amount of importance in doing so, much less in the depths of night. Did they land during this particular event?
-Out of the Past, Into the Unknown…-
Embossed Edge Enhancement of # 3 stage of entry of Byrd UFO.
What was the purpose of these mysterious contacts taking place in this desolate outpost at the edge of eternity? Did Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd actually personally possess this photo? Without a doubt he did! The dating of photographic and framing materials in conjunction with the original stamping and ink used clearly indicate this as hard fact. Did Byrd smuggle these uncensored photos from the O.N.I. and casually seal them into these frames for the purpose of future generations to one day discover the truth? I’m inclined to believe he did, I find no other reasonable options to explain them. There can be no mistake about the objects, they are definitely UFOs utilizing plasma technology, same as it ever was…. The strange events that would fuel the modern mystique of Antarctica would not end here however. In addition to the Byrd mystery, the Hollow Earth theory, secret Nazi and U. S. military operations involving UFOs. Strange transmissions of unknown signals, languages and origin, mysterious disappearances would be added to this menagerie of mayhem as well. Since the very dawn of Nikolai Tesla’s radiofrequency experiments, there has always been a range of VLF (Very low frequency) signals that appear intelligent. Many of these signals and unknown languages have been determined to be coming from Earth itself. According to John A. Keel’s research, in 1965 the National Bureau of Standards dispatched a young scientist, Carl Robert Disch, to the Little America base to investigate such VLF signals. On May 7th, he vanished without a trace while traveling just a short distance and even using a hand line to guide him. When he didn’t arrive at the main station after nearly an hour, his fellow crew mates began a search. Oddly enough, Dirsch’s own dog Gus would also disappear just as mysteriously as he did. The search for Dirsch lead by base leader Ron Sefton, would last three days and span a thirty-five mile area but turned up no clues as to the fate of the missing scientist and his husky. Search crews did however report strange lights and engine sounds in the distance that could not be identified or accounted for. Perhaps it is our destiny to never really know. Perhaps it is merely meant for us to ponder the possibilities of what potential futures may lay ahead for us all. It is entirely possible (If not probable!) that this undying mystery will only serve is as another catalyst to fuel our human drive into deeper uncharted realities by stripping away our mundane presumptuous delusions of how things should be as opposed to what they really are. Forever pushing us into new realms of discipline and understanding, “that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery!” as our admirable Mr. Byrd so eloquently worded shortly before his death in 1957. His passing was just as haunting and mysterious as his life but he left us with a legacy of intrigue that simply refuses to die, like the great age-old philosophical questions of the meaning of life. And perhaps it shouldn’t…
As a paranormal researcher and UFOlogist, I know I speak for many when I state that we would dearly love to have the answers (Or at least some of them!) and settle all of this once and for all but all we can do is accept the challenges of the mountains of questions that persist in confronting us and forcing us into the very limits of our conscious understanding (Or lack thereof…) to embrace these challenges, or run screaming like scared little vermin as we have always done throughout history. At what point do we truly stand up for ourselves and face these challenges, together and individually as intelligent beings in the vast cosmos and shed all of these idiotic controversies, mindless squabbles and endless barrage of misguidance from lesser and often sinister minds, and think for ourselves to experience accept and understand the UFO phenomenon instead of persisting that the responsibilities should be left to the burdens of pro and con researchers and scientists to enforce the belief and disbelief of the human population? The mystery of the Byrd expeditions, like the Shaver mystery and so many others that have taunted mankind since our beginnings almost appear to represent metaphors for the UFO enigma in itself and maybe even metaphors for our own conscious awareness of ourselves, pending your own perceptions of these matters of course… I would say the human race is in need of help but it would appear that these unknown forces have been assisting us all along! But it has always been wrongfully utilized to manipulate the minds of the masses into singular views and capitalized ideologies of politics and religions in pursuit of social mental control in one form or another, hindering any chance of any progressive development and always relentlessly obscuring the intended meanings of our messengers delivery as we are indeed prone, as history proves over and again, to allowing others to think for us which by pattern, has lead us down so many paths into dark ages. All that’s really clear in all of this mess is that something monumental was indeed occurring with our mysterious Mr. Byrd and his faithful crew out there in the middle of this desolate arctic no man’s land, “Little America, the loneliest city in the world”… Something so important that it could only remain destined to be hidden from the eyes of the world, enshrouded in the frozen mists of time forever…
© Copyright 2007 Joe Fex/APE-X Research © Copyright 2009 Fate/Galde Press Portions Previously Printed in Fate Magazine